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Would you watch G5 Ponies?


G5 Ponies  

143 users have voted

  1. 1. Would you watch the next Generation of Ponies?

    • Absolutely!
    • Never!
    • Depends on the quality
    • G4ever!

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It's a big maybe! It will all depend on how well the series is done and how appealing it is! I mean, I now consider myself an MLP fan, but I'm not going back and watching the original generations for good reason....!


Cuz they suck!! lol

I agree, if they stick to the way MLP:FiM is done, then most likely I will watch it.

If it sucks...nowai.

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If, and only if it is as good as the G4 series or better. This can mean anything from storyline to voices to character personality. For the time being I can't think of any pony show that could be better than MLP FiM, but if there is a G5 at any stage in time, I'm still more than willing to give it a shot.

Edited by PPXD
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It's one of Hasbro's most successful franchises. It's demographic has really changed, but it has gotten much popular withint the last two years. Who knows what the franchise be like after all of this happened? I just hope it won't be G1-3 all over again....but it would be a confusing as heck transition....

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I would certainly give it a try, but if they try and turn it into something that its only existence is to make money, and the characters act happy and unrealistic 100% of the time like from the other generations, then no.


I would like the characters to act like they are real, breathing sentient beings; it's why people love them so much.

To quote perhaps the most famous cartoonist in the world: "When people laugh at Mickey Mouse, it's because he's so human; and that is the secret of his popularity." - Walt Disney ;)

  • Brohoof 1
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I think it might be painful to move on for me. I may eventually adapt if its as good or better. I just couldn't detach myself from the current character scheme. Thinking about it makes me nervous.

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Like everyone else has been saying, it would depend on the quality; however, considering G4 seems to be in full swing right now, and, unless someone really high up at Hasbro is mad, shouldn't be cancelled anytime soon, I'm not G5 for now. I'm just gonna strap in and enjoy the G4 ride for all it's worth! B)

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Yeah, honestly even the *first* generation of My Little Pony wasn't this successful, and this is coming FROM a little girl of the 80s. They'd be absolutely foolish to end it right now in the middle of the G4's height (which I don't think they will.) Seriously, Hasbro will ride this cash pony for as long as they can. And they'd be *so* smart to do so. They'd tick off so many fans if they ended it now that the new line just would NOT sell. ^^; Fan loyalty is a VERY powerful thing.

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After the success of G4, I doubt Hasbro would want to go back to the brainlessness that was rampant in pre-G4 cartoons. If G5 is as good as G4, I'll probably watch it unless I really hate the style for some reason.

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Absolutely! No way Hasbro is going to screw us over and make G3 once again. Getting new main characters and a new setting, I'm almost looking forward to it a bit!

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I never thought I'd watch any MLP at all but now i'm more open to the idea of giving things a chance. If it wasn't any good i'd feel no obligation to continue watching it if i don't like it.

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