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I once found a few at Coney Island, which is a theme park. This guy had a Rainbow Dash hat on and the two chicks with him had MLP t-shirts. I've also met a few in my area. Heck, my girlfriend loves MLP!

Edited by AnArtisticPontato
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Well, at the beach this summer, a guy held the door open for me and he had on a Rainbow Dash shirt with the word brony at the top. I literally just stared until he caught on and asked for a brohoof. This was the highlight of my entire summer.


Also, last week I saw someone with a Twilight bumper sticker. That was pretty awesome. :P

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Yeah, I met a few through a Facebook group that showed on a map of meetup groups they had on EqD, back when I'd go on there. But as far as finding random people in public, it's happened once or twice. I don't think I've ever really talked much to any of them.

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I actually met one. He was at school and is no longer a brony, but he bronified me when I lost a bet to him (Even though he is now an avid Anime fan, which was what he had to do if he lost the bet; watch an anime over 50 eps long Start to Finish)

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I've never seen anyone wearing pony merch in real life but then I don't really get out that much.


There are probably more bronies out there than you would think. Take me for example, you'd never know I was a brony just by looking at me. Not all bronies wear such things in day to day life.

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I've run into a few bronies in real life.

One time I was at K-Mart and I saw a couple together in a random isle, and the girl was wearing a brony cap, so I looked around to make sure nobody else was within hearing distance (because I'm a closet brony)... and I walked up to her and brohoofed her.  But... Then she said, "Actually, it's his hat."  Needless to say, I was quite embarrased, and awkwardly said "Oh," looked to the side, cleared my throat, and walked away.

On a happier note, this past summer when I was working as a part-time cashier at a grocery store, one of my coworkers (whom I knew her from school as she was in my grade, but she was always super shy) had a bracelet with something brony related, and also a dogtag necklace with AJ on it.  I told her I liked them, that I was a brony as well, but asked her not to tell anyone because I don't want people knowing I'm a brony.  (I come from a very country area, with a lot of traditional, conservative-minded folks).

And as a bonus, one time I checked out a customer (damn that guy was tall, like 6' 5" at least) who was wearing a shirt with a pony on it.  Since I was one of the closers that night and nobody else was around, I said "Nice shirt!" and smiled.  He thanked me, of course.

~ Miles

Edit Reason: Fixed a typo.

Edited by Miles
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Yeah, sometimes, mostly at local comic cons (go figure). 


Right.  There were tons of bronies at YoumaCon this past weekend, but that's a con.  I mean, I saw several people cosplaying ponies and there was pony merch for sale in the dealer's room.  But I've never met any actual bronies "in the wild."  A couple of my friends sort of like the show but they are not at all part of the fandom.

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I have never met or seen anybody in real life that is a brony. The only thing that even came close was a little girl who lives in the house across the road from mine, and she had 2 mlp ponies in her room. I've only been over there once, and the girl was like 10 years old :/ So yea...not much luck for me...

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Oddly enough, the last time I saw someone wearing a pony shirt was a guy back at High School in a weight training class. Yeah... Im surprised he didn't get beat up by all the guys there.

Edited by Blizzard Breeze
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Oddly enough, the last time I saw someone wearing a pony shirt was a guy back at High School in a weight training class. Yeah... Im surprised he didn't get beat up by all the guys there.

Probably because the pony that was on his shirt was Bulk Biceps?

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Probably because the pony that was on his shirt was Bulk Biceps?

Nope. If my memory serves right (which it normally dosen't) I think it was Time Turner... Or something.

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Back before I was a brony, well, not much before I was one, just a few weeks before I first saw the show, I found out one of my friends was a brony. They didn't tell me to watch the show or anything, but I was already wondering if I should or not, so that sort of settled it for me. Since then, I've found out that two more of my friends are. But I've never met a brony I wasn't already friends with, what an odd coincidence.

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My best friend and girlfriend in high-school were bronies, and they were the ones that introduced me to the show and fandom. Beyond that, I've met @Commander Frost IRL, after finding out we lived with 10 miles of each other :P

Edited by Sekr Gray
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I've met a few. It hasn't really been anything special. One is a gal that I hang out with at school. The rest I just stumbled upon when I went into town (I only realized they were Bronies because they stopped to give me Brohoofs, due to my MLP shirts).

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Well never met or found a brony in real life... sadly in French Guiana people tend to be really homophobic, and since I'm gay and a brony...


As Destiny's Childs would say I'mma survivor lmao  :icwudt:

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I met one brony who goes to the same curling lessons I go to. I haven't talked to him much though. (curling is the sport where you throw stones across a sheet of ice by the way) Other than that, I wore a not too obvious pony shirt to a dance the other night and a couple girls I met there recognized it instantly and seemed to like it. I'm not sure how much they're into the show though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I converted my boyfriend into a brony, but no I don't have any friends other than my boyfriend irl cause I'm too shy so.. :(

Was that pretty hard? Just wondering, because my girlfriend converted me without any desperate warning.

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