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Do you have any phobias?


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I have a fear of cactuses.


I don't know why, I just don't want to touch them, I got the feeling that the cactus will shoot the spikes and somehow kill me with them if I touch it. It's just weird.

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I have a lot of them. So, prepare yourselves for a long list.


Thunder (the sound of it makes me nervous)

Spiders (just looking at pictures can cause me huge amounts of anxiety)




Weird bugs

The Future

Getting old


Other things include the fear of my house catching on fire. Also, I do fear my future because of my special needs. I can't take care of myself when it comes to cleaning, paying bills, holding a job and cooking on my own. So, I'll end up having to live in one of those group homes. I'm terrified of also being alone as well, but I don't have anyone who can be my roommate. It's just... so many issues I can't deal with right now.

x Haruhi Suzumiya x


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I have a few fears but my worst phobia  is of most flying bugs but mostly wasps. If I see so many I start thinking whatever floats in my vision is a wasp D:

Edited by Lyme Soundstick
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I have monophobia. the fear of being alone.

That which is not dead, may eternal lie, and with strange eons, even death may die.

"People fear death more than they fear pain. It's strange that people fear death. Life hurts a lot more than death. At the point of death, the pain is over." -Jim Morrison

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I have several phobias including:


- bees, wasps, hornets, etc

- fear of being alone

- fear of failing

- fear of suffocating

- fear of heights

- fear of clowns

- fear of dolls

- fear of jumpscares (really who doesn't hate jumpscares)

- fear of being rejected

- fear of being murdered or hurt


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- Heights

- Being murdered/injured

- Butterflies are actually a mega phobia for me that I keep trying to break, I go to butterfly gardens to try to force myself to stop being afraid, but when they're around me I start hyperventilating/sweating/panic no matter what I try to do :/ 

- Roaches 

- Natural disasters (I've been through a few earthquakes and one tsunami evacuation :s )


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I have a few.

I have a phobia of elevators. HATE them.


My grandfather once got stuck in one. He was in there for seven hours and nobody knew.


Gosh, I absolutely hate heights. Carnival rides are fine as long as I am not high up too too long.


BLECH! Enough said.

So yeah..

I am also kind of afraid of my father.

He drinks a lot and is kind of creepy. o3o

Remember to smile! 

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I'm quite afraid of dogs, but it's not quite a phobia as I don't go to great lengths to avoid them, at best I give them a wide berth if I encounter one walking by, even if it's on a leash.  (Whether real psychologists would still call that a phobia I don't know.)


Family lore suggests it started when a particularly large dog tackled me when I was three.  This fear has probably made some situations worse, such as when I got attacked by two dogs earlier this year, and not knowing better to stay still, opted to run, which just caused them to follow and bite me.


I'm also quite apprehensive around bees and to a lesser extent wasps, but I really can't avoid them even if I tried.

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  • Most insects except for walking sticks, flies, and butterflies. Basically everything that looks creepy or can hurt me.

Being murdered or killed in an accident. I want to know when I'm about to die, but I don't want someone else to kill me.

The concept of pregnancy. The thought of having a living thing inside you terrifies me. It's a good thing I'm a guy.

Body horror. It's hard for me to explain. An example is David Cronenberg's The Fly (which is rated R)

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Unexpected loud noises, or the potential of it-

  • I get nervous around baloons, especially if they are being blown up, or popped.
  • Gunfire really spooks me
  • Even though I've done it many times, I dread opening a pressurized can of biscuits


  • Brohoof 2

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Bugs. And I'm not talking about dangerous bugs like wasps and such. I'll freak out when there's a moth in the same room as I am.

Also heights. Keep me away 'cause I'll go paranoid and find myself just standing there.

  • Brohoof 1

"Life's hard, shouldn't you be, too?"

     - Markiplier

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Needles and Rodents (god the little rat faces...) and a minor phobia of heights. Other than that I'm kind of neurotic about everything new.

  • Brohoof 1
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