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Your bottom Season 5 episodes


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-Princess Spike


The story's internal logic bugged me because most of it was for plot convenience but, the second point annoyed me even more and I feel is the stronger reason I feel distaste for this episode.


The whole moral of the episode felt completely backwards and self-defeating, when he's selfish and abuses his power everything works out fine for him, but when he decides to act selflessly, everything backfires-which seems to contradict the intended message.



-The One Where Pinkie Knows


I'm going to just flat out say it: the reason I dislike this episode is greatly subjective to me for three reasons:


The secret wasn't really too hard to figure out since we've had a pretty good idea that this was coming for a few years since that Princess Skyla toy was released.


And I disliked the premise of the episode because I was pretty certain that it would be Cadance's pregnancy-I realize that the show is a glorified toy commercial, so this was bound to happen-but, I'm not exactly pleased with the development, either since in terms of narrative for baby-focused episodes there are already the established Cake twins. 


And someone knowing about the pregnancy before Twilight annoys me for some reason.




-What About Discord?


Twilight wasn't completely wrong to be suspicious of Discord, he still occasionally intentionally causes conflict for his own amusement, betrayed them to Tirek, was willing to throw someone into another dimension in a jealous rage, and was clearly taking delight in Twilight's misery-so, the other character's brushing off her concerns (which were valid in my opinion) really rubbed me the wrong way.



-Appleoosa's Most Wanted


This unfortunately, gave Starlight's 1984-esque ideals some credibility in-universe as well as the horror of removing personal choice from the pony that Cutie Marks were shown to have in 'Magical Mystery Cure' in favor of 'destiny', since Troubleshoes is constantly miserable and fated to be a laughingstock for eternity-regardless of whether he resigned himself to that fact or not by the end of the episode.


As a result, the 'he wrongly interpreted his Cutie Mark' feels like a cop out, rather than addressing the issue.



-Castle Sweet Castle


After four seasons, nobody thought that maybe Twilight might like some new books-this bugged me because I could accept them not knowing her well enough to give her what she wanted if it were earlier in the series back when they didn't know her very well.


Minor things also grated on me; Pinkie's joke about the library burning down came off as forced, hanging the dead roots of the tree as a chandelier on the ceiling (yeah, that's probably pretty safe), Dash's voice in the song was really weird and didn't really sound like her.


There are more, but I'm trying to keep it limited to five episodes-if I'm to be perfectly honest, the other episodes that would be on this list if didn't that they were bad, then I felt they were too boring for me to care about.

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I really didn't like Tanks for the Memories. It just beat around the bush so much. I've said it before, but the show "Horseland" had an episode on a pet's death, and it was so good, I think it just made TftM so bad in comparison.


Though I doubt that problem plagues many people besides me.

  • Brohoof 1
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I really didn't like Tanks for the Memories. It just beat around the bush so much. I've said it before, but the show "Horseland" had an episode on a pet's death, and it was so good, I think it just made TftM so bad in comparison.


Though I doubt that problem plagues many people besides me.


Horseland? You mean that cartoon on the block Kewlopolis that aired on CBS on Saturday mornings?

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For me it would be "What about Discord?". I was really hoping for Discord to redeem himself "again" after betraying everypony in Equestria. Overall, this episode has left me wanting more from Discord and the mane 6 but nothing really interesting happen.

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Horseland? You mean that cartoon on the block Kewlopolis that aired on CBS on Saturday mornings?

I call it Cookie Jar TV, but yeah that's the one I'm talking about. It was actually a decent Saturday cartoon, I'm disappointed it went so unnoticed.

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There were a lot of really good episodes in season 5, but there were two that stand out for me as being weaker than the rest.


My bottom two are definitely:


Make new friends but keep Discord

What about Discord


I do like Discord as a character, but his two most recent appearances felt unnecessary and forced.  It's like they just wanted more Discord at any cost, and wrapped a couple of lackluster episodes around him instead of focusing on a story in which he was organically important.

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I can say with 100% certainty that Season 5 is my favorite season of MLP (so far of course). Not every season is perfect however, so here are a couple of episodes that are at the bottom of my list:

  • Princess Spike
  • Party Pooped
  • The Hooffields and McColts

On a side note, i'm really hoping that Season 6 utilizes the map WAY more! There is so much potential and storytelling ideas here  :P

  • Brohoof 2
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I can say with 100% certainty that Season 5 is my favorite season of MLP (so far of course). Not every season is perfect however, so here are a couple of episodes that are at the bottom of my list:

  • Princess Spike
  • Party Pooped
  • The Hooffields and McColts

On a side note, i'm really hoping that Season 6 utilizes the map WAY more! There is so much potential and storytelling ideas here  :P


Agreed on the map part, it would be a bummer to have the map only be used for 4 episodes (5 if you count The Cutie-Remark, Starlight herself said the map was connected to all of Equestria) and then just be irrelevant for the rest of the show.

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Brotherhooves Social

I just didn't like it :\


Slice of Life

It was good at first, but it's not something I ever feel like watching again.


Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?

At first I considered this my favorite episode. Luna episode? Great! Luna suffering from depression? Brilliant! The Mane 6 insisting she get help while Luna doesn't want help? Fascinating!

...Then I saw this video. This made me realize what a horrible episode this is honestly, and if you want to know why I hate it, see this video:


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Made in Manehatten was in my opinion one of the worst episodes of any season. The jokes were not funny, the story unengaging, and I cared for nothing in it. And that is the probelm with the cutie map episodes. We know in the end the problem is gonna be solved, and it makes things such a bore.


All the negative things I said could be applied to slice of life, but at least Slice of Life was supposed to not be taken seriously, and was to be a joke episode. Made in Manehatten tried to take it's self seriously and I did not care for it.

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