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Gore on EQD - Art, Journalism, and Self-Censorship


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So, recently on Equestria Daily, this post went up:


I didn't read the fanfics mentioned or anything, but the cover picture really caught my attention. It's Twilight decapitating a Changeling. Green blood everywhere. I'm not queasy looking at it or anything, but it surprises me that this got to be on the front page of EQD, given the gore.

Now, that picture is the cover picture for the fanfic as well, so the post is being representative of its source. At the same time, EQD is a very popular and very famous site. I'm sure some of MLP's target audience has found it, and many people from outside are likely to form opinions about our fandom based on what they see there. Sethisto and the other EQD people have great power, and thus great responsibility. When they wanted to feature sexually suggestive art on their "Drawfriend" posts, they'd just give a link with a warning ("NSFW" or "Saucy", I think it was). So why did this picture not only get into the post, but become its cover picture?


I'm curious what you all think of this. Should EQD be responsible for filtering what's submitted for "decency" or some similar criterion? Should they just be as representative as they can of the fandom, come what will, and leave PR out of it? Other thoughts?


Also, bear in mind I'm not saying that people shouldn't make this art. I'm just doubting whether it should be featured so prominently on such a widely accessible site.


Here's the image, in case it gets taken down or anything. Warning: gory.






It's a bug and a feature!

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I'm surprised they chose that image considering the content, how paranoid they are about what they show usually, and there were other fanfic imagery to choose from as the header instead. Either they really like it and decide to forgo the usual grimdark filter because they like it and it's under the fanfic tag (which you can also choose not to see any fanfics if you wish). Personally, I don't see a problem with and I do like the art myself, but I wonder how more...queasy viewers are going to react. Hopefully not over the top and ridiculous.

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I believe this would fall under cartoon violence as the unfortunate Changeling is depicted having green blood. It is actually fine for here too and we have a anti-gore policy as well. As far as the self-censorship question, EQD can and should set their own criteria for content as they are a private site. If they had gore I couldn't filter out I would not visit though. 

  • Brohoof 1



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Once you've seen Smile HD and Cupcakes HD, nothing else really phases you. :comeatus:  


That type of art is just as much a part of the fandom as anything else. It is up to the individual websites to determine whether or not to feature it.


I for one am against any kind of forced censorship. 


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@, certainly. But I'm not asking about the art. I'm asking about the journalism. Should EQD have shown this art?


@. I'm certainly not all that stoic, but nor am I as squeamish as some people might be, and I was disconcerted by the image. So yes, I believe people could get an upset stomach over this.


@@Jeric, I take your point, although in my opinion the blood being green doesn't make it much less gory. As for the self-censorship question, it seems to me you're responding to it in a legal sense. And I agree with you there. However, I meant it more in a principle/journalistic-ethics sense.


@@Nuke87654, I agree. However, I doubt people would want to hide all fanfics just to avoid certain pictures. And also, I'm pretty sure nobody saw it coming yet, so they can't filter until after the fact.

@@Gearbox10mm, perhaps you misunderstood me. I'm not advocating forced censorship - that's why I called it self-censorship. What I meant was:

Should EQD, knowing that both outsiders evaluating the community and children will be on their site, tailor the fandom's image through what they choose to post? Or should they just represent the fandom as evenly as possible? Or, as has come up already, should they just do what they want, with no reference or responsibility to anyone else despite their influence?

I'm not asking what you would force Sethisto to do. I'm asking what you would do in his place.

It's a bug and a feature!

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There are games out there in the United States rated Teen for Blood and Gore (although in these games the gore is usually not very detailed), so I'm pretty sure blood and gore (especially discolored blood) is still acceptable to a certain degree in a PG-13/T environment.

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The idea that they should censor their content because they hold some imagined grand influence on the appearance of the fandom is laughable to me.   


I think that they should do whatever they like. If they feel that they need to self-censor then that is their prerogative. If not, that is also fine.


As a free consumer of such media you have the choice to patronize their site or choose to go elsewhere.


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@@Nuke87654, I agree. However, I doubt people would want to hide all fanfics just to avoid certain pictures. And also, I'm pretty sure nobody saw it coming yet, so they can't filter until after the fact.

I didn't say people use the no fanfic filter to hide pics. It's only the show staff who are under legal obligation not to read fanfic or those who do not wish to read fanfics in general who would use it.

Edited by Nuke87654
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I didn't say people use the no fanfic filter to hide pics. It's only the show staff who are under legal obligation not to read fanfic or those who do not wish to read fanfics in general who would use it.

True, but in that case, why does it make a difference in this instance? Would it be different if the picture were under news?

Also, is that a thing? Show staff aren't allowed to read fanfics?

It's a bug and a feature!

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It's perfectly "ok", in the sense that changelings are considered "sub-human" when compared to the normal cast of characters. In other words, just like robots and zombies, it's possible to brush aside the fact that they're alive, because they're all seemingly the same devoid of consciousness, and evil(for the most part). That means it's perfectly "okay" to show one being dismembered, as long as its done in a way that doesn't obviously draw out emotion.


Sex is an entirely different issue. On the whole, sex is considered something that is largely "taboo", even in circles that allow gratuitous violence, at least for most of the West, anyway.


By the way, it looks like there are pistons in that changelings body. Are you sure that's not actually a robot?

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Personally I'm completely fine with seeing gore on EQD but I'm not exactly fond of seeing R34 content. But that's just me and I understand EQD is meant to be for very general viewers.


But I think such depiction is more acceptable with a changeling than pony. It seems to be odd logic, but violence against humans (err... ponies) is not as acceptable but violence against monsters (err... changelings) is more acceptable.

Pony Art Thread

Brony since ~25 July of 2011.

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It's perfectly "ok", in the sense that changelings are considered "sub-human" when compared to the normal cast of characters. In other words, just like robots and zombies, it's possible to brush aside the fact that they're alive, because they're all seemingly the same devoid of consciousness, and evil(for the most part). That means it's perfectly "okay" to show one being dismembered, as long as its done in a way that doesn't obviously draw out emotion.


Sex is an entirely different issue. On the whole, sex is considered something that is largely "taboo", even in circles that allow gratuitous violence, at least for most of the West, anyway.


By the way, it looks like there are pistons in that changelings body. Are you sure that's not actually a robot?

I'm not quite understanding your argument here.

You're saying it's ok because the changelings aren't ponies? They certainly seem close, if not equal, in intelligence. Yet I'm sure people would mind if that were, say, one of Fluttershy's animals, despite the fact that they're treated as significantly dumber.

I do take your point about zombies, though I think robots are often mistreated. Mostly because Science Fiction often underestimates them, in my opinion.

But that's a different topic. As is the sex thing.

It's a bug and a feature!

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I think this particular image isn't likely to bother people unless they're specifically looking for a reason to be angry about the site itself. In all honesty there are episodes of Spongebob that depict gorier, more cringe-worthy imagery than this. I'm not saying that makes it ok, I'm just saying that our country is so tolerant of violence and so comfortable with children consuming violent media that this is not likely to even illicit an eyebrow raise for the average viewer.

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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Eh, that's not too bad. And EqD can ofc post whatever they want.

Looks like a robot to me anyway, rather than a sentient creature (Bolts and stuff in it). Practically PG-13 levels of violence.
If a tonne of people find it disturbing somehow then maybe EqD should put up a tag, but honestly this image doesn't seem too bad at all >.<

(I don't use EqD that often though, so idk what standards they usually follow for gore : P)

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The inside of a changeling has mechanical parts to it. Not even close to actual gore, so... yeah.

I'll have to disagree there. Mechanical parts or no, there's blood everywhere and severed parts of what certainly looks organic.



I think this particular image isn't likely to bother people unless they're specifically looking for a reason to be angry about the site itself. In all honesty there are episodes of Spongebob that depict gorier, more cringe-worthy imagery than this. I'm not saying that makes it ok, I'm just saying that our country is so tolerant of violence and so comfortable with children consuming violent media that this is not likely to even illicit an eyebrow raise for the average viewer.

True enough. I'm not usually more squeamish than average, but perhaps finding violence in MLP caught me off guard.



Eh, that's not too bad. And EqD can ofc post whatever they want.

Looks like a robot to me anyway, rather than a sentient creature (Bolts and stuff in it). Practically PG-13 levels of violence.

If a tonne of people find it disturbing somehow then maybe EqD should put up a tag, but honestly this image doesn't seem too bad at all >.<

(I don't use EqD that often though, so idk what standards they usually follow for gore : P)

Again, my point is not about enforcing a rule, but whether they should have their own, internal standards about such things.

Also, robots could be sentient! But that's a different question.

It's a bug and a feature!

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