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private Echoes in the Summer Sun

dusk shade

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"Oh man, I've been sleeping since the train, I don't think I'll be able to sleep", he said as he thought about what he had meant about her being a vampire. "I only meant that we both understood that you were one and I was glad she did t freak out", he said avoiding what he had originally said about them both liking the vampire.

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"Well she did freak out actually but she came around quite quickly I kinda nearly bit the both of you she said something rather triggering for me so that was not great, well if you're not tired you can come over and read the book and hang at my place, I bet neither of you have cloud walked before?"

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"Um..once, I fell on my face...see we aren't so good with most magic, we only really are antly good with illusions and duplication", he says as he duplicates himself, the duplicate speaking in toms with him as they walk. "What do ya mean, triggering...what did she say to you, Summer"?

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"well it's ok if I say it but you can't unless you mean it, she said 'If you are a blood sucking vampire, then prove it, drink my blood with your vampire fangs' that kinda sounded like an invitation to me so well anyway nothing happened, besides the spell I have a filly could cast, I dislike telling you two twice it's kinda annoying but when I mean a filly i'm not joking either." 

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Echo stopped at what Deja had said and keeled over laughing. "That is too funny, you almost drank my blood, because of her big mouth, I mean I wouldn't have minded but still its hilarious", he cackled not realized what he had said about not minding if she drank from him, the same as Deja, both had basically invited her without realizing.

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"Am I hearing what I'm hearing from the both of you? Nah you wouldn't anyway come one let's see if you can cast the spell come to my house I'll give you the book. You can at least try." are the both of them wanting to be fed on, that can't be can it? Why would a pony actually want to be fed on?

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Echo stopped laughing and stood up when the made mentioned going to her house. "Um...your..house..why...not...there...don't belong... Your space...", he stammered even as he read the book, muttering aboutvtge spell. Once he had cast it, he bounced around in a bubble before being dripped onto a cloud. "Wow, spell works, and nice place", he offered as he adjusted his head a bit, trying to ignore the fact that the mare in the room next to him is perfect.

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Summer comes in the living room that Echo read the book, "told you easy peasy, that spell is for members of the weather teams that are unicorns they cast that so they can work in Cloudsdale so It was made in mind to be as easy as possible to cast successfully for unicorns it's just as easy to cast on others too and last for two full days great spell." Summer comes and sits on her couch next to him, "so how's it walking on clouds then, oh my Luna come jump on my bed it's just a cloud the best thing since hay burgers."

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"Its pretty aawsome, I gotta admit", he told her as she mentioned jumping on her bed. "Not sure if I should, I mean that's your space", he said, not wanting to even go near her bed, that was the last thing he needed. He did that and soon he might kiss her, not gonna happen, she was his friend and he wanted to keep it that way, try not to ness it up right away, that was his challenge.

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"don't worry about the bed it's a cloud I can just give it a kick." Summer bucks the cloud and it forms a different shape, "the best thing on this planet to sleep on is a cloud regular beds just don't cut it there not soft enough odd thing is I can sleep on the ground fine though no complaints."

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He stood next to her a little uneasy something he rarely was and he couldn't understand why he felt so uncomfortable around her. He did as he was offered and jumped onto her bed, a cloud bed was definitely soft, she wasn't lying. He jumped about the bed, before lightly kissing her cheek in mid jump.

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Summer stood back with surprise "what the hay was that Echo?!" I have to act like this he is not her, it's not her so this is a different pony in front of me Summer looked at him she knew he had done it for a reason he knew not of. "look you can't just do that, ah heck yes you can I don't see anything wrong with it." Summer pushed him onto the bed and made out with him for a while. "she's already going out with me guess you are too now."

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Before he could explain himself he was pushed down by her own kiss. Once he could get up he looked at her kind of funny. "Wait already going out with her, who's her, I can't get involved with you if you're with somepony, I'm not the type that goes breaking up ponies", he said not realizing the her was Deja Vu.

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"Celestia help me, I mean Deja you big lug, how did you not realize that?" Summer stood of the bed, "oh you have ruined the mood Echo, I mean if I was going out with another mare and she was not sharing a body with you I would of kicked you out for the kiss you silly."

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"Sorry", he said and walked a bit away smiling sheepishly. "How was I supposed to know that Deja had loosened that much so quickly, Summer", he asked before walking out of the rooms and going to the sink running the faucet over his head to help him think before going back to her. "So you are dating both of us, wow, last time we tried that the mare ran off".

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(:D forgot it was my turn, bed soon, and look at the PM i sent you)


"well this mare is not gonna run off. So you will have to get used to my rather lovely face you silly dope Echo." Summer sighed at him "look I'm a little bit different from the ladies that you've dated before so let's see here it goes."

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"Trust me your face is something I can definitely get used to", he assured her and likely kissed her cheek again. "So, I guess I should just say it, your face is not lovely, it is outright beautiful". He didn't care about the blush on his cheeks from his words as he wrapped a hood around her.

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Summer looked down her ears back and her face a shade of red, "you know your words as well as Deja, this is gonna be weird, but I'm dead so who cares and dead mare going out with both sides of a pony with a split personality, this is something that nopony will of herd of before, so me what you got knock be of my hooves lad." 

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He smiled and laughed a bit. "Well, I meant it..I don't care if you're a vampire, you're my vampire", he smirked and let her out of the hug. "So are we technically cheating on Deja and vice versa or..", he asked and walked over to her couch sitting on it. "Um..also since you're dating her too, I think she may be seeing more of Ponyville, which is good".

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"I already asked her about, if you went for me aswell she said that she'd be cool with it actually one of the main reasons that you kiss did not flip me out actually." She sat there on the couch looking at him and well he looked like a stallion, it was remarkable the difference when the different personality came out. 

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"Well..cool, I'm glad we're not messing things up", he said before bringing an illusion of Deja Vu into the room. "Do we really look that different, I always hear I have a feminine flair when she's out, but I don't really see it", he explains as he stands next to the image. "Question two...who is cuter"?

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"oh don't make me chose between the two, that is unfair, but you both look very different to my anyway, i'd swear that you were different ponies if I saw you at different times, now that you're both standing there the differences are obvious to me at least. Hold the phone you said that you Illusion magic is so strong you copies became real?"

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"What..no. I specialize in illusions and she is skilled with duplication. I'm not sure where but somewhere we bridged a gap in magic. When are both using out magic we can duplicate illusions. Now a duplicate she creates is identical to the target of the spell. She can duplicate an orange and have two afterwards. With that combination, we can make really cool illusion shows", he explains as the illusion fades.

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"ah damn then just if you could...ah never mind I'm trying to change you already that is not fair of me we only met this morning, well the good thing is I can be close to you as a whole now and not have to worry about explaining it to the other side of you that is rather relieving for me at least."

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Echo looked at her in confusion and smiled trying not to look confused. "Um..what..you do realize that was just an illusion, right, she has no idea we are together, or well, dating, you do know that right", he asked knowing the whole explaining everything twice thing had to be a pain.

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