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Light Rain

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My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rarity

How did you find MLP Forums?:

I posess a device which can connect and talk to a vast network of interconnected electronical machines; using this device I asked a highly advanced search algorithm maintained by an American megacorporation one question: "Where can I post about ponies?"

How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:

During the summer of 2012 I was a bit stressed and I took my mind off it by playing TF2. Quickplay put me on a brony server. I didn't know anything about MLP at that point, I only vaguely heard something about bronies being annoying, which didn't seem right, because everyone was very friendly. People were micspamming "Smile Smile Smile" and other songs, which was my first taste of the show.


After a while I got curious and decided to watch the first episode, which, of course, ended on a cliffhanger, so I had to watch the second one too. I decided that these looked like special episodes not accurately representing the show so I started watching the third episode; during the episode I realized that I knew all the names of the Mane 6. At that point I knew I was done for.

I picked Rarity because I think she's the funniest. ("And we've forgiven you for your past... boo-boos.")


I'm a computer science student working towards his masters degree. I would like to get into game development at some point.


I also like to make very off-color, self-deprecating jokes which are actually deep metaphors about the human condition but when I present them to normal people they usually look confused, cough and awkwardly excuse themselves. I'll try to restrain myself though and not get banned.


Ok I think I'm done. 

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Hello, @Light Rain and welcome to the forums! It's great to have you here in this lovely community. :grin2: I hope you have a great time and make lots of nice friends while you're here. :rarity: Feel free to message any member here at any time. :D

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Thank you all for your responses!

Hello, @Light Rain and welcome to the forums! It's great to have you here in this lovely community. :grin2: I hope you have a great time and make lots of nice friends while you're here. :rarity: Feel free to message any member here at any time. :D

I don't mean to sound snarky but do people get messaged by random people? What about? I'm intrigued.


Welcome to the fourms. I have never played tf2. Don't have a gaming computer. I like your username. Light Rain. Reminds me of wolfs rain. ( wow. Forgot about that anime.)

Thanks I spent about 10 minutes trying to come up with a name that aptly expresses my personality or lack thereof.

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I don't mean to sound snarky but do people get messaged by random people? What about? I'm intrigued.

What I meant there was that if you ever wanted to talk to any member, perhaps one you found kind or interesting, for help or just to chat, you can do so without fear; most of the members here are nice and friendly.

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Heck. My YouTube name is TheMoonProphet. You beat me on that.


And your first question. It doesn't happen too much to me but yes people do. I message random people all the time


The most recent was well not random. It was about a Bronycon room share.


BUT... The one before that was just to say hi, before that was to say I liked someone's profile pic, before that, I liked a name, before that I liked a signature. Just random stuff.


But that's just me.

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Oh, that would have been my second guess. :) I just imagined randomly getting some cryptic or particularly odd message about MLP and it seemed interesing in my head. :)

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Hey there Light Rain, and welcome to the forums! :yay: It's great to have you here, and everypony would be happy to show you around or help with whatever if you wish~ :kindness: I hope you enjoy your stay in this friendly community, and feel free to PM/comment on somepony's Profile Feed, or befriend anypony posting here if you'd like! :squee:



Brohoof~ /)

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Hello there and welcome to the forums. It is great to have you here   :). I hope you have a wonderful time here and make a lot of friends   :squee:



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HELLO my friend :):):) its nice to meet you :) welcome here on THIS HAPPY forum community of HAPPY PONIES and happy fun pony times :):):) i hope you can have AWESOME times here with the PONIES and pony friendships who are HAPPY and meet many of HAPPY friend PONIES here in THIS HAPPY site and enjoying these HAPPY fun YAY

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Welcome to the forums, Light Rain. :lol: I'm Red. It's a pleasure to meet you~ :lol:

Oh, off-color, self-deprecating jokes which are actually deep metaphors about the human condition are the best jokes. If you have any good ones that you wanna share, please PM me with some. I love depressing jokes. :lol:

Looking forward to seeing you around!

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Greetings Light Rain, and welcome to the forums!  :D 

We all hope that you have an absolutely fabulous time here and that you make loads of friends!  :grin2: 

Also feel free to PM either me or the other forum members if you require assistance or just want to chat!  :rarity: 


*Hugs*  :please: 



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Wow, thanks all, this community sure is welcoming. :)


Oh, off-color, self-deprecating jokes which are actually deep metaphors about the human condition are the best jokes. If you have any good ones that you wanna share, please PM me with some. I love depressing jokes. :lol:

You want a joke? How about me, because I am one. :( *rimshot followed by gunshot*

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Wow, thanks all, this community sure is welcoming. :)


You want a joke? How about me, because I am one. :( *rimshot followed by gunshot*

Oh my gosh. :lol: That was beautifully depressing. :lol:

So, my friend was ordering a Dominoes pizza. He asks the guy to write a joke on the inside of the box.

When my friend gets the pizza, he looks inside the box.

It says, "My job."

  • Brohoof 4
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Wow, thanks all, this community sure is welcoming. :)


You want a joke? How about me, because I am one. :( *rimshot followed by gunshot*

Aww, if you want to talk to someone, about your feelings or just in general, you can always talk to one of us through a PM. I am up for one if you need one :). *Hugs* 

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Oh my gosh. :lol: That was beautifully depressing. :lol:

So, my friend was ordering a Dominoes pizza. He asks the guy to write a joke on the inside of the box.

When my friend gets the pizza, he looks inside the box.

It says, "My job."

Nice. :)


Aww, if you want to talk to someone, about your feelings or just in general, you can always talk to one of us through a PM. I am up for one if you need one :). *Hugs* 

Thank you that's very kind of you but it was just a joke. :) I wouldn't really consider myself a joke because jokes are funny.


Whoa boy, I'm on fire today... :)

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Thank you that's very kind of you but it was just a joke. :) I wouldn't really consider myself a joke because jokes are funny.


*Insert loud applause*

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