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Ask Sēkr Gray

Sekr Gray

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What the hay. I'm bored, let's start a new thread. :P


So, anybody care to know more about the lad behind the eye-patched pony?



*All questions shall be answered on Mondays and throughout the week.*

Edited by Sekr Gray
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What does Sekr stand for?   :ooh:


Sēkr stands for justice, for the weak, for those who cannot read (despite Equestria-wide school systems)! Sēkr stands for.... oh, the name?


Seeker, but with a Norse 'R' (Baldr, Ullr), and the e with a macron (ē). The name is a bit of a play on "seeking knowledge," but spelled radically :P



Hi! c: If you had a lucid dream tonight, what would you want it to be about? :)


Heyos there! ^.^


I'd likely say simply being able to hold my special somepony, since she's all the way in Australia and I'm stuck in Indiana. Plain and boring, but I'd wake up happy at least.

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Why is your Eye Patched ? Or, how did it happen ? :wacko:

Sēkr is basically my ponysona. IRL I get migraines, one symptom being "crystal vision" blurring up my vision. Thankfully, I don't get the headache, light sensitivity, or anything else from migraines. But, one eye will get that crystal vision, and I can't see much out of it. So I started wearing eyepatches over them, and they've sort of been a staple of my look since then :P



Regarding Sēkr's eyepatch, let's just say a bad encounter with a hawk on a camping trip left him with more than an uneasy relation with Griffins :/

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What is your favorite song?


I'd probably throw my favor to some old sea shanty. I like my electro-dance music, and filk, but you just can't beat something like " Drunken Sailor" :P




Do you do art, and what kind?


I do tradition art with pencils, pens, and oil paints (albeit I've not touched my paints in a year or so), as well as digital art.




If you ruled your own country, what would you name it?

Denkruul. No idea how I came up with the name, but I've used it in a few D&D games as a setting.

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Well, Cause I'm in this part of the forums I'll give this a throw.


As I'm going to ask a long question, involving several turns. I must ask you to keep your answer simple, yet informitave.


Now, I'll throw in a scenario, and also i will follow up with a question about you, i just want to learn your character more.


Sēkr Gray, being the historian he is, finds himself on an archelogical dig. After breaching the inner sanctum to a grand and ancient temple, untouched for possibly several generations of generations, the entrance collapses, blocking all light and stoping air flow in or out of the temple's inner. He is with two other ponies, each equipped with a flashlight, him not having one. It will take several hours for the oxygen to deplete with just two, and it will take nearly a day to breach the stone from the cave-in.


Sēkr and the others are able to venture forth, the statues in the current room suggesting this was not of pony make, thus meaning there could be traps much worse than a simple magical sleep trap.


What does Sēkr Gray do?


Also, as i did say i was going to ask a question about you: If you could change one thing, and it can be anything, but only one thing. What would you change?

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Sēkr Gray, being the historian he is, finds himself on an archelogical dig. After breaching the inner sanctum to a grand and ancient temple, untouched for possibly several generations of generations, the entrance collapses, blocking all light and stoping air flow in or out of the temple's inner. He is with two other ponies, each equipped with a flashlight, him not having one. It will take several hours for the oxygen to deplete with just two, and it will take nearly a day to breach the stone from the cave-in.


Sēkr and the others are able to venture forth, the statues in the current room suggesting this was not of pony make, thus meaning there could be traps much worse than a simple magical sleep trap.


What does Sēkr Gray do?

Simple. Inspect the statues to see their make, and work from there, since Griffins, Lamias, and Dragons all use different traps. Move on after that, working to explore a few rooms at a time. Hopefully the rest of the team aboveground finds a way down



Also, as i did say i was going to ask a question about you: If you could change one thing, and it can be anything, but only one thing. What would you change?

I'd likely try to change how me and first girlfriend broke up. She was my only real friend for four years, and I feel absolutely horrible not being able to talk to her anymore.


What's your favorite show besides MLP?

I actually don't like TV that much, and never really have. I suppose any documentary show counts. The series I'm watching right now is "America Unearthed," and I highly recommend it, even if they sometimes focus more on drama than informative segments :P
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What is your least favorite holiday? *boop* :yay:

Valentine's Day, closely followed by my birthday (if that counts). Constantly single, pure commercialism, and feeling of being inadequate to every other couple I see don't exactly give me the feeling of joy the holiday supposedly represents. :maud:

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How did you choose your username?


Sēkr Gray is simply my OC. I like making new personas to be known by online, and this just happened to be the ponysona I built. Referring to the name...



Seeker, but with a Norse 'R' (Baldr, Ullr), and the e with a macron (ē). The name is a bit of a play on "seeking knowledge," but spelled radically


The title 'The Paranoid' comes from toying with the admins in a thread that made me a little bit more "famous." :P

The paranoia is real

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  • 8 months later...

What're you up to nowadays? ^ ^

At the present moment, I'm actually working on a bunch of new tabletop games. I have one I'm play testing (right as I type this, actually) and three others in development. :catface:


Otherwise, just waiting until college to start as I muddle through each day :P

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Have any titles for the games you're making? ^ ^

Top Snek: a "remake" of another game concept (really just transferring a theme, and making the game match that them much more ;) )


Magi and Minions: being an apprentice hired to steal some enemy wizards research for your master. You get some minions :P


"The Pits": WIP name :adorkable: . Basically insane gladiatorial combat, while completing objectives that all differ. Think something like LoL or DOTA, I guess, but in tabletop form?


Crystal Conflict: the game I originally had the theme of Lamias, but I decided to make it more general in theme. I should be updating the page here soon, to reflect the newest changes I'm making :kindness:

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They all sound like really good fun! ^ ^

They also look to be really well made, is this a new hobby? Or have you down this before?

I used to run a board game club back in high school too, so this is something I've done for a little bit :adorkable:


I've always been interested in game design, I've just never really focused too intently on more designing like I have recently :P

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