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Conservative pundit slams MLP fanbase as "effeminate" and "un-manly"


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He doesn't understand what manliness is. It's being noble, selfless, hardworking, and faithful. It's being a good son, brother, and husband. Whether or not you like MLP doesn't factor into it, that's just like whether you like riding bikes or eating pickles. Manhood does not come with age but with wisdom. He who does not recognize this will always be a boy.

  • Brohoof 4


"If we have the courage to decide ourselves for peace, we will have peace." - Albert Einstein

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I did a research paper on the Brony and MLP:FiM culture and how it has dissolved itself into the American Pop Culture. I, personally, am in full approval and encouragement of all other ponies out there and I do get horrendously offended when people who haven't watched the show or have no knowledge at all bash Bronies, Pegasisters, or any other kind of pony out there. A show cannot make anyone "less manly" then they are. It does not make them gay. It should not (as according to "Teenagers React" (a video series on YouTube)) affect who you date or who you want to hang out with.


Bronies and everypony have hobbies and other interests besides MLP:FiM. Each Brony is their own unique individual, like each pony is itself. I am hurt and saddened to see how many people watch this news and (possibly) buy into it without adequate



On a side note; as a lover of anime as well, I was hurt in the Fox (not)News video where he threw in a jest about the Japanimation. I thought it was rude to basically cast out the whole Anime/Magna/Fandom of Japanese things (Sorry, I couldn't think of a better term) as something deviant. If Fox ever bothered to do their research, they would see how many people nation wide are interested in the Anime and such.

  • Brohoof 1

"Hidden behind my grin is something cunning, and possibly wicked, but it is always honest."


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Fox News (and factions within the right-wing media) make a living from conflict, hatred and demonisation of "the other". MLP (and bronies, pegasisters, etc) is based around love, tolerance, and peaceful conflict resolution. Of course we're their enemy ;)

  • Brohoof 1
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I didn't read on after he said that he wretched. The article was extremely biased and informally written. He used a G3 picture, and back then the show was obviously not as popular as it was today, especially not with men. That guy probably doesn't know a sh*t about 'Friendship is Magic'.

-"My little pony, not yours!"

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I just don't understand this hatred toward My Little Pony fans. When I was in college (I'm older than a lot of you) groups of college kids both male and female would get together in a dorm room to watch a cartoon called "Animaniacs." It was considered cool among the college kids. We also watched "Invader Zim." It's really common for adults to like cartoons and/or kid's shows. IT'S REALLY COMMON.


Thousands of adults love the Toy Story movies and other Disney/Pixar stuff, but you never see people acting like dicks about adult fans of the Toy Story movies. I guess it's just because there aren't any fan forums dedicated to Toy Story.


Then again, some people like to act like douches about anything they don't personally approve of. This guy is not a journalist ... he's just a douche pretending to be one.

Edited by SydneyGrey
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MLP is an entertaining and appealing animated series and it's fans are super awesome. Nothing more. Nothing less. I have no idea why the show and it's popularity with men seems to draw such harsh negative criticism. Oh wait, I do. Why? Because society dictates what we can and cannot do and when someone or something breaks the mold all hell breaks loose. We're not to ever color outside of the lines. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png

Edited by Jemboi


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WHY is he comparing people who like MLP to people fighting in Afghanistan???


Jesus Christ, they're fighting for FREEDOM over there, why doesn't that include the freedom of rights to enjoy children's cartoons?


What he's forgetting is that some of those people who have been in Afghanistan and Iraq(like myself) are amongst the brony ranks. Hell I'm one of two Marines on just this site alone.
  • Brohoof 2
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I didn't bother with the article, I avoid most obvious trolls. I saw a couple of people mention Fox news, and I just wanted to mention, a while back I was watching Fox news in passing (channel surfing) and spotted one of their news casters talking about FiM, BronyCon I think, and he actually came out ON AIR about how he was a Brony. My initial reaction was a jaw drop, because the other dude caster made fun of him, but the lady caster was like "SHUT UP, FiM is *awesome*" and they brohoofed on air. It made my night. So Fox news can't be *all* bad, there's at least two news casters in there tht love FiM :D

  • Brohoof 1
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"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life."

- Winston Churchill


If he thinks I should be shooting people in a country on the other side of the world instead of loving and caring for everyone around me, let him think that.

I don't see why I should care about what he thinks of me.


I got a feeling that this guy ain't actually a journalist, but rather just a troll that thinks he's a journalist.

Edited by Sgt Kickflank

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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I find it funny they attack 17 year old teenage boys for watching My Little Pony and say its wrecking society, yet fail to mention 5-6 year olds playing Call of Duty all day.
  • Brohoof 2
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Some thoughts...


But should Hollywood really be enabling this phenomenon?

Clearly shows no research was done. Studio B operates from Vancouver, Canada. Although Hasbro studios is located in Los Angeles. I will credit to that. But the show is really made by Studio B


Problem is the reference to "Hollywood" which is synonymous with "American Movie Industry" and not "Cartoon TV Show Industry". So I fail to see what Hollywood has to do with anything?


All the while, as these pathetic sissies giggle like school girls over magic unicorns that spray rainbows from their horns, real men – and women – who have put aside the temptation to retreat into a frivolous fantasy world are tromping through the wilds of Afghanistan. Such young adults, some younger (in years) than the “bronies,” are protecting all of us – including these pathetic weirdoes.

Comes down to: Insult, insult, insult with conjecture and following it up with comparing apples and quantum field distortions.


Also this person has something wrong with people who use entertainment as escapism. So basically he hates all gamers and movie goers and TV viewers, and book readers. Unless he really overreacted by "retreating into a frivolous fantasy world". That or he never got to experience fun in his life.


Yeah, some will say it’s unfair to compare a bunch of harmless fem-boys who stopped maturing at age seven with the heroic men and women facing death or dismemberment on all our behalves every day. People who say that are wrong. These perma-virgins ought to be ashamed of themselves, but if they had the capacity for shame, this disgusting obsession would be a secret they guard almost as closely as a Harvard faculty member might guard the fact that he’s a registered Republican.

Again more insults and conjecture. Clearly says he doesn't like any guy who is not a strong burly man fighting some war. Sounds slightly homoerotic to me, but whatever.


The point here is, not being a large burly man in the military clearly means your life went completely wrong or something. Also being smart is a bad thing because being republican is right? Honestly it feels so much like he is venting his own frustration here?


As sickening as it is, we can’t just ban grown men from acting like idiots because we disapprove of their lifestyle choices – after all, we aren’t progressives. It’s still a free country – coincidentally due entirely to the efforts of men and women who put aside childish things to contribute to society instead of feeding at the trough and then sitting on their expansive backsides as they eagerly clap like seals at the antics of colorful cartoon steeds.

I find it funny how suddenly all bronies are unemployed. This is clearly conjecture. But then again he is a pundit, he is contributing to society in the best possible way by not going out plowing the fields or weaving the cloth or churning the butter. I am unsure where this myth came from, but I am sure that there are bronies from all walks of life. Perhaps not conservative pundits.


Fandom, even potentially nerdy fandom, need not be destructive. For example, the original “Star Trek” had real merit. The character of Captain Kirk provided an example of true manhood – note that the attributes commonly associated with ‘manhood’ are not limited by mere gender, as heroes like Sergeant Leigh Ann Hester proved – even within the concept of science fiction. Watching James T. Kirk teaches young males key life lessons – that violence is an important option for defeating evil, that individual dignity is worth fighting for, and that scoring with green alien chicks is awesome.

This is the point I got insulted. This man totally missed pretty much all the messages from Star Trek, violence was used as a last resort often to get out of sticky situations. Not used as a main theme throughout the show.


Also this paragraph seriously shows a man who likes gender inequality, because men must be men. Men can't be what they want.


[qoute]In contrast, “My Little Pony” inspires them to adopt brony names like Starfire Cuddlecakes and glue fake unicorn horns to their foreheads. Then go out in public.[/qoute]


Well, clearly, this is what everyone does. Someone who likes swords clearly walks around with it decapitating random people and science geeks build doomsday devices all day.


Anyway at this point I am done.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

  • Brohoof 1
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i was compared to war???

Why that little... *Readies to throw comments back comparing haters to discriminative racists and slavers*


Nah, i couldnt do something that mean, but couldn't they be pretending to hate and highlight the worst just to save face? How much could their reputation be harmed by liking bronies?

And watching mlp doesn't make you gay, it means that you know your sexuality and have nothing to fear. Why would a homosexual watch mlp anyway? I doubt they all watch it for the enormous amount of anti-discrimination parts in it. Mlp doesn't encourage much homosexuality, i still haven't seen a relationship in the series which didn't encourage being straight.

I don't mean any disrespect to anyone though.

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I didn't bother with the article, I avoid most obvious trolls. I saw a couple of people mention Fox news, and I just wanted to mention, a while back I was watching Fox news in passing (channel surfing) and spotted one of their news casters talking about FiM, BronyCon I think, and he actually came out ON AIR about how he was a Brony. My initial reaction was a jaw drop, because the other dude caster made fun of him, but the lady caster was like "SHUT UP, FiM is *awesome*" and they brohoofed on air. It made my night. So Fox news can't be *all* bad, there's at least two news casters in there tht love FiM :D


You should have recorded that. Would have been awesome. When was this? Was it live?

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i was compared to war???

Why that little... *Readies to throw comments back comparing haters to discriminative racists and slavers*


Nah, i couldnt do something that mean, but couldn't they be pretending to hate and highlight the worst just to save face? How much could their reputation be harmed by liking bronies?

And watching mlp doesn't make you gay, it means that you know your sexuality and have nothing to fear. Why would a homosexual watch mlp anyway? I doubt they all watch it for the enormous amount of anti-discrimination parts in it. Mlp doesn't encourage much homosexuality, i still haven't seen a relationship in the series which didn't encourage being straight.

I don't mean any disrespect to anyone though.


Because they like the show? The show may not encourage it, but it doesn't say anything against it either.

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I will point out ONE single quote that makes me realize this person is obviously a clear moron:


Watching James T. Kirk teaches young males key life lessons – that violence is an important option for defeating evil, that individual dignity is worth fighting for, and that scoring with green alien chicks is awesome.




So my message for this idiot pundit: Congrats, moron, you just destroyed 100% of the hope I had that humans couldn't be stupider than when I last check. Please, sir, do the world a massive favor and off yourself so we can remove you from our genetic code.

  • Brohoof 3
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I didn't read the article


I think I made the right decision, given the responses

  • Brohoof 1

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Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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This probably sums up my whole reaction to the article in question:



Lol, all joking aside, I already posted in this thread that I'm a conservative, but I want to go a little deeper into this. I want all my fellow bronies and pegasisters to know that there are millions of conservatives such as myself who, although we hold fast to our moral, political, religious, or philosophical beliefs, are not irrational, close-minded extremists, but rather rational, level-headed, reasonable, and overall friendly and likeable people. I for one have no respect for most forms of so-called "news-media" in our society, whether it be left or right leaning, but I will say this about conservative media. Conservative media outlets are more likely to run some very stupid article or segment such as the article posted in the thread, or the even older Fox News segments attacking bronies, because, although both left and right wing media seldom if ever properly research many news stories, right wing media also has a persecution-complex. This is honestly not that surprising, since traditionally most media or entertainment industries in America have tended to be left-leaning, and so, as a result, right-wing media distributors always feel like they are a minority in the entertainment industry and as such are, for lack of a better term, jumpy and kind of paranoid, always looking to go on the attack and vehemently advocate conservative values at the slightest sign of anything that even mildly resembles a supposed "threat" to conservative values. This is by no means an excuse for any conservative persecution of MLP: FIM, or anything else that they attack which in truth is harmless *cough* Mass Effect *cough*, and I am just as disgusted by their attacks against MLP as I am whenever a left-leaning media outlet unfairly judges anything as well.


On behalf of the millions of loving, rational, and reasonable conservatives out there, I apologize to my fellow bronies and pegasisters for the actions of a minority of right-wing extremists and all around bad journalists, who unfortunately have a large presence in conservative media. No matter how bad any of the haters ever get, just remember: LOVE AND TOLERATE THE **** OUT OF THEM!!! :lol:

  • Brohoof 1


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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