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How powerful is Twilight Sparkle?

Thewookie Wooker

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I think he meant that Celestia might have had subjects similar to Twilight, and that Celestia is only that good because she had so much time to practice.


Maybe. But you have to be pretty good to impress a God Queen Princess. And we know Celestia was able to teleport another pony to the moon over one thousand years ago I'm not sure practice is an issue.

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Maybe. But you have to be pretty good to impress a God Queen Princess. And we know Celestia was able to teleport another pony to the moon over one thousand years ago I'm not sure practice is an issue.


But she used the elements to do that aswell

Riley was here

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To me, Twilight's not that special. There have been unicorns as talented or even more talented than her before. An example is Star Swirl the Bearded who was so talented he invented spells for future unicorn generations to learn from. There might even be more unicorn spell casters yet to be mentioned that are even more powerful than Star Swirl himself.


Twilight has only been copying spells, she hasn't made her own yet with the possible exception of the teleport spell that I think is her default. Even Rarity herself has used spells that Twilight hasn't like illusion spells in Suited for Success.


The thing is we haven't really met that many unicorns and if Twilight can learn spells from scrolls and books Star Swirl wrote then that means given enough practice and time, any competent unicorn can learn and do the spells like Twilight. However, normally, a unicorn only tries to spend time learning spells that makes their talent or occupation easier. Learning things they'll never use can be a waste of time.

Edited by hironakamura
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She was taught by the ruler of Equestria.


And she's the Element of Magic. She was destined to be good at magic, I guess *shrug*

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To me, Twilight's not that special. There have been unicorns as talented or even more talented than her before. An example is Star Swirl the Bearded who was so talented he invented spells for future unicorn generations to learn from. There might even be more unicorn spell casters yet to be mentioned that are even more powerful than Star Swirl himself.

You must remember that she's still quite young, and still a student. It makes sense that she's still just learning.


Twilight has only been copying spells, she hasn't made her own yet with the possible exception of the teleport spell that I think is her default. Even Rarity herself has used spells that Twilight hasn't like illusion spells in Suited for Success.

Just because somebody else used a spell that Twi hasn't doesn't mean she can't use the spell. Also, Rarity's special talent is making things fabulous, and illusions could fall under that.


The thing is we haven't really met that many unicorns and if Twilight can learn spells from scrolls and books Star Swirl wrote then that means given enough practice and time, any competent unicorn can learn and do the spells like Twilight. However, normally, a unicorn only tries to spend time learning spells that makes their talent or occupation easier. Learning things they'll never use can be a waste of time.

In Boast Busters, Twi said that most unicorns only have a few spells that relate to their special talents. All unicorns seem to have levitation and simple things like that, but other than that, they don't know much else. Take Rarity, for example; we've only really seen her use two spells, the gem finder and the illusions.

Also, in Boast Buster, Spike talked about how impressive and odd it was that Twi could use so many different spells, and she said that the reason she could use so many spells was probably because her talent is magic itself.

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Well I can't say exactly how powerful she is at this point, but I do recall how much she did via magic in her entrance exam. If that was raw power when she was still so young, then I imagine she is far more powerful than she seems. Maybe more powerful than Celestia, but I don't know the extent of Celestia's power either. ^_^


Everypony is special and has a unique talent. Never think your talent is worth less than somepony else's. ^-^V

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Twilight has unlimited potential, therefore her power doesn't have a level. Twilight keeps reading, keeps learning. She will always be improving and learning new spells. Now I wouldn't say she is the most strongest pony magic wise because there are some stuff she can't do. Which is reasonable judging her age. With time she most likely will be the most magically gifted pony.


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In Boast Busters, Twi said that most unicorns only have a few spells that relate to their special talents. All unicorns seem to have levitation and simple things like that, but other than that, they don't know much else. Take Rarity, for example; we've only really seen her use two spells, the gem finder and the illusions.

Also, in Boast Buster, Spike talked about how impressive and odd it was that Twi could use so many different spells, and she said that the reason she could use so many spells was probably because her talent is magic itself.




The show isn't really known for consistency. My point is, why would Star Swirl write his spells down on scrolls and books if nobody could learn them other than Twilight?


I think every unicorn has some kind of default spell they're born with related to their talent. In this case, Rarity was born with her gem find spell so she is the spell's inventor while Twilight is the inventor of the teleport spell (at least we haven't seen any unicorns use this spell yet).


The way I see it, as a unicorn's talent grows and requires more demanding tasks completed, they begin to study spells related to their skill. I think Rarity studied illusion and transformation spells (Look Before you Sleep) for the sake of beautification because that is her talent. Even though Rarity could learn say, an invisibility spell, she wouldn't have any use for it and the time and effort that went into learning the spell would just be a waste of time.


Think of Twi as a mixed martial artist while Rarity is purely dedicated to one fighting style.

Edited by hironakamura
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I think everyone seems to forget that Twilight is in her 20's. Some of the other characters mentioned here are well-over a thousand years old. I honestly think the finale of the series will end with her gaining full control of her powers and her growing to the level of or above Celestia and the other alicorns.

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The show isn't really known for consistency. My point is, why would Star Swirl write his spells down on scrolls and books if nobody could learn them other than Twilight?

What I meant was, not every unicorn is powerful or skillful enough to use a lot of spells. Most only have the basics, and a few spells relating to their talent.

We've seen Twi pull off magical feats that most other unicorns couldn't, such as all that stuff she did to fend off the ursa minor. In Sonic Rainboom, she specifically stated that the flight spell was really difficult, and that it was too difficult to perform more than once. Obviously some spells, by there very nature, are harder and require more skill/power. Technically, I guess any unicorn could learn the spell, but very few would be able to actually use it, especially at Twi's age. Starswirl the Bearded's very title (the bearded) implies that he was pretty old when he became famous. In all likelyhood, if a pony were to study magic their whole lives, they could become quite powerful (if they had some natural ability as well; I'm sure Starswirl had a lot of magical talent naturally).

The fact that Twi's special talent is magic gives her the skill and power to use high level magic at a young age. And I would say she can even use magic now that most unicorns couldn't ever. Like the time spells; I doubt just any unicorn could pull those off.



I think every unicorn has some kind of default spell they're born with related to their talent. In this case, Rarity was born with her gem find spell so she is the spell's inventor while Twilight is the inventor of the teleport spell (at least we haven't seen any unicorns use this spell yet).


The way I see it, as a unicorn's talent grows and requires more demanding tasks completed, they begin to study spells related to their skill. I think Rarity studied illusion and transformation spells (Look Before you Sleep) for the sake of beautification because that is her talent. Even though Rarity could learn say, an invisibility spell, she wouldn't have any use for it and the time and effort that went into learning the spell would just be a waste of time.

The way I see it is that they have a natural affinity with magic relating to their special talent. A unicorn with some skill level is able to use magic they normally wouldn't if it wasn't related to their talent. They still have to learn magic, but spells related to their talent come easier to them.

Imagine if it was an RPG; a fireball spell might require you to be level 9, but you have a bonus that lets you use higher level fire spells, so you could use fireball at level 6 instead. Rarity was pulling off some fairly complicated illusions, and based on what else she does with magic, I doubt she'd be able to do that if it wasn't related to fabulousitizing things.

Edited by Evilshy
  • Brohoof 1

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What I meant was, not every unicorn is powerful or skillful enough to use a lot of spells. Most only have the basics, and a few spells relating to their talent.

We've seen Twi pull off magical feats that most other unicorns couldn't, such as all that stuff she did to fend off the ursa minor. In Sonic Rainboom, she specifically stated that the flight spell was really difficult, and that it was too difficult to perform more than once. Obviously some spells, by there very nature, are harder and require more skill/power. Technically, I guess any unicorn could learn the spell, but very few would be able to actually use it, especially at Twi's age. Starswirl the Bearded's very title (the bearded) implies that he was pretty old when he became famous. In all likelyhood, if a pony were to study magic their whole lives, they could become quite powerful (if they had some natural ability as well; I'm sure Starswirl had a lot of magical talent naturally).

The fact that Twi's special talent is magic gives her the skill and power to use high level magic at a young age. And I would say she can even use magic now that most unicorns couldn't ever. Like the time spells; I doubt just any unicorn could pull those off.


This is really the Sasuke vs Naruto theory. Who is a better learner; the super genius or the super diligent? For me, they're on equal footing. A unicorn doesn't need to be super talented to learn or use a complicated spell, they just need to be dedicated in learning and using it. Unicorns like Rarity or even Sweetie Belle can learn and use any spell they want but they're better off learning ones only relevant to their skill set. Its not that they can't learn or use the spells, its more of they have no use for it or doesn't go with their style.


For me, I think Twilight only looks powerful because she's had more focus than other unicorns. Take those unicorn royal guards for instance. They're battle mages trained and militarized to use their magic to fight but we've never really seen them in action. I bet once we do see them fight, they're very powerful.

Edited by hironakamura
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For me, I think Twilight only looks powerful because she's had more focus than other unicorns. Take those unicorn royal guards for instance. They're battle mages trained and militarized to use their magic to fight but we've never really seen them in action. I bet once we do see them fight, they're very powerful.

Twilight was a magic gatling gun the same time all royal guards were incapacitated in Royal Wedding.




From those pictures, those are not exactly lies.

1. Twi is not Spike's mommy despite the hatching, she's his boss and he's her assistant.

2. Pinkie pie was still itty bitty little little just after she saw the rainbow. Also we didn't see what happened when the rock farm was covered in snow.

3. Gilda not appearing in an out of context shot doesn't prove anything and Dashie-Fluttershy friendship might have been just in the very beginnings.

4,5. Twi throws some nonsense about magic, but we know past events are not wrong, but her words, as involuntary magic is everywhere, like her bursting into flames or pegasi walking on clouds. It may be assumed that she differentiates between several types of magic output and calls only voluntary one 'magic', but she'd oversimplify things and it'd still be nonsense. Unreliable narrator.

6. Pinkie Pie is nuts. She's totally unreliable as a narrator ^_^

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This is really the Sasuke vs Naruto theory. Who is a better learner; the super genius or the super diligent? For me, they're on equal footing. A unicorn doesn't need to be super talented to learn or use a complicated spell, they just need to be dedicated in learning and using it. Unicorns like Rarity or even Sweetie Belle can learn and use any spell they want but they're better off learning ones only relevant to their skill set. Its not that they can't learn or use the spells, its more of they have no use for it or doesn't go with their style.

If we're going by naruto analogies, there are still techniques that other characters can't use because they lack the power or chakra to do so. For example, very few ninjas can use multiple shadow clone jutsu like naruto can, simply because it requires such huge amounts of chakra to work, and few ninjas have that much.

I suppose all unicorns could learn a spell, but they are still limited by their magical power. If they studied for years, they might be able to learn to use their magic more efficiently and cast more advanced spells, but there would still be a limit, and they would never be as powerful as a unicorn who had studied and equal amount, but was naturally more powerful, such as Twilight.



For me, I think Twilight only looks powerful because she's had more focus than other unicorns. Take those unicorn royal guards for instance. They're battle mages trained and militarized to use their magic to fight but we've never really seen them in action. I bet once we do see them fight, they're very powerful.


Well, yes. A unicorn who was most likely selected for strength (among other things) and then trained for battle would be very powerful. But Twi is powerful without specific training. She just reads spell books and practices on her own time.

Would you say a professional boxer wasn't a good fighter simply because Bruce Lee could kick his ass? (assuming he was still alive, of course :()

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If we're going by naruto analogies, there are still techniques that other characters can't use because they lack the power or chakra to do so. For example, very few ninjas can use multiple shadow clone jutsu like naruto can, simply because it requires such huge amounts of chakra to work, and few ninjas have that much.

I suppose all unicorns could learn a spell, but they are still limited by their magical power. If they studied for years, they might be able to learn to use their magic more efficiently and cast more advanced spells, but there would still be a limit, and they would never be as powerful as a unicorn who had studied and equal amount, but was naturally more powerful, such as Twilight.


I think the idea of something like a mana pool makes sense but I think that's mostly tied to energy as well like stamina I guess.

In this sense you could say Twilight has the largest mana pool out of all the ponies but not the most stamina which is why she gets tired after casting complex spells.

She does not also have the most strength either and Celestia would have more strength then her which is why she can cast more powerful spells then Twilight like clearing Twilight's want-it need-it spell and raising the sun. It is unknown though how much energy raising the sun requires of her however but I'm guessing not a lot as she does it every day and would keep getting better at it.

Basically I'm looking at it is statistically with who has what number for each attribute. Like in RPGs and MMOs.

My Ponysona: Daylight
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Twilight Sparkle casts interesting spells even without thinking where others have to focus. In the very first episode Twi transmutes a green apple into a red apple while chewing it. She bursts into flames when she's angry or eating something spicy and it's not likely just an artistic measure as they don't usually leave sooty marks behind. She casts some weird spell at the library door every time she goes in or out. She's overflowing with magic.

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I think everyone seems to forget that Twilight is in her 20's. Some of the other characters mentioned here are well-over a thousand years old. I honestly think the finale of the series will end with her gaining full control of her powers and her growing to the level of or above Celestia and the other alicorns.


Finale? Dude, it won't take that long. That will happen way before the show ends. And she won't simply get more powerful; she'll transform in to an alicorn. I'd be willing to bet a kidney on it.
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Finale? Dude, it won't take that long. That will happen way before the show ends. And she won't simply get more powerful; she'll transform in to an alicorn. I'd be willing to bet a kidney on it.


Why does everybody say kidney? How about a pancreas or a bladder or a lung or..... something other than a kidney(or a liver) :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

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