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Season 2: Your Favorite and Least Favorite Episode


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Favorite: As of now, MMMystery on the Friendship Express might be my favorite episode of season 2. I've always loved detective novels and what not, and having Pinkie Pie be one is quite smashing.


Ponyville Confindental is my new second favorite episode. I actually like the foal episodes and this one was pretty hilarious. I thought it was one of the most funny episodes yet. "Pinkie Pie is an out of control party animal!"


Read It and Weep was a good episode too, I enjoyed watching an action packed adventure through the pony world. Especially since they reference Indiana Jones. However I kind of didn't like the whole Rainbow Dash sneaking around and stealing from the hospital though. That seemed kind of out of place.


My least favorite might actually be Dragon Quest. After hearing the name of the episode I thought it'd be some big adventure with real dragons. After I realized it would be a whole episode involving stereotypical muscle head teenage boys belching and making dimwit comments I kind of lost a ton of interest.


The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 is another episode I don't have much interest in watching again. Mainly do to the extremely long song in the beginning, even though I suppose that's why I should like it. It overall just seemed a little boring too, it's pretty obvious who would win from the start. The Flim Flam Brothers just kind of annoy me too.


  • Brohoof 1


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I'm not responding to this until the last two episodes of Season 2 air. After all, these two episodes to come might just trump all the others. (One can hope) Expect a fuller answer in two weeks time.

  • Brohoof 1

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Favourite: "Hurricane Fluttershy" it was so well written, awesome montage, and they made RD not seem like a jerk :D


Least favourite: I'm gonna go with others and say "Mare do well" I hated it, it was badly written, made RD a huge asshole and out of character.



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Best: MMMystery on the Friendship Express, Sweet and Elite, and Heart and Hooves Day

I found these episodes to just be all around entertaining and just filled with lots of funny and witty moments. well mostly the first 2, i mostly added hearts and hooves day because it has my favorite moment in the series(OH COME ON!), and cuz cheerilee.


Worst: Mysterious Mare Do Well, Secret of My Excess

Didnt find these episodes very entertaining, the former even more than the latter, in fact mare do well is the only episode i havent even gone back to watch a second time, yet at this point ive seen some episodes of 5 times(Bridle Gossip)

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Favorite: Lesson Zero -- Funny stuff, y'know?


Least Favorite: Hurricane Fluttershy -- Way too predictable... Also, Spitfire(?) the judge was a Wonderbolt... Why didn't she chip in and have Twilight judge? ^_^

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I'll have to marathon season 2 again before I can really decide on my absolute favorite and least favorite episode, but I know one of my favorites is definitely A Friend in Deed, mostly because I loved the song but also because Pinkie Pie is so funny and random. I literally had a smile on my face the entire time. Sisterhooves Social is also one of my favorites because I love how they portray the relationship between Rarity and Sweetie Belle.


My least favorite would probably be Dragon Quest. I just don't really like Spike episodes for some reason and the way they portrayed Rarity walking out on a red carpet just didn't seem right to me. Another least favorite would be Putting your Hoof Down. I hate all the negativity in the episode. Ponies are supposed to be happy and nice, especially the residents of Ponyville, but they're all portrayed as snobby and rude for the most part.


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You might find this a surprise, but my favorite episode of the season was Hurricane Fluttershy, primarily for the strong character interaction between Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy and the way in which it built up all the characters involved in a good way. It also added some good stuff to the nature of Equestria itself.


Lesson Zero is probably my second favorite though.


As for my least favorite, it's a toss up between Putting Your Hoof Down and The Mysterious Mare Do Well, for reasons that should be rather obvious. I'd probably say Mare Do Well was worse, if only because Putting Your Hoof Down at least had a few funny bits and other things going for it, unlike Mare Do Well.

  • Brohoof 2

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Favorite:Lesson Zero. Definitely my favorite. Had me laughing throughout the whole episode. MMMystery on the Friendship Express and A Friend in Deed are fighting for second place.


Least Favorite: The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well. RD was a real douche in that episode. Didn't like that one bit.


Most disappointing: Dragon Quest. Had hopes for a cool adventure with Spike, but stupid teen dragons didn't fulfill that wish.


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My favorite was Lesson Zero, closely followed by Dragon Quest. Not sure why I liked Dragon Quest so much but Lesson Zero was brilliant. I guess I just love to watch ponies going insane. "Hiiii girrrrlllssss" << best moment. ;)


Least favorite was probably...Read It And Weep I think it's called. As a bit of a book nerd I got increasingly annoyed with Rainbow Dash.

  • Brohoof 1

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Favorite: Hurricane Fluttershy. Greatly written out, and the only 2nd episode this season of best pony.


Least: Secret of my Excess. Not relatively pleasing to me in general.


Favorite: Lesson Zero -- Funny stuff, y'know?


Least Favorite: Hurricane Fluttershy -- Way too predictable... Also, Spitfire(?) the judge was a Wonderbolt... Why didn't she chip in and have Twilight judge? ^_^


They weren't allowed to have a Wonderbolt participate.

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Favorite: cutie mark cronicles because I like all their stories and the story I like from it is rainbowdash


Least: is the one with gammy gums or what ever the name is but I like the part when big Mac talks that was cool and the trixie part that was a bit much


Favorite: Lesson Zero -- Funny stuff, y'know?


Least Favorite: Hurricane Fluttershy -- Way too predictable... Also, Spitfire(?) the judge was a Wonderbolt... Why didn't she chip in and have Twilight judge? ^_^



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Favorite: Hurricane Fluttershy, because RD and Fluttershy were epic, even more so than usual

Read it and Weep, Lesson Zero, and May the Best Pet Win are my other choices

Least Favorite: The Cutie Pox

Secret of My Excess and Sweet and Elite are up there as well

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Most favorite episodes (in order):


1. Return of Harmony, Part 2. My second-most favorite episode overall just behind Party of One. The humor was absolutely witty amongst the Mane Six, with Twilight Sparkle contrasting with the Discorded versions of her friends and having her own confidence and sanity broken down little by little. The culmination was brilliant, and the callback to Season One was very well done. The flow was excellent, and M. A. Larson deserves credit for writing it.


2. The Last Roundup (unedited). Applejack was excellently developed and was a great callback to her main Element, Honesty. Applejack's known as a terrible liar, and this episode reflects this. Not to mention AKR exploiting one of Applejack's biggest strengths and weaknesses simultaneously: her pride and high expectations. Combine that with Derpy's cameo, it's just a great treat.


3. Putting Your Hoof Down. Fluttershy's best episode. Great exploitation of using her lack of confidence to stand up for herself without doubt. She took Iron Will's motivation deeply, allowing her scarred psyche to show her frustrations and fury on everyone around her and clouding her judgment. The little marketplace scenes, while funny, were also very good: They demonstrated serious flaws in Pinkie Pie's and Rarity's characters. Williams deserves serious props for writing an EXCELLENT episode here.


4. Dragon Quest. Just…GREAT! Excellent worldbuilding featuring the growth of dragon population followed by the motherly qualities Twilioght Sparkle, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash are to Spike. They knew their instincts and followed Spike to see him staying safe. This episode also showed tremendous character development for Spike and Rarity in terms of their close bond, from "meh" in the beginnign to a mother-son situation. Adorable episode and excellently done.


Least-favorite episodes:


1. Mare Do Well. Absolutely hated it. Every character was out of character to the core.


2. Hearts and Hooves Day. Second-worst episode in the series and Season 2. Completely underwhelming in plot and characterization. The ending with Cheerille and Big Mac (including the CMC's punishment) was completely out of character and absolutely didn't fit the episode one bit.

  • Brohoof 2

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Favourite: Secret of my Excess Because I love how Spike love for Rarity enabled him to overcome his nature.

Read it and Weep Nice arc, nice character development, satisfying ending; good all around


Least Favourite: Dragon Quest SO MUCH WASTED POTENTIAL! There was enough opportunity there for several episodes! They could have had Spike learn about Dragon history/society. They could have had him teach the other dragons that they can overcome their greed. Maybe even have him fall in love with a dragon girl or finding his biological parents, but nooooooooo: Dragons are now no more fabled beasts but just another antroprmorphic species and all we get is a recycled anti bullying PSA. Ahrg!!!

Oh, and after the events of Secret of my Excess Rarity's back to treating him like a toddler? DoubleAhrg!!!

Edited by Simon the Scribe



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Favorite: three way tie between "Secret of my Excess", "Hurricane Fluttershy", and "Ponyville Confidential".


Least Favorite: "The Cutie Pox" - it did have a lot of good moments, but overall it seemed rather silly and predictable.

  • Brohoof 1
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I think my favorite episode is episode 18 a friend in deed mostly because of the smile smile smile song


I didn't like episode 24 MMMystery on the friendship express, because it was stuck on train most of the time.

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I expected a lot of people to say Mare Do Well as their least favorite, but the general dislike for Dragon Quest I really didn't expect, as personally I loved that episode- oh well, different strokes for different folks I guess. ;)

Edited by Super Brony Bolt 64


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Least Favorite Episode: "Hearts and Hooves Day". It was rather bland given the conspicuous absence of the Mane Six---save for Twilight's brief cameo. The episode displayed quite clearly how critical the Mane Six are to the show.


Amen to that. 'Twas an interesting idea, but the lack of Mane Six made the episode suffer. I also found the episode to be quite bland.


My favorite would have to be "Sisterhooves Social". Here we see just how strong Rarity and Sweetie Belle's relationship is. Before this episode, we just knew she was her sister -- nothing too interesting or worth mentioning. Sweetie Belle's feelings toward Rarity during the middle of the episode was empathic and the resolve was quite heart-warming.

  • Brohoof 1
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Favorite- The Last round up- ChimiCherryChonga


Least Favorite- Putting your hoof down- it's not just because Flutters made 2 of my 3 favorite characters cry, but the characters seemed a bit off, the lesson was pretty memorable and the story was pretty nice and all... but something about that episode...




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