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Which Past Generation Is Your Favorite?


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With respect to the TV shows, I'd have to say the first G1 series My Little Pony 'n Friends, mainly due to the interesting villains. Tirek, Grogar, Catrina, Squirk, were each unique in their own way.


With respect to the toys, I'd have to say G2 (which didn't have a cartoon series). Relative to the other prior generations, G2 were proportioned quite differently, with lighter heads and longer legs, closer to actual equines in shape.

  • Brohoof 1
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From the Media, my favorites would be G 1.5 My Little Pony Tales, because i love the drawing Style in that one, its the best ( together with G2 ) in my Opinion, i also like that the Series is like a Furry Teen Drama.

I like how the Characters can walk on two Legs and how they have a more humanized Town.

I find the Idea to this Show unique and would really wish they would have been more Seasons.

Well at least, Shout Factory gave it a great complete Release on Dvd, after all these Years.


Generation 2 - Friendship Gardens, is also my Favorite, since the drawing Style in this one, is also more detailed and the Animation is really cute.

Also, its like some sort of Sims Game, i love it.  :squee:

Its just so short.  :wacko:

Edited by Supergirl Rarity
  • Brohoof 2
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Oh man. That's a tough question. I like them all, to varying degrees, g1, because that's where it all began, 1.5 because there are some funny scenes, g2 because I still desperately want to see an animated series for it, and the ponies look like actual ponies, g3 because proably most of my favorite gen ponies before g4 came from there...but prooooobably...maybe...g3 is my favorite

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Probably going to have to go with G3. I really love the variety of brushables, and their overall style and colors.

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From what I've seen, I much prefer G1, My Little Pony n' Friends. The stories are more appealing to me than those of G3/3.5 or My Little Pony Tales, and I prefer the art style to that of G3/3.5 as well.

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If we're going by toys, I'm not sure, but if we're going by media adaptations, I'd go with G1 (the 80s cartoon, not My Little Pony Tales, which contrary to popular belief, is actually part of G1). I actually like all pre-FiM generations but G1 had the ponies going on adventures that I thought were pretty interesting and the stories were enjoyable. Until FiM, MLP didn't really have much of that apart from G1. Not to say I don't like the stories in other pre-FiM generations, nor that I dislike slice of life (that's actually what a lot of shows I watch basically are) but the adventures certainly made it more interesting.

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  • 3 months later...

At one point I watched G1 of My Little Pony and it was surprisingly good.

But I kinda drifted away from it. But G1 is my favorite past generation.


The story line was kinda cool

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