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open Strange Tales of the Equestrian Idiot RP Thread (See OOC to join!)


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@@Hypn0ticD,@@Pripyat Pony

North almost seemed to brace himself, unsure whether what she would play would actually be more relaxing, or if it would be at least as loud, if not louder than her previous song. What he could make out of her expressions were limited at this point.


And then she started playing. In mere moments, he looked almost mesmerized by this other kind of tunes and music. He leaned back a little, looking like he enjoyed it quite a bit, especially around the chorus. He had most of his life been looking for something to burn for; something new and interesting to occupy his time and thoughts. And even the bit about learning to fly would get a bit to him, seeing as he had trouble doing so in his earlier years.



He broke out of the trance the moment lights and smoke started emerging. It took him off guard to say the least, making him take a step back, before he took it that it was most likely part of the show.


"Now this; 'tis liked I. There was a sense of harmony, at least to me, but with a good bit of force along with it." he said after she finished playing, a bright expression on his face, and stomping the ground a few heavy times.

Edited by Zhooves
  • Brohoof 1

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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The Outskirts of Appleloosa, The sound of grand festivities could be heard emanating loudly from the town ,  It’s citizenry celebrating a simple get together that spun into a large celebration. The townsfolk so engulfed in the music and dancing that they never noticed the party’s organizer had already left hours before.


“My work here is done” The stallion spoke tipping his hat back to the village before preparing his leave when all of a sudden he felt a sensation he knew all too well. His entire body shook like jelly and his mane and tail flung back and forth like a party favor.


“WaHoooooOOOOOOOOOOoooooo!....”  He cried, suddenly jumping 10 feet in the air as a rush of powerful energy streamed through his body, for a few moments the tuffs in his hair began to dance like stars and the accordion in his cutie mark played the most amazing music he had ever heard. “That was the dooziest doozy that’s ever been DOOZIED!!!” He exclaimed smiling excitedly at the rubber chicken sitting on his back. “Do you know what that means Boneless 2?!!” He spoke cheerfully followed by a few moments of silence. “There’s a party in Canterlot!” He added with a smile as if the chicken had spoken back. “and Oh ho ho ho , It’s not just any Party…..” He grinned barely holding back his excitement.




“Come on, Boneless 2! We can still make it! ” He said excitedly as he grabbed a seemingly large cannon from off-screen and Jumped quickly into it. The cannon fired as soon as he jumped in, launching him quickly into the skies.

Screen transitions into Canterlot as what appears to be a falling star heads straight towards the festivities. 

Edited by Vulcan
  • Brohoof 3


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@@Pripyat Pony, @@Hypn0ticD, @@Randimaxis, @@Zhooves,

The Bat Pony would glare at Clover as she addressed him. He would point a hoof to his ear. "When you can hear a pin drop on the other side of Canterlot at night, excessively loud sounds hurt," he would say bluntly. His attention would go back to the human, when she began to play the next song. This one was not so hard on his ears, and he had to admit, it somewhat had a beat to it, however he would cringe on the higher notes.


Once Discord's little light show began, he quickly grabbed his sunglasses, as with each flash of light felt that he was being blinded. It wouldn't take him long to realize where the extra effects came from. "Nice light show...who's your stage manager?" Luna had warned him of what Discord was capable of, and to have to report that one of the humans was socializing with him would not go over well with the night princess.


A small grin would begin to form on once side of his muzzle, as one fang would be visible. "That last song was not half bad. Perhaps it was just because of my sensitive hearing that I dismissed your music so quickly. I don't suppose you would have something that would protect my hearing so I can hear more of this music?"


DarkWing would look up to the sky and take a subtle deep breath. If Discord and this girl where working together, he would need to spend as much time with her as possible  to find out for sure.

  • Brohoof 2

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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From the skies above , Cheese crashed through the Kitchen window, smashing some china plates off the table before smashing into a a stack of Flour sacks, causing a poof white smoke upon impact. "We made it!" Cheese exclaimed , standing quickly upright. 




looking around he noted that he was now in the kitchen, the sound of loud yet adorkable snoring could be heard nearby. "It's the princess!" Cheese gasped excited, yet pondering why she would be sleeping at a SUPER DUPER MEGA FANTASTIC PARTY. "She must not be excited enough!" He thought , Cheese suddenly had a flashback of when Pinkie toured him around the Pinkie cave. "Twilight sparkle likes red balloons , dancing, and....Quesadillas?" Cheese remembered, not entirely sure if his information was correct.


"Well...I'm out of red balloons" Cheese thought. "and Where could I make Quesadillas?" He pondered before smiling wide after he realized he was in the Kitchen. He got to work almost instantly.In no time at all he prepared a LOT of quesadillas , so much so that there seemed to be piles upon piles  of it surrounding the sleeping purple alicorn, the piles reaching as high as two stallions in height.  "She's gonna be SO happy" he smiled excitedly as he waited for twilight to wake up from her nap. 

Edited by Vulcan
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@@Hypn0ticD, @@Taialin, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@Yoshi89, @@bronislav84,


Rainbow Dash


The first pony to notice Rainbow’s return was Rarity. Unfortunately, it was less than a warm welcoming.


"And just where do you think you were? I would have thought you, of all ponies, would know that we were supposed to stick together? Some loyalty!" Rarity said, and was soon joined by Applejack.


"Yeah, RD. We got a party to plan, and you think it's okay ta just up an' take off??"


“Some welcoming this is…” She grumbled to herself.


Moments after AJ spoke, she seemed to have a change of heart, and decided that her time would be better spent assisting Princess Luna. She trotted off to Luna’s chambers, leaving Rainbow to deal with Rarity.


“Oh come on Rarity, I was gone for like, five minutes tops!” She paused for a moment, grinning weakly upon seeing the unicorn’s face of disapproval. “Okay, maybe it was a bit longer than that, but seriously, you didn’t expect me to be able to put up with all this boring non-action all day, did ya?” She replied, crossing her hooves. “Looks to me like you guys didn’t really need me here, anyway. You’re all still standing around in the same places I left ya. Well, except for AJ leaving just now. But you get my point.”


Vinyl Scratch


After Rainbow Dash left the studio, Vinyl Scratch went back to doing what she loved best: making music. However, today was proving to be a rather uneventful session. No matter what she tried to do, she just wasn’t satisfied with the results. In times like these, Vinyl found that it was often helpful for her to take a bit of a break and occupy her mind with something else. Which is why she was kinda glad Rainbow came by, as it gave her something else to focus on, even if the pegasus hadn’t stayed for very long. Despite that, Vinyl still couldn’t come up with anything she was happy with.


“If this keeps up, I’m gonna drive myself crazy! Maybe I should just go outside for a bit and see if that helps. Yea, some fresh air would do me good anyway.”


Vinyl closed the door to the studio and trotted along the road. Using her magic, Vinyl brought her trademark headphones up to her ears and was about to start playing some tunes, but put them back around her neck when she heard a strange noise off in the distance. The unicorn stopped moving, trying to identify the sound. But it didn’t sound like anything she had ever heard before. Her curiosity now sparked, Vinyl followed the noise until she reached the source, which really just created more questions than it did answers. Before her, a small crowd of ponies had assembled, all surrounding a hooded figure who appeared to be a minotaur of sorts. Maybe. Regardless of what the creature actually was, or whatever the instrument was that it was playing, the one thing that Vinyl did know is that he or she knew how it play it well. Despite the melody being unfamiliar, the unicorn knew that she was in the presence of some real talent. She opted to stay at the back of the crowd, not wanting to draw any attention away from the performer. Though Vinyl knew that with her status, it was only a matter of time before someone spotted her.


It was at this point that Discord decided to join the show. Not literally, but the sudden appearance of lights, fireworks, and a banner could have only come from the master of Chaos himself.


“This is a pretty awesome gig!” She thought to herself.


A few minutes later, the final song came to an end, and the ponies surrounding her displayed their approval in various forms. Vinyl also added her voice and hoofstomps to the cheering that ensued. Having witnessed such a performance, Vinyl felt that she just had find out more about whoever that was up at the front, and more importantly, thank them for such a great show. The unicorn slowly made her up to where the creature stood, ignoring all of the exciting gasps and whispering from the ponies in the crowd who recognized her.


“Hey!” She addressed the hooded figure. “That was an amazing show you put on! Your singing was like, spot on. Really fit the tone of the songs you chose. Your…what is it that you called it now… guitar playing was pretty awesome, too! Oh, my name’s Vinyl Scratch, in case you hadn’t heard of me in…wherever it is that you’re from. Are all the songs you played your original work? ‘Cause I’ve never heard any of them before. They sound great! Who is it that I have the pleasure of meeting?” Vinyl asked, grinning ear to ear.

  • Brohoof 3


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@@GeneralDirection, @@Hypn0ticD, @@Yoshi89, @@Randimaxis, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@Zhooves

And in classic Rainbow Dash fashion, said pony showed no self-respect or humility when she boasted about how briefly she was gone. The pony who was also apparently unable to stand still for more than half a minute before getting bored unless she was watching the Wonderbolts or doing something of equivalent "awesomeness." There were times that she found it hard to believe she could have ever get along with Rainbow Dash.


There was perhaps a bit of truth in Rainbow's words: they hadn't been moving very quickly, and the planned party was progressing more slowly than Rarity wouldn't have liked. But the rest of Rainbow's word were too inflaming to ignore.


Rarity looked back to Rainbow Dash, brows furrowed down further. She wasn't "angry," per se—proper ladies did not get angry over every little thing (even if those things were as enraging as a certain pony)—more what she would call "displeased." "Well, I never!" she snapped back. "Just because something is not making a Sonic Rainboom in front of your face does not give you license to up and wander away while it is still going on! Do you not understand the meaning of the word 'responsibility'? I thought it was an unspoken one that we would stand together for this critical and momentous occasion. Or need I define the word 'momentous' for you as well?"


Rarity snorted and angled away slightly. "Goodness me," she seethed, talking to herself but just loudly enough that others could hear, "one wonders how some ponies can get anything done if they're too featherbrained to stick to one task for more than five minutes."


((I'm sorry.))



Goodness, where is that filly? Celestia thought as she continued to wander the platform. She wasn't willing to admit that she had lost the filly she had been chaperoning mere moments before, but there were only so many excuses one could give to well-meaning travelers about why she was still on the platform when she traveled most places by flying chariot.


She was about to take to the sky and inform her guard that they needed to search for a certain filly, but—


"Princess, wait!"


—she relaxed her wings (and her mind) to hear the reedy, South-tinged voice behind her.


"I'm sorry! I just—you got called away, so I thought I'd head to the castle. I hope you're not mad!"


Celestia smiled and lay down on the ground to get to the same level as the panicked filly in front of her. "Don't worry, my little pony. I'm not mad. I'm just glad that I found you. It can be easy to get lost in a big city, and even easier for a little filly."


Celestia's ears twitched. the ruckus, which had calmed for a few minutes, started back up again. It was a bit less grating than it was before, but it was still plenty loud enough that she wouldn't be surprised if her court had received some noise complaints about it. Surely it wouldn't take too long to investigate the issue and return to the castle.


"Follow me, Apple Bloom," Princess Celestia said. "we'll go to the castle together shortly—I just want to make sure that noise isn't causing any trouble." She walked down a side path at a leisurely pace, going as-the-crow-flies to the nucleus of the noise.


As she grew closer, Celestia found it wasn't just noise—it was lights as well. Spinning lights, pyrotechnics, fog machines, and special effects that would be more at home in a club twelve hours from now. There was also apparently a commotion of ponies in front of the noise, making it seem as though an impromptu concert was being held. Thankfully, it wasn't as if anyone was protesting about the sound . . . yet. But the event nevertheless piqued Celestia's interest, as it apparently did for many other ponies.


From the rear of the crowd, Celestia wasn't quite able to make out who it was making all that music, but it was decidedly hooded and perhaps a bit too tall for a conventional pony. Celestia was beginning to figure out who it might have been making that music, and it only caused her to pay more attention. Few ponies had noticed her behind them, but that might soon change . . .


In due time, the song finished to a wave of applause and "oohs" and "aahs." A pony up at the front said, "Who is it that I have the pleasure of meeting?"


"Yes. I, too, would like to know."

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Fluttershy lost all of her friends in the hubbub of the kitchen. She tried to call out to them, but it was no use. The noise was too high and Fluttershy needed to get out of there. It was too crowded, noisy, and it made her feel claustrophobic. So, Fluttershy got out of the kitchen area and headed to the nearest open area she could think of, the palace gardens. 


There she met a lovely blue jay above the gardens, flying towards the outskirts of the city.  "Oh hello. How are you doing today?" she asked the bird. It chirped a response and Fluttershy nodded along. "Yes indeed. I also feel a little stressed today. We are expecting some humans today, and my friends and I are expected to meet them at a party tonight." Fluttershy brushed her mane nervously. "I just don't know what the humans will be like. I'm a little scared they might do something terrible that could hurt me and my friends."


The blue jay chirped. "I know. Maybe should give them a chance-" But before she could continue, a loud noise emanated from somewhere else. It startled the blue jay and it flew off in another direction a hurry.  "Oh don't leave Mr. Blue Jay!" Fluttershy tried to follow the blue jay, but to no avail. The sound then continued into some strange music. It was something she never heard of before. Some lights then lit up into the sky, indicating where the song was coming from. Fluttershy hesitantly decided to investigate.


@@Randimaxis,@, @@Zhooves@@Hypn0ticD


Fluttershy soon arrived from the air to see what was going on. She saw the commotion involved one of Princess Luna's guards, a crowd of various ponies, and... Fluttershy froze in fear of what she saw. It was no pony. IT WAS A HUMAN!


As fast as her wings would allow, Fluttershy flew to the nearest column and took cover behind it. She didn't want to interact with a human this soon, especially without her friends. Fluttershy hoped that nopony saw her though her flight wasn't exactly sneaky.

Edited by Derplight Sperkle
  • Brohoof 3


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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"Surprise!" He smiled enthusiastically at the disapproving alicorn waving frantically above the kitchen Chandelier. 




"Cheese Sandwich?! Is this some kind of practical joke? I'd expect something this specific from Pinkie Pie ever since my friends and I visited her secret room, and even then she's never been one to pull cruel jokes, just funny ones. What's the meaning of this?" Her stomach rumbled just then. Looking up and down at the pile of quesadillas, Twilight realized she might be a bit hungry and hadn't eaten in a while. No no. Too much cheese all in one place, and the pony who had that as part of his name.



"Cruel Jokes?" Cheese wondered , placing his hoof over his chin as if to contemplate his actions.




Stacking the books to be picked up later, her stomach rumbled again. "M-m-maybe just one? N-n-no, way too much of them all at once. How do I get just one without thinking of the others?" Still unsure and with thinking out loud being unhelpful, she just went back to staring disapprovingly at Cheese while thinking of ways to get just one and sate her hunger.



"Oooooh!" Cheese chuckled, taking one of the cheesy Quesadillas from the pile, the melted cheese so full and dripping from the tortilla, He didn't realize the princess would only need one, then again he was known to be a teensy tiny bit "excessive" nevertheless, He happily offered the single Quesadilla towards the princess. 

Edited by Vulcan
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@, @@bronislav84,


Spike stopped when he heard another familiar voice in the kitchen addressing Twilight, one belonging to who he remembered to be the Super Duper Party Pony. "Okay, now I'm really hearing things," he spoke to himself. He casually jogged back to the kitchen and creaked the door open enough to catch Cheese Sandwich with a plate stacked high with quesadillas. His expression soured at Twilight drooling at the endless supply of cheesy goodness.


Spike cleared his throat and tapped his foot. "Twilight?" he called to her in a half-scolding tone. "Remember what happened last time?"

  • Brohoof 3

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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"And hello everyone! Today I will be pwning some noobs on the latest DLC on Call of Duty. I'm looking forward to using the new guns that this update has brought us." Gavin began his stream with a bang. The first match saw him getting 25 kills to his 2 deaths. The day was finishing off nicely.


School was a bore as usual. They had to read some play by Shakespeare in English that barely anyone understood and learned some integrals in Math. It was great to get home and relax and stream to his followers, who seem disappointed about his loss to that stupid My Little Pony contest. Some time ago, some of his viewers dared him to actually sign up for this contest. To make them happy, Gavin actually did sign up despite his lack of knowledge of this brony phenomenon. Hell, it's been all over the internet, and the emotes did show up in the Twitch chat from time to time. Gavin never really gave MLP a thought.


"If you are watching, MLP fans, it looks like I didn't win that contest you got me to enter. I heard the winners were picked and are supposedly in Equestria now. Like that place actually exists!" Gavin gave a small laugh at that. "Who actually believes that a place full of cartoon ponies that can talk actually exists!"


Gavin looked over at the chat. It seems those bronies were actually online watching, and something caught his eye. They were saying that the contest holders announced that one more will be picked to go. "You guys really think I will win? The chances I could win such a thing is astronomically small. So don't be going I could still win."


Then the chat began to explode with more peculiar comments. Even the non-brony viewers were saying that something just appeared behind him. Gavin looked in the corner of his face cam and also noticed a peculiar object floating just above his bed. "No, it can't be..."


He turned around quickly to see what looked like a scroll drifting down to his bed. He grabbed it and showed it to the camera. "You guys don't think this..." He opened the scroll and began to read aloud:


"Dear Gavin Wilson,


As you no doubt can recall, you grudgingly entered a contest aimed at what you call 'Bronies,' thinking very little of it. 

Well, we are pleased to inform you that you have been chosen, and will be invited to spend 100 days in our world, living amongst Equestrians as we learn more about yours.

To prove this letter is not a forgery or some trick, you will receive a key, along with further instructions ten seconds after you finish reading the letter. 

We cannot wait to meet you in person, and hope you find your time in Equestria to be quite enlightening. 

Yours Truly, 

- The Royal Equestrian Coalition of Magic."


"Ah no...no no no no no no no...." Gavin stuttered. "Umm.. uh. I'm going to end the stream for now...This is just too much." Another scroll unceremoniously poofed into existence and landed in the same exact spot on Gavin's bed. "I will be back with you all soon. I may have to work on jury-rigging something to help stream my..." Gavin stopped for a moment. "Adventure." The stream went offline as Gavin tried to gather his thoughts on what just happened.

  • Brohoof 3


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@@Taialin, @@Zhooves, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @@Randimaxis, @,

@@DwhitetheGamer, @@Derplight Sperkle,


"I think I'm done nursing the patience/

It can wait one night/

I'd give it all away if you give me one last try/


We'll live happily ever trapped if you just save my life/

Run and tell the angels that everything's alright..."


Finally! Some genuine emotion from the two ponies in front! Even Dark Wing and some of the naysayers seemed to come around a bit!


Foo Fighters were an awesome band, no doubt about that, but what these ponies needed was some real metal!


"I'm looking to the sky to save me/

Looking for a sign of life/

Looking for something to help me burn out bright"


It was all she could do to keep her focus as spotlights suddenly flickered to life and focused on her. And just where the hell did those come from?? Last she checked, she didn't have any type of -- okay, just what in the hell was going on??


"I'm looking for a complication/

Looking 'cause I'm tired of trying/

Make my way back home when I learn to fly high./

Make my way back home when I learn to..."


As she played, fog had started to roll in and she felt a bit of heat coming from directly behind her. Chancing a glance behind revealed a bit of her name in bright lights. Well, there goes that reveal!


"...fly along with me, I can't quite make it alone

Try to make this life my own

Fly along with me, I can't quite make it alone

Try to make this life my own"


The transformation from doorstep to stage continued to progress as multi-colored pyrotechnics erupted into the air, confusing Colette even further, yet she pressed on...


"I'm looking to the sky to save me/

Looking for a sign of life/

Looking for something to help me burn out bright/

I'm looking for a complication/

Looking 'cause I'm tired of trying/

Make my way back home when I learn to..."


An audible gasp escaped Colette's lips as pure dread gripped her heart; sparks were erupting from the headstock of her Les Paul! Whoever the fuck was doing this just signed their own death certificate!




With a guitarist's BABY!


Despite her blood now boiling, Colette pressed on and finished the song. The other ponies deserved that much!


"...looking to the sky to save me/

Looking for a sign of life/

Looking for something to help me burn out bright/

I'm looking for a complication/

Looking 'cause I'm tired of trying/

Make my way back home when I learn to fly high./

Make my way back home when I learn to fly./

Make my way back home when I learn to..."


Thunder cracked when Colette strummed the final note of the song as a banner exclaimed:




Colette looked up when heard the hoof stomps and cheers from her audience, which has since expanded to a passel of ponies of all shapes and sizes, from what sheassumed was all over Canterlot.


"Nice light show...who's your stage manager?" Colette heard Dark Wing ask. "Dunno..." she responded. "But whoever it was playin' around with my Bethani!" She added with a bit of a growl. "Here's a bit of a tip. NEVER fuck with a guitarist's prized possessions!"


"That last song was not half bad. Perhaps it was just because of my sensitive hearing that I dismissed your music so quickly. I don't suppose you would have something that would protect my hearing so I can hear more of this music?"


Oh. Right, Metal Pony doesn't like loud music! "Yeah. Lemme go check!" But before she could look for something to cover the Metal Pony's ears, a couple of audience members approached the stage to address her.


"Hello. Uh, who are you? And, uh, what kind of creature are you?"


Colette was about to answer when the second spectator chimed in.


Hey!” She called, causing many of the others to gasp and whisper. "Your singing was like, spot on. Really fit the tone of the songs you chose. Your… what is it that you called it now… guitar playing was pretty awesome, too!" ... And somehow, this pony knew what Bethani was without Colette saying so! “Oh, my name’s Vinyl Scratch, in case you hadn’t heard of me in…wherever it is that you’re from. Are all the songs you played your original work? ‘Cause I’ve never heard any of them before. They sound great! Who is it that I have the pleasure of meeting?


"Well, in case those lights were too damn bright, my name is --"


"Yes. I, too, would like to know."


Colette was cut off by quite possibly the largest horse she yet laid eyes on; between this mare's empyreal beauty, her flowing, glistening, auroral mane, the large dazzling diadem that adorned her regal crown -- not to mention her very presence commanding all in attendance to bow the fuck down, it was a safe bet the show was decidedly over!


"Aw, shit."


"Ah wanna know, too!" an excited voice chirped. The smallest pony Colette laid eyes on emerged from behind the queen horse and ran full tilt up to the stage, stopping just shy of smacking into the stage. "You're that human, aren't ya? That was AMAZING!" The tiny pony then turned to face Her Equine Highness. "Can the human play summore? Please??"

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@@Taialin, @@Hypn0ticD, @@GeneralDirection,

Luna would look up at AppleJack, her face still showing concern. "Perhaps I should just stay here and assist you. Planning this party may help me take my mind off of today's earlier events," as she forced a smile. "I shall just fallow thy lead." Taking a deep sigh, the princess would look around. "I just wish that Pinkie Pie where here. I am sure that she would have had a party planned for such an occasion before we would have known it was needed."


"I suppose the ballroom is where you would want to have this gathering, correct? It is the largest room in Canterlot Castle after all." It was clear that the princess's mind was elsewhere, as if her mind still remained her hospitality. After a few moments, Luna would say what was on her mind however. "Rarity, AppleJack, Rainbow Dash, is there a way to be both welcoming, but firm? Would anypony mind if I tried a few greetings out with you before the party?"

  • Brohoof 3

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Apple Bloom weaved and dodged around pony after pony as she frantically followed the point of the princess' horn. How long had she kept her waiting? Any length of time was too long!


She rounded a corner sharply and reached the platform right as Celestia unfurled her mighty wings. 'No! She's gonna leave!'


"Princess, wait!"


Apple Bloom would've breathed a sigh of relief when Celestia closed her wings, but she was far too busy trying to reach her.


"I'm sorry! I just—you got called away, so I thought I'd head to the castle. I hope you're not mad!"


Apple Bloom was more than a little surprised to see Celestia lower herself to the ground just to meet her eyes. "Don't worry, my little pony. I'm not mad. I'm just glad that I found you. It can be easy to get lost in a big city, and even easier for a little filly."


"Ah knew where Ah was goin'! Honest!" Apple Bloom said, putting on a brave face; she'd been to Canterlot before, after all! Sure, it was big, but how bad could it really be??


A strange sound rang through the air then, giving pause to everypony present.


"Goodness, what was that??"


"What in Equestria...?"


"Ough! Such NOISE!"


"What is that, Princess??" the young filly asked her ears twitching as well. She had heard it before, yet she far too preoccupied with heading to the castle... Whatever it was, though... It wasn't half bad!


"Follow me, Apple Bloom," Princess Celestia said. "we'll go to the castle together shortly—I just want to make sure that noise isn't causing any trouble."


"Right behind ya, Princess!"


Apple Bloom at first jogged, then loped behind the princess as they followed the source of the noise, discovering that it was more than just noise - it was music! it certainly wasn't any type of music she'd ever heard before, but it wasn't bad! Maybe even Sweetie Belle might like it!


The young filly was able to discern that someone was singing as she and Celestia made their way through the outskirts of Canterlot. Within moments, a large crowd of cheering ponies came into view. Not only that, but there were bright spinning lights, pyrotechnics, and fog. Whoever was doing this was really puttin on a show!


"I'm looking to the sky to save me/

Looking for a sign of life/

Looking for something to help me burn out bright/

I'm looking for a complication/

Looking 'cause I'm tired of trying/

Make my way back home when I learn to..."


"Must be a Pegasus!" Apple Bloom mused aloud. "Issat a Pegasus, Princess Celestia??" as much as she heard the mysterious singer, the height of the older ponies in the crowd blocked her view; as much as she wanted to get a better vantage point, asking Princess Celestia for seat atop her head wouldn't be polite...


"...looking to the sky to save me/

Looking for a sign of life/

Looking for something to help me burn out bright/

I'm looking for a complication/

Looking 'cause I'm tired of trying/

Make my way back home when I learn to fly high./

Make my way back home when I learn to fly./

Make my way back home when I learn to..."


Thunder cracked when the song was over, and a banner dropped down from overhead as the crowd cheered, stomped and whinnied in approval. Apple Bloom nickered in frustration, then made her way to the stage... She just had to see who the other ponies were watchin'!


"Who is it that I have the pleasure of meeting?"


"Yes. I, too, would like to know."






The hooded figure froze upon spotting the princess, uttering something imperceptible to all but those with preternatural age or hyper sensitive hearing could discern:


"Aw, shit."


@@GeneralDirection, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@Zhooves, @@Pripyat Pony, @,

@, @@DwhitetheGamer,


The human stood stock still as the crowd fell silent and paid reverence to their princess. Though their face remained unseen, their eyes were locked on Celestia, wheels clearly turning in its head.


"Ah wanna know, too!" Apple Bloom squeaked as she made her way to the stage. She halted once she was close enough to the stage to get a good look.


It was bipedal, wore funny clothing, had five claw-like appendages on the ends of each foreleg -- Apple Bloom gasped. "You're that human, aren't ya?" the little filly asked, eyes wide with wonder. "That was AMAZING!" She just had to hear it play again. She turned to Princess Celestia, putting on her best puppy dog eyes and pleaded, "Can the human play summore? Please??"


"If I may be so bold your majesty," the human began, bowing deeply to Celestia. "I always make it a point to finish to finish my performances, no matter what." they rose to their full height as they continued. "I just have one more song for my dear audience, but I do intend to give it everything I've got."


The eyes of many ponies then turned to the diarch.


"I hate leaving any peformance unfinished. So, may I play my last song, your majesty??"

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@@Pripyat Pony, @,


@@DwhitetheGamer, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@Taialin, @@Zhooves,


"Oh, why of COURSE you can, my dear!"


*snap* >POOF<


And there he was, resplendent in his scales and fur, taller than the tallest pony there, in his full and rather vivacious glory. He appeared directly next to Celestia, a smirk on his wily muzzle.


The Lord of Chaos was in the house.


"You see, our beloved ruler here has been just SO excited to meet you - she's come all the way here simply to make certain everything is going well for you, my dear Colette! She is simply just... the... BEST... hostess there ever was, and she would be extremely remiss if she were to bother trying to do anything as COLD and CALLOUS as to deny you the opportunity to share your music with her subjects!"


Discord gave Celestia a sidelong, knowing glance and a broad grin; there was no way the snooty Sun Princess would ever want to look bad in public - and Discord's little speech practically GAVE Colette her opportunity to rock on, regardless of what was going on in Celestia's alicorn noggin.


"Besides, I must admit... your music is WONDERFULLY chaotic! Most certainly two thumbs WAY up!"


At this, two versions of Discord leaned out from behind Celestia; one was pudgy and wore glasses, the other was rail thin and bald. They both held out their paws and extended their thumbs up. They then disappeared behind the princess again.


"I have to tell you, two-legs, that I am simply THRILLED to have humans here in Equestria! So unpredictable! So random! So... so..."


He suddenly leaned in towards Celestia, almost touching eyeballs with her.


"... CHAOTIC!"


He backed off as quickly as he'd moved there; he wanted to push Celestia a bit... but not over that whole 'I-could-always-turn-you-back-into-a-statue' edge, of course. THAT wouldn't do at all.


He sidled up to Colette, one paw reaching out gingerly towards the guitar... yet he stopped and grinned charmingly, choosing to simply admire the instrument from afar... besides, he'd heard her swear about the sparks; no need to bring THAT up again... and spoke directly to her. "And such a sound from such an instrument! It reminds me of my younger years... oh, the wailing and thrashing and screaming! And THAT was just my first birthday!"


He cackled at this for a moment, then realized he had everypony's attention... which, of course, he couldn't resist utilizing.


"So, what say the rest of you, eh? Shall we enjoy another number from the wild and woolly Colette? Shall we dance and have ourselves a fine time here? Shall we show this human being what the magic of friendship is all about?"


Turning to face Colette, he said, "And YOU, my dear... you DO want to rock these ponies like a hurricane, don't you?"


He slid up next to Celestia once more, putting on a mock-sad face, and spoke with a low, sing-song voice. "Or is the party over when the Sun shows up?"


He had her dead to rights; if she denied the encore, she'd look like a spoil-sport to the other ponies, and a total buzzkill to Colette.


"Now, I ask you all..."


He turned to face the audience, and raised his hands into the air; there was a rumble, and two gigantic speaker stacks raised up out of the ground - Colette noticed that, instead of the word 'Marshall' emblazoned on them, there was the word 'Miscreant' instead. The speakers were big enough so that seemingly all of Equestria could hear the music - whether they wanted to or not. Fireworks sizzled off and popped bright flashes of light in the sky above them, adding some sparkling color to the scene.


With everything ready, he threw his raised fist into the air... literally; it spun around in mid-air a few times, and landed back on his wrist without a hitch. He smiled his broadest smile to the gathered ponies.




He tipped a sly wink to Colette.

  • Brohoof 2

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@@Hypn0ticD, @@GeneralDirection, @@Yoshi89, @@Randimaxis, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@Zhooves

It was only because of Celestia's affinity to the sun that she didn't squint at all the exceptionally bright lights flashing on and off around the human. This really did remind her of the few times she had been convinced to spend a night out at a club, what with the flashing lights, raving ponies, and ever-pervasive and jarring music. Only this time, it was being performed live.


Of course, Celestia was a bit confused as to how all those flashing lights came about. She would expect that those effects would need at least a team of ponies (one of which who specialized in fireworks) to execute. But here was this human, likely not even 24 hours in Equestria, surrounded by professional-looking special effects. And banners, apparently. It perhaps got her a little suspicious. Either this human was a master diplomat and politician, or something else was going on.


It was more surprising still that this human seemed not to approve of these special effects. If she had arranged them, she would have organized them to her liking. "Here's a bit of a tip: never fuck with a guitarist's prized possessions!" she seethed. Celestia's ears folded back for just a moment at that. It had been a long time since she'd heard any being utter that curse.


"Aw, shit." And it seemed like her words caused another one, albeit too quiet for most to hear. With the added side effect that it prostrated everypony in the vicinity. And everyhuman, apparently. While Apple Bloom was still bouncing by her side and acting just as energetic as Twilight and Applejack's letters had described her to be, the human was a lot more courteous, in sharp contrast to her previous demeanor. "I always make it a point to finish my performance no matter what. I just have one more song for my dear audience, but I do intend to give it everything I've got," she said.


Celestia considered the idea. The human was being quite respectful in light of her very recent and very disrespectful performance. She could practically feel the noise complaints burying her, come tomorrow. The music wasn't really her cup of tea, but then, it never really was. And while perhaps not the exemplar of decorum, the human did seem nice, at the very—


"Oh, why of course you can, my dear!"


Celestia twitched. She knew that voice. And with a sound she had gotten all too familiar with, Discord flashed into existence right beside her. "Discord, what are you doing here?" Celestia growled, using a tone of voice she wished Apple Bloom didn't have to hear. As much as Discord liked to have his idea of fun, that kind of fun normally meant a couple days of cleanup for her. Every time Discord made an appearance, it always meant a headache for her . . . just with less immediate risk of losing her sanity as it was before his reformation.


"So unpredictable! So random! So chaotic!" Discord leaned in as close as he could to Celestia, and she matched his eyes with a glare of her own.


Here he was, putting the social pressure on again for the human to finish her last song. Pitting himself against her, as was so common in the past. Celestia really did not have any qualms about doing what she had to to protect her little ponies . . . but then, what was she protecting her ponies against? Loud music? That happened all the time anyway, with or without her consent. Discord? Perhaps. It was so hard to tell with him, but he didn't seem to mean harm. Just his own personal brand of "fun," which normally meant flying expletives for everyone else. At least this time he was benefiting some ponies.


Naturally, there was also the time that she had invited her to a Gala to spice things up. It perhaps set up a bad precedent for her, but year after year of exactly the same song and dance did become a bit of a bear at times, and she needed something new. Now was not exactly the same situation, but she did find that some of the laziest Canterlot elite would have their poor servants do all their work all day long so that they could laze about more. And then there was the fact the human only wanted to play her music, a benign enough request that she would have granted without blinking on any other occasion.


It wouldn't do for those lazy ponies to sleep all day, would it?


Celestia took a deep breath and sighed. She looked up and smiled. "I'd love to hear your last song, Colette." She magicked a load of earplugs from the castle and distributed them to the ponies who seemed to have the most trouble dealing with the sound, including Dark Wing, who was for some reason awake at this time. Judging by the size of the speakers that Discord had just conjured up, this was going to be loud.


Then a stack of papers dropped into Discord's arms.


"But you're doing the paperwork."

Edited by Taialin
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Copper was so confused into all the chaos that was going on.  From Discord, to Celestia, he didn't know what to make out of this.  Even the human gave him something to think about with all the new words he was hearing.  He slowly backed away from all of this, not wanting to come close.


"Yeah, I'll just leave, and leave you all to your businesses."


He then turned around, and quickly Spin Dashed out of the area at full power.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@Taialin@Hypn0ticD@GeneralDirection@Pripyat Pony - @DwhitetheGamer - @Zhooves -  



Discord glanced at the pile of forms that had landed in his grasp as if it was going to bite him... then grinned sheepishly at the Sun Princess.


"Heh heh heh... you know, perhaps I could burn a little midnight ink for this one; THANK you, my dear."  


That'll throw her off a bit, he mused to himself.


He threw the pile of papers straight up into the air, where a filing cabinet materialized from a puff of smoke, opened its top drawer, caught the stack, closed, then vanished in the blink of an eye.


"Good to see you letting your mane down a bit more often... especially with the humans around!  Aren't they just the LIVING END?"


He slithered over next to Celestia, almost within reach yet just outside of such.


"Besides... with your precious Twilight Sparkle and her friends having helped me see the error of my 'rotten old ways', don't you think that it's about time there was a little bit of..."  he smacked his lips with distaste, but forced himself to say the word, "... harmony... between the two of us?  I mean, if humans and ponies could get along, then SURELY you and I can exist together without driving each other over the edge, can't we?"


He put an arm around Celestia's shoulders, pulling her in close to gaze at some imaginary scene and gesture to her.


"Couldn't you imagine it?  The two of us... okay sure, why not, your little sister as well, I suppose... working together to make Equestria the most interesting place for any creature to ever be!  You'd be known all over TWO worlds, and praised by adoring subjects AND human fans!  Speak to trillions of beings about that magic-of-friendship-thing you prize so dearly!  You could spread your... y-y-your m-m-message..."


Discord, unable to help himself, burst out howling with laughter before he could finish the sentence.  He let go of the princess and held his belly as he chortled long and loud.


"Oh, I'm... I'm sorry... ha ha ha ha HAAAAA hahahahaha!  I can't... I just... can't..."


He doubled over, laughing fit to split for a moment... then, he wound down and began breathing as evenly as he could manage for the moment.


"Oh... ohhhh, my... heh heh heh... WHOO!  Now THAT was a good laugh!  Oh, we both know that Chaos is SOOOO much more fun than Order - you've even claimed to enjoy a little shake-up from time to time, haven't you?  There's no shame in admitting it, is there?"


He slid over in front of her, gently placing his paw beneath her chin to look her in the eye.


"Come now, Celestia; SO many ponies are still so very biased against me... with due reason, details details... but if I were TRULY going to reform, that would mean changing public opinion too, wouldn't it?  Let me do something FUN for once... for everyone!  Let me show the humans what ponies are all about..."


The wicked grin that rolled across his features was quite frightening in its countenance.  


"For once - ONE TIME - let me have my fun, hmmm?  Don't ruin my chances of actually making another friend in these beings; they don't know my sordid past - they won't judge me like SOME do out of habit."


He gave a pointed look at Celestia, then simply shrugged and began to hover in mid-air, arms crossed and eyes closed, as if the subject was not up for debate.


"Of course, I hope you realize I'm going to have my fun, one way or another... wouldn't you rather I do so without any thoughts of revenge in mind?  Besides, I might just surprise even YOU..."

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With a scared gulp, Twilight sat down and finally accepted the quesadilla in her hooves. "I-I-I'm not afraid." Yes that was true. She wasn't afraid, she was terrified. The shaking only confirmed her true feelings. Well, better get it over with. After what felt like an eternity to her, she ate the quesadilla in two bites, slowly and hesitantly. Twilight then turned to Spike.


"Remind me to never do that again unless I'm this hungry please Spike. For me, eating these things is too much trouble." But she did feel satisfied. Not full of course, but kind of satisfied. Twilight still had to avert her gaze from the tall alcove of quesadillas Cheese Sandwich had made, or she would probably go into another fit and end up on the chandelier again. What to do with them?


The lavender alicorn then moved to hug her number one assistant for comfort after that endeavor.


Spike had no choice but to laugh in spite of himself as he opened his arms to accept Twilight's hug. "Oh, Twilight," he said, wrapping his arms around Twilight's forelegs. "I'm sorry, too. I was just looking out for you." When the alicorn broke off, Spike took a moment to look at the quesadillas stacked nearly to the ceiling of the kitchen. This had to have been enough to feed the city of Manehattan and then some! "I wouldn't have expected such an impressive display."




Spike turned back and saw the pony responsible for the quesadillas for the first time and blushed. "No hard feelings, Cheese," Spike told him. "If I may, how in Equestria were you able to make all this?"

  • Brohoof 1

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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@@Randimaxis, @@Taialin, @@Hypn0ticD,

Dark Wing would salute the Sun Princess on her arrival before turning to the human once more. It seemed that this one, though not as well spoken as one might have hoped for, smiled as it seemed that she was showing concern for those in attendance. As he was about to thank her for looking for something for his ears, The human appeared to get sidetracked. As he waited his turn to be able to speak once more, none other than that pesky draconequus of chaos. His jaw would drop as his eyes darted between the now seeming small speakers that the music was coming from to the new, gigantic once that Discord had made appear. If the small ones where loud....He had to get back to the castle and inform Princess Luna. She was not going to like this news. His ears where ringing just thinking about the next song.


Nodding to Celestia, he would look to the human and Discord. "Well, I must be going. It was nice to meet you human," as he awkoarldy rubbed his hoof on the back of his neck. "And you as well...Discord...I'm sure this would be our last run in.." as he chuckled under his breath. With a few flap of his wings, the bat pony would make a b-line for Canterlot Castle and Princess Luna.


Landing near Luna and Twilight's friends, he would try to catch his breath as he began to inform the princess of the night. "Celestia...made contact with human...Playing loud music...Discord there as well...Large speakers..."

  • Brohoof 1

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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@@GeneralDirection, @@Zhooves, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @, @@DwhitetheGamer, @@Randimaxis, @@Yoshi89,


Inkwell frowned as he and Alex watched Colette put on her show from the back of the cacophonous crowd. The Unicorn's frown deepened as the word 'COLETTE' appeared behind the girl in bright bold lights -- no doubt Discord's handiwork; he made a mental note to both inform Spell Caster and see what could be done to keep him away from the girl. Were there any spells or artifacts that would effectively repel the Chaos god? Inkwell searched the florilegium of his mind, yet failed to find a single answer. He sighed. 'It'd be best to consult the princesses for this...'


Alex, on the other hoof, was feeling quite overwhelmed. All he wanted to do is relax so he could clear his head, yet the combination of the hoi polloi with the appearance of the equally beauteous and imposing white Alicorn was more than enough to send the boy into another panic. "Wh-who... who is that....? I-I-I don't..." he began, his voice trembling as he fell to his knees. "Why... Why did I come?? Why did I come?!" He cried out with the latter half dissolving into a terrified wail.


"Alex, get ahold of yourself! It's fine, I'll get the girl to sto—"


"NO! I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS ANYMORE! I WANT TO GO HOME!" Alex curled into a ball and sobbed into his knees as he rocked back and forth, not caring who or what saw him. It all was just too much, and without his dad around to guide him and tell him it's alright, he was pretty much at his limit. What he yearned for now more than anything was the comfort of his bedroom walls.


"Very well..." Inkwell said, sighing with both secondhand embarrassment and resignation. He knew from the he start that he wasn't going to last, but Spell Caster insisted, saying that it will "give him the shot in the arm that he so desperately needed."


"On your feet, Alex." Inkwell said, gently nudging the boy, then nudging him again when he failed to respond.


Sighing again, Inkwell went to hail a taxi, lifting Alex into the air with his magic once one arrived. "PUT ME DOWN! I JUST WANT TO GO HOME! I'VE HAD ENOUGH!" Inkwell ignoring his cries until they were inside the cab.




The cabby, who had been making his way to the castle, whipped his head around, but the scholar quickly shot him a hard glance as if to say, 'don't get involved.'


"Ever since you arrived you've been acting like an ungrateful, petulant child who's been torn away from your daddy, but I've got news for you, Alex: YOU'RE the one who accepted OUR invitation! YOU'RE the one who packed your bags, and YOU'RE the one who arrived LATE!" Inkwell said pointedly, prodding the boy's chest. "You say you've had enough? Well, I've had enough of you!"


"Stop!" Alex pleaded, but the Unicorn pressed on. "You're 19 Alex, and that makes you an adult in your world. Adults learn not to hide behind their fans and accept that they're held accountable for their own actions. Adults also have the ability to say no to something they don't want to do. Or am I wrong?"


Alex only looked away from Inkwell, wiping his eyes.


"Am I wrong??" he asked again.


"You're right." Alex acquiesced.


"If nothing else, let that be the lesson you take from this fiasco."




The rest of ride went by with the sounds of the gentle, steady staccato of the taxi driver's hooves accompanied by the sounds of the city folk going about their day in peace in harmony.


Neither the scholar or the human bothered to interrupt this tranquil soundtrack, as neither were in the mood.


The long trek to the mirror was every bit as uneventful as the taxi ride — the heroes were thankfully far too indisposed with preparations for what seemed to be lone human...




"I saw this coming, and yet I wanted to give you a chance." Spell Caster said with a heavy sigh. "I wanted to give you the opportunity to come out of your shell, Alex. To stand out and make something more out of yourself."


"Well, what if I don't want any of that?!" Alex screamed. "What if I wanted nothing to do with your goddamned contest, but had to go through with it just to shut my fans up?!"


"And there you go again. Now you have your fans to answer to."


"Goodbye, Alex."


The Unicorns watched as the boy glare back at them a moment before slowly turning, then step through his mirror.


@@Derplight Sperkle,


Silence hung in the air a moment as the scholars watched the magic from the portal dissipate, severing the connection between Canterlot and Dallas.


"You were right, Inkwell, and I'm sorry. Spell Caster began. "I already went ahead and sent Gavin the scroll and key."


"It's fine. I just hope this boy arrives, and is a bit more fortitudinous than Mr. Jones..."

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Gavin gathered his things for the adventure ahead. A couple suitcases were packed  and he jury-rigged a streaming platform from a webcam attached to his shoulder. He kept the laptop in a backpack with the webcam wire coming out of the opening in the zipper. He called down to his parents and told them of the situation. 


"Hey, uh, Mom? Dad? I kinda won this contest to go this far away place called Equestria and -" But he was cut off by his Mom. "Sweetie, you mean that place in the cartoon My Little Pony?" 


"Yes..." Gavin said taken slightly aback. "Wait, how did you know?"


"Oh, your father and I watch the show from time to time. It's actually pretty good, reminds me when I was a little girl..." his mother trailed on into nostalgia. "She's right son, we never watched it while you were home because we both thought you wouldn't really approve. Especially from what we hear you say while you are in your room to our friends," Gavin's father replied.


"We are going to talk about this later, but anyway, I won this contest to go to Equestria and I will be taking their offer. Also, I need a ride to the portal entrance..." Gavin's parents nodded and helped Gavin get to his destination the scroll described. Gavin grabbed his things from the car and waved goodbye to his parents. They both gave him hugs and wished him off as their son opened a portal and he disappeared from Earth...




Moonlit Cast hurried to the portal room deep within the castle. She was summoned hastily by the head of the Royal Coalition of Magic to oversee their newcomer. Moonlit was a newcomer to the coalition and knew the task set before her will be a great one. Maybe, I might get promoted up the ranks if I succeed... the mare thought as she rushed through the corridors.


When she finally reached the room, she was slightly out of breath and opened the door to the portal room to find that her superiors Inkwell and Spell Caster were there waiting. "She bowed  respectively to her superiors when she approached them and said, "Masters, I have come to take my duty to oversee the newcomer. May I ask who this may be?" 


As if to answer Moonlit's question, the portal whirred to life once more. Shortly after, a mysterious figure with bags on its shoulders and pulled behind him appeared. It looked around the room like it was surprised. Then it held it's appendage to its stomach and said to the group of ponies, "That made me feel a little queasy..."

  • Brohoof 3


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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His ears perked up as he noticed a lot of the other ponies around them who had been attracted by the music, fell almost completely silent. His ears were still ringing a bit, and his eyes were a bit sore from all the flashy effects, though he managed to make out Princess Celestia, and another, smaller, more talkative pony among the newcomers, mere moments before some ear plugs appeared out of nowhere and placed in his ears.

"This is an interesting development, or what say you, Clover?" he spoke in a low voice, before lowering his head a little, in a weak attempt at a bow.


Not soon thereafter, he looked a bit confused as the being known as Discord had appeared out of nowhere.

"Maybe even almost too interesting..." he muttered to himself, as his confused look slowly changed, raising his brows in mild shock and awe at the same time as he observed Discord and his interactions with the princess.

Edited by Zhooves
  • Brohoof 1

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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“That’ easy” He smiled opening his arms wide as the instrumentals of a mary poppin’s song began to play from out of nowhere. Cheese then pulled out a chalk board from off screen and began singing while he doodled his interpretation of the song.
Because I was afraid to speak
 When I was just a colt~
The Ponies said I was too meek
And laughed at all my faults~ 
But then One day I met a mare
That saved me from my fear~
The greatest mare that ever lived
And that pony is here~
“Oh! SuperPartyPOnylisticespyalidocious!” Cheese sang, He then continued for about a good 3 minutes worth of spontaneous music (I’m lazy o_o) . 
“...and that's how Equestria was founded,  I hope that answered your question, Spike” He smiled towards him before turning his attention back at Twilight.
"Now, I believe we have a party to get to?" He said , opening the kitchen door.
Edited by Obito Uchiha


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@@Randimaxis, @@Taialin, @@Hypn0ticD,
Luna's eyes would narrow as the feathers on her wings ruffled upon the news from her loyal night guard. "I see. Discord is involved then," as she said his name with bitterness. "It is just as I feared. The humans...Discord...It will be pure chaos in Equestria if something is not done and done soon. Sergeant," as she looked to DarkWing. "Stay here. I shall nip this in the bud before any other surprises happen-" Just then, another bat pony guard would enter the room. "Your highness, I have news to report from the portal."

The princess glare at him for a moment. "Just what this day needed. Even more surprises. Give your briefing corporal." "The portal has opened. One of the humans...the boy, has returned to his own world." Luna would smile at this new, but it would be short lived. "Another human boy has replaced him." The look on the princess's face was one of anger and disgust. "I see." she would say as she looked to the others in the room. "Curses!" as she would stomp a hoof. "How in the name of my sister are we going to keep order in this cluster of a mess! For all we know, Discord may have been the one to create the first portal just so he could have his fun!" Luna would breath heavy after her rant. "How could this day get any worse. Do not answer that. Twas rhetorical."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Cadance stepped off the train to what she could describe as nothing other than....pure chaos. She grinned. Discord must be here. She'd had some urgent business to take care of in the Crystal Empire, causing her to unceremoniously excuse herself briefly but rudely, and it seemed she had missed quite a bit. Of course her friends would understand. She just hated having to have done so. Weaving her way towards the center of town, it seemed the closer she got the more disarray there was. She had seen many a pony whom she knew, but all seemed to be immersed in one task or another. Shrugging, she made her way to the heart of the maelstrom, where it seemed most of the disarray ensued, looking for anyone with both a horn and wings. Either that or four different limbs. Discord was tall enough to be easy to spot, and she could almost guarantee Celestia, Luna, or Twilight would be close to him.

  • Brohoof 1


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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