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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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The magic stopped. Sleight Mist shot him an unreadable look before she turned away.


"You're right, I did," she said flatly, not bothering to explain further. "I'll be at the training grounds if you need me, then."


She began to trot away, securing the final key to her plan. Caliber could either stop her, or let her go. If he did the former, then that was a win in her book. If he did the latter, then he would simply blow the biggest night of his life, and she could cut in some training time before her next fight, with or without him. Either way, there was no way to lose.


Sleight Mist had just put Caliber into a checkmate.





"Maybe we could," Rainbow Dash replied with a challenging grin. "Tell you what, new kid; we could do a simple race, and I could kick your flank into next Thursday. But how about this? I'll fight you in the arena. If you win, we get to hang out, whatever you want to do. If you lose, you still get to hang out with me, but we get to do whatever I want to do. Deal?". She held out a hoof, ready for the pegasi to accept or decline. It was her choice.




Applejack took the bits without a fuss.


"Thanks for the compliment, you're not so bad yourself." she replied, slipping the bits under the counter. She fiddled under the counter for a second, before coming up with a glass and a bottle of dark red liquid, almost thick enough to be solid.


"It's called Blod av Aptgangr, and it's some powerful stuff. Took a bottle of this myself, and well... I don't really remember too much after that."


She poured the liquor into the glass, only enough to barely cover the bottom of the glass. She looked up at him knowingly.


"Trust me, that's all your going to need if you want to see properly once you leave here. It's the honest truth; that there's some powerful stuff."




Rarity took Ice Blizzard's compliment and smiled. From inside a dress pocket, she pulled out two tickets as she walked, and handed the second one to Ice Blizzard. They'd be there soon, hopefully without a fuss. Then, it was time for the two of them to have the night of their life.

LS shook Rainbow dashs hoof, "deal" she said, accepting the challenge, however, she didn't want to fight rainbow dash. "I'm Lightning Strike, by the way," she said, flying up on top of a nearby cloud. "But I guess you can just call me Lightning" she said, looking down from it
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EWS had made his way over to the venue for the party, and began to fly above it. It was a VERY large building, about 200 feet from its floor to its celing. It was mostly transparent glass that made the doors, and roof. The walls were made of solid white...wall stuff. There were also red sashes that were along the walls, red velvet carpet, a TON of tables, and, of course, ponies scrambling everywhere like little ants.


He looked up into the sky, as he met up with his weather team, "Alright, team. We better not mess this up for tonight, or our boss will fire us all." "WEATHER TEAM GO!"




They shouted as they began to move clouds in, and out of their proper positions.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Tyra frowned and raised her eyelids as she spotted Lorec struggling and coughing up blood. Whatever he had done to himself, it was obviously doing more harm than good.


However, he wanted this fight, and she would not stop it for any reason. Except for if it was beginning to endanger his life.


She met his declaration with a hardened stare, ready to take whatever attack he planned. A diagonal swing from the left, it seemed.

She hopped up, using the flat of the blade to springboard toward his face and attempt a slash.

As per Lorec's nature to evolve and adapt, it was evident that Tyra favored attacks to the face. Unable to dodge completely this time, Lorec pulled another unorthodox maneuver in order to keep the battle going; timing it just right, Lorec opened his mouth, and shifting to his right, managed to narrowly dodge the blade of the axe, and bit down hard on its handle, hoping to stop the blow! of course, with himself still recovering from the recoil of a mighty swing from both himself and Tyra, he was left open for hoof attack, should Tyra decide to swing around and try it, as the momentum from him trying to stop the axe would more than likely give her extra force...






Naga, speaking to Rune again, gave a goofy smile.


" oi, maybe we should get to the party! And if we ain't cordially invited, maybe we can crawl through an air duct or something! I had a dear ol' friend o' mine who's a real natural at that sorta thing. 'Course, it's preferred if we get in the right way, an' not the bad way! Bad karma has a way of accumulatin' when yer doin' things the way they ain't meant to be done! So, what's yer name?"


Naga asked Rune, excitedly. From the accent, and, well... The apparel and light show that he could pull off even though he wasn't a unicorn, could instantly peg him as a stranger from a far away land.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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As per Lorec's nature to evolve and adapt, it was evident that Tyra favored attacks to the face. Unable to dodge completely this time, Lorec pulled another unorthodox maneuver in order to keep the battle going; timing it just right, Lorec opened his mouth, and shifting to his right, managed to narrowly dodge the blade of the axe, and bit down hard on its handle, hoping to stop the blow! of course, with himself still recovering from the recoil of a mighty swing from both himself and Tyra, he was left open for hoof attack, should Tyra decide to swing around and try it, as the momentum from him trying to stop the axe would more than likely give her extra force...


Tyra gasped with slight horror as Lorec bit down on the axe handle, just narrowly missing her face. Now she could see the bloody distorted face of the minotaur up close, and it was unpleasant.


However, that was good that she was up close.


Using the force of the swing, she swung up and landed a heavy punch across his face. Hopefully it was enough to make him drop her axe.


She also hoped none of his drool or blood got on it.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Kevin was walking around until he saw Electron atop the building, "Hey, Tron!"


EWS looked down to see Kevin. He knew him from school they went to when they were younger. They weren't exactly friends, just knew each other, "Oh hey, uh, Kevin right?"


"Yeah, that's me. It's been awhile hasn't it? Hey, do me a favor will ya?" he asked.


EWS scoffed, "Why would I do something for you? Haha, just jokin' dude, what's up?"


Kevin whispered, "Keep your eyes open, parties never usually go well from my experiences."


"Yeah, 'cuz I'm always there to crash 'em!" he said with a laugh, "But, sure, whatever. Although, you may wanna consider bringing a date, so you could go in there yourself? I would, but my reputation has caused my date earning potential to drop, and just as well, I gotta stay out here with the weather."


"Yeah, good idea. I know just who. See ya, jerk." Kevin said, as he walked off.


"Later, fool," EWS said, jokingly. He turned around to see a pegasi pair arguing, "Hey, hey, hey! Break it up!"



Kevin kept on walking until he saw Fluttershy, "Hey, Fluttershy. There's a party happening right now, you wanna come with me?"


"What the hell is your guys' problem?" EWS asked a weather team.


"I was told to bring snow clouds, and now I'm gettting chewed out for it." said the pegasus mare.


"No. The schedule said hail. You know, ice chunks?" said the stallion.


They both started to incoherently argue back and forth until EWS shouted, "ENOUGH. Ok, you're both wrong. It's supposed to be RAIN after the party. Get it right, and get it done, or get out of the Weather Designation."


The mare and stallion both flew off to get rain clouds. Leaving EWS at his overwatch position above the Hall itself, "Come on, guys, pick it up! Let's go! Let's go!" he shouted at other pegasi.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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caliber's grin faltered. "um..ar...uh..."


he shook his head. f*ck it.


"sure, ill dance!" he blurted out, barely holding back the 'dont leave!' part of the sentence.


@Little Red


violet braced herself, and she crashed into the ceiling, which took her breath away. 


she was starting to get her breathback, when she started to fall, heading towards the floor. at the last moment, she caught herself, and looked up at the griffon.


"...alright, then, i guess i should take this seriously!" she yelled up at bjorg, and kicked off her leg weights. "come at me!!"


ruby cackled. "shall we, then?" she asked, in that same deep voice.


they headed to the ball. two short mares dressed as stallions in top-hats. it was going to be awesome.


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Wilhelm smiled, shifting his weight to one side slightly. Smoothing down his suit, he said "I don't mind. Trust me, I've been picked up and swung around in a much less friendly way before- and that time ended up with a demon throwing me into a rock cliff at flight speed. I'm pretty sure I still have the cracked ribs from that... anyway! Less depressing topics than my past injuries! I believe the party is in around..." Taking out his pocket watch, he flipped open the face- covering the picture on the opposite side from Annette's view- and gasped in mock surprise. "A half hour! Aw Faust, I just got through fighting somepony!"


In a desperate attempt to fix himself, Wilhelm took a bit of water from a nearby fountain and tried to stick his hair down, using a bit more water to clean his muzzle and suit where he had gotten it dirty diving for cover. After a few minutes, he turned to Annette and struck a pose. "How do I look?"

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"I remember," Rarity replied, coming to the sudden realization about the same time Lektra mentioned it. "It's nice to see you again, and luckily over a much more pleasant circumstance."


She decided to offer a compliment, confident in the truth behind her words.


" You know, Lektra, it's just my opinion, but I think you're incredibly pretty. i'm sure you could find a proper date if you applied yourself, maybe go out and talk to somepony?" she suggested. She decided to hold her tongue and not say anything about the ensemble, not sure how that conversation would go over.


Instead, she turned back toward Ice Blizzard as he began to talk. She noticed something... off about him, but decided not to mention it. Instead, she nodded affirmatively toward.


"It's okay if you don't know how to dance, darling, I happen to be quite good at it. All you have to do is follow me, okay?" she offered kindly.

Blizzard realized his attitude just then, he needed to stay calm if he wanted this to work, "Ok, stay calm and focused, I can't let the presence of another pony buck this up. That's what reckless fools do."


"Hehe, thanks. But I'm still gonna try my best to make this night fun for you." Vinyl and Octavia's Hall came into sight, "Ah. Target sighted. I can't wait to take you there Rarity. It's gonna be great." He turned to Lektra, "Hey, I got an idea, maybe you'll find somepony at this party hm? Go out on the floor, mingle a bit, I mean I think you'll be fine. And here's another thing, and this is just my opinion, I'd think you'd be more approachable if you went and started a convo up yourself. Initiative. One of the key traits that ponies look for in other ponies."


He started to blush a little, "I mean it's one of the many things I like about Rarity. She takes great initiative...hehe...ahem, so yeah, you'll be great out there, Leks. Come on, girls, the place is just down the road, I can already see the ponies entering and presenting their tickets."

At the mention of talking to others, I stiffened up and let the armor float for me without giving it magic commands. "Thank you for the complement you guys, but talk......to........others? At a social gathering? I was looking mostly to advertize my shop and use that as an excuse to talk, but if I can get over my bigger shyness about romance things I guess I could talk up a couple of mares to see if they also like mares. Wouldn't mind a stallion either, but about the only one I'd be interested in is Will, and talk around town says he's spoken for." I zoned out a bit after that, until we reached the entrance of the Hall.


"Well, here we are." I flashed my ticket to the attendant and he took a piece leaving me with the stub as we all entered. I put it in the pocket of the toolbelt I wore on the outside of the armor. "You guys have fun. Thanks for letting me travel with you." I then turned to Ice and whispered in his ear. "Ice if you need a wingmare, lemme know. I'll be around and you really can't miss the sound of my propulsion. It sounds like this." Sparky and I flew off with a whoosh inside once we were past the door, leaving them to their date.

Edited by bronislav84
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by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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The CMC stopped tussling to go and look at what Flash had found in the brochure. They were five golden tickets to Octavia's and Vinyl's hall for tonight. They each picked up a card and handled it, closely evaluating it. It was a golden dinner ticket that read in bold black print, "You're invited." With some smaller italicized subtext under it.


"A fancy party? Bleh. It doesn't sound all that cool if you catch my drift?"


"Yeah, it doesn't really sound like our sort of style. Too fancy shmancy. We're more or action pact adventurers on the quest to get our--"


"CUTIE MARKS!" They shouted in unison


Scootaloo and Applebloom weren't really into the whole, upper class stuff and such but Sweetie Belle was fairly interested in it. She would of loved going and seeing the performers entertain. She even dreamed to be one... minus having to perform in front of any pony else. She was particularly shy about letting anyone else hear her sing.


Anyways, she still wanted to stick with the girls but deep inside she wanted to go, so instead of either agreeing with them or opposing to her friends she remained quiet as they dismissed the idea.


"We'd be fine with walking with you two if you'd want, won't we girls." The other two nodded in agreement and smiled. As they began walking Speed and Flash to the Dinner Party, even though it wouldn't start for a while.





After Night Tracer finished coordinating with some staff and preped some tables he was appraoched by a tan coated yougn mare. "Where are you wanting to sit, Octavia wanted you to have first choice." She asked.


Night Tracer thought for a moment then pointed, "Right in the middle. Around everypony else." He instructed, she looked at him abit confused for a second as he didn't select to sit at a private table or at least away from everypony else. She didn't question his choice, shrugged it off and put him down for the table.


Suddenly the doors came open with Rune and a clearly... fake VIP Pass. Night Tracer walked up to him, half joking, half serious, "Rune! What the hell are you doing, it's after hours." But before he answered he contradicted hsi question, "Actually, don't really care. I'm assuming you want to perform. So, you're in luck. Come back in an hour and be ready to play two semi appropriate songs for this party. But you'll be performing with Vinyl on one of them, ok? And one last thing, when you leave to get ready, pick up a VIP pass on the door. They haven't been handed out yet so I know that isn't real." He smirked. "But, I got to go, later Rune."




Fluttershy turned to see Kevin approaching her as she was going home. He offered to take her out to dinner at Vinyl and Octavia's hall, she was flattered by the offer but wasn't sure she'd have time to get ready. On the other hand, he was trying to be friendly and didn't want to turn him down. "Uh, sure. But I'm not sure you really want me to go with you." She muttered. "Are you sure?"

Edited by Flying Far
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Ash fake coughed as he stifled back a laugh as the pink pony sneezed out confetti. Oh great now she was making him laugh, how embarrassing. It was asinine, treating everyone like they were your friend, it was the polar opposite of how Ash viewed the world, everyone was a potential enemy, no one is your friend. However this, insane impossible pony was starting to make Ash rethink that, even if he wouldn’t admit it.


“You’re the strangest creature I’ve ever met.” Ash told Pinkie, “It must be nice… being able to survive while having that kind of outlook on others.”

Ash checked the pockets of his vest, empty as he thought. He sighed, “As for the bit about me not having any bits. You’re unfortunately correct.”

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Bjorg flew down several feet in front of Violet, grinning, considering her next approach.


Wait, why would Bjorg be considering anything? That implied thought!


Bjorg charged for Violet. No thought needed! Her talons clenched into fist and she turned, about to punch the right side of Violet's face.

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@@Little Red


violet narrowed her eyes, looking at the griffon.


she...didnt seem to be thinking about her actions. 


how...foolish. didnt she have any martial arts training at all?


violet, with a hundred pounds taken off her legs, side-stepped swifter then normal, and aimed a side-kick at the griffon's face. 


'lets see how durable these things are...' violet thought.


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Kevin spoke a bit quicker than before, "Sure I do. You seem pretty nice, and I don't have a date. Would you like to go?" he repeated. He was somewhat in a rush due to the fact that he wanted to mainly go, and get inside just to see if his suspicions were correct, or was he just paranoid?


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Aknor smiled warmly as they made their way to the resteraunt only to find the doors closed. "What in the bucking hay?" He looked to the door and tried opening it, "Uh, Trixie, you sure this place is open tonight?" He looked about, seeing other ponies turn up and wait with their companions. "I'm not accustomed to this kind've place, do we meed tickets or something?" He asked, worried that this would mess up the evening.

After waiting around for a moment they were let into the theatre which had been beautifully set up. Quite a lot of effort had gone into this place. As they went in a waiter approached and quickly adressed them, "For two." He saod to almost himself and ushered them both over to a table towards the back of the room. The waiter hurridly gives the a menu each and runs off to address new arrivals. "Huh... Quite busy today. So Trixie, what do you want to get?" He asked with a soft smile.

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
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@No-One In Particular


The train ride to Bangcolt was long and boring but it gave the bounty hunter time to contemplate. His hunt had led to this city, famed for attracting the violent and bloodthirsty, it would make sense he would find the stallion he was looking for here. He looked down at the open case and finished putting back together his revolvers after having just cleaned them. He closed the case and watched out the window as the train pulled into the station. He grabbed his case and slung it over his shoulder before exiting the train and taking his first steps into Bangcolt. He adjusted his hat to get the sun out of his eyes and gave a small smile.

...Calibur joins the fight.

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EWS has outfitted himself and his team, with their standard issue, magically powered wrist-coms. This way, he and his weather team can report to EWS without having to fly everywhere, "Alright...Wrist-Coms ready......wrist com uplink enabled. EWS here, over..?"


A few pegasi responded, "I'm here." "Yup." Got it." "Over."


"Alright. If anypony has problems, then report to me and I'll come to help. Got it? Over.."


"Yes, sir!"


EWS stood his position atop the glass roof of V&O's Hall, on overwatch for the weather.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@@Star Saber,


Pinkie Pie pulled out a wooden pipe from behind her back and blew into it; out came dozens of bubbles, "Bits? You say?" She inquired as she placed a top hat on her head and positioned a monocule on her left eye. "Where are these, what do you call? Bits." she acted before breaking out into laughter. She snorted and giggled before shaking everything off except the pipe, she liked the pipe.


"Well," she paused to blow more bubbles, "Where are theses bits, I don't see them anywhere around or are they hidden away?" She got up close to Ash and eyeballed him, with her eye popping out of her eyesocket and drawing it back in several times. "Are they across the country, in the magnificent city of Canterlot, hidden in plain sight? No, only fools wouldn't be able to find those riches. They would be somewhere further away. Perhaps in the heart of Mount Canterhorn. Behind a waterfall enterance near the top of the treacherous mountain and inside of a mind boggling cave system and after avodiing booby traps, solving puzzles and evading the elements. At the end of the cave system or your great vast riches..." She got up close to Ash almost on top of him. She was serious, or it would seem so. But, things are never as they seem with Pinkie, "Or it's stored away in a bank back home." She shouted in a more joyous silly tone before breaking out into childish laughter


(Well was she right XD)




Fluttershy turned a light red color, it had been a long while since anyone besides her close friends asked her to do anything. She was generally more secluded to herself and her animals but she didn't have anything better to do and Kevin seemed nice when she spoke to him earlier. He was relativley reserved just like herself, which didn't make it easy since she'd have to hold more of the conversation which would take a little time before Fluttershy got use to Kevin. "Sure, Kevin, I'll go, where should we meet? I just need a bit to change. Is that alright?"


@Everyone who's attending the party


(Gonna apologize as these scene were supposed to be better planned like I did Shining Armor and Cadence but that didn't happen because of life stuff. I apologize for these mediocre posts, Enjoy!)


Octavia finshed the preperations for the food and with some of the reservation mix ups. Vinyl finished coordinating with staff and running fixing up some technical equipment and tuning instruments. Night Tracer did simple things like set up tables with staff, clean up and fill the remaining spots for performers.


Octavia approched Night Tracer from behind while he was looking out over the restaurant from on stage, as they had just opened. She put her hoof on his shoulder, "Thanks, I don't know how we would of done it without you."


Night Tracer looked to his left and smiled at Tavey "Of course you wouldn't have, I'm awesome, you should bow down to me before you do Celestia." He joked. Vinyl walked up to him and slugged him on the back of his left leg. Night Tracer turned back to her, "Ow."


Octavia chuckled, "I was just trying to be kind. If you wanted honesty then I could always call you a bad gift without a gift reciept," She teased.


"Hey, I think, I've done alright." He defended.


Vinyl nodded her head in opposition, clearly visible to the other two.


"Gee,Y'all are terrible. I don't even know why I do anything for you." Night Tracer jokingly opposed his actions from earlier.


Vinyl slugged him again and Octavia pulled him close, "Fine, we "appreciate" you." She made air quotes. "What do you want an award?"


"Sounds sweet, make it out in my name. Have it read "Best Pianist Ever."


They each rolled there eyes at him. Then a thought popped into Vinyl's mind; she jumped in front of the two of them and traced a heart with her hooves and pointed at him them out to the tables.


"Oh, you have a date?" Octavia exclaimed, "Who's the lucky mare? When can we meet her?"


"You'll know when you see her," he smirked. "She suits your style Tavey, her job sort of requires it. " he chuckled.


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Kevin nodded and said to Fluttershy, "Sure. I'll wait for ya. Meet me at the doors. The Hall is just down the road, and it'll have a ton of ponies overflowing from it. You can't miss it. I'll be waiting...." he then started to walk off, back to the venue for the party to keep watch.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Heh, sorry, I got so excited, I forgot to ask," Rainbow Dash replied as she rubbed an embarrassed hoof on the back of her head. She mentally kicked herself for having done so as she slowly floated up to meet Lightning Strike.


"While we're at it, I should probably ask who you are, too," she added, doing lazy backstrokes around Lightning Strike and her cloud as she talked to her. "I don't think i've ever seen you around here, and I can't say i've seen you in Ponyville either."




@Orion Caelum

Anette couldn't help herself; she chuckled openly when Wilhelm pulled his head out of the water. It was much better than the dolls' reactions; Nightmare cackled openly, Heartthrob flew over and tried in vain to re-style his mane, and Glory all but facehooved. Hero stood silently, all business as usual.


"You look ridiculous," she admitted, but her eyes were soft, not condescending. She shook her head, walked up to him, and non-nonchalantly kissed him on the forehead before she stepped back.


"Take it slow. The party starts in a half-hour, and neither of us are ready. No one will mind if we show up a little late, so let's try and look our best, alright?"


She stopped for her moment as she talked to her dolls, and they all silently gathered around her again, Heartthrob somewhat reluctantly.


"I also have to take these four home; they don't do so well at parties. I'll meet you at the entrance to the hall, okay?"




Trixie looked at the menu, and almost immediately spotted what she wanted.


"I think i'm going to have the salad," she replied as she placed the menu down. "I'll pay for myself, though. No offense, it's just how I am. I hope you understand."


She paused for a moment, before asking the question that had been on her mind since she first saw him.


"Hey, where exactly did you come from? I mean in the topological sense. You don't look like you came from Canterlot, or Manehatten, or any of the big cities..."




Sunny Daze had finished making the alterations to the newest article, set to go out in the morning. The article now read:




"Ice Blizzard ate forty cakes? That's as Many as Four Tens, and That's Terrible. Insider Information Follows this Contestants Terrible Sweet Tooth!"



Sunny Daze looked at the article, before she broke out into gales of squeaky laughter. She only stopped when she happened to look up at the clock and realize that it was only 30 minutes until the event began. With little time to lose, she ran the article through the copy machine, before white magic began to wash over her...


A mere 15 minutes later, a pegasus mare with a light pink mane and tail and a cutie mark of two smiling suns suns walked into Octavia and Vinyl's Hall. She checked in, tilted her glasses, and gave her name to the bouncer, talking in a thick Stalliongrad accent. After a moment, she was let in, and she began to mingle with the crowd.




Sleight Mist stopped, and turned around slowly to face Caliber. She had a half-cocked grin on her face.


"I promise you Caliber, you're not going to regret this. Unless there's something else you'd rather be doing?" she said, moving back closer to him.




"Thank you," she replied prettily as she walked with him into Vinyl and Octavia's Hall. She looked around. The place was gorgeous. And it looked like there was so much here to do...


She turned her head toward Ice Blizzard, and smiled lightly.


"Well, what would you like to do first? I'll let you choose." she said, waiting on him patiently.




Luna put the book securely back on the bedside, before stopping to think over exactly what she just read.


She had assumed that Night Tracer would have a dark past just by interacting with him, but she never realized how dark. To experience all of that, at such an early age, was more than anypony should ever have to go through, and Luna felt a touch sorrow well up in her heart at the thought.


With the sorrow, however, also came guilt, moving in waves through her consciousness. She had read through his personal history instead of waiting for him to open up to her about it, and violated his trust. She had let him down, and she felt miserable about it, both as his lover and as a princess of equestria.


Darkness began to pour out around her legs as she sunk into the world of shadows, her face a grim mask as she began to concentrate heavily on what she should do next.




Rain Shadow floated through the hall in elegantly styled dress as she searched for someone to talk to. If she wanted to achieve her future goal of changeling ambassador, she would need to make connections, and this would be the prefect place to do it. 


It also wouldn't help to have some fun, she thought as she continued to move. She looked around, searching for somepony who was alone...


and bumped into somepony who happened to be right in front of her.


"Ow, okay," she muttered, falling back a little before re-gaining her height in the air. She looked ahead of her to see a yellow mare with the oddest dress and the oddest machine she had ever seen. She tried her best to sound eloquent as she regarded them.


"Hey." she said nonchalantly, smiling at the pair.

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Ice walked in along with Rarity. The place looked amazing. He had never been to such an amazing venue, and with the mare of his dreams, only made it 1000 times more amazing for him.


He was in awe and almost didn't hear Rarity speak. But when it came to her, he'd be hung up on every word she would say to him, "Let's see...uh....I say we get something to eat first. I'm kinda hungry. And I suppose after that we could...dance..?"


They walked over to a table with two seats, and a menu, utensils, napkins, and drinking glasses placed at each seat. Ice pulled out a chair for Rarity to sit in, "Here ya go, Rarity. We can sit here. I wonder what they have on the menu tonight?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"Heh, sorry, I got so excited, I forgot to ask," Rainbow Dash replied as she rubbed an embarrassed hoof on the back of her head. She mentally kicked herself for having done so as she slowly floated up to meet Lightning Strike.


"While we're at it, I should probably ask who you are, too," she added, doing lazy backstrokes around Lightning Strike and her cloud as she talked to her. "I don't think i've ever seen you around here, and I can't say i've seen you in Ponyville either."




@Orion Caelum

Anette couldn't help herself; she chuckled openly when Wilhelm pulled his head out of the water. It was much better than the dolls' reactions; Nightmare cackled openly, Heartthrob flew over and tried in vain to re-style his mane, and Glory all but facehooved. Hero stood silently, all business as usual.


"You look ridiculous," she admitted, but her eyes were soft, not condescending. She shook her head, walked up to him, and non-nonchalantly kissed him on the forehead before she stepped back.


"Take it slow. The party starts in a half-hour, and neither of us are ready. No one will mind if we show up a little late, so let's try and look our best, alright?"


She stopped for her moment as she talked to her dolls, and they all silently gathered around her again, Heartthrob somewhat reluctantly.


"I also have to take these four home; they don't do so well at parties. I'll meet you at the entrance to the hall, okay?"




Trixie looked at the menu, and almost immediately spotted what she wanted.


"I think i'm going to have the salad," she replied as she placed the menu down. "I'll pay for myself, though. No offense, it's just how I am. I hope you understand."


She paused for a moment, before asking the question that had been on her mind since she first saw him.


"Hey, where exactly did you come from? I mean in the topological sense. You don't look like you came from Canterlot, or Manehatten, or any of the big cities..."




Sunny Daze had finished making the alterations to the newest article, set to go out in the morning. The article now read:




"Ice Blizzard ate forty cakes? That's as Many as Four Tens, and That's Terrible. Insider Information Follows this Contestants Terrible Sweet Tooth!"



Sunny Daze looked at the article, before she broke out into gales of squeaky laughter. She only stopped when she happened to look up at the clock and realize that it was only 30 minutes until the event began. With little time to lose, she ran the article through the copy machine, before white magic began to wash over her...


A mere 15 minutes later, a pegasus mare with a light pink mane and tail and a cutie mark of two smiling suns suns walked into Octavia and Vinyl's Hall. She checked in, tilted her glasses, and gave her name to the bouncer, talking in a thick Stalliongrad accent. After a moment, she was let in, and she began to mingle with the crowd.




Sleight Mist stopped, and turned around slowly to face Caliber. She had a half-cocked grin on her face.


"I promise you Caliber, you're not going to regret this. Unless there's something else you'd rather be doing?" she said, moving back closer to him.




"Thank you," she replied prettily as she walked with him into Vinyl and Octavia's Hall. She looked around. The place was gorgeous. And it looked like there was so much here to do...


She turned her head toward Ice Blizzard, and smiled lightly.


"Well, what would you like to do first? I'll let you choose." she said, waiting on him patiently.




Luna put the book securely back on the bedside, before stopping to think over exactly what she just read.


She had assumed that Night Tracer would have a dark past just by interacting with him, but she never realized how dark. To experience all of that, at such an early age, was more than anypony should ever have to go through, and Luna felt a touch sorrow well up in her heart at the thought.


With the sorrow, however, also came guilt, moving in waves through her consciousness. She had read through his personal history instead of waiting for him to open up to her about it, and violated his trust. She had let him down, and she felt miserable about it, both as his lover and as a princess of equestria.


Darkness began to pour out around her legs as she sunk into the world of shadows, her face a grim mask as she began to concentrate heavily on what she should do next.




Rain Shadow floated through the hall in elegantly styled dress as she searched for someone to talk to. If she wanted to achieve her future goal of changeling ambassador, she would need to make connections, and this would be the prefect place to do it. 


It also wouldn't help to have some fun, she thought as she continued to move. She looked around, searching for somepony who was alone...


and bumped into somepony who happened to be right in front of her.


"Ow, okay," she muttered, falling back a little before re-gaining her height in the air. She looked ahead of her to see a yellow mare with the oddest dress and the oddest machine she had ever seen. She tried her best to sound eloquent as she regarded them.


"Hey." she said nonchalantly, smiling at the pair.

"I don't live here so that's probably why you never see me" she said, laughing a little, "I might consider moving here though because i could make more friends, the only company I have at my house is my falcon" she flew off of the cloud. "Wanna see something cool?" She asked RD. She closed her eyes and started concentrating really hard, soon, a black cloud formed above her head, lightning was flashing inside of it, she was grinning from ear to ear. (:
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Aknor nodded and chose the same order as Trixie and put the menu down. "Where do I come from? Well I'm from eastern Saddle Arabia, I'm not from a coty nor have I had any experiance in living in a city besides this one. I was born somewhere outside the large wasteland that occupies the middle of the area. My family live as a caravan group and I did what they did for a while until events occured and I left and wandered." He stopped and took a breif moment to think of his family, where they might be right now and what they're doing in the moment. "Anyway, I've rambled on for quite a bit so how about we talk about you, where did you come from. You look like the Canterlot type; regal, powerful, elegant and sophisticated. You also look beautiful in that dress and your mane like that and your eyes are stunning..." He stopped abrupty and started quite vividly blushing. "S-sorry, that all just kinda came out at once there." He looked her in the eyes and smiled, still blushing, but not as brightly as when he made the outburst. He thought to himself, 'Damnit Aknor, you had to go and overdo it. You've probably embaressed her and now she probably feels uncomfortable.' He awaited her responce from his words, hoping that maybe she liked being flattered excessively, otherwise he'd just ruined it before it had even gotten halfway.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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@Little Red 




she smirked. apparently, she was gonna win. her martial arts were just in a different league.


when she kicked, and the griffon tried to slash at her legs, and simply jumped straight up, letting her wings take her a little high, doing a quick front-flip, and brought down her other hind leg down on the griffon's neck. 


unless she was fast, or more durable then normal, then...


violet grinned.


victory was certain.






"oh! the partys starting!! c'mon, red!" ruby exclaimed, as she dashed in the direction that apparently everyone else were going. "we must not be late, for we are the guests of honor!!"


they arrived at the entrance soon, and got in without no problem thanks to ruby's quick hooves. "we're in!!" she squealed, then said the same thing in a deeper voice.






"weeeelll...i can think of one thing that id rather be doing..." he said, with a sly smirk. "but im not sure im allowed to say something like that in front of such a classy mare."


he laughed, and looked in the direction of the ball. "so...shall we?" he asked.






​a non-existent clock chimed in rune's head, and he grinned. "alright, time to go to the ball! or party...im not sure..."


he laughed on the way there, and when he did get there, he simply said 'night sent for me' and was accepted. 


he walked around inside, now unsure what to do.


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Tyra gasped with slight horror as Lorec bit down on the axe handle, just narrowly missing her face. Now she could see the bloody distorted face of the minotaur up close, and it was unpleasant.


However, that was good that she was up close.


Using the force of the swing, she swung up and landed a heavy punch across his face. Hopefully it was enough to make him drop her axe.


She also hoped none of his drool or blood got on it.

Lorec, sent reeling backward from the punch, let go of the axe, and nearly toppled over from his loss of balance. As he was reeling, he planted his sword in the ground quickly to stop the motion, eventually forcing himself to stop. Breathing heavy, he snarled again, and spoke in an ominously bloodthirsty tone...


" it's still not enough.... I need more..."


It was then that Lorec would initiate a sequence no one would expect; quickly sheathing his sword on his back, he would lean forward, and plant both hands on the ground, in what seemed to be the stance of a quadriped. Afterwards, instead of charging at Tyra, he quickly spun around in the opposite direction, and with a mighty push off from the ground, hopped out of the impact crater made from earlier, and had begun running in the direction of the fort! With a head start and on all fours, Lorec would more than easily put a great distance between he and Tyra in a short amount of time.


As he did so, Lorec heard a voice in his head. The voice of his companion soul, mighty, baritone, and loud. It was the Ursa King, Viruden.


' Lorec.... It is time to ascend..."





Having followed a large crowd in order to find his way to the party, Naga was unfortunately turned away due to looking like an ' obscene weirdo ' as the bouncer had put it. Talk about culturally challenged. Hanging his head downward in defeat and walking away, he slipped his hoof into his garb, and pulled out a piece of papyrus, and unfolded it. He read it again, scanning over the text.



To do list


1. Find Caliber.


2. Go on adventure with said Caliber


3. Find Crazy, electric tentacle inventor because mi'lord said so.


4. Challenge tentacle lady to a match ( Read too many Japonese comics to know where this is going.)


5. Find the guy who thought you were a hippy and totally flipped tables when you anonymously paid for the drinks in a coffee shop last time you were in Equestria. Wilhelm De Winter ( AKA: Slick Willy )


6. Ask about Dyson Spheres.


7. If target knows nothing about Above subject, disregard with total irrelevance. Search for alternate source of information.




Looking at the list, he folded it back into his garb. Surely, someone who knew where these ponies were had to be in the party. He had to get in.... But how?

Edited by Hokuto's Heir

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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