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Is alicorn magic inherently evil?


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Back in "Twilight's kingdom", Zecora gave Twilight a potion that could only be activated by use of alicorn magic. Twilight looked at her horn and wings, which implied that she physically needed to be an alicorn to use alicorn magic. But then we see the dark magic leave her horn. This magic was seen used by her back in "the Crystal Empire", as a unicorn. (to be covered in a different topic) Sunbutt saying that that type of magic ("Alicorn magic") is the result of hatred and fear taking hold of a pony. And Zecora herself, before giving Twi the potion said "I dare not try to use it myself. The RESULTS would be TRAGIC. It only responds to ALICORN MAGIC".....Given what we've seen with NMM, Sombra, even the Alicorn Amulet- I think its pretty clear that Alicorn magic, in its natural form, IS supposed to be evil, and overpowered by the strongest magic...the magic of friendship....


....to be continued.....

Edited by Nightmare Muffin
  • Brohoof 3

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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Sombra is a Unicorn theory debunked k thx bai


Anyways, I guess that Discord's magic could count as, or even more powerfull than Alicorn magic, and since he was evil, I guess it is.

he's not necessarily evil. He's the embodiment of chaos, only knowing chaos, and doing it to his whim. When it's all he originally knew, that's what he's going to to do. Pranks and practical jokes aren't evil. Just trickster behavior


Far be it from a chimera chaos spirit to be an alicorn, or have alicorn magic, anyway. (We never really saw anypony fear or hate him for what he did, during the era in which he reigned)


But it IS interesting to note that he's more powerful tan not only the Tree of Harmony, to be able to choke it nearly to death....but also te magic of friendship, being able to Discord the Mane 6 and destroy their friendship

Edited by Nightmare Muffin

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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Also remember that the alicorn amulet corrupts the user.


I think this theory makes a lot of sense. Kind of adds a dark element to MLP.


Red and black edgy alicorn oc's given credential


Can't wait to see what happens with Flurry Heart, now (though for the record, FiM always had dark elements)

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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he's not necessarily evil. He's the embodiment of chaos, only knowing chaos, and doing it to his whim. When it's all he originally knew, that's what he's going to to do. Pranks and practical jokes aren't evil. Just trickster behavior


Far be it from a chimera chaos spirit to be an alicorn, or have alicorn magic, anyway. (We never really saw anypony fear or hate him for what he did, during the era in which he reigned)


But it IS interesting to note that he's more powerful tan not only the Tree of Harmony, to be able to choke it nearly to death....but also te magic of friendship, being able to Discord the Mane 6 and destroy their friendship


I would argue against Discord being more powerful than the Tree of Harmony as it took those seeds one thousand years to finally take effect, which took far longer than Discord had anticipated and this was without the Elements of Harmony to charge it's power so it was purely running on what reserves it had left to hold off something that can ruin Equestria for a thousand years without support. Once it had the Elements of Harmony in it's possession again, the tree easily removed the tentacle vines. If anything, it not only shows of just how much more powerful it is over Discord, but it has very impressive endurance as it held something back from wrecking Equestria without the Elements of Harmony to replenish it's power for a thousand years on it's own.


P.S, as for your topic in question. You do have a fantastic point as it does seem that Alicorn magic is a naturally dark and inherently evil magic. It could explain why Celestia was so selective on who gets to be an Alicorn and placed such great importance on learning friendship to her students for the taste of Alicorn magic and it's power could corrupt them if they're not prepared to handle it. 

Edited by Nuke87654
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Makes sense that Alicorn magic should be used by the higher skilled well Alicorns, but being a source of evil? I like to think that Alicorn magic depicted in Fim is transformed throughout each user's will, rather than being "evil" by default. I think that the Alicorn amulet that Trixie used doesn't contain evil magic but rather amplifies the user's current skill. Trixie was just using it for revenge under her own control rather than the Amulet controlling her that is why so took it off so easily after her jealousy for Twilight's amulet.

Edited by MiataPony
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Alicorn magic IS dark magic. It was shown by Sombra, Sunbutt, Twilight, and stated by Zecora

Are you sure about that? Well there goes my headcanon...Guess I'll have to scrap my Alicorn Princess of "Light and Purity" OC now...

The White Shinigami

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Despite Twilight's use of dark magic on that potion I still don't think alicorn magic is inherently dark magic, just like a unicorn's magic is not dark magic in and of itself either. Sombra was a unicorn (or something else if you believe the comics) and he used dark magic. Twilight used it while she was still a unicorn as well. I think whether or not magic is dark has to do with how you cast it, not its inherent qualities.


I also don't think Celestia has any say over who becomes an alicorn, but that she just has a spell that 'wraps' around destiny-triggered events allowing her to be present when a pony 'ascends'. Sounds a little far-fetched, granted, but it's a thought I like more than Celestia ruling over destiny.


That said, I'm still not sure if I accept Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell as canon when it comes to Cadance's transformation, so for all I know Celestia only appeared to Twilight and that 'usually' doesn't happen.

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I don't really think that alicorn magic is inherently evil.

While Twilight did use dark magic on the potion, she did learn how to use the magic when she was still a unicorn.

Also I don't think dark magic is only inherently in alicorns.

Despite the alicorn amulet showcasing dark magic on it's wearers other magical artifacts have done so, such as the spell in Inspiration Manifestation and even the element of magic in Equestria Girls. (Although that was a different case).

Heck I am pretty sure that when SciTwi became Midnight Sparkle it wasn't through the use of alicorn magic, but through the magic of equestria that she managed to store.

If ordinary humans,and ordinary unicorns like Trixie, Sunset Shimmer, and even Rarity can be corrupted and it is not just limited to alicorns, I think that dark magic is not only or from alicorns themselves.


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You know, if you think about it, this could be a damn good logical reason why Celestia doesn't do much.

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Its true. You hardly see Celestia do magic.



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Even if "alicorn magic" and "dark magic" aren't the same thing, there's clearly at least some correlation between the two. I mean, Star Swirl's spell was intended to transform the user into an alicorn, but instead it switched the destinies of nearby ponies and made their lives miserable. You CAN'T tell me that spell doesn't constitute dark magic. Either Star Swirl was more incompetent than everypony in the show seems to think he was, or he was messing around with "Evil with a capital E" levels of dark magic.

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Sombra is a Unicorn theory debunked k thx bai


Anyways, I guess that Discord's magic could count as, or even more powerfull than Alicorn magic, and since he was evil, I guess it is.

Sombra is an unicorn it's not a theory he just is.


From what I've seen uncontrolled magic is seen as a bit darker while controlled one usually shines as seen in Equestria Girls when Sunset Shimmer and Second Twilight go super saiyan.

Edited by cider float


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I think that it may all come down to intent.  Alicorns are one of the most powerful beings in existence, and I would have to assume that they were all like this when they were still alive/around.  Twilight is not at all like Sombra, yet she can use dark magic.  Why?  Also, the only dark magic users I know (still finishing up season 2) were Luna as Nightmare Moon and King Sombra.  My theory is that the magic changes based solely on the emotions/mindset behind them.  It seemed to me that Twilight feels pain using dark magic because she not built to have a negative/dark mindset.  Channeling it without the right mindset could prove to be painful, and without a strong enough mind behind the magic, you could perhaps be corrupted just trying to use it.  A forceful change in your mindset?  Who knows for sure?  :derp:

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I think that it may all come down to intent.  Alicorns are one of the most powerful beings in existence, and I would have to assume that they were all like this when they were still alive/around.  Twilight is not at all like Sombra, yet she can use dark magic.  Why?  Also, the only dark magic users I know (still finishing up season 2) were Luna as Nightmare Moon and King Sombra.  My theory is that the magic changes based solely on the emotions/mindset behind them.  It seemed to me that Twilight feels pain using dark magic because she not built to have a negative/dark mindset.  Channeling it without the right mindset could prove to be painful, and without a strong enough mind behind the magic, you could perhaps be corrupted just trying to use it.  A forceful change in your mindset?  Who knows for sure?  :derp:

if it was just emotion that made dark magic dark, Zecora wouldn't have called it Alicorn Magic, nor stress that the consequences were dire, and that even she wouldn't use it, herself. Are Alicorns the only race capaple of exhibiting negative emotions? No. So that means it's not emotion-based, to be called Alicorn magic.


Also, NMM never used the sickening, green dark magic we've seen Sunbutt, Twi, Rarity, and Sombra use.

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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if it was just emotion that made dark magic dark, Zecora wouldn't have called it Alicorn Magic, nor stress that the consequences were dire, and that even she wouldn't use it, herself. Are Alicorns the only race capaple of exhibiting negative emotions? No. So that means it's not emotion-based, to be called Alicorn magic.


Also, NMM never used the sickening, green dark magic we've seen Sunbutt, Twi, Rarity, and Sombra use.

I suppose so.  I will fully admit that I'm a bit behind on the show, so I may be mistaken.  I want to point out however that Celestia used dark magic to show Twilight in the first part of the Crystal Empire episodes.  Hers was a dark purple in color, which means that dark magic is not limited to and cannot be defined completely by color.


See here for where I found the info.: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Magicand ctrl + f: "dark magic"


If this is true, then we can broaden our definition of dark magic and its causes.  In other words it's still sort of up in the air at the moment.  -_-

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I suppose so.  I will fully admit that I'm a bit behind on the show, so I may be mistaken.  I want to point out however that Celestia used dark magic to show Twilight in the first part of the Crystal Empire episodes.  Hers was a dark purple in color, which means that dark magic is not limited to and cannot be defined completely by color.


See here for where I found the info.: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Magicand ctrl + f: "dark magic"


If this is true, then we can broaden our definition of dark magic and its causes.  In other words it's still sort of up in the air at the moment.  -_-

it was green and purple. So we were both right. Color aside, I think Aliorn magic is still dark, because Zecora outright said it, nd we saw it from Tri, turning the potion

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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it was green and purple. So we were both right. Color aside, I think Aliorn magic is still dark, because Zecora outright said it, nd we saw it from Tri, turning the potion

Possibly so.  Like I said, it was just a theory knocking around in my brain.  Perhaps Alicorn magic is inherently dark, but then again, why wouldn't every Alicorn turn out like Nightmare Moon?  Also, Sombra, as we know, is a Unicorn.  So how did he end up using dark magic as well?  Is it inherently in Alicorns, or is it just easier for them to use without consequence since they are all overly OP.  Perhaps the reason that Sombra turned out like he did was that the power was too much for him.  The same for Trixie; she couldn't completely control her enhanced powers, and they started to go to her head.  With Nightmare Moon (who was a dark magic user, she just didn't use it completely or as actively as others.  She is called the Pony of Shadows for her ability to control darkness and shadow to a degree no one can match.  Can't do it as Luna, or at least not that I have seen.) we saw how full of herself she was, perhaps another trait of dark magic corruption affecting personality and thought as well as emotion.  Maybe I was wrong at first.  Maybe it's not just emotion, but your state of mind that affects how you take to dark magic.  I can't believe that all powerful magic is inherently evil, nor can I imagine that all the Alicorns are inherently dark in nature.  It just doesn't make sense to me is all.  Maybe what Zecora was trying to say is that her mind could not handle the stress of using dark magic like an Alicorn could?  Who rightly knows for sure?  But it sure is fun to speculate don't you think?  :P

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Evil is a strong word.


While I agree with many of the arguments made regarding alicorn magic, the better word to describe it is dangerous, since it can be abused in the wrong hands, ie Nightmare Moon.


If alicorn magic were truly evil, Equestria would have never lasted as long as it did, or it would otherwise be corrupted and unrecognizable few on what we see now. Kinda like the alternate realities in the Season 5 finale.

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This is pretty close to my headcanon that Alicorn magic and dark magic are the same thing. Any sufficiently powerful unicorn can use the same magic powers as an Alicorn. However, they also have a corrupting effect on their user. Sombra is possibly what happens when a unicorn overuses dark magic.


Becoming an Alicorn makes one immune to the corrupting effect, allowing them to use these spells as much as they need to without fear. So Alicorn magic isn't inherently evil, but it's dangerous when used by unicorns.


Also, I really like Cloudchaser's mane!

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Could it be that the dark magic Twilight used is just one kind of alicorn magic? I pretty much took that scene (being something of a Sombra fanboy), as a testament to Sombra's talent for magic (as in being a unicorn but still being good/skilled enough to use a single type of alicorn magic).

That aside, I'd imagine that dark magic just happened to be the one kind of alicorn magic Twilight happened to know at the time. Another type of alicorn magic might well be what Twilight used in her fight against Tirek. Then again, that could've just been basic unicorn magic ramped up to godlike levels.


Becoming an Alicorn makes one immune to the corrupting effect, allowing them to use these spells as much as they need to without fear. So Alicorn magic isn't inherently evil, but it's dangerous when used by unicorns.


Using it still hurt Twi (even as an alicorn, as I recall), or at least caused her some discomfort.

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