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So what's the worst MLP song so far?

cider float

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I cannot dislike any MLP songs tbh, they all have their own little thing that makes me like them  :wub:

  • Brohoof 2


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Twilight Sparkle  Pinkie Pie  Applejack Rainbow Dash Rarity Fluttershy

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If we include Eqg


or pretty much any song from the first movie  >_> Vapid trite the lot of it 


If we are specifically talking about the show 

Most of Pinkie Pie's SEASON ONE songs. That was from back when they were trying to make her sound like she couldn't sing and make her annoying. This annoyance is only magnified when I find some of my favorite songs from the show coming out of Pinkie later on in the series. So yeah, if it was one of her little 20 second music numbers from season 1 its probably in this category.


You are still best pony though Pinkie!


Edited by Buck Testa
  • Brohoof 1
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Most of Pinkie Pie's SEASON ONE songs. That was from back when they were trying to make her sound like she couldn't sing and make her annoying. This annoyance is only magnified when I find some of my favorite songs from the show coming out of Pinkie later on in the series.



I completely agree with this. Those songs made me HATE Pinkie Pie in the first season, when you combine that with her Sharing & Caring number and Hokey Cokey ditty from At The Gala, you've got a steaming pile to torture someone with audibly for sure. Thankfully her songs got SO much better as the show has gone on, it was a great thing. However, Make A Wish from Pinkie Pride was a bad tasting song to hear after a great run of songs it had beforehand. Then we have the Rappin' History Of The Wonderbolts... hand never met face as fast as it did hearing that one.


The Cutie Mark Crusaders Song is terrible vocally and lyrically (obviously), but the backing music itself is fantastic. So I can't truly hate on it too much. The second Flim & Flam song doesn't hit the same heights as their Super Speedy Cider Squeezey 6000 original, and comes across as a very flat, uninspiring number that only progresses narrative, but not the pleasure sectors of the brain. Let The Rainbow Remind You got completely overshadowed by You'll Play Your Part and the Tirek/Twilight fight scene that preceded it, and it didn't hit the right mark to end such a glorious two-parter. Then there's Sisterhood... the less I can say about that, the better.


Overall, I enjoy almost all the songs in the series, but the ones I stated above all rank as the lowest. I haven't ever been able to pick a worst outright, so this will have to do for now.

  • Brohoof 2


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Just so clear things up: "The Cutie Mark Crusaders Theme Song" and Spike's rendition of the Cloudsdale Anthem are bad on purpose. So I'm not sure they count (still bad to listen to though). I think "Razzle Dazzle" was intentionally bad too, but for a different reason. 


That said, I'm not a big fan of Pinkie's early songs in the first few episodes. The little girls may've like them, or at least I hope so, but to me they were just annoying.


This man gets it!!! The CMC theme song and the Cloudsdale Anthem (don't forget about Twilights song when she is practicing with the Rainbooms at the Apple's house) were intentionally made to be cringeworthy. 


With those "songs" aside, it really is difficult for me to select my least favorite MLP song. Daniel Ingram and the whole music production crew have done an amazing job keeping the songs fresh, catchy, and just a joy to listen to. But if I had to pick a song (most of Pinkie's short jingles from season 1 don't count as full songs), it would have to go to "Raise this Barn". For Applejacks 1st solo effort, I felt that the lyrics were uninspired and knew that she could do much better. She made up for it with her duet in "Bats" though  :smug:


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I'm chalking one up to the Cloudesdale Anthem. Not just for the fact that it's terrible, but also for its terrible use of comedy. Spike has been a butt of jokes during most of his time in the show, especially during his episodes. The anthem was supposed to be a joke to make the audience laugh at his expense, but how the hell can I laugh at him when he doesn't deserve any of the abuse the script puts him through?



Just so clear things up: "The Cutie Mark Crusaders Theme Song" and Spike's rendition of the Cloudsdale Anthem are bad on purpose. So I'm not sure they count (still bad to listen to though). I think "Razzle Dazzle" was intentionally bad too, but for a different reason.



This man gets it!!! The CMC theme song and the Cloudsdale Anthem (don't forget about Twilights song when she is practicing with the Rainbooms at the Apple's house) were intentionally made to be cringeworthy.

To be bad intentionally doesn't justify the means. In fact, it only makes them worse. The best type of cringe comedy, especially in songs, is when they sound good to the audience, but seem bad to the characters and when the characters deserve it. Neither the CMCs or Spike deserved the karmic comedy.

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Show Stopper song is horrible, the worst song of season 1, I hate that ep for that song.


Season 2 is fantastic with songs :D. The weakest song is May the best pet win but I still like it.


Sweetie Bell song in Sleepless in Ponyville make my ear bleeds.


Season 4 tied with season 2 in term of fantastic song. Flim and Flam song is the weakest but still good nonetheless.


Season 5 is the low-tier in term of songs (even they have some best song in the show). The worst season 5 song is Rule of Rarity, it just a carbon copy of Art of Dress, worst Rarity song, the first Rarity song I dislike.

Edited by Lambdadelta
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Ignoring EqG and intentionally bad songs, probably B.B.B.F.F. The lyrics were rather juvenile and had the burden of clumsily shoe-horning in a new character. Its lack of quality is made all the more apparent by the excellent music in the second half of ACW. To its credit, however, the brief reprise at the end of part one worked well enough.


Other contenders include Stop the Bats, which culminated in grating chanting and was just unpleasant in general, and the utterly forgettable Flim Flam song in Leap of Faith. Friends Are Always There For You is also noteworthy for having such an awful, cringeworthy narrative context that it completely overshadowed the actual song and left no desire whatsoever to give it another chance.

  • Brohoof 1
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Most of the songs in MLP I couldn't care less about. It is hard to point to any that annoy me or are the "worst" because if they don't stand out to me I generally just forget about them. Having said that, the Gala song from The Best Night Ever was quite tedious to listen to. By the time it got to singing "at the Gala, at the Gala!" for the sixth or seventh time all I could think was yes, I get the point already! Now can we please move on

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The Dutch Dub of You'll Play Your Part. That chorus... 



Whoever's voicing princess Celestia here seems to have a different vocal range. If you're wondering where the high-pitched voice is coming from, it's from Princess Celestia. For some reason or another she needed to raise her voice higher to hit the notes. I notice myself doing the same when singing songs from vocalists with a vocal range lower than my own. Can't really fault the voice actress for that.


Something else I noticed about dubs in other languages: if you're not used to the accent, it's going to sound weird regardless of how well the voice acting is done.

Edited by SunBurn
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Ohhh I forgot about B.B.B.F.F. That one is just too juvenile as someone else said. Somehow I feel like it didn't fit with the rest of the show even though the show is targeted for juveniles. Usually the music is above that in my opinion.

Vampire bats is a song I find overrated even  though I don't dislike it. Most people I know just love it for some reason.

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The Dutch Dub of You'll Play Your Part. That chorus... 



Whoever's voicing princess Celestia here seems to have a different vocal range. If you're wondering where the high-pitched voice is coming from, it's from Princess Celestia. For some reason or another she needed to raise her voice higher to hit the notes. I notice myself doing the same when singing songs from vocalists with a vocal range lower than my own. Can't really fault the voice actress for that.


Something else I noticed about dubs in other languages: if you're not used to the accent, it's going to sound weird regardless of how well the voice acting is done.

I guess when dubbed to other languages they won't always have the same quality of voice actors as the original. When I heard that Dutch dub it sounded like the same person was voicing ALL of those characters alone just changing the pitch slightly.

Edited by cider float


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I actually like Raise This Barn and Glass Of Water, they are not the best of the show but they're very good

The worst song is everything from the brazillian dub, here is Find A Pet so you guys can have some idea.



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"Generosity" sung by Rarity. I'm not sure why, but I was not able to become interested in that song, along with the episode. My mind trailed off until the song had ended.

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Well in a way that doesn't count... I was asking about the songs sung in an official way.


I like your licky pony :)

Then I guess it's Glass of Water...


Thanks, I made it.


'Make me your Queen'

Sig by Wheatley

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In the CMC song's defense, it's supposed to suck, to the point where they had to digitally make the voices out of tune in places since it always came out too good. Besides, the instrumentation is great, me being an 80s freak and this being I Just Died in your Arms with the serial numbers filed off. 


As for my least favorite, I thought Glass of Water was disappointing. It would have worked better as a poetic sequence than a song, but that's me and my silly opinion. Some of Pinkie's early stuff was grating as well. 

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I dislike most of the songs from the Equestria Girls movies. I don't care for most of the season finale songs either. They mostly are about the "magic of friendship." I admit that's the focus of the series, but listening to songs about it gets old quickly.

Edited by Grepper
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Oh yeah, forgot about BBBFF. 


Why actually TELL the Other 5 and the audience about Shining Armor when you can use a fluffy song?



To be bad intentionally doesn't justify the means. In fact, it only makes them worse. The best type of cringe comedy, especially in songs, is when they sound good to the audience, but seem bad to the characters and when the characters deserve it. Neither the CMCs or Spike deserved the karmic comedy.


The CMC kinda deserved for misinterpreting Twilight's advice and did what they liked instead of what they were good at. Though to be fair, Twilight herself deserves blame for her poor choice of words.


Meanwhile, Spike just got cocky and made a full of himself for it.


Though I DO agree with you that him being a buttmonkey (buttdragon) really does get old (poor li'l feller :( )

Edited by Jangobadass

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