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Mane Six and drinking.


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Let's look at the primary foodstuffs used analogously to alcohol in MLP:



Salt, or more accurately mineral salt licks, are implied to be something of a riff off drinking. There is no real reason to assume this causes motor or judgement inhibition and thus making it look like it inebriates a single character appears to be a one-off joke.



Sugar/Fat (dragons only):

Spike eating donuts is the only time we ever see him consuming fatty food or sugary food, so it could go either way.

The reason I bring this up is because it seems he does have some inebriation-like behavior. Dragons obviously have different physiology than ponies do, and since gemstones (mostly aluminum-silicate crystals like ruby and sapphire) taste 'delicious', then it would not be difficult to interpreting a dragon's reaction to complex carbohydrates in the same way [we] do to alcohol.




Since the only time we ever see cider actually being consumed by characters is when it was made fresh, it's difficult to argue that this ciders is "hard" fermented cider. But the prominence of apple-based food and drink in the Apple family renders it quite possible that they also make hard cider kept for special occasions.



That said, I think they all have enough common sense to drink responsibly and sure-up before reaching their limits. In other words, I seriously doubt that any of the characters, considered according to their behaviors in the show's canon, would ever consume enough to become drunk outright. The characters who would probably skirt the limit and get buzzed might be Rainbow Dash, and maybe Rarity or Twilight if Rarity had somepony she wanted to impress or Twilight just wanted to experience and "research", though they definitely wouldn't be doing such a thing regularly. Applejack would have a good sense of moderation drilled into her by the Family, Fluttershy would have too strong a mental barrier and perhaps fear of inebriation to ever drink more than a very small amount, and Pinkie Pie would have enough party-sense to not overdo it. On that lattermost detail, the reason would be because out of any of the characters, Pinkie Pie probably has become drunk before, and knowing what it's like, intends not to do it again, for concern of ruining the party. I mean, she can get pretty off-the-handle with just fruit punch.


  • Brohoof 3
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From the grand list of things Hasbro won't let a Brony do while making a My Little Pony game:


438) In real life, there is an alcoholic drink called an "applejack".  (I'm not making this up; it's freeze-distilled hard cider.)  I may not incorporate this fact into the game in any way whatsoever.


521) Super-Soakers are Hasbro's IP, and I may have product placement for them.  However, I must keep in mind that they are not approved for use in dispensing beverages---ESPECIALLY not alcoholic ones!


569) Yes, "applejack" is also the name of an alcoholic beverage.  Yes, alcohol can act as a truth serum (in vino veritas and all that stuff).  No, that's not why Applejack has the Element of Honesty!

570) No alcohol in the game is allowed.  Also, not allowed to euphemistically refer to alcoholic beverages as "truth serum".


604) "Applejack" is the only pony who can be named after a necessarily-alcoholic beverage.



With those out of the way...I think the likelihood of drinking alcohol goes in this order:


Pinkie:  because she likes to party

Rainbow Dash:  because she's a ladette

Applejack:  because she works hard, and after a long hard day's work, it's Miller time

Fluttershy:  because alcohol may be the only thing that loosens her nerves

Rarity:  because when she gets depressed, she goes on a binge (low because that's not too often)

Twilight:  low because she's inured to Pinkie's weirdness, at this point, though who can blame her for feeling the need for a drink in the first episode?


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Rainbow Dash: I could see her pounding several brewski's and getting into drinking contests. She likely has a relatively high tolerance for alcohol but probably has drank way too much on a couple of occasions.


Pinkie Pie: More of a social drinker but since Pinkie Pie tends to party a lot and certain parties do have alcohol it would make sense for her to get a bit hammered every now and then.


Rarity: She seems more like somepony who dosen't drink to get drunk at least most of the time, she seems more the type to have a glass of wine or two with dinner but I could see her occasionally going overboard with that especially if a date didn't go over well or she lost a good sale or something.


Twilight: Like Rarity I could see her as having the occasional glass of wine or so with dinner, except for maybe the occasional moment of extreme stress probably keeps her consumption under control though.


Applejack: I don't see her as a heavy drinker, on special occasions she may have a mug of hard cider or something but aside from that she probably stays away from liquor.


Fluttershy: I can't see her drinking at all even occasionally.

  • Brohoof 1
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I would think they are too young to drink legally and so they don't drink at all

Maybe, maybe not. It hasn't specifically stated their ages but does imply heavily that they are young adults from their late teens to early or possibly mid twenties due to them having adult like responsibilities (though Equestria Girls arbitrarily ages them down) and we don't know what Equestria's legal drinking age is. Equestria could be like some European countries where you can legally give a glass of wine to jr with his dinner or it could be like other countries where the legal age of adulthood and the drinking age are one in the same.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The episode Super .....6000 (S2E15), that cider festival was a LOT like Oktoberfest (minus the silly clothes & polka bands).  Yeah, you could serve cider in beer mugs -BUT it wouldn't have a head.


As to the ponies not being legal drinking age.  Even in the USA it was legal for 18 year olds to drink 3.2 beer up until oh, 20-30 years ago & all the ponies but Twilight were at least that old at that time. (IMO) +Some countries don't have a minimum legal drinking age.


So for most likely I'll go

Dash (based on behavior)

Pinkie (Par -TAY!)

Rarity (wine or wine coolers w a meal -nothing vulgar)

AJ (based on behavior in pilot vs usual behavior to strangers, she was half sloshed)


Twilight probably too young to drink, maybe a glass or 2 on special occasions (say, Cadance's wedding)

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  • 3 years later...

Found this thread accidently, thought Id post my headcannon...

Well yes, in my headcannon they were all 6 drinkers... because of two things mainly, (1) Pinkie's fondness of partying and (2) AJ's ability to produce delicious hard cider

First goes Rainbow... did not drink during her stay in Cloudsdale orphanage with Flutter (another piece of my headcannon lol, in my headcannon RD is an orphan) bc she was cranky at Hoops, Dumb-Bell and Score who were in the same orphanage, were older and were bullying her & fluttershy. These 3 wanted to show how cool they were by their underage drinking. Because they were drinking and RD's primary concern was not to be doing what they were doing no one could make her taste not even 0% alc beer at that time

But then RD left orphanage and made friends with AJ, Pinkie and Rarity. Also then she accidentally found Flutter, who had fled orphanage a few years earlier. Around 18, she tasted AJ's hard cider and attended Pinkie's party. And she loved it. Quickly she become very fond of the stuff. From time to time she also had access to AJ's wine cellar (again - only finest stuff) and / or AJ's homemade applejack (I mean this stuff) - all of this, again, delicious.

Yes... I was imagining RD as the hardest drinking pony of them all. But, unlike most of the fanbase, I was imagining her as an absolute heavyweight as well. Few ponies in the whole Equestria, all huge stallions, and no one in Ponyville could outdrink her. Genes. So while RD had a "personal rule" - to never get severely drunk - this was almost meaningless in her case.

Once it happened that RD left Ponyville and stopped in the first tavern. Ordered herself beer. Accustomed to AJ's highest quality liquors, wasn't prepared for something of such a horrid quality. Spit beer on the counter and left without paying.

And RD started bordering alcoholism. Ultimately did not succumb to it, however, because (1) she started noticing the pathetic state of Berry Punch, who was a chronic alcoholic; and (2), stayed a year or two with the Bisons. They were all vicious enemies of "fiery water" in all forms because their archenemies - pony settlers - had the tactic of first giving liquor to the Bisons and then, as soon as they got addicted, making them sell their grounds to the farmers & pasturers for fiery water. Only this saved RD from full blown chronic alcoholism, though she remained quite a heavy drinker for the remainder of her (not that long) life (violent death in her 40s) - around an equivalent of a bottle of wine a day, on average: sometimes no liquor, offset by party binges.

RD's rasp was a product of a naturally weak throat, yelling and fondness of booze.

Then there was AJ ... naturally tough genes of a peasant heritage, lol. The Apples family had a tradition of all sorts of apples preparations, including hard cider and even applejack. AJ's parents had a questionable sense of humour, calling her daughter from hard liquor, but the name proved accurate, as her ability of making the stuff matched her granny's: both brought cider making to an art. AJ's farm was supplying all of Ponyville in craft cider, its fame spread towards other villages as well. But only the closest ones could be served because of low supplies because of manual production.

AJ was definitely not a teetotaller either, in her family cider was drunk like a tea, and also definitely not a lightweight; but not even she could outdrink RD. No one could.

Also AJ owned a wine cellar, for special occasions, when she kept finest liquor purchased from wandering merchants, her distant relatives and (later) her own travel. Sadly, most of this stuff got wasted in an unfortunate event: Namely, RD happened to spot a thief (bummish vagabond really, stray from neighboring towns); and as reckless, and perhaps also foolish and puerile as she was, she decided it was time for her to play a vigilantish hero and started chasing this guy down the streets of Ponyville. The guy tried to hide in this cellar, but was spotted: RD followed him and a clumsy brawl ensued. RD was "victorious" but at the cost of a nasty scar and breaking most bottles.

In the morning, as the cellar was being cleaned, Winona decided she'd try drinking this liquor soup that remained there. Poor dog had to be taken to the hospital because dogs don't really take liquor too well. AJ hadn't known that at had allowed Winona to make this mistake.

Surprisingly though, AJ didnt inherit her farm. It turned out she was too energetic. In her 30s she started travelling and ultimately found something else to do in another part of the world. Even though BigMac and AppleBloom were competent, they couldnt reach AJ's mastery of cider making, which she brought with herself to her grave. (She died in her 50s from a long and painful sickness, which may have been triggered by her drinking habits (cancer, sadly :( ))

Pinkie... hard drinking party girl. Taught the rest of the Mane6 how to party. Sadly, PP honestly started stretching this too far, bordering (and even reaching) pathology. In the apex of her irresponsibility she thought she could party all her life. Was getting periodically drunk and was known for commiting silly stuff like dancing in a bowl of punch when drunk. Though, deep down, she knew something was wrong and could cry, especially when someone nluntly pointed her out she's reached pathology, eg calling her "out of control party animal" in front of the whole town.

Again, she was able to avoid Berry Punch's way fortunately. That was because she finally started learning responsibility when she volunteered to babysit the Cakes' twins and this become harder than she had thought. This also prompted her to drive down with her partying.

Though even in her later life she was known of fondness of the booze and of showing off her tolerance, when for example in a circus she performed acrobatic tricks, then drunk some hard liquor in from of the public and then repeated the same tricks.

Kind of surprisingly, Pinkie was the only one of the pack who lived to very advanced age. Even then she continued her drinking habits.

So, I guess, AJ & PinkiePie had kind of a corrupting influence on the rest of the pack.

It's getting late and I have to go to sleep so I'll try to be more brief in the rest of the pack...

Rarity, brought up in Ponyville, friends with AJ and PP, couldn't really not have acquired some of their habits. Early on liked hard cider like everypony else, but had a class complex (was plebs but wanted to be elite), so wanted to like wine instead. And later on did develop fondness on good wine indeed, though finally she also learned that good cider doesn't stop being good just because it's plebs. Also developed fondness on a wide variety of teas, so she drunk less alcohol than the 3 above. Still was noticeably above population average and still could outdrink some unsuspecting people... hard not to when you're friends with PP, AJ, RD.

Twilight... Drank only occasionally during her inital stay in Canterlot university. Then went to Ponyville and made friends with the rest of the pack, when everyone was around 19-21 yo... And this rest of the pack taught her partying among others. And cider drinking. Corrupting influence? Lol. Then on one occasion TS went back home to visit her parents. Then her mother was unpleasantly surprised how much is her daughter able to drink. Though still, TS drinking was nothing excessive compared to PP/AJ/RD, but like Rarity, still above population average. Later on TS indeed became a princess and an active politician actually leading the nation (not an alicorn princess, I dont buy it), in between hard work she kept the habit of winding down through partying.

And Flutters... poor girl just didn't have such good genes as the rest of the pack. She simply couldn't drink that much. She was getting drunk far too quickly and was getting far too bad hangovers. Painful practice taught her the pace of each of her friends... and soon she knew perfectly well how much shots / glasses each of the rest of the pack can drink so that she can allow herself one.

So... From heavies to lighets drinker... RD > AJ/PP > R/TS > F

Yeah... my headcannon, that was. Kind of silly, isn't it? That's because when I devised it, I thought such drinking habits are nothing wrong actually and painted this picture shedding positive light on it. Now I know praising such habits is outright BS, if not worse.

Actually, my headcannon was far more complex than that. But ultimately, I scrapped most of this, even though earlier I had wanted to try writing some epic fanfic. For two reasons: (1) Most of the behaviours my fanfic was praising were puerile BS I'm afraid, this is just one example of this and (2) I wanted to write something far too big for my current skills anyway, couldn't possibly finish it.

BTW... I don't party and only drink very occasionally.

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Most likely: Applejack (pretty sure her apple cider is alcoholic)

Least likely: Hmmm... maybe Fluttershy? I just don't see her drinking a lot of alcoholic beverages.

I wonder what Pinkie Pie is like at parties with alcohol?  Oh, wait. I don't think I want to know! :sealed:

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Rainbow and Pinky are probably the heaviest drinkers... well mainly Pinky. Rainbow might just like one certain drink a lot. Pinky a party planner... she is going to be the one most likely to consume alcohol more often.

Rarity is next... only occasionally but a lot when upset.

Twilight would probably only drink occasionally. She doesn't seem for or against it either way.

I don't see Applejack or Fluttershy drinking all that often. 

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I'd say Rarity would drink the most; just the occasional champagne cocktail for recreational imbibing, and something a little more vibrant for those intense moments when she has a deadline looming. :stressed:

Least would be Pinkie. She would prefer a sweeter, alcohol-free beverage and seems less likely to drink from stress. She's such a carefree pony. :)

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