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What do you like the smell of?


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fresh cut grass, leather, gasoline, race fuel (smells like candy!), books old and new, fresh cut wood, and all the car cleaning stuff i have smells like bananas coconut and cinnamon lol

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Whatever cologne my boyfriend wears (even if it changes), cinnamon, and tequila. I don't know what it is, it just smells fantastic to me. I'd wear it as perfume if it wouldn't make it seem like I was constantly drunk.

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Before, during, and after rain, coffee, a new car, cleaned carpet, clothes just out of the dryer, gasoline, burning rubber, smoke during after a fire, leather, a new book.


And, unfortunately, White Out...

Edited by Stoner Spike
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Green Apples

Hot Chocolate

Pool water


and because my dad's boss' car smells like cigarettes, I'm starting to like the smell (which I think is bad... )


every. single. fucking. thing. that. exists.


even poo? xD
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Green Apples

Hot Chocolate

Pool water


and because my dad's boss' car smells like cigarettes, I'm starting to like the smell (which I think is bad... )


even poo? xD




it all smells the same to me.

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New car

Fire/smoke, especially wood fire and excluding cigarette smoke

Grapefruit (tastes bad, though)

Books, especially old books

Napalm in the morning woo Starcraft :D


But the best smell of all is...

New cards. Freshly opened pack of magic cards... mmmmm :)

Edited by Evilshy Liege of Chrysalis
  • Brohoof 3
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Campfires, yes yes yes.

Clean clothes, fresh bread, my boyfriend, fruits, sharpies, fresh grass and fresh rains in the spring (sunny, stopped raining but everything's still wet). Uhhm. That's all I can think of right now. x3


I'm odd and like gasoline smell ;o

  • Brohoof 1
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Fresh mown grass. The air after it rains. Fresh pot of coffee. Paper right off of the printer when it is all warm (I know thats weird). Some books smell really nice. And fresh onions, garlic, and butter sauteed in a pan. :)


This reminded me of one. I love smell of pen ink. When I was younger is would scribble on a piece of paper and sniff it. :P

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I love the scent of churches when they are op'ed with enough incenses that once you open the door you get light headed :D

Rain, and after rain

Opening a new dvd/game. That aroma


Nutella :D

Whiskey :D

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New car, old tractor fuel, fresh cut grass, and occasionally the smell on a ship...


UPDATE: rain...

Edited by Nightfall
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I love the scent of churches when they are op'ed with enough incenses that once you open the door you get light headed :D

Rain, and after rain

Opening a new dvd/game. That aroma


Nutella :D

Whiskey :D



Not just the smell of a new game or dvd, but the perfectly smooth touch of one, too... getting off track here. XD


Have you ever tried Biscoff spread? I'd say it's on par with Nutella, however difficult that may be to believe. :)

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