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movies/tv What is you favorite doctor in doctor who

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2nd Doctor (Patrick Troughton).  He was great in the role. If I were to chose which Doctor I would travel with it would be him.


Honorable mentions: Colin Baker, Paul McGann, David Tennant, Matt Smith

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As you might be able to tell that I'm a David Tennant fan by my username. 

And if you knew me in real life, you just might, and I mean Just barely, I mean, I have gone as him for the past 2 Halloween school dances, and plan on doing so a third time this year, wear converse every day, occasionally bring a 9-10th doctor sonic screwdriver to school, do my hair as close to David Tennant's as possible, and quote lines from him all the time (I now use his "Well," on a regular basis), but aside from that, it's a little hard to tell.


From the bit I've seen from classic who, (Tomb of the cybermen, the movie and a few random episodes from all of the doctors, mostly Tom Baker) I'd say my favourite classic doctor would be Patrick Troughton, with Tom Baker of course being a close second, and both 8 and 5 tied for third.


Also, favourite companions are Donna Amy and Rory.





Something that I've noticed, the best episodes with every doctor (at least in the new series) has one point where the episodes are the best, and the one point always seems to be a little bit after they regenerate, for the 9th, it was about halfway into season 1, for 10, it was from a little bit before Rose left to a little bit after the episodes "Family of Blood" and "Blink", for 11, it was when Amy and Rory where both in the tardis all the time until angelstakemannhattanruineditallandthenlaterhegotclarawhoismyleastfavouritecompanion,butatthetimeIwaslike"Wellatleastthestoryaroundheriscool",anditwas,butnowthatstoryisoverandIdon'tlikeherverymuch,butthe12thdoctordoesn'tgetalongwithherverywellsohopefullyshe'llbegonesoon(NOOFFENCETOPEOPLEWHOLIKECLARATHOUGH)

And that time seems to be coming up soon for Capaldi, So I'm pretty exited for the new series..

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Well David Tennant has been the only Doctor I have spent any significant amount of time with so I can only say him but everything about him was so perfect. He could go from lovable wackiness to seething anger very convincingly and to me he is just the definitive Doctor especially since he followed Christopher Ecclestone who just seemed to come across as kind of a douche.


I met Colin Baker at a convention last month. He looked very bored, no one was talking to him.

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David Tennant was just the best, purely because he was a lot of fun and made a series which I didnt actually enjoy really entertaining :D so yeah, big David Tennant fan here ^_^


(I dont know which doctor he was....sorry  :blush: )

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  • 3 weeks later...

My favourite has to be 11, but Capaldi is doing a good job with some pretty dull storylines.  I'm one of the few who like Clara, I didn't at first but she grew on me, like a fungus ;)  She's no Amelia Pond but, she'll do in a pinch :D


Old school Who, has to be Peter Davison.  You never forget your first Doctor!

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Pertwee and Sylvester Mccoy.  If I could only see more of Troughton and his companions, he would have a shot.


Of the new doctor, I would probably run with the doctor who wasn't a doctor, John Hurt. 

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