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S05:E11 - Party Pooped


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You know at first I didn't like the yaks, they were so predictable and were smashing everything. The second everything wasn't exactly right they would start raging...


And then it hit me, It hit me in both a self reflective way and right in the funny bone


The Yaks...are the fans that want the show to be a very specific way. Be it a season oner or someone like me who values plot structure and character development, when those ideas aren't met we can get.... a bit aggravated. The Mane six (the writers) want to make the show that the Yaks want, but they fail to meet those standards every time, and why not, since those standards are rather ridiculous to put on a show and in some ways would be counter productive to their own season long plot. 


Its when Pinkie (the writer) realizes that they shouldn't be making the party (episode) to be just like how the Yaks want it, but rather show the yaks how great THEIR version of a "party" can be if you just give it a chance. 


Clever writers are clever. 


That is a perfectly valid interpretation that I agree with now.  Mind blown.

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Yaks confirmed to represent Bronies



Boy, that's awfully depressing, isn't it?

We're clearly mindless primitives who want everything to remain the same

God forbid anything be even slightly off from our own little canons


"What's this? Characters showing development and growth? RAAAAH RAGE SMASH"


Even though we have asked for the characters to develop more

See: Every Spike episode ever

"I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."

YouTube | FiMFic

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Was I the only one who thought of Cupcakes when the trap door in Pinkies room opened up? XD

  • Brohoof 2


Avatar by the lovely ChibiDashie and Signature by the wonderful Pinkamena Dianne Pie.

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I feel like I missed the punchline in this episode. The only thing I got was that Pinkie Pie traveled pretty much all of Equestria, picked up parts of it and brought it to the party. The Yaks only wanted all the traditional things from Yakyakistan and destroyed everything that was presented to them that wasn't from Yakyakistan. Pinkie Pie brought different parts of Equestria to them to show them what Equestria was about not to please them on what they were used to.


But I'm not sure how this satisfied them... was it Pinkie Pie just saying "Enjoy Equestrian things" that tied the knot? I feel like something is missing here.


I think it's about the mane six should have just showed them the Equestrian ways and food rather than trying to emulate the Yakyakistan culture? Why didn't they say that then? I mean that would of felt more of a better lesson because it's the same way when white people try to emulate the black culture when a black family comes to visit and they can get deeply offended by that. You know like putting on hip hop music and serving fried chicken and watermelon?


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It is worth taking another look at and there were some moments that were enjoyable like fluttershy asking if they should go back up the slide and random Cadence popping up out of nowhere. To me, the Yaks were one note and nothing else, also with the amount of property destruction they caused for almost no reason, I can safely say that the main six have WAY more tolerance than I do. How can they ignore that especially Rarity, that's her Boutique that got wrecked. 

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Very, very pleased with this episode. The more I watch it, the more I like it. The FiM team has done a great job to keep the show incredibly fun and fresh, even 5 seasons in. Giving Twilight a crown, title, and castle has been a big factor in keeping the show from going stale. I love it when a new writer shines, even if no debut could ever beat Josh Haber's debut with Castle Mane-ia. 

  • Brohoof 2
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I don't usually find the episodes focused on Pinkie Pie that good but this was from the nicer episodes and I sort of liked it. Throughout the episode, for some reason I was watching almost with a little fear, whether these yaks would really come back to destroy Ponyville! Oh and how did Pinkie get all the way from this Yakyakistan back to Ponyville? Also we learn about a new hidden place Pinkie has under her home.



Did you guys see the BonBon/Lyra moment?


So cute



And I love that flower that Sweetie Drops gives to lovely Lyra! So cute indeed

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I just gotta say, I absolutely loved this episode. Overall the plot was just okay, but the characterization here was just amazing. I laughed my ass off at Twilight's fear of quesadillas and all of Pinkie's antics.

  • Brohoof 2




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Was I the only one who thought of Cupcakes when the trap door in Pinkies room opened up? XD

I thought so too but we can't get what we want bro

I don't usually find the episodes focused on Pinkie Pie that good but this was from the nicer episodes and I sort of liked it. Throughout the episode, for some reason I was watching almost with a little fear, whether these yaks would really come back to destroy Ponyville! Oh and how did Pinkie get all the way from this Yakyakistan back to Ponyville? Also we learn about a new hidden place Pinkie has under her home.




And I love that flower that Sweetie Drops gives to lovely Lyra! So cute indeed

True enough but the Yaks were funny and almost died of what they did

Matthew Ervin

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So I just noticed something. The 4 stagecoach ponies are blank flanks.


And not just in this episode, I went back and they had no cutie marks in "The Last Roundup" as well.


Weird, I guess adult blank flanks are canon after all. Be afraid CMC, be very, very afraid.

  • Brohoof 3


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This episode has got to be my favorite of the season, besides "Slice of Life". Even my mom, a non-brony, was laughing throughout the entirety of it. My favorite parts had to be Pinkie and Twilight's facial expressions (reminded me of "Lesson Zero"), and Pinkie's dramatic monologues as she tried to get to Yakyakistan. 


My favorite line:


"They're just so...cheesy."

Edited by twilythebookworm
  • Brohoof 2

"When you're rife with devastation, there's a simple explanation: you're a toymaker's creation trapped inside a crystal ball."



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After all of the hoopla Pinkie went thru in this episode, by the end, I'd either completely forgotten, or realized that I had no idea why the Yaks came to Ponyville in the first place. 

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I enjoyed this episode and it was by far the most interesting episode to date, it was nice to see some new creatures appear and to have a new location mentioned and shown somewhat. The yaks were hilarious and every time they destroyed things I immediately thought the Incredible Hulk because of "HULK SMASH!!". Also loved Pinkie in this episode because she went to so much trouble to make the party something the yaks would like only to realize that the party just needed to make the yaks feel at home. The episode had a good message and good moral and I loved every minute of it 9/10!!


Also love the constant weird faces the ponies made in this episode and the reappearance of Cherry Jubilee and Princess Cadance and Celestia even though it was only a couple of seconds, and the reference to the Beatles by Pinkie Pie.

































  • Brohoof 3


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So I just noticed something. The 4 stagecoach ponies are blank flanks.


And not just in this episode, I went back and they had no cutie marks in "The Last Roundup" as well.


Weird, I guess adult blank flanks are canon after all. Be afraid CMC, be very, very afraid.

I really want to find some kind of picture to go with your last paragraph. That is gold.

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Yesterday, EQD was full of "I'm leaving the fandom" and "Worst episode ever! posts. I cannot really agree, I found the episode wuite enjoyable

MLsig_zps69doiy9n.jpg<-plz click

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Overall, while there were some good moments, the two main events of the episode - the attempts to entertain the yaks and Pinkie's journey - were not entertaining to me. Seeing Twilight, and even Pinkie, go into freak-out mode was fun to watch. However, the scenes where the Mane Six and Spike try to entertain the yaks are offputting and annoying, while Pinkie's journey quickly descended into absurdity, and Pinkie's narration didn't interest me at all.


The biggest issue with the episode might be that the yaks are totally unlikable and annoying, and their one-note shtick of destroying stuff when it's "not perfect" gets old quickly. There's no excuse for the yaks destroying the property of Ponyville residents because of their personal dislike or offense that things are "not perfect", and watching scene after scene of that happen just led me to think that the Mane Six/Spike/the Cakes shouldn't have to put up with it. Twilight says in the middle of the episode that if Pinkie's party isn't perfect, then the yaks will smash everything. Why should that be allowed to happen? Why should residents of Equestria be subjected to that? Really, when the yaks start destroying Twilight's castle at the beginning of the episode, Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six would have been well within reason to make the yaks leave right then and there. If the yaks can't even respect the property of members of Equestria when visiting, then they shouldn't be welcome in Equestria. We don't know why Equestria needs to open its borders with Yakyakistan, but If it's really urgent for whatever reason, then maybe Equestria could send envoys to Yakyakistan, or the two sets of envoys could meet at a neutral site (in either case, still requiring a basic level of decent treatment from the yaks).


Considering the yaks' behavior in the rest of the episode, the resolution in which the yaks make friends with the ponies comes too quickly and easily. We don't see any real indication that the yaks are sorry for what they did or have learned not to destroy property when they don't like something; it seems like all the concessions were from the residents of Equestria. Why don't the yaks find some problem with Pinkie's party, declare it "not perfect" or "not like Yakyakistan", and go about destroying more stuff? Prince Rutherford says "Pink pony work hard to make yaks feel at home. Now yaks happy. No declare war." So the issue they had with the previous attempts at entertainment was that they perceived that the Mane Six/Spike/the Cakes weren't working hard enough? That's still no excuse for their behavior, but I wonder to what extent that could be true.


It is true that the Mane Six were misguided in their belief that they should try to make things in Ponyville mimic Yakyakistan in the first place. Some of the things that were done to entertain the yaks could be perceived as lazy and possibly offensive, e.g., slapping horns on animals and calling them "Yakyakistan style", or Spike pretending to play the piano. However, in other cases, it would seem (at least to viewers of the episode) that honest efforts were made to please the yaks, such as the initial buffet of yak foods at Twilight's castle, or Applejack's (and Pinkie's) trying to make beds for the yaks. Perhaps even these honest attempts offended the yaks if they believed the imperfections in these things reflected a lack of effort to try to understand their culture. Even if this is true, though, we see no evidence that the yaks gave any benefit of the doubt, or that the yaks have made any similar effort to get to know Equestrian culture, so the yaks would still come across as unlikable and self-centered hypocrites.


Of course, in the later part of the episode, Pinkie's journey to Yakyakistan is intertwined. I didn't find Pinkie's repeated deadpan narration interesting or funny, and it didn't seem to add much of anything to the episode. And the events on Pinkie's journey quickly became absurd. The ponies pulling Cherry Jubilee's wagon were running while deep asleep? The cliff the wagon is on breaks off, and all of them start falling down the ravine, only to be rescued by the Wonderbolts, who just so happened to be there at that moment, see them, and stop them in time? And then Pinkie joined a band, played shows, got popular, and broke up with them in the space of one afternoon before resuming her journey? Why would she do that, considering the importance of making it to Yakyakistan and back to Ponyville before the party? Later on, why would she try to talk with a hostile monster in the snowy cave? Would she have any reason to expect it to understand her and be friendly with her? For me, all of these things were just random and not really entertaining.


And to end it all, she somehow gains enough momentum on the sled to retrace her route all the way to Ponyville, thus making the entire journey essentially pointless. The only things gained from the journey were the idea of showing the yaks how "friendly and wonderful and great" Equestria is, which needn't have required Pinkie's journey to realize, and the knowledge that the sheep would block the train from going all the way back to Yakyakistan.


The discovery of Pinkie's secret party planning room seems to come out of nowhere. Are the Cakes aware that Pinkie has installed a trap door leading to it in the floor, and that it can be accidentally activated using the railing to the steps? The fact that Pinkie has a file of the likes and dislikes of each of the residents of Ponyville comes across to me as more creepy than endearing. Rather than seeing it as "Wow, Pinkie cares so much about making her parties enjoyable, look at the effort she puts into them", I see it more as "Wow, Pinkie has sure put a lot of effort into observing and recording personal information about everyone in Ponyville". How did Pinkie obtain all of this information? Did everyone consent to her gathering and storing these personal details about them? At the very least, Twilight's nervous denial that she's afraid of quesadillas would seem to indicate that that was information that she wasn't aware that Pinkie had, and that she didn't really want to share with others. How much of this information on file did Pinkie obtain from eavesdropping on private conversations, going through private belongings, or otherwise without residents' consent?


Finally, I'll note that it was bothersome that neither Celestia nor Twilight acknowledged Pinkie personally at the end of the episode, considering that it was apparently Pinkie's party and Pinkie's idea of making the yaks "feel at home in Equestria" that led to the yaks making friends with the ponies in the end. 


Now a few more remaining miscellaneous observations:


The yaks protest that Rarity's fabric doesn't taste like yak fabric, but Rarity never claimed that it was - she said that it was imported from the Crystal Empire to match their northern sensibilities.


Pinkie says (and Rainbow Dash would seem to agree) that "snow is snow, no matter where it comes from", but there are different types of snow, at least, depending on the specific weather conditions, rate of accumulation, etc.


The rest of the Mane Six repeatedly extol Pinkie's expertise in throwing parties, but isn't that expertise in parties for ponies, with their attendant culture, attitudes, likes, etc.? That fact doesn't necessarily indicate that she can be trusted to throw a party that the yaks would like.


I like how Cherry Jubilee doesn't even react when the door she's opening smacks Pinkie in the face pretty hard and stops her mid-jump.


What is the purpose of Cherry Jubilee and her hired help counting individual cherries? Do they need the exact number? Why not use weight or volume to get a good enough approximation?


When Spike is "playing" the piano, there's no way he could reach the foot pedal, but it's definitely being used in the music that's playing.


Cadance asks Pinkie if she's sure she has to do this, and Pinkie responds with "I do", rather than something like "I am". Is that supposed to be a joke?


The cave monster slices off the tip of Pinkie's mane, and it comes back in literally the next shot. But let me guess - we're supposed to believe that Pinkie has magical mane-growing abilities to go along with all the other implausible things that she does.

  • Brohoof 3
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Also, it really seems to me that Celestia now appears to expect nothing less than perfection from Twilight, given how she actually expected her to be able to create an alliance with the yaks, even knowing how utterly difficult it would be. 


It would also help explain why Celestia was so inclined to befriend the yaks.


To be fair to Celestia, the episode actually never states it was her idea to befriend the yaks. In fact Twilight implies she is doing this on her own to "surprise" Celestia when she arrives for the Friendship Party later that day. I think she has anxiety that she is not adequately fulfilling her role of the Princess of Friendship yet.


Celestia may want to keep a closer eye on her protogé - even if she is a princess - if she wants to avoid any unnecessary wars in the near future...  :) Twilight may be learning volumes about being a princess and other cultures by reading books but it looks like she still needs some help in the art of diplomacy!

  • Brohoof 2

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So I just noticed something. The 4 stagecoach ponies are blank flanks.


And not just in this episode, I went back and they had no cutie marks in "The Last Roundup" as well.


Weird, I guess adult blank flanks are canon after all. Be afraid CMC, be very, very afraid.

Perhaps they came from the town where the ponies surrendered their cutie marks - before the mane 6 came and liberated the cutie marks.  Maybe there a lots of them roaming about Equestria. 

Overall, while there were some good moments, the two main events of the episode - the attempts to entertain the yaks and Pinkie's journey - were not entertaining to me. Seeing Twilight, and even Pinkie, go into freak-out mode was fun to watch. However, the scenes where the Mane Six and Spike try to entertain the yaks are offputting and annoying, while Pinkie's journey quickly descended into absurdity, and Pinkie's narration didn't interest me at all.




The cave monster slices off the tip of Pinkie's mane, and it comes back in literally the next shot. But let me guess - we're supposed to believe that Pinkie has magical mane-growing abilities to go along with all the other implausible things that she does.

I think someone may have mentioned this already - or something like it.  But it kinda seems to me that there's a tacit agreement among "they who create the pony show" to suspend normal physics and logic in a Pinkie Pie episode.  It's a romp.  It's totally 'toon physics and timelines.  Things don't have to make sense - they just have to be funny.  For linear thinkers this will be hard to take.  But it opens up some fun options.  Battleships can fall from a clear sky.  Bugs Bunny can have a lit stick of dynamite in his pocket which blasts his nemesis's facial features off - but only for a minute.  Or Ringo can pick up a hole in the Sea of Holes, put it in his pocket and say, "I've got a hole in me pocket. 


If things making real-world, real-time sense is important to a person, then they may not find this sort of thing funny.  But I personally - being a veteran of Owsley and windowpane - lots of Owsley and windowpane - have no problem with this.  In fact, I find it hilarious. 

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But it kinda seems to me that there's a tacit agreement among "they who create the pony show" to suspend normal physics and logic in a Pinkie Pie episode.  It's a romp.  It's totally 'toon physics and timelines.  Things don't have to make sense - they just have to be funny.  For linear thinkers this will be hard to take.

If someone wants what amounts to a "scientific" reason why things happen the way they happen in Pinkie episodes, maybe they can ponder this: There is a philosophy whose name I forget that states reality is the way it is because we all have preconceived notions about how it should work. Even new discoveries are based on theories that are already present in our heads based on existing scientific facts and theories, and those that fit into the rules of this reality pan out and others don't. (I don't necessarily buy into this; just stating what I've heard.)


If one applies this idea to the universe Equestria is in, then it makes sense for Pinkie to be able to bend reality to her will, because she has no preconceived notions about anypony or anything. (Except maybe that she thinks everyone wants to be made happy.  :) ) She has such a loose grasp of realitiy that she can do all sorts are crazy things, like slide up a slide backwards. If her sister Maud is an for all intents and purposes Earthbender, so why can't Pinkie be a Realitybender?  :D

Certainly her powers are spooky enough that even a Chaos God like Discord doesn't want to be stuck with her for an afternoon!  :lol:

Edited by Truffles

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