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gaming Any MTG playing Bronies out there?

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On 2/27/2019 at 11:06 PM, Bas said:

Went to showdown today.

RDW. Didn't finish mono U because a few cards are missing (uncommons).


Gets a showdown pack.

Foil Aurelia.



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I might get back into it after being out of it a few years. My boyfriend plays some Magic, so I want to share that with him. :catface: Plus, I already have plenty of cards to make plenty of decks, anyways. There are at least 3 full decks in the shoebox I have FULL of cards, so... I shouldn't have trouble.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:)ย Sounds like you're having fun with the drafts, I don't mind drafting but prefer constructed.

I think at least one Niv will be going into my next EDH deck that I'm working on.

Twist n' Wheel withย 


as the commander and built around Twist and Wheel effects



Kami of the Crescent Moon is great for drawing cards but he doesn't really hurt anyone :)

...this might be putting a target on my head thoughย :mlp_huh:



Was in a games shop with old cards and bought 3x Beta Craw Wurms to give myself a play set

...get home and open the draw with my set of Beta and pull out my Craw Wurm and put it with the new ones

...hang on, my one has really rounded corners, damn it's Alpha

...so I've just completed my set of Beta for the third time

...buy hey, it's an Alpha Craw Wurm :)


Edited by Dawnchaser

My awesomeness is only second to my modesty B)


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Sorry @Bas, I didn't mean to upset you.

"hoards"? I'd hardly call a playset, well, three "hoarding". They'll be going into a green Old School deck that I'm building so they'll be used soon.

MTG is my hobby, it's what I spend my money on. I'm fortunate to have a job that has allowed me build the collection that I have. Is it better to use the cards or have them sit in a binder? I don't keep the cards to myself and have loaned them out and allow others to use my decks.

Timetwister and Wheel of Fortune are the original cards that give the expression "twist" (shuffle graveyard and hand, draw seven) and "wheel" (discard hand, draw seven), they're what I chose to illustrate the effect, sorry.

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I used to play standard all the time in high school, but I switched to modern after a while. Then all my friends quit playing and I didn't feel like going to fnm alone, so I kind of fell out of it a bit. I still play games against myself on occasion.

Mana ramp green decks are my favorite, and the Theros and M15 sets were such a good time with that when I played standard. I made a red goblin/dragon deck when I first switched to modern (it was a mess, but so much fun on the rare occasion it worked), then to a really weird black/white life gain deck I found online. That one's not any fun to play, but I used to crank out wins with it at fnm.

Rainbow Dash Fanatic

"You stroll down memories of younger, brighter times 'cause you never realize what you've got till you leave it all behind." ~ dBPony

"So weโ€™re here at the end, did we teach you well, my friend? Donโ€™t look so sad to see us go, after the rain comes rainbows." ~ Princewhateverer

"Darlin'ย you'll be okay." ~ Vic Fuentes

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3 hours ago, Bas said:

Me was not upset, at worst, I was trolling.

That's mean :(

3 hours ago, Bas said:

Why do you need 3 playsets for one oldschool deck? :P

*sighs* I don't :-Pย Was it lostย in translation?

"bought 3 Beta Craw Wurms to give myself a play set (4x)"ย 

I see how theย 

"I'd hardly call a playset, well, three, hoarding" could be interpreted differently. Maybe I should have worded itย  "oh, wait, I don't actually have a playset of Beta Wurms because as it turns out I only have 3/4 of a playset ...ie the three cards I've just bought"ย :/


...however, if you were to play Wizards Alpha 40, then as it's "play what you have" you can break the usual 4x of a card. But it's literally only Alpha cards. It seems the Swedes thought "how can we make Old School even more elitist"ย :dash:

I haven't gotten involved with a recent development in the Old School community ...Old School Highlander (aka EDH) - I'd have to check banned lists to see if that allows the P9

I'd need to look at Xmage again, I think it's a while since you originally got me to look at it @Basย :)



Sounds familiar @Zephyr / Karou we did have a bit of Standard at my games club and then we lost interest - I think it was around the time of the faster rotation scheme. Now it's mainly Modern, Pauper, EDH and the occasional draft/sealed.

Edited by Dawnchaser

My awesomeness is only second to my modesty B)


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The Old School community have started EDH but only using Alpha to The Dark.

I'd have to check when EDH actually started as a "thing".


Nice to have those books^ย 

Is that the DF comic with the card?


I recently received my Nightmare comic

(Mmm, alternate artwork and poneez)



My awesomeness is only second to my modesty B)


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Have had a look.

Something very much like it was in a '96 article in the Duelist



Nicol Bolas, Chromium, Arcades Sabboth - legendary creatures of immense power and stature. The look just great in your binder and are probably rarely, if ever, used. Well, take them out, dust them off, and gather up three or four of yur friends. It's time to let the Elder Drzgons battle it out.

Tournament Magic, while exciting, is so cutthroat that the visual aspect of seeing beautiful cards in play is diminished. In "Elder Dragon Legend Wars," armies have time to assemble, and powerful creatures abound. The basic rules for this variant are designed to create a balanced enviornment while allowing individual creativity and strategy.

-three or more players are recommended.
-players choose (or select at random) and Elder Dragon Legend as their amry's leader. The dragon must be supported by creatures and spells corresponding to each of the Dragon's three specific casting colours.
-players include 8 basic lands for each of those colours in their decks
-decks must have 20-24creatures and may have no more than one of the same creature. All creatures should be 3/3 or better unless the have a special ability (i.e. regeneration, mountainwalk, etc.)
-to help ensure balance, the total power and toughness of each player's creatures should not exceed a number pre-determined by the players
-Players designate and announce three of their creatures as "Warlords" and two creatures as "Captains". If an opponent destroys a Captain, the Captain's controller takes 2 damage, and the destroyer gains 2 life. If a warlord is destroyed, teh controller takes 3 damage and teh destroyer gains 3 life. And for an Elder Dragon, the controller takes 4 damages, the destroyer gains 4 life.
-No more than one of each spell may be included in a deck.
-Decide beforehand which cards are banned. Some cards that tend to be unbalancing because they have such global effects include Balance, Wrath of God, Anarchy, and Gloom.
-Players begin play with one of each land type already in play.
-Players start with 25 life.
-Players have a 60-card-minimum deck, in addition to the lands already in play.

We've played free-for-all, attack-left, and "temporary teams", where as soon as one team lost, the temporary alliance would dissolve and teh remaining 2 players would battle it out. But since the intent of "Elder Dragon Legend Wars" is to increase playing pleasure, feel free to introduce your own rules and requirements



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OMG, hadn't realised that Masacre Girl's ability "cascades"


ETB, ability triggers, kills a 1/1, ability triggers again, kills a 2/2 and so on

Smeg, opponent has a few 0/1 Saprolings out, say 8 of themย  ...*BOOM* there goes an 8/8 :o




My awesomeness is only second to my modesty B)


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well, my boyfriend keeps bringing up Arena, and I'llย start playing a little of it at some point in the future. After I get to install itย :)


It's unfortunate, though, that I don't have internet on my computer at home though... :( I'll prioritize Paladins over Magic so I won't play often... :/

  • Brohoof 1
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Hi @DuskliciousHope you enjoy it if/when you get to play.

Have you played any MTG before? Any particular things/decks you like?

@Basplays a lot of Arena, I occasionally play but prefer irl with real cardboard.ย 


We had a sealed event at my club last Friday with 12players. Unfortunately we ran out of time for a third round, two of us were tied for 1st after 2 rounds, the other guy had been doing well with a pair of Jaces. My Liliana, Bontu and Devrial had been doing a lot of work in my Grixis deck.

I traded the Liliana, Bontu and the Nissa I pulled at the end of the night.ย 


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Just now, Dawnchaser said:

Hi @DuskliciousHope you enjoy it if/when you get to play.

Have you played any MTG before? Any particular things/decks you like?



I used to play a decent amount of Magic, with real, cardboard. I first started playing when the first Ravnica set came out, though I only really played it off and on.

I mostly like running White/Black decks focused around life manipulation, though I have ran all sorts of decks. :P

  • Brohoof 1
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On 4/7/2019 at 3:00 PM, Dawnchaser said:

OMG, hadn't realised that Masacre Girl's ability "cascades"


ETB, ability triggers, kills a 1/1, ability triggers again, kills a 2/2 and so on

Smeg, opponent has a few 0/1 Saprolings out, say 8 of themย  ...*BOOM* there goes an 8/8 :o




kills your own stuff too, you don't have to wait for opponent to have it, you can just built it up. still.. for 5 mana, you can get sweepers in black

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Well, I've been starting to play Arena, and I have to say that the AI's passive aggressive s*** is getting on my nerves pretty quickly. :dry:ย 


Also I'm going to add this: the grind seems a bit harsh, at least to start off.

Edited by DusksuD
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Have been pointed towards Oathbreaker.


Currently building a couple of decks

Image.ashx?multiverseid=417683&type=cardย  + Image.ashx?multiverseid=22290&type=card

Although if people get greedy and go for multicolour manabases Flame Rift can swap out for





Image.ashx?multiverseid=461134&type=cardย ย  +ย ย  Image.ashx?multiverseid=461016&type=cardย ย  orย ย  Image.ashx?multiverseid=461012&type=card



Hopefully play it for the first time this w/e

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/16/2016 at 1:10 PM, Dawnchaser said:

what about the versions for Steam/Xbox/PS?

Don't forget MTGA and MTGO for PC.

MTGA is free to play and get cards with the option to pay, it also has cool animations,ย designs and events, I'd recomend it for starting out as its free and explained well.. MTGO is expensive (to me). The game its self is roughly ยฃ10 and you have to pay for cards though you can trade them. However It offeres more deck types, tournaments and probably other stuff.


I started playing a few yeard ago with a friend and some cards he used to collect, it was pretty fun!. I loved to mechanics, art, the writing on cards, basically everything. We'd occasionally root out our decks and duel thoughย not too often, speaking of which he found his infect deck and I had a quick skim of some rules and am not sure if he's been cheating by accident the past years with it... its a deck that only has to deal half the amount of damage to win the game and theres other crazy stuff in the deck that just makes it ridiculously overpowered.

But yeah if you can I'd recomend getting MTGA, when it loads up ill see if theres anything new us Planesponies can do together on it, a tournament etc...

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2 hours ago, Bas said:

MTGO is unfortunately as charming as an excel table visually. And when I have to pay almost as much as in paper for cards I just stick to that one. Not to mention: Do you REALLY get as much fun out of a modern MTGO deck as from ~10 triple-A games? That's how much it costs.

There is also a great free fan game for PC, android, PSP, PSV.

Il have to look into it, all I know is I really like the idea of it.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/2/2019 at 5:57 AM, Deconizer said:

I had a quick skim of some rules and am not sure if he's been cheating by accident the past years with it... its a deck that only has to deal half the amount of damage to win the game

Probably not, you only have to give someone 10 poison counters to win the gameย 

(Each one damage from an infect creature gives one poison counter to a player - Glistener Elf (1/1) + Giant Growthย  = 4/4 )

So although the creature deals "damage", it's in the form of poison counters

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On 7/12/2019 at 10:53 AM, Dawnchaser said:

So๏ปฟ๏ปฟ although๏ปฟ the creature deals "damage", it's in the form of poison ๏ปฟcounters

Yeah I read a rule about something to do with how different sources stack poison with each other.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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