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Has Twilight been Useless this season 5?


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I hear you, I just think you're completely and utterly wrong.

Fluttershy could never have gotten them to listen to her, she is an absolute doormat, and even if there's scenarios where she blows up she never shows initiative in forcing others to listen to her which would have been required here. There is absolutely no way I can see fluttershy finding a way to force herself into both enclaves given how confrontational and antagonistic the two sides were.

Twilight was absolutely required here this is not a scenario that Fluttershy could ever have waltzed in and done on her own.

Never say never. Fluttershy may have the capability to force herself to be heard despite her choosing against it. If there ever comes a time when she literally yells "HAY!" to grab the attention of others if it's urgent, I would not be surprised whatsoever and it's not becaayse of her last blow outs since, as you already said, they had nothing to do with her forcing herself into a situation or being heard.


However I will have disagree with Twilight being useless in the situation. While Fluttershy needs to be tugged/dragged/forced out of her shell in order to forcefully take charge, Twilight does not. And she does it in a manner that isn't tyrabical....she was needed because both families were literally the emobidment of irrationality. Even if Flutters tried to grip the situation, she would have needed help, therefore, the map knew Twilight would be right for the job because:


1. It'll teach her a lesson that sometimes the most rational solutions aren't enough to solve problems between irrational people

2. Taming both families at her best long enough for Fluttershy to get the whole story from the animals


Because honestly, Fluttershy would have been too busy dodging away from watermelons and wood to really take the time to save and speak with the critters.



Fluttershy is capable of handling the situation, but she is not capable of handling it on her own where Twilight will be playing at her strengths

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I don't know about useless,  but she sure has been forgettable the past couple seasons. Aside from her fight with Tirek, nothing she's done as stood out or provided me with much enjoyment. I'd almost say she's become a bit of a background pony since she got her wings.

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Lately, I've been thinking about this...


I've been upset about Twilight this season 5. She's done nothing but set up decorations and read books. She's only done smaller things than she would normally do, like solving a bigger friendship problem or going somewhere on the map. But instead, she's only helped RaRa on showing her proof that her manager was greedy and selfish, she didn't get involved in some 'inside jokes', and wasn't there much at Hearth's Warming eve at Pinkie's farm. She didn't even go to Griffonstone, Rainbow and Pinkie traveled there instead.


There could have been a better story plot line if Twilight had done something very 'princcessy'. Plus, she's an ALICORN and a PRINCESS, I think she should do more. Her role as spreading Friendship hasn't really been affecting her, but affecting her friends as learning to help others on the map.


Well, we can't forgot the season 5 finale. It was mainly Fluttershy who had helped the rest of her friends to escape. Twilight did come up with a plan, yes, but what if she didn't?


The only useful thing she's down was reform Starlight and sing a song...

Me, a huge Twilight fan, really upsets me.

Who else agrees?

No, she was not useless.  However, as the show has progressed and her character developed it didn't make sense to have her as the center of the majority of the episodes.  This season her character was limited  compared to past seasons but just look at the season finale.  Twilight pretty much went through a Doctor Who like story with minimal help from the other mane six.  

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Really? Fluttershy is borderline invisible this season (and yes even in Hooffields where she is the one with the solution she is heavily overshadowed until the climax where she can't be) to almost S3 Rarity levels of neglect, Rainbow is pretty much just a sidekick in two of her 3 episodes and it's TWILIGHT FANS who are complaining? YOU GUYS GOT 5 EPISODES! 3 Slice of Life and the Finale! Not only that but you ha twilight get to do more than just give friendsipy moral lectures. So really what is the fuss?

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In The Hooffields & the McCoys, at the start Twilight herself implies she feels a little left out.  IMO, it is more a style difference.  This season most of the episodes have been focusing on 2 characters at a time & not the whole group as in previous seasons.  You could ask the same of any of the Mane 6. Each is useful in her episodes & otherwise ignored.

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Really? Fluttershy is borderline invisible this season (and yes even in Hooffields where she is the one with the solution she is heavily overshadowed until the climax where she can't be) to almost S3 Rarity levels of neglect, Rainbow is pretty much just a sidekick in two of her 3 episodes and it's TWILIGHT FANS who are complaining? YOU GUYS GOT 5 EPISODES! 3 Slice of Life and the Finale! Not only that but you ha twilight get to do more than just give friendsipy moral lectures. So really what is the fuss?


agreed 100%.

Like, I can see the arguments about twilight lacking Slice of life in Season 4, but that was a full season ago and she had plenty this season :/

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Doesn't bother me at all how little one character has gotten over the other. Fluttershy still manages to top the charts as the most developed this season despite being the less seen.


What is amusing is how such a topic about Who didn't get enough screen time or got too much is causing such an uproar of arguments. Half the time, these discussions are better than tumblr and facebook comments.

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agreed 100%.

Like, I can see the arguments about twilight lacking Slice of life in Season 4, but that was a full season ago and she had plenty this season :/


Seriously, what are they whining about? I just don't get it, Twilight even got to show off her neruotic side again! 

If anyone has a right to complain "my favorite got screwed over this season" it's the Fluttershy fans and I say that as someone who ranks her at the bottom.

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