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S05:E19 - The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows



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Don't hang anything on the Sisterhooves Social. They play loose and fast with the rules there.


There have also been scenes where Amethyst Star has been scene with Carrot Top and Amethyst Has been with Dinky a few times outside the social so that might also be canon.

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Why not a third option altogether: "guardprince"?


Works for me!  ^_^


Now he has an extra pony to guard too. Currently in a belly, but still!  :dash:


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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Nope nope nopenope nope im not spoiling myself yet...

*I am the master of my fate*


Huge thanks for Kyoshi for this wicked awesome signature! You rock, brother.

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*Jaw drops*





But...Dinky was already confirmed as Golden Harvest's daughter. A long time ago. On more than one occasion.


Derpy might have just been foal sitting. Or might be related in another way besides mother and daughter.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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Are they sure he's mature enough to be a dad?

Aw come on, he's a dork, a lot of dads are like that (mine included). And who knows, maybe he'll give their foal something from his collection someday.


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Well there goes my changling idea :(


But only down side about this episode was how annoying Pinkie was. I get keepingg a secret like that is really tough, but i never liked Pinkie.


Anywho, didn't Hasbro come out with a toy a while ago named "Princess Skyla"?

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Alright, good morning everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews!"  Got a pretty short review for ya'll this morning since, despite the major plot development, there really wasn't a whole lot to say about this episode beyond Pinkie's antics.  That said, let's begin, this is "The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows."


So let's get the big, elephant-in-the-room plot development out of the way first: Princess Cadance and Shining Armor are having a BABY!!!!!  ZOMG GUYS!!!  :love:




Yup, it's happening, and about dang time, too, if I do say so myself.  :proud:   Honestly, I remember back before Season 3 when it was rumored that Cadance and Shining Armor would have a foal by then.  But hey, better late than never, right?  Don't know if it'll happen this season, but hey, at least we know a foal's on the way and Twilight will be at some point Aunt Twilight!  :yay:   Also, I kinda hope it doesn't happen this season just because that'll mean it'll happen NEXT season (and yes, I know Season 6 is pretty much confirmed already, but hey, it'd be further confirmation).  So yeah, cool plot development, I liked, I liked a lot.




I like to think this is how Cadance breaking the news to Shining went  :icwudt: 


Next, let's talk Pinkie.  Pinkie was, well, Pinkie.  What else did you honestly expect in this scenario?  Her antics were as always entertaining, though I must say I found these particularly enjoyable.  There really wasn't much of a lesson to be learned here, not really, it was just for the most part a really fun, really lighthearted Pinkie Pie episode chock-full of Pinkie Pie goodness.  Her pain and suffering were at times delicious, but in the end she held out, much to her credit, if I do say so myself.  Overall, this was for me the funniest Pinkie Pie episode I've seen in some time; I can't quite put my finger on why I enjoyed it so much, other than I guess I just really enjoyed the execution.  Fun times with Pinkie are always a good time, and this episode was no exception.




Finally, just got a few more miscellaneous items to cover.  The Mane 6 and Spike featured as much as they needed to and all had their own little moments (Twilight's cute reaction to knowing she's gonna be an aunt, Spike failing miserably and burning Shining's mint comic-book, Applejack and her adorable-as-buck baby certificate, to name a few).  Derpy and Dinky, much to my gratification, featured in a shot at one point, and I loved, loved, LOVED that!  Why?  Well, it seemed to be a nod from the show makers to the LONG standing fan theory that Derpy is Dinky's mother, a fan theory that I myself have long adopted as head canon, so yes, that shot pleased me very much.  Other than that, the animation as always was lovely, we got to see plenty of Ponyville and its ponies, and this was just for the most part a lovely, funny, lighthearted, slice-of-life episode with one major plot development.  Not much else I can really say about this one other than I enjoyed it very much, it's a very cute, funny episode definitely worth the watch.  That's all for this week, everypony, this is Batbrony signing off.  I'm off! *cue dramatic exit*




Boom.  Also, if this shot doesn't convince you that it should be canon...




...this will.  :comeatus: 


P.S. I bucking called it before this episode started (though I'm pretty sure most of the fandom did  :derp:)




"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube Mare! 

This was a cute and fluffy episode. They really didn't pull any punches with that "secret" at all considering they said it before the opening theme rolled in, but considering how many people had already predicted that I guess that makes sense. Pinkie flipping out during this episode was adorable, and it further confirms her powers of stretching and bouncing, even to the point of bouncing about like Flubber in that one scene. Shining is a big ol dork, and I love that about him. 


Now I wonder what the foal is going to look like. Will the baby be an alicorn? A unicorn? An alicorn boy baby? Is it impossible to be an alicorn and a stallion? 

  • Brohoof 1
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Seems like that was largely a Season 1 and Season 2 thing.  There's far more of the fanbase that's accepted as head fanon that Derpy and Dinky are mother and daughter, and while there's definitely some who probably accept that she's Carrot/Golden's daughter, I'm guessing since then DHX writers would have become aware of something like that by this point and made a nod to the Derpy/Dinky fanbase.  The MLP Fanart Wiki entry nods to both of these theories, but it reflects nicely that there's far more fandom love for the Derpy/Dinky theory.




Be that as it may, I still can't accept it as canon as there is more evidence to support Golden Harvest as Dinky's mother than there is evidence supporting that Derpy is. These three images seal the deal, the last one from season 4.








Aside from those 3, there's also the fact that she's been in more places with Golden Harvest and Amethyst Star than with Derpy. While she's not next to Golden Harvest, she's at least around her. Outside this episode I don't recall a single instance where she's been with Derpy. At best we can assume Derpy was babysitting or as @Malinter said she could be related to Dinky in another way. While there may be more Fandom love for the 'Dinkey is Derpy's Daughter' theory, that this new scene is not going to be enough to overwrite a canon that has more evidence backing it.

  • Brohoof 1
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i hope they show Cadance in the mood swings of later pregancy, I would love seeing Shining Armour utter fear of his beautiful and powerful-enough-to-mind-crush-him wife. XD

  • Brohoof 3


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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i hope they show Cadance in the mood swings of later pregancy, I would love seeing Shining Armour utter fear of his beautiful and powerful-enough-to-mind-crush-him wife. XD



XD I also want to see that as well as the weird cravings!

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Hm... How hard it was to keep the secret for Pinkie Pie just didn't come off as too relatable for me, personally. But then again, I've never been given a secret like that to keep. Lol.


Regardless, it was a cute episode. No complaints here.


Aw... Twilight is going to be an aunt! I remember when I got the news! That scene reminded me!

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Wonder if Cadence is even gonna show after this, I mean Mrs. Cake never did. :P

How do we know her pregnancy never showed? Cup Cake was always rather chubby. Maybe it hid the baby weight.

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Wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube Mare!


This was a cute and fluffy episode. They really didn't pull any punches with that "secret" at all considering they said it before the opening theme rolled in, but considering how many people had already predicted that I guess that makes sense. Pinkie flipping out during this episode was adorable, and it further confirms her powers of stretching and bouncing, even to the point of bouncing about like Flubber in that one scene. Shining is a big ol dork, and I love that about him.


Now I wonder what the foal is going to look like. Will the baby be an alicorn? A unicorn? An alicorn boy baby? Is it impossible to be an alicorn and a stallion?

It's probably gonna look like this:


Since they jumped the gun on that toy announcement a long time ago I'd be surprised if they didn't finally follow through with Skyla on the show. :huh:

How do we know her pregnancy never showed? Cup Cake was always rather chubby. Maybe it hid the baby weight.

Yeah you got a point. In Cadence's case though it'll definitely be more obvious. ;)


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Be that as it may, I still can't accept it as canon as there is more evidence to support Golden Harvest as Dinky's mother than there is evidence supporting that Derpy is. These three images seal the deal, the last one from season 4.








Aside from those 3, there's also the fact that she's been in more places with Golden Harvest and Amethyst Star than with Derpy. While she's not next to Golden Harvest, she's at least around her. Outside this episode I don't recall a single instance where she's been with Derpy. At best we can assume Derpy was babysitting or as @Malinter said she could be related to Dinky in another way. While there may be more Fandom love for the 'Dinkey is Derpy's Daughter' theory, that this new scene is not going to be enough to overwrite a canon that has more evidence backing it.


The first two are fair enough, but Carrot's just looking at her in the last one, I can't quite accept that one as evidence.  We'll just have to agree to disagree; for me, it's not just canon appearances that matter, it's context as well.  Maybe the writers early on liked the idea of Dinky as Carrot's daughter, but they could've just as easily changed their minds since then.  As you'll notice in this video from Season 3, she's standing next to Time Turner (though Silver Script is right next to him as well, to be fair), who's since been confirmed to at the very least be Derpy's close friend, if not colt friend/husband given how close they were in "Slice of Life."



So there's evidence for both theories to varying extents.  But I have to imagine that these show writers, given how much they pay attention to the fandom, would know about the Derpy and Dinky fan theory, and would be happy at this point to give a nod to it.  So for something that small, current canon may be able to circumvent past canon (though again, I'm not going to say it has at this point).  My biggest point is it's my preference, and I think the writers wouldn't ever mind canonizing it as well in the future based on what we saw today.


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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It's probably gonna look like this:


Since they jumped the gun on that toy announcement a long time ago I'd be surprised if they didn't finally follow through with Skyla on the show. :huh:

What is it with Hasbro and being incapable of making toys that look visually appealing? That thing looks like it crawled out of G 3.5's hell dimension. 




The art on the box looks better though. 

Edited by Buck Testa
  • Brohoof 2
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Unsurprisingly baby AJ is still significantly cuter than any other baby pony we've seen.


Anyway, the episode itself was cute. The plot got old really quick, but Pinkie's antics and small tidbits(like Shining Armor going crazy) were hilarious and kept me smiling throughout

If the baby's name is Skyla, I will seriously stop watching the show.


For real.


Especially if she's born as an Alicorn.

I hope this happens just to see the meltdown. It'll be glorious

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Ok I'm going to be really real here and say, screw this episode! Season 5 has been my favorite season of MLP but there is always a low point and this is season 5's. This episode had present day Fairly Odd Parents level writing or in other words, Terrible! Most of the tactics used to push pinkie felt forced and not well implemented. The comedy was extremely cringeworthy for me and I often times had to look away from the episode, that's how bad it was! Lastly, the name, don't even get me started, it's as if the writer gave up and wrote the first thing that came to mind so she could get home before dinner got cold.


Hated the writing, Hated the humor.



And what is worse is this was another milestone episode. Shining and Cadence are having a baby which is awesome and I love that!  But unfortunately, it was the only milestone so far to be ripped to shreds by terrible writing. 



A disrespectfully bad episode. G.M.Berrow, I am very disappointed of you.


Edited by Zantetsuken
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What is it with Hasbro and being incapable of making toys that look visually appealing? That thing looks like it crawled out of G 3.5's hell dimension. 




The art on the box looks better though.


Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity came out of that dimension

(Also, Toola Roola and Star Catcher)

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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Well, the gestation period of a horse is very long (11 bucking months in fact).


But then cartoon horse biology isn´t exactly close to real horse biology.

The former ones can eat tomatoes without getting poisoned, for example.

Not to speak of Pinkie´s rubber duck moments...

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I liked this episode but definitely not as much as "Crusaders of the Lost Mark". This episode reminded me of "Party Pooped" in a good way where Pinkie seems in character, though considering she was the one who helped Twilight keep a secret in "Green isn't your color" I thought Pinkie Pie would have had a bit easier time keeping said secret but a baby is huge news so I can kind of understand why it was harder for her to hold it in. When I found out my friend P was pregnant both times I freaked out too! I loved that we saw the CMC with their new cutie marks again! It could be that they are bored because they are no longer searching for their own cutie marks but it looks like they found stuff to do in the balloon scene. I liked that we saw the cakes again. I also liked that we saw more of Cadence and Shinning Armor and more of Shinning Armor's relationship with Twilight and what some of his interests are. Shinning Armor acts weird when he is excited but it was funny. I loved the scene where Twilight found out Cadence was pregnant. The moment where she opened her alicorn wings in excitement was timed perfectly! I'm glad Cadence and Shinning Armor came all the way to Twilight in person to tell her the baby news after she had felt so let down by them not telling her in person about the wedding in season 2. Now the questions remain as to whether the baby will be a boy or girl, and whether it will be a unicorn or alicorn since the baby will have unicorn and alicorn genes. I have a feeling the baby is a female alicorn because of the Princess Skyla toys around. You never know though. Hasbro could introduce a totally new character. I wonder if the baby will still have full royal status if it is born a unicorn or not. 

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