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MLP Dream Experiences & Discussion

Vinyl Scratch

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I have had plenty of pony related dreams. Often they're scattered, intermixed with other subjects and ideas in my dreams, rather than being solely pony related.


However, one particular dream that was solely pony related continues to stick in my mind, particularly due to how vivid and real it felt, relative to most dreams. Typically in a dream, you experience constant sudden shifts, everything flowing from one concept to the next. A cat may turn purple and then into a computer, or you may walk across the surface of the Earth in a single second, or any number of other things. Not so with this dream. This dream was more like I was watching a video unfold.


Anyway, it involved me awakening one Saturday morning to watch the newest pony episode, only to find that my entire house, complete with the hill it's built into and all the plumbing and electrical lines had been dumped into the park at the center of Ponyville. Electricity and water still worked, since we were apparently hooked into Ponyville's power and water supplies. It didn't take long for Twilight to show up on my porch, investigating on behalf of the town. We struck up a conversation, where I gushed over how awesome it was to meet her in person, and freely admitted the existence of the show, and even the fact that I had a few toys and a Twilight plushie. Which she reacted to in a surprisingly calm manner...I think she thought it was more cute than creepy, though that may have had to do with the fact that I offered to give them up as soon as I realized she was real, since it didn't feel right at all to hold onto the toys.


Anyway, I woke my parents and my little brother, and we all had a nice pleasant chat about how we were now stuck in Equestria. Both being pony fans, my little brother and I were fairly pleased, but my parents less so, primarily because they were worried about getting the proper medical care--especially for my mom--regarding their diabetes and other issues. Twilight said she'd do everything in her power to see that help was provided.


We met the rest of the Mane Six and Princess Celestia shortly thereafter. Princess Celestia made a speech that was essentially summed up as "We're happy to help the new people and I will give you a government stipend of funds until such time as you are able to provide for yourselves through jobs." She also ordered the Mane Six to perform a new mission of helping us humans integrate into pony society.


The dream continued over several months, where my family made friends with not just the Mane Six, but quite a few ponies in Ponyville. We also started an inventing business to bring technologies to Equestria they didn't have, such as the telephone and the radio. (Those two alone had us as some of the richest people in all of Equestria, though we invested most of the wealth back into the community, since we really didn't need it.) I don't remember too many details past this point, but it seems like we were living good lives, healthier and happier than ever, even if we did miss the family members that were left behind on Earth.


At some point in the future, I wouldn't mind revisiting this dream. It was...nice.

  • Brohoof 4

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here.

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Haven't had one yet, and I don't think my conscience can realize it when I'm lucid dreaming.


Someday. *sniff* ...Someday.

Signatures are for fillies.

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Today, on my birthday, I had finally my first real pony-dream and I'll try to write it down as a story. Be warned it was a bit of romantic stuff but quite tame one ;)

I woke up on a field a bit outside of Ponyville, my body slightly aching. I took a short look around and then at my hands, which were no hands anymore but light blue-greyish hooves. I realised that I became a pony and had a bit of problems controlling my new body at first. I trotted into the city feeling a bit tired and worn out with my right-leg hurting a bit(I had been skiing two days ago and I my body ached a bit). I glanced in the first window I trotted by and looked at my pony-self. The fur was a bit dirty, and my light-brown mane,that was quite similar to my actual haircut, looked really battered. The first pony that actually talked to me was Twilight Sparkle. "I haven't seen you here before, can I help you?"

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE! Omg...I mean Hi Miss Sparkle. My name is Luke...at least thats what I think...and indeed Iam new here."

"Luke, well that's a quite unusual name for a pony and you do know me, where are you from?"

So I told her a short version about my story and that I had been a human not long ago.

"Well this sounds...weird, but if you want you can help me out in my library a bit, but first you should take a bath, you don't look good"*blushes a bit*"...ehm you don't look bad, but you're full of dirt. I'll make you something to eat in the meantime"

I gladly accepted her offer and followed her home. Bathing felt a bit unusual as pony at first and it took me a time to fix my mane in a way that looks acceptable. When I came down from bath we ate some apples and she showed me the library. I helped Twilight sorting the books and cleaning it up a bit and as far as I remember work had been quite funny.

After the library closed we spent the evening reading some books together(mostly some stuff about equestrian history). At some point we began goofing around and messing with each others hair which ended in a short kiss. Twilight blushed while I was grinning ear-to-ear and told her that "I've never thought I would enjoy "reading" so much"

Then all of a sudden Spike came in, rolled his eyes and said:

"Twilight, you haven't introduced me to your new pet yet".

I couldn't help myself but laughed out loud.

"Hey you, whoever you are. You are sleeping in YOUR OWN BED tonight"

"SPIIIIKEEE..." she looked at him angrily.

"It's ok, I think he is funny. Anyway I am quite tired, I guess I'll go to sleep"

"Alright I'll show you your room"


After I laid down, Twilight put the blanked over me, we kissed again, then she wished me goodnight, turned the light of and left the room.

I fell asleep and next morning I wake from the dream cursing a bit.


That had been my dream at least as much as I remember of it. I have to say that I usually remember my dreams because I've learned a bit to dream lucid and Iam not fully aware when I dream but I dream very detailled and it often takes me a few minutes after waking up to differ dream and reality

  • Brohoof 2


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Once when I was sick, I'd been watching MLP and Avatar: The Last Airbender all day. The dream result? A massive grimdark nightmare, about evil ponies with element-bending abilities, destroying the Earth, killing several innocent non-bender ponies (including myself) in the process. Gory, monstrous and generally horrifying. Worst thing was, everytime I went back to sleep after waking up, the dream came back. :(


I'm so sorry about that! I never expected those two would blend into such a dark tale. Woe betide you as your mind even punished you further in your dreamings. I pray that your subsequent nights have been more restful?
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I had this dream where I went to school and we had to go to an assembly. The principal said we had to get ready for war, then these ponies came from the sky. RD and twilight were there (there was probably more of the mane six, but that's the only ponies I remember seeing) and then we all were turned into ponies, griffons or theses weird four legged dinosaur things. We ran up the hill then an army of humans on various mounts charged up to us. We had the option to turn into another race, but I stayed a pony that could turn into this demon dragon. (OC Idea here) the rest of my dream was just battling. IT. WAS. FREAKING. FUN.

  • Brohoof 2


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I had this trippy dream last night where only one part was pony-related.


I was in this big living room with a huge couch and a large TV. Most everyone in the room was asleep and it was dark in there. The TV was on, and there was one person who I didn't know (but kinda looked like a young Mitt Romney...) who had the remote. The MLP theme song came on and he watched the whole thing. I also knew that this was the next new episode. He watched the whole opening theme and I was excited. But I couldn't say anything for some reason. Or maybe I didn't want to because it would be embarrassing myself. So anyways, he watched the whole theme, and a commercial came on. So he changed the channel. :(


I still never said anything.

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A while back I had the most curious dream featuring Pinkie Pie, but white, (and this was before I knew of beta version of Pinkie too)

The dream started from me floating in light blue space, like sky, then out of mist / cloud / something came Pinkie, kind of semi-trot flying at me and told me to follow her to sucarcube corner.

I wondered how am I to follow since I am suspended here in middle of nothing floating, and as I turned to look after her I noticed pair of blue wings flapping on my back keeping me in the air. I then realized that I had been instinctively hovering with my wings rather than been suspended. And then I scooped air under my wings and pushed after Pinkie who had gotten a bit further away from me so I did a faster flap and folded the wings and gained up on her.

A little fly later, I had been watching the landscape and setting sun over ponyville and I wondered the whole situation but how ever landed in to the doorstep of the SCC and pushed the door open with my forehead, there I saw Pinkie next to Fluttershy and a projector plus a white canvas.


Pinkie then walked over to me and yanked my pony tail (yes, I was a pony too somehow) pulling me on my butt and said to me that I better take a seat because she has a lot to say. Then she skipped over in front of me and yammered a bit about stuffs I rather omit right now as it was .. embarrassing exchange of dialogue.

After this exchange however she got this serious but still pinkie happy expression on her face and told me... Uh.. I better add disclaimer here first: I do not believe this was anything more than a dream, the entire pony element in it was likely due me having watched an episode earlier the previous day, and what is now going to follow, and why ever I remember it still vividly is beyond me and as a skeptic I treat it as figment of my subconsciousness.


Okay, so this is odd since I usually do not dream sounds or words or anything like that. This also ties to something she said in the part I omitted so I must navigate around certain contexts.


Pinkie told me, with the help of incredibly intricate diagrams, and a formula something that directly related to string theory, the "4th wall of fiction" and nature of sentience as extra dimensional concept.

To more accurately:

"In order to accomplish this (omitted data) and transfer sentience from dimension to another, in order to observe, or even to integrate and cross populate the interverse spanning multiple parallel worlds like yours or mine the personality itself as a wave pattern can be projected accross dimensions like the light from that projector into this canvas and then through the reflection of the projected pattern (image), the pattern can be preserved in the new world under different laws of physics using an adaptive medium, In this case brains"...


In this part Fluttershy changed a slide in the projector and showed a panel of images with alpha wave pattern indicators as "wavefront" being projected from one set of brain, though hyperspace wormhole (That's all I can describe the diagram as) into another set of brains in early stages of development, fully formed by lacking in neural connection mesh of adult brains.


Then pinkie picked up the chart stick in her mouth and snapped it at the "new brains" spat it out of her mouth and it landed into a cup with pencils on the table next to us with some pastries on display in a cute basket. She continued her lecture "As the chart explains, to transfer ones identity into new body,t he new body needs to be in its infancy, tablet rash as it were (Fluttershy corrected her with "Uhm.. it is tabula rasa Pinkie" To which she responded only with a giggle and said "Don't be silly, that's not even English!"

And then she continued on with the lecture looking at me with her big blue eyes and came at me to poke me on the head, saying "As young base of cognitive system, the personality can be projected and locked in to new form, then raised to meet the receptive demands of the new home, and same time providing the sentience developing a direction to which the mind will advance, as well as some memory regeneration over time in some cases. And this is how Equestria is made!"


Then she just gave me a formula that she didn't seem to have time to explain to me, as I woke up soon after looking at the formula and just had this immense WTF going on for hours after the dream.


Now couple weeks later, having brewed this "data" some of it actually makes sense:

In order for mankind to ever venture and explore in alternative realities safely, and not causing massive paradoxes in laws of perhaps different physics, we need to project only our sentience into local species in those alternate dimensions with the use of technology that is not currently available. But however it seems like only valid option to explore other realities.

It is a bit chaotic overall content as it was a dream, so forgive all narrative flaws, it was my subconscious and despite apparent preference to sci-fi it is not too good of a writer.


Mind = Blown That must've been intense! (Surprising Pinkie gave the lecture rather than Twilight. Not the Pinkie is stupid, she just doesn't seem the lecturing type.) I myself am not a skeptic. I'm not a sap, but if someone can sufficiently justify why something works I usually believe them. Now whether you want to beleive that was some kind of 4th wall breaking, cross dimensional Pinkie message or just your own head is irrelevant. The theory is sound. On the one hand, many people come up with their best ideas when they sleep because they're brains aren't doing much else. On the other hand, your theory justifies your own discovery of it!


Well recently I was sick and I had a pony fever dream (those are always messed up)!

It went something like this...

I woke up (in my dream) and I was tied down by thousands of strings. There were little people, like 2 cm tall, trying to hold me down. Somehow I convinced them that I was there ruler. They wanted to build a statue of my choosing. I held up a picture of Celestia and convinced them that it was there god. Sadly I was still tied down and they started to build the statue around me encasing me inside the Celestia statue. When they finally covered my eyes I woke up.


Ah, Lemuel Gulliver, the patron saint of bronyhood!


I seem to never get myself to dream of ponies :(


Tonight is an exception <3


Do tell! (In a PM if you want.)


I am also super jealous. When I do remember my dreams they're always crazy stories about battling enormous tunneling insects beneath the Earth, or living on the planet 100,000 years in the future, where the entire planet's surface is now covered in water and people have adapted to living in underwater domes. No ponies yet.


On the bright side those are still pretty badass. For those two though you could swap the Equestrian equivalents.

Insects = Diamond Dogs

Underwater = (dare I say it) Sea ponies


Before I reached the eighth episode, The Mysterious Mare Do Well, I had a dream where I was similar to rainbow dash, I rescued somepony's life falling off a cliff, then I got lots of attention, I was like a shining hero!

My dream was like a prediction when i watched episode 8! :wacko:


That's happened to me before with other shows. I guess great minds think alike!


I am going to learn to lucid dreams for real. I want to be in equestria when I am asleep.


I feel you bro. If Equestria isn't heaven for me, it's at least one of the steps of Limbo. Edited by Steelquill
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Every time a new episode comes out, I have the same dream. My friend Babe and I are in some sort of elementary school classroom, staring at the walls that were filled with blue posters. Each was completely original, but they were all covered in stickers. Then I looked at this one poster (which, for some odd reason, I knew was made by a little girl) that was full of pony pictures. There's always a couple new stickers every time I have the dream. This time, they were Flim and Flam!

  • Brohoof 1

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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The only pony related dreams I've ever had involved me just watching the show. I've never dreamed that they were real. I'm going to bed now, we'll see what happens.


Update: Okay, I don't think I dreamed about ponies exactly, but I dreamed that I was talking to my family about Pinkie Pie's VA and that she had signed up to do 600+ songs for the show. Strange how your dreams exaggerate things sometimes.

Edited by Apple Bloom


Signature by @Nico.

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I dream of Fluttershy almost every night! Most of the time they are tame and we either cuddle or play with animals! Although... On occasion she gets mad! And..... She.... I can't talk about it :(


Awwww I'm sorry about that. If I were better at dreaming I would give you some tips. If you want, look up Quadrenaro on Youtube and tell him ThePa1riot sent you! :)


That's not even the best dream I've ever had. That was on the more random side, I've actually had some epic as hell dreams, on the level of me being a hero saving the world from a giant dimension-crossing demon in a canyon over a jungle with a sunset on the end while being able to see the other dimension around (that's right around, not behind) him because the portal is distorting the area around this demon which is taller than the cliffs. As the hero I had to stop an energy blast it was shooting into the ground, otherwise it would have destroyed the earth.


...I have epic dreams. :P


Whoops, just realized I put this in the wrong forum. This should be in Sugarcube Corner.


I had a dream like that . . . once. I had a Keyblade and went to every fictional universe from Pokemon to Avatar: the Last Airbender. I ended up assembling a massive army to fight a conglomeration of villains aboard the Ark from Halo. Sylar, their leader was planning to use the Halo rings, powered by the Chaos Emeralds to wipe all of reality clean. His underlings would get to recreate their world's how they liked and he would get a whole new reality of powers to take, and being immortal, he was planning on doing this rinse, lather, and repeat. Just getting more and more powers until, as he put it.

Sylar: . . . Who knows?

Needless to say, I stopped him. Now I can only look back and think of how awesome it would be if I had some of the newer shows and games to use. Including FiM!

  • Brohoof 1
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I had this dream where I was buying MLP DVDs and there were 3 of them- one case was purple with Rarity on it, another orange with Applejack on it, and the last pink with Pinkie Pie on it. For some reason they each only cost a dollar, and came with stickers. It was a pretty awesome dream if I do say so myself, but I was kinda sad when I woke up and realized I didn't actually have these things. :(


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Every time a new episode comes out, I have the same dream. My friend Babe and I are in some sort of elementary school classroom, staring at the walls that were filled with blue posters. Each was completely original, but they were all covered in stickers. Then I looked at this one poster (which, for some odd reason, I knew was made by a little girl) that was full of pony pictures. There's always a couple new stickers every time I have the dream. This time, they were Flim and Flam!


That . . . IS SO COOL!
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I had a really sad one, once. So read on with caution.


So this is back when I was still wondering why the heck was I liking the series...


I typed it, then backspaced it all because... It's actually a bit disturbing.


Suffice it to say, I met Rarity, we were great friends, then someone who I used to think was harmless and nice walked up (he's a bit of a nerdy person, no humor sense at all, but mostly harmless), he walked off with her, and I later found out he terribly murdered her out of pure hatedom, but then he saw what an innocent, loving creature Rarity was, and realized what a horrible thing he'd done, he killed himself. But that was sad, too, because I sort of understood his fear of the ponies. But still, I wasn't really that sad, because it was a horrible thing he'd done, killing Rarity. It just made everything worse...


The saddest part was afterwards we (I just realized Fluttershy and the others must've been there...) planted a garden to remember Rarity by, kind of like a grave, I guess, and the plant rapidly grew huge and so very beautiful, she was dead, but her love lived on in memory of her, it was so sad and peaceful, Rarity was dead but something of her gentle kindness lived on, I cried a little :(



I think that guy also symbolized my horror at the thought that I really liked a "little girls' cartoon".


After the dream, though, I learned to look past that and see what I really like the show for: The characters and what they are and represent.

Edited by EASA - Dr. Braun
  • Brohoof 5

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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I had a really sad one, once. So read on with caution.


So this is back when I was still wondering why the heck was I liking the series...


I typed it, then backspaced it all because... It's actually a bit disturbing.


Suffice it to say, I met Rarity, we were great friends, then someone who I used to think was harmless and nice walked up (he's a bit of a nerdy person, no humor sense at all, but mostly harmless), he walked off with her, and I later found out he terribly murdered her out of pure hatedom, but then he saw what an innocent, loving creature Rarity was, and realized what a horrible thing he'd done, he killed himself. But that was sad, too, because I sort of understood his fear of the ponies. But still, I wasn't really that sad, because it was a horrible thing he'd done, killing Rarity. It just made everything worse...


The saddest part was afterwards we (I just realized Fluttershy and the others must've been there...) planted a garden to remember Rarity by, kind of like a grave, I guess, and the plant rapidly grew huge and so very beautiful, she was dead, but her love lived on in memory of her, it was so sad and peaceful, Rarity was dead but something of her gentle kindness lived on, I cried a little :(



I think that guy also symbolized my horror at the thought that I really liked a "little girls' cartoon".


After the dream, though, I learned to look past that and see what I really like the show for: The characters and what they are and represent.


Dude! I hesitate to "like" that. It's so horrifyingly sad. I mean, it ends beautifully and all but still! I hope whatever neuron projection thought of her killer rots in the Hell of the collective unconscious! I also hope any subsequent pony dreams you have are far more pleasant.


I had a dream where I had two little ponies come back as my kids. No, seriously, it was really weird.


AWWWWWW Boys? Girls? One of each? What were they're names?


What if you lucid dreamed about ponies. What would you do?


Wait! I'm dreaming? :wacko: Well in that case! B) *clops hooves and appears in night club* Bring out the ponies! *Jazz music plays with Trixie, Pinkie, and Rarity singing "Mares of Prey."* I really should be ashamed that I typed that. :unsure: Edited by Steelquill
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A few nights ago I had a dream that was similar to My Little Dashie, except I was the father. I got pretty far into the dream and I taught her how to write and talk. She called me "daddy" just like in the fic and you can just imagine how that feels. I even dreamed about throwing her a birthday party when she turned three years old. One night when I was in bed I looked up and saw Dashie. I can remember her eyes. Those big, watering, dark pink eyes looking at me. She sad, "I had a bad dream daddy, can I sleep with you tonight?" Of course I said yes and she hopped in the bed. I held her, like a baby and she rested her head on my chest. Then, I woke up only to find my arms in the same position they were in the dream except nothing was there. I laid in bed for a while, thinking about what just happened. I had never been more happier in my life but at the same time deeply saddened. Since this dream, I feel like I want kids and I want to be a father. I haven't been able to get this off of my mind for the past couple of days so maybe posting here will help.

  • Brohoof 5
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A few nights ago I had a dream that was similar to My Little Dashie, except I was the father. I got pretty far into the dream and I taught her how to write and talk. She called me "daddy" just like in the fic and you can just imagine how that feels. I even dreamed about throwing her a birthday party when she turned three years old. One night when I was in bed I looked up and saw Dashie. I can remember her eyes. Those big, watering, dark pink eyes looking at me. She sad, "I had a bad dream daddy, can I sleep with you tonight?" Of course I said yes and she hopped in the bed. I held her, like a baby and she rested her head on my chest. Then, I woke up only to find my arms in the same position they were in the dream except nothing was there. I laid in bed for a while, thinking about what just happened. I had never been more happier in my life but at the same time deeply saddened. Since this dream, I feel like I want kids and I want to be a father. I haven't been able to get this off of my mind for the past couple of days so maybe posting here will help.


I'm so sorry. I know how that feels. I haven't had such a dream yet, but I've felt for a while, that a deep part of me longs to be a father. (You can imagine what reading "My Little Dashie" did to me.) I obviously don't just want to "get on with it" because I want to give my children what my parents have given me. Still, I can sort of see where your coming from. Man! All these pony dreams just keep getting depressing because the good ones always have the same sad ending . . . "I woke up."
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I'm so sorry. I know how that feels. I haven't had such a dream yet, but I've felt for a while, that a deep part of me longs to be a father. (You can imagine what reading "My Little Dashie" did to me.) I obviously don't just want to "get on with it" because I want to give my children what my parents have given me. Still, I can sort of see where your coming from. Man! All these pony dreams just keep getting depressing because the good ones always have the same sad ending . . . "I woke up."


Sadly, I feel that this is something that will take me a long time to get over. Just because of the fact that there is no real Rainbow Dash. I know there are other topics out there that talk about this, but ever since the dream I can't help myself from feeling empty on the inside. I just want someone like her in my life. Plus having a child.... It's just too much to handle for me right now.

  • Brohoof 1
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Dude! I hesitate to "like" that. It's so horrifyingly sad. I mean, it ends beautifully and all but still! I hope whatever neuron projection thought of her killer rots in the Hell of the collective unconscious! I also hope any subsequent pony dreams you have are far more pleasant.

Yeah.. Normally I can't remember my dreams. But thinking back, sometimes I suddenly realize I'm using "we" when I thought I was alone in what I do remember of a dream. I suspect they're now deep in my subconscious sneaking through my brain :P


As for the character in the dream that killed her, what was kinda sad is afterwards he realized what he'd done.


But, meh. All fine now.


A few nights ago I had a dream that was similar to My Little Dashie, except I was the father. I got pretty far into the dream and I taught her how to write and talk. She called me "daddy" just like in the fic and you can just imagine how that feels. I even dreamed about throwing her a birthday party when she turned three years old. One night when I was in bed I looked up and saw Dashie. I can remember her eyes. Those big, watering, dark pink eyes looking at me. She sad, "I had a bad dream daddy, can I sleep with you tonight?" Of course I said yes and she hopped in the bed. I held her, like a baby and she rested her head on my chest. Then, I woke up only to find my arms in the same position they were in the dream except nothing was there. I laid in bed for a while, thinking about what just happened. I had never been more happier in my life but at the same time deeply saddened. Since this dream, I feel like I want kids and I want to be a father. I haven't been able to get this off of my mind for the past couple of days so maybe posting here will help.


I'm so sorry. I know how that feels. I haven't had such a dream yet, but I've felt for a while, that a deep part of me longs to be a father. (You can imagine what reading "My Little Dashie" did to me.) I obviously don't just want to "get on with it" because I want to give my children what my parents have given me. Still, I can sort of see where your coming from. Man! All these pony dreams just keep getting depressing because the good ones always have the same sad ending . . . "I woke up."


Yeh... The very deepest reason for existence, I believe, is to be a father (well, a mother for girls). I mean, in any afterlife belief system, there's eternity. So what do you do when you have forever? What could possibly never lose meaning? Why, raising children of course. It's the very epitome of human happiness when done correctly.


Keywords: When done correctly.


And the best part about that is, though, is that there is no "I woke up" IRL ;)


Only issue is, if you go and rush things and do it wrong... There's no "I woke up".


Sadly, I feel that this is something that will take me a long time to get over. Just because of the fact that there is no real Rainbow Dash. I know there are other topics out there that talk about this, but ever since the dream I can't help myself from feeling empty on the inside. I just want someone like her in my life. Plus having a child.... It's just too much to handle for me right now.


Waiting's never fun... Just hang in there, and enjoy what you can - having children and family is the greatest joy of life (wouldn't want to mess it up) - but also a lot of work and responsibility. You won't be able to get any time for yourself (to do things like watch MLP or post on forums), and there'll be lots of sleepless nights.


It takes a lot of acquired skill to completely forget your own wants and needs and love something else. You'll have to pull through her whiney crying, destruction, diapers, anger, rebellion and all kinds of mess to get those really precious moments that make it all worth it.


So, I'd say, appreciate the fact that you still have some time to yourself, and learn to live without it. The worse thing ever would be to be so upset, stressed and tired from a long hard day, that you forget how much you love the little twirp, and don't show affection how she needs it.


I mean, I guess that's what I'd say being a father is all about - being able to completely throw off all your own feelings and everything for the sake of the family.

  • Brohoof 2

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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Sadly, I feel that this is something that will take me a long time to get over. Just because of the fact that there is no real Rainbow Dash. I know there are other topics out there that talk about this, but ever since the dream I can't help myself from feeling empty on the inside. I just want someone like her in my life. Plus having a child.... It's just too much to handle for me right now.


Hey! Don't go there! That is a very dark place to be in, believe me, I've been there. "Better to have love then lost then never to have loved at all." . . . Never thought I would say this but Tennyson doesn't know what he's talking about. You can't miss what you've never had, and to have someone in your life that you would gladly die for, only to have them leave is a terrible feeling! Look, I'm not a psychiatrist, but I have a theory about this. It's from another thread of mine.



When watching Mandopny's song

Somepony's Waiting,

the lyrics described them so well and evoked the feelings again, but this time without the trepidation. It clicked! It wasn't attraction to the ponies themselves, but what they meant in my head and heart.

(Grab your INCEPTIONs it's about to Jungian up in this joint!) You see, according to Carl Jung, humans are hardwired to recognize certain things at a base level and are individual brains interpret them in different ways. (Dragons being common across mythology for instance.)

The Mane 6 fit into ideal feminine archetypes. The little ones get their role models but our developed brains see past the cartoon and recognize the kind of people they represent.

Thus any "sexual attraction" boasted on the internet, I humbly submit, is typical bravado covering up a deep seated emotional stimulus. Your brain recognizing the things you REALLY want in a relationship." Rainbow herself may not be real, but there's someone like her out there. Every brony I know doesn't want some one night stand, we want love. You WILL find her! Who knows? You might have a spunky little red head that you could name "Ashleigh." ;) All I know for sure, is that if this fandom has taught me anything, it's that you nor I are ever alone and you should never feel like you are. So spread your wings, stay so awesome, and live that dream! B) Edited by Steelquill
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Hey! Don't go there! That is a very dark place to be in, believe me, I've been there. "Better to have love then lost then never to have loved at all." . . . Never thought I would say this but Tennyson doesn't know what he's talking about. You can't miss what you've never had, and to have someone in your life that you would gladly die for, only to have them leave is a terrible feeling! Look, I'm not a psychiatrist, but I have a theory about this. It's from another thread of mine.



When watching Mandopny's song

Somepony's Waiting,

the lyrics described them so well and evoked the feelings again, but this time without the trepidation. It clicked! It wasn't attraction to the ponies themselves, but what they meant in my head and heart.

(Grab your INCEPTIONs it's about to Jungian up in this joint!) You see, according to Carl Jung, humans are hardwired to recognize certain things at a base level and are individual brains interpret them in different ways. (Dragons being common across mythology for instance.)

The Mane 6 fit into ideal feminine archetypes. The little ones get their role models but our developed brains see past the cartoon and recognize the kind of people they represent.

Thus any "sexual attraction" boasted on the internet, I humbly submit, is typical bravado covering up a deep seated emotional stimulus. Your brain recognizing the things you REALLY want in a relationship." Rainbow herself may not be real, but there's someone like her out there. Every brony I know doesn't want some one night stand, we want love. You WILL find her! Who knows? You might have a spunky little red head that you could name "Ashleigh." ;) All I know for sure, is that if this fandom has taught me anything, it's that you nor I are ever alone and you should never feel like you are. So spread your wings, stay so awesome, and live that dream! B)




Thank you, truly. You've given me more to think about and maybe now I can move on and lose this empty feeling that I have had for so long. I just keep thinking that I have to find some girl like her to truly be happy, which may be impossible (but hey a guy can dream right?). I'm going to try to piece my emotions together now.

  • Brohoof 1
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Thank you, truly. You've given me more to think about and maybe now I can move on and lose this empty feeling that I have had for so long. I just keep thinking that I have to find some girl like her to truly be happy, which may be impossible (but hey a guy can dream right?). I'm going to try to piece my emotions together now.


Glad to hear it! Trust me when I say time really does heal all wounds, but having others can be a tremendous boost! If you're ever feeling down, shoot me a message.
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