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Personal Flaws About Yourself?

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This thread is for a little self reflection about yourself. Review yourself, maybe give your self some constructive criticism on how to improve yourself without having to completely change who you are because hey, there's no changing that.


For me, I feel like my social quirks get the best of me. I inturrupt people in conversations, I talk really loud, and I do stuff that may come across as annoying to stuff. I will also sometimes say stuff irrational

be it joking or not. I mostly end up regretting it later. I also get angry with some people

way to easily or let others annoy me easier. This last one was more common when I was a social hermit though, and it improved when I started making friends and stuff.


Another flaw I have is that I tend to be way to critical on things, sometimes in kind of a toxic way. Like, my sister will be fangirling over something I don't care about and if it annoys me enough, I will just start bashing it without thought or saying irrational things about it. Most of the things I say aren't even serious critique just stuff you'd find in the YouTube comments.


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I'm pretty thin-skinned which frustrates me because I feel like I can't do anything about it. I'm a pretty legit pushover as well.


One other thing is I don't have a great work ethic and don't respond well to criticism. I don't mind doing what people tell me, but when they start pressuring me to do something better or faster I get really irritated.

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Hmm, well I'm very self critical. A lot of times I'll be talking to people and I'll say a certain thing that upon reflection was really stupid or pointless. I'll then proceed to scold myself internally for being an idiot.


Other than that I'm very nervous about approaching people. I guess I'm very nervous about being intrusive or a nuisance, so it'll take a while for me to be able to start a conversation with someone. And usually it'll be quite awkward as I'm not too experienced with the whole human interaction thing XD

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I wish I had Big Mac's work ethic. I get discourged to easily if my brain thinks the conditions to do something are too unpleasant. XD

Edited by Malinter
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I think my biggest flaw is my anger. I let myself become angry more often than I should. To put it in perspective, if I don't get angry at least once every hour to two hours, it's not normal. 


I also feel like my overprotectiveness (is that even a word?) is a huge flaw. Some people tell me otherwise, though.

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Too nice

I bite stuff (mostly my shirt or hoodie) when I get stressed

I sit too much

I can get really annoying

I don't trust others

I don't forgive easily

I stress too much about little things


Edited by The Cerberus
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  • I am a bit too sensitive and I take all criticism as an insult.

I can trust people too easily.

I am very manipulative and I sometimes use that to get what I want.

I have a lot of irrational fears.

I am quite lazy.

I have a rather low self-esteem.

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I haz many flaws, enough to keep this thread going strong for at least a week or two, as I can never remember everything all at once.



For now, I can only think of one: I am a complete weakling who cannot keep up in my school's Body Conditioning class, which is pretty much just a gym in a school with dumbbells and deadlifts and so on. While everyone else is doing 40 pounds on each side on a bench press, I can barely handle the bar without any weights.

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I find it harder to talk to females than males. But as of recently the scales seemed to have tipped. It now seems I find it harder to talk to males rather than females. I am struggling to find the balance, I am either too touchy feely with my emotions or too drawn back and distant, to where I put on an act. At the moment I am pretty solid in a somewhat neutral stage, I pretty much feel like Fluttershy before she met Twilight with everyone.

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can be A tad lazy


not too sociable/introverted

naïve, which is a blessing and a curse

and I am rather suspicius to beautifull women after they ignored me for 4 years and made me feel less then dirt.

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Oh boy here we go

  • I'm lazy
  • I'm extremely impatient
  • I'm super intolerant
  • I can be rude
  • I tend to see myself as superior to most people
  • I brag
  • I have a lack of empathy close to levels of psychopathy 
  • I'm somewhat annoying
  • I'm ungrateful 
  • I feed off of attention
  • I often make extremely offensive jokes
  • I lie a lot
  • I have very little respect for most things
  • And I'm very spoilt 

I'm not exactly perfect

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  • I feed off of attention
  • I lie a lot


How do I know you aren't just lying the rest to feed off attention?  :fluttershy:


Anyway gotta keep on topic


- I am lazy as fook

- Easily distracted

- Terrible sleeping routine

- At this point pretty much default (probably addicted) to doing things on the computer and everything else life-related goes to the backseat.

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I can often procrastinate too much when it comes to getting homework done, and I need to work on my confidence and social skills. I can also be vhighly argumentative, but, luckily, I refrain from using rude language and insults when trying to prove a point. I need to work on my fitness, too.

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  • I'm very introverted.

I'm bad at staying motivated to do things.

I'm a pushover. Physically and emotionally.

I hold grudges and dislike forgiving.

My self-esteem is not very high.

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Hello, everyone. Here are my flaws:

  1. I can't really tell If this is a flaw (you get to decide): Well, when somebody shows me something they have drawn or created (like a craft or smth) I always tell them that I like it, but I don't. Maybe, it's bad or not.
  2. I can get a bit jealous, when somebody is better than me. (And usually this person gets a little annoying for me, of course I'm not showing it, and I'm trying to convince myself that I'm still better) Almost always my jealousy slowly dissipates and I can even be good friends with this person.
  3. I'm a a very judging and criticizing person. But I don't tell my real opinion, It's like a white lie.
  4. When somebody asks me to draw something, and I waste my precious time just to draw it. I really get annoyed when they just say "thanks". Like I don't know, I guess, It was worth it. That's why I don't like to draw to somebody else ('cause I give them my drawing, which I won't see like for ever.), so I draw only for myself (Well, I'm trying, 'cause when somebody asks me to draw something, I can't really tell them "no".)
  5. I hate myself for not saying "no", when I really want to. But when I say no, everyone see me as a mean guy, and they'll have a grudge, which makes me feel bad. I don't know what to do, should I just not care or what?
  6. I'm an optimist in a bad way. I don't see any sense in life, and when something bad happens I just shrug it off in a "life has no sense, so it doesn't matter" way. I'm not a pessimist, even If I don't see any sense in life - I don't care about it (another flaw). And as you can see, MLP  (and other things in life (like family and friends), but mostly Pinkie Pie) -  makes me forget about sense of life. (That officially makes me sick? :D)
  7. Also I hate when I upload an art (a real art, like really beautiful) and not everypony cares about it. I got only 20 Upvotes (derpibooru, within 6 days), and then sometime later a guy uploads an art (which is not quite good as mine (but not bad either)) that has 54 Upvotes (in less than 24 hours). All I could do is just stare into distance and my thoughts were like "What is the point in drawing If nobody appreciates (well some appreciate, but not quite) real art?". I feel bad for this, I'm sorry If I'm being offensive. Maybe, I'll stop judging everypony, I hope I will.
Edited by RirePink
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-I lack social skills and I tend to feel anxious in social interactions, which leads me to not really carry on conversations well.

-I'm sensitive to insults and criticism and I tend to worry too much about what people think of me.

-I sometimes get annoyed when something I don't care for gets a lot of hype and stoof like that.

Edited by SuperALPHYSBrony
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I'm not living as healthy as I want to be diet/exercise-wise and I'm a professional crastinator (i just like to do things later).


Edit: I even misspelled exercise.

Edit: twice.

Edited by ghostberry
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I got a low self esteem and people tell me that because i always worried something might happen and it could be bad or worse. I sometimes get really sad about things that go wrong for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haz many flaws, enough to keep this thread going strong for at least a week or two, as I can never remember everything all at once.



For now, I can only think of one: I am a complete weakling who cannot keep up in my school's Body Conditioning class, which is pretty much just a gym in a school with dumbbells and deadlifts and so on. While everyone else is doing 40 pounds on each side on a bench press, I can barely handle the bar without any weights.


Another flaw of mine is that I cannot for the life of me remember everything at once when I make a list. No matter what I do, I never seem to be able to think enough to fill in my missing gaps.

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Well shit here we go, 

I take what i have for granted a lot, trying to work on that, 

I tend to be a glass half empty kinda guy

I slack off far too much in school and then get mad when it bites me in the ass ( i know surprising right?!) 

Ten to dwell in the past so much over what i could've done different that i often miss the present.

All i can think of right off hand, there's plenty more i could think up i'm sure.

I guess the best way to look at it is shit.... i need to nut up and get moving and get stuff done, schoolwork and procrastination are a bad combination ( guess what i'm putting off as a type these very words? * cough homework cough*

i dunno, my life could be plenty worse and i need to see if for than and quit being so damn negative.  

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