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Who's the strongest Princess

Not Yellow Diamond


38 users have voted

  1. 1. Who is the Most Powerful Princess?

    • Celestia
    • Luna
    • Cadence
    • Twilight

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I personally see Cadence's ability as being akin to blowing on an ember to start a fire.  She can't make something exist that isn't already there, but can kindle a spark of love and make it take light.


Essentially, she's just administering magical medicine.

  • Brohoof 1
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From what I see Celestia was the strongest in her prime when she was able to control the Elements of Harmony alone. But 1000 years later she can't utilize them anymore. And that's fine it's more relatable to real life. Kings and queens are most of hte time not the best fighters in real life. I feel like Celestia's fighting days are put behind her and she hasn't fought in a long time. Cadence doesn't seem like the fighting type.


The Elements of Harmony was the only way Celestia beat Luna, Luna was pinning her down and forced Celestia to use the EoH and she used it like a last resort. So Luna is stronger than Celestia currently as there is no indication that Luna can't reform back to Nightmare Moon if she wanted to. I'm not sure how Cadence was subdued by Chrysalis but that doesn't really look good for her ranking in power. Far as I've seen Cadence's abilities are bringing two ponies back together again. Twilight seems to have some proficiency in combat as seen in Tirek (note I'm only talking about her combat skills not counting the combined power she had in her). Twilight and Luna have shown the most diversity in their magic so it may come down to those two in who's the stronger alicorn. Twilight couldn't handle Luna back then but who knows how it would fair if they duke it out? Currently Twilight is the most militaristic princess and has been fighting monsters and such a lot.


Twilight still doesn't have a hold on her flying abilities as much as Luna. This is a tough one, unless I missed the part that Luna can teleport I can't really say. If Luna can teleport she might be able to go toe to toe with Twilight but if Luna cannot teleport Twilight have a wing over her in this fight because Twilight has her shield and teleportation. Unless Luna's mist transformation is similar to Sombra's mist form then Luna could probably evade Twilight with that. You know what this is a really tough call.


The IDW comics does alot to explain on the power differences for the Alicorn princesses.


For Nightmare Moon, it actually showed that not only was Nightmare Moon an external force rather than something Luna can summon at will, but that Nightmare Moon power boost is pretty massive considering Rarity turned Nightmare Rarity was able to beat a depowered Luna pretty handily.


Also, in the Reflections arc, Celestia actually has her own 'power form' similar to say Nightmare Moon where she used it and was fighting all out seriously against her AU counterpart. That also implies a couple of things.


1. Nightmare Moon is an external force and not something Luna can summon at will anymore.


2. the gap between Luna and Celestia normally is actually larger in Celestia's favor than we believe.


3. Celestia has her own power up mode that shows that she may have used that form against Nightmare Moon if she had wanted to but didn't. Whether this is because she didn't wanted to waste anytime and used the elements of harmony to stop her immediately, she believed she was still below Nightmare Moon, possibly both.


Luna's mist is her intangible form so she should be able to dodge conventional attacks with it as Sombra did with Shining Armor's magic lasers. 



As for Twilight, while she may hold the biggest potential out of the bunch and may be the most powerful when all is said and done and I believe her stronger in combat than Cadance, but against the two Alicorn sisters, I believe she is below them still.

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I am pretty sure Cadence mentioned that her love spell only works if there's love to manipulate (such as mending feuds)


She can't make two ponies fall in or out of love if there's nothing there

  • Brohoof 2

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The IDW comics does alot to explain on the power differences for the Alicorn princesses.


For Nightmare Moon, it actually showed that not only was Nightmare Moon an external force rather than something Luna can summon at will, but that Nightmare Moon power boost is pretty massive considering Rarity turned Nightmare Rarity was able to beat a depowered Luna pretty handily.


Also, in the Reflections arc, Celestia actually has her own 'power form' similar to say Nightmare Moon where she used it and was fighting all out seriously against her AU counterpart. That also implies a couple of things.


1. Nightmare Moon is an external force and not something Luna can summon at will anymore.


2. the gap between Luna and Celestia normally is actually larger in Celestia's favor than we believe.


3. Celestia has her own power up mode that shows that she may have used that form against Nightmare Moon if she had wanted to but didn't. Whether this is because she didn't wanted to waste anytime and used the elements of harmony to stop her immediately, she believed she was still below Nightmare Moon, possibly both.


Luna's mist is her intangible form so she should be able to dodge conventional attacks with it as Sombra did with Shining Armor's magic lasers. 



As for Twilight, while she may hold the biggest potential out of the bunch and may be the most powerful when all is said and done and I believe her stronger in combat than Cadance, but against the two Alicorn sisters, I believe she is below them still.

All Luna has to do is cause an eclipse with the moon on the sun and she transforms to Nightmare Moon and for some reason Celestia couldn't remove the moon from the sun once Luna took control of it. She could easily have just done that rather than blasting her sister to the moon and the same thing occurred in the first 2 episodes of this series.


Got to wonder about Chrysalis as well. When she absorbed the love Shining Armor's love she was capable of even beating Celestia.

Edited by cider float
  • Brohoof 1


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All Luna has to do is cause an eclipse with the moon on the sun and she transforms to Nightmare Moon and for some reason Celestia couldn't remove the moon from the sun once Luna took control of it. She could easily have just done that rather than blasting her sister to the moon and the same thing occurred in the first 2 episodes of this series.


The comics established the background for how Luna got Nightmare Moon form an outside source and it is not something she can achieve on her own. Until the show says something different, it is canon. Because she was giving her sister a chance to stop her madness only for her sister to attack her in turn. Then she decided to banish her to the moon before anything else can happen.


As for the first two episodes, it was pretty much implied that she likely lost on purpose so she can pull a gambit where the mane 6 can become the new elements of harmony bearers just so she can free her sister from Nightmare Moon.


Celestia: Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student. I knew you could do it.



Twilight Sparkle: But... you told me it was all an old pony tale.



Princess Celestia: I told you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her, but you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart. Now if only another will as well. Princess Luna!

Edited by Nuke87654
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My vote goes to Celestia. She could put the others in a world of hurt anytime she wanted. Except for The Smooze, her magic doesn't work on him, evidently.

  • Brohoof 1
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Cadance. While probably the least powerful of the four in terms of raw magical strength, particularly in regards to her offensive capability, her strong empathomantic abilities more than make up for her lack of offensive might.


It stands to reason that if she can make two ponies fall in love, she also has the potential to make ponies stop loving or even hate each other if she so desired, since once can't really control love without also controlling hate. Emotions can drive anyone to go to extreme measures that they probably wouldn't even consider for a moment in normal circumstances-Celestia's use of the Elements of Harmony on her sister Luna is a good example; done with the best intentions out of love for both her country and her sister, but unintentionally banishing her for a millennium as a result due to the Elements' unpredictability.


It's also shown to be very, very physically powerful as well, if Chrysalis's defeat of Celestia using the love energy of a single pony is anything to go by. True, only the changelings are ever shown to utilize love as fuel for their offensive power-and only Chrysalis to such an extreme extent-but whether or not Cadance can as well remains to be seen. Even if she can't, empathomancy is still a very dangerous ability.

Edited by RCTM
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The comics established the background for how Luna got Nightmare Moon form an outside source and it is not something she can achieve on her own. Until the show says something different, it is canon. Because she was giving her sister a chance to stop her madness only for her sister to attack her in turn. Then she decided to banish her to the moon before anything else can happen.


As for the first two episodes, it was pretty much implied that she likely lost on purpose so she can pull a gambit where the mane 6 can become the new elements of harmony bearers just so she can free her sister from Nightmare Moon.


Celestia: Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student. I knew you could do it.



Twilight Sparkle: But... you told me it was all an old pony tale.



Princess Celestia: I told you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her, but you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart. Now if only another will as well. Princess Luna!

The comics canon is not relevant to the show unless stated otherwise.


The evidence is shown in the show already that she just makes an eclipse and becomes Nightmare Moon.


You got it the other way around.... the show is canon and the comics is only canon if it's information is shown in the show. The information is contradicting with what you saw in the comics so yeah...

Edited by cider float
  • Brohoof 1


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The comics canon is not relevant to the show unless stated otherwise.


The evidence is shown in the show already that she just makes an eclipse and becomes Nightmare Moon.


You got it the other way around.... the show is canon and the comics is only canon if it's information is shown in the show. The information is contradicting with what you saw in the comics so yeah...



That evidence doesn't explain how she got the ability to be nightmare moon but her first time rebelling against her sister as Nightmare Moon.





More clarification about the issue on Eqd.


Essentially, the comics are 'B' canon to the show's 'A' canon. Similar to the relationship the expanded universe and the movies and other official media of Star Wars share, so long as it doesn't contradict anything the show considers as canon, then the comics canon can coexist in MLP gen 4.

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That evidence doesn't explain how she got the ability to be nightmare moon but her first time rebelling against her sister as Nightmare Moon.





More clarification about the issue on Eqd.


Essentially, the comics are 'B' canon to the show's 'A' canon. Similar to the relationship the expanded universe and the movies and other official media of Star Wars share, so long as it doesn't contradict anything the show considers as canon, then the comics canon can coexist in MLP gen 4.

They're very subtle about explaining canoninity as a means to keep selling the comics. Other authors have explained that what canon is really in the hands of it's viewers. The way I see it you see the comics as canon, and the version of the princesses in the comics canon is how you see the order done, but I don't read the comics and only see the show's canon. The comic canon is still separate from the show's canon.


From that comment Andy Price or the person questioning the canon is still not specific on the comic and show canon. They just said canon.


Star Wars is a pretty good example that the comics also follow alternate canon that isn't canon to it's original source material-the movie.

  • Brohoof 1


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Princess Discord, duh.






But in all seriousness, it'd be Celestia; hands down. Despite what people say, there's no real evidence that Celestia's power is waning. She slung around the Sun and the Moon solo for a thousand years. Given the state of Equestria's prosperity at the time, Celestia could probably do it still for at least another thousand years. She hasn't really been shown fully using her abilities, the one time she did so was when she failed to take down Chrysalis. But Chrysalis at that point was more powerful than Celestia, which in and of itself is a testament to how powerful the magic of Lovers and Cadance really are. When she wasn't using villains as tests for Twilight, she was avoiding them. Discord could only be pacified by the Elements of Harmony, showing that he's more powerful than her and Luna. Tirek, however, could steal magic and add it to his own power. It was shown that a pony didn't need to be worn down in order for him to take their magic. If Celestia took him on; one misstep, miscalculation or a moment of hesitation could give him the window he needed to take her magic. She wasn't willing to take that chance.


Luna would be second simply because she slung the Moon across the sky for well over a thousand years, a feat that,  if I remember correctly, The Journal of the Two Sisters equated to killing Unicorns en masse. Not to mention, in her Nightmare form, her power rivaled that of Celestia. She also has psychological warfare on her side. She could enhance a pony's nightmares to the point of complete, psychological ruination. Of course, I don't think Luna would willingly do something that dark, but the morality or willingness to do so isn't the question; the sheer ability is.


Cadance would be in third with Twilight closing in. She doesn't have the experience of slinging an astrological body across the sky, but she's exceptionally powerful in her own right. She can maintain a massive shield of love and light across the Crystal Empire for an extended amount of time, a feat that only Shining Armor has been seen to do and hers greatly outmatched his. Also, like Luna, she has psychological warfare on her side. As has been discussed already, Cadance has shown the ability of empathetic influence which could be used to do quite a lot of damage. Also like Luna, I don't think she'd do that but like I already said, the ability, not the willingness is the question.


Twilight would be a follow a close fourth to Cadance. While Twilight's potential is great, she's not there yet. Twilight can perform great feats of magic, but her ability to control it on a minute level is rather lacking. She's been shown many times to botch up a complicated spell, either it doesn't turn out the way she wants or it just doesn't work at all. The first time she really successfully performed a complicated spell was all the way in season 4, after she became an Alicorn. But she can control magic in a basic, raw form. She can conjure powerful blasts, she can teleport and she can transform its duel alignment from light to dark. All feats that an average Unicorn can't perform, but Celestia, Luna and Cadance can.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'd say Twilight Sparkle, and hear me out on this one.

Twilight was able to fight with Tirek who has absorbed magic of MANY ponies, including Discord! Yes, she was loosing but she still held her own: Twilight is by far the most 'Powerful' of all princesses Magically, but then lets look at Special abilities of other princesses. We have Celestia who is strong enough to rise both sun and the moon. If she stops she technically is killing everyone.

And Luna? ... Have you ever played Majora's Mask?


By the pure magic standards? Twilight.


Ability wise? Royal Princesses


Sorry Cadance, you aren't too powerful.

  • Brohoof 1
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They're very subtle about explaining canoninity as a means to keep selling the comics. Other authors have explained that what canon is really in the hands of it's viewers. The way I see it you see the comics as canon, and the version of the princesses in the comics canon is how you see the order done, but I don't read the comics and only see the show's canon. The comic canon is still separate from the show's canon.


From that comment Andy Price or the person questioning the canon is still not specific on the comic and show canon. They just said canon.


Star Wars is a pretty good example that the comics also follow alternate canon that isn't canon to it's original source material-the movie.


That was said mainly to keep those who hated how the comics are portraying the series complacent. You can ask Coffee Pony, a long time Transformers fan, that whatever official material Hasbro put forth for their brands universes such as comics and show, it's considered canon unless it were to contradict the main one such as the shows, than the show is considered above it. I consider the comics canon regardless and I don't see the point for expressing that you haven't read the comics to be a valid point. I haven't read the new ones since last year but that doesn't' stop me from considering any of the future comics canon.


Besides, it's not just the comics that said Celestia's more powerful, the Journal of the two sisters, written by Amy Keating Rogers, also implied that Celestia is more powerful.


No, Andy himself was being very specific when he said that so long as the show doesn't contradict the comics, whatever material the comics put forth is canon. I would trust his word on the matter considering who he works for.


Star Wars expanded universe canon, before Disney nuked it to high hell to replace it with a new one, was considered canon and a part of the Star Wars universe so long as it doesn't contradict the movies or material officially supported by George Lucas such as the Clone Wars cartoon show canon itself. It merely expanded upon the many characters and timelines in the Star Wars verse that the movies and other materials themselves were too insufficient in number to be able to do.  

  • Brohoof 1
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That was said mainly to keep those who hated how the comics are portraying the series complacent. You can ask Coffee Pony, a long time Transformers fan, that whatever official material Hasbro put forth for their brands universes such as comics and show, it's considered canon unless it were to contradict the main one such as the shows, than the show is considered above it. I consider the comics canon regardless and I don't see the point for expressing that you haven't read the comics to be a valid point. I haven't read the new ones since last year but that doesn't' stop me from considering any of the future comics canon.


Besides, it's not just the comics that said Celestia's more powerful, the Journal of the two sisters, written by Amy Keating Rogers, also implied that Celestia is more powerful.


No, Andy himself was being very specific when he said that so long as the show doesn't contradict the comics, whatever material the comics put forth is canon. I would trust his word on the matter considering who he works for.


Star Wars expanded universe canon, before Disney nuked it to high hell to replace it with a new one, was considered canon and a part of the Star Wars universe so long as it doesn't contradict the movies or material officially supported by George Lucas such as the Clone Wars cartoon show canon itself. It merely expanded upon the many characters and timelines in the Star Wars verse that the movies and other materials themselves were too insufficient in number to be able to do.  

I don't need to read the comics. The original source is where it is canon. Even though I don't like the background ponies I consider their relevance canon because they were shown in the show. Until anything you say about the comics is shown in the show it's not canon to me.

  • Brohoof 1


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Celestia alone? Because you know, She rules a kingdom with a pretty powerfull military force :I But I still think she alone could absolutly wreck anyone except Discord :) FOR THE SOLAR EMPIRE :D

  • Brohoof 1


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I don't need to read the comics. The original source is where it is canon. Even though I don't like the background ponies I consider their relevance canon because they were shown in the show. Until anything you say about the comics is shown in the show it's not canon to me.

























The two characters I've presented to you are the comic content creators Katie Cook and Andy Price's OC ponies respectively. These pony ocs were first shown in the show in the episode Princess Spike. Is that good enough to show the comics are canon?

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The two characters I've presented to you are the comic content creators Katie Cook and Andy Price's OC ponies respectively. These pony ocs were first shown in the show in the episode Princess Spike. Is that good enough to show the comics are canon?

How does this determine which princess is stronger in show canon?


Luna beat Celestia until she took the EoH out. That's as far as I've seen in the order of their power.

Edited by cider float
  • Brohoof 1


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How does this determine which princess is stronger in show canon?


Luna beat Celestia until she took the EoH out. That's as far as I've seen in the order of their power.


According to the Journal of the Two Sisters, Celestia was implied to be the stronger of the two sisters. Also, Nightmare Moon was shown to have provided a significant power boost to anyone who it posses, it what allowed Rarity, a normal unicorn, to be able to beat a depowered Luna in a fight.


Also, Celestia was shown not to have fought her sister but rather she tried to avoid her fire, heck she even said this:


Princess Celestia:  Luna, I will not fight you! You must lower the moon! It is your duty!


This shows that Celestia had no intention of fighting back. She used the EOH more likely as a quick means to defeat Nightmare Moon and have a chance to try and rescue her sister from Nightmare Moon's influence. As I mentioned from the comics, Reflections arc showed Celestia has a power form that she didn't used against Nightmare Moon on the show.

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There's two pieces of evidence that shows Celestia was no match for Luna though. Celestia had to fall back on using the EoH to defeat Luna and the other one is that Celestia did not fight Luna but sent Twilight and her friends to fight her.


Why would a princess that stood before Chrysalis to protect her subjects sacrifice her pupil on Luna who is near Celestia's equal? And though we the audience knows the good guys will triumph in the end that could have ended with Twilight and friends all killed. It's evident that Celestia knew she was no match for Luna.

Edited by cider float


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Guys, this is just a small reminder to keep things on topic. While I can see how the discussion in regards to the canonicity of comics relates to the question at hand, let's be careful not to go too deep into that discussion.


Really, this is a fascinating topic with interesting views. Let us keep it that way. :)

  • Brohoof 3

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