M'gann M'orzz 745 August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 (edited) I wasn't very entertained with her being a massive hypocrite. I guess someone had to take the idiot ball for these writers to make the conflict, and what better way than to regress Twilight into someone not even worthy of her title. Id take a Twilight you could argue is "Unworthy of her title" over one I find no joy or fun in watching. The point of a character in a show like this is to entertain, if they fail at that well that's a bigger failure than any failure in development, consistency whatever, if they can't entertain they are waste of a character in a mostly comedic show like this one. Granted I still don't think that's even the caes. And man I seriously don't get how people dislike Flutter Brutter, what are you that butthurt over Zepyhr that you can't see how it's practically the only time Fluttershy has been characterized in a new unique way since S2? It's easily a top 20 episode. It seems like the most unjust hate for an episode possibly, an episode that uses every mane 6 character super well gets hate because you don't like a one shot character who isn't even meant to be likable, give me a damn break. Im gonna flat out say it, after Saddle Row, Flutter Brutter is the best episode of S6 so far, Hurricane Fluttershy and Flutter Brutter are practically the only times i truly LOVED Fluttershy and that takes a lot for me. Edited August 17, 2016 by M'gann M'orzz 2 RARITY IS THE BEST PONY EVER Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
user1342342 143 August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 Id take a Twilight you could argue is "Unworthy of her title" over one I find no joy or fun in watching. The point of a character in a show like this is to entertain, if they fail at that well that's a bigger failure than any failure in development, consistency whatever, if they can't entertain they are waste of a character in a mostly comedic show like this one. Granted I still don't think that's even the caes. Makes me wonder why they even made her a princess. I like flawed characters, they can be entertaining. Twilight here wasn't. It's one thing to be flawed, it's another to go against what you belive in (friendship, forgiveness) just to throw that out for the sake of the episode. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smitty1038 53 August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 Gift of Maud Pie: Pinkie Pie getting into a near-brakedown after the store that sells the bag she wants to buy for Maud is closed. Pinkie, we know you love making others happy. But seriously, you're way more mature than to throw such a temper tantrum. Maud and Rarity gang up on the merchant and toy with him so Pinkie would get her party cannon back and pretend the trade never happened. Don't like the merchant if they want; it's a fair trade. Pinkie didn't throw a tantrum; she was only panicking. And remember that both Pinkie and Rarity conned two ponies back in "Putting Your Hoof Down." (Pinkie does this twice, in fact!) And given that the guy conned Pinkie out of her party cannon, it's only fair that he gets a taste of his own medicine. Newbie Dash: Dash insulting the Wonderbolts to her friends initially and then forcing Scootaloo to get involved in a very dangerous trick. Dash is way, way better than this. Dash's decision to make an extreme trick with no practice or regard for safety is what Lightning Dust does, and she criticized her for putting others at serious risk. Rainbow Dash didn't insult the Wonderbolts. All she said was that they called her a name because she crashed into a trash bin. Given how much she idolized this team, Dash hardly seems like the type of pony to insult them behind their backs. But I do agree that Spitfire has every right to be angry with Dash, and Dash deserved to get punished for it. No Second Prances: a. Mrs. Cake bashing Starlight after she made a quicker cake, contradicting her sweet, comforting personality. b. Twilight attempting to sabotage Starlight and Trixie's friendship and then both Starlight and Twilight watching Trixie entering her cannon knowing that she isn't in the right frame of mind and attempting a trick she knows she can't do alone. The suicide implications are disturbing, but SG and Twilight after their fallout really made it horrifying. I agree with you on point A, but I cannot agree with you on point B. Twilight is Starlight's teacher. It is her responsibility to look out for Starlight's best interest. Twilight had every reason to be distrustful of Trixie. The last time we saw her, she was torturing her friends after she'd banished Twilight from Ponyville. Before that, Trixie was shown to not have changed at all by the end of "Boast Busters", not even bothering to help clean up the mess she caused by running off. Therefore, Twilight had ample reason to be suspicious of Trixie. The same could be said of her behavior in "What About Discord." Twilight knows that Discord is a manipulator and he hasn't earned her trust yet. And if Celestia say Twilight palling around with Discord, I'm sure she'd act very much like Twilight did here. She'd probably be suspicious of Discord and advise Twilight not to trust him. Even in this episode, Trixie showed herself to still be arrogant and boastful, meaning that she hasn't changed in the slightest. To add insult to injury, Starlight just decided to go to Trixie's show without telling Twilight or her in any way, leading to Twilight getting pissed off at her. I don't think either one of them knew that Trixie was going to go ahead with the truck, though. Applejack's "Day" Off: Applejack having absolutely no clue how to streamline her routine on the farm after fixing the equipment in the sauna. AJ is many things, but not dumb. Applejack had simply gotten so used to doing the routine that it didn't occur to her that she'd gotten stuck in a rut. That's very different from fixing a leaky pipe. Spice Up Your Life: In Canterlot Boutique, Rarity stuck to the very core of her personality by not sticking to one thing with so much quantity that her work becomes generic and she becomes a slave to today's trends. Here, Rarity concludes that in order for The Tasty Treat to succeed, the restaurant must conform to the quality and style of the other restaurants, completely contradicting her morals, song, and goals. Zesty Gourmand may've been the episode's antagonist, but she was absolutely right to slam the place (and Rarity) for ripping off the others. As a fashionista, Rarity has to adapt her business and merchandise around what's popular at the time. This approach to business explains why she insisted on making the Tasty Treat just like every other restaurant, even though she herself tried several earlier that day and took a dislike to what they offered. Pinkie, on the other hand, sold the Tasty Treat on a welcoming atmosphere and quality food made to appeal to the customers' individual tastes. Pinkie Pie lives and works in a bakery. Of course she knows how to manage a business centered around serving food! Stranger Than Fan Fiction: At the convention, Quibble was very intelligent, albeit an ass. He knew the ins and outs of the original trilogy and has a huge respect for it. But while in the jungle, he believed that everything about it, from the villain to the adventure to the death trap to being kidnapped again (only to a temple) was part of the official Daring Do Adventucation. No one, not even Quibble, is that stupid to believe such a case. Quibble was out of character in the jungle. So, wait, just because he had a different opinion than Rainbow Dash that automatically makes him an ass? How? To be honest, I don't think Rainbow Dash was much better, and this sort of thing happens all the time in fandoms like this. I'm pretty sure that said Adventucation is very much like those places where you can pretend to be in an alternate timeline. They probably had actors playing the role of bad guys, followed by a mare playing the role of Daring Do. As far as Quibble Pants was concerned, it was nothing more than an act. I'm pretty sure that the ponies behind the Adventucation wanted it to be realistic, but also fun and exciting for those who wanted to take part in it. Quibble Pants had been established as being snarky before the two arrived in the jungle, so I don't think he was out of character. And just the fact that the trap was so easy to get out of and that the goons ran off, thus giving Quibble Pants time to undo the trap and set both him and Rainbow Dash free probably cemented it in his mind that this was all part of the Adventucation experience. And his dialogue implies that he has been through the Adventucation before. The Cart Before the Ponies: Rarity might've had some decent motive, but the CMCs' partners were such big jerks and were completely blind to their wishes even though the fillies said "our" cart several times. This is also a Show Stoppers ripoff because both this and TSS follow a very similar pattern: The CMCs get involved in a conflict that we all know what they're good at, but don't do it just to create some jokes (in which none of them work, neither from TSS nor here). Well, to be fair, both Rainbow Dash and Applejack have always been very competitive, so it makes sense that they would get swept up in the competition. And Rarity has been shown to be very self-centered from time to time, so these character traits are hardly anything new. And while the grown-up could've acted better in this episode, I still enjoyed it. And maybe it's just because I haven't seen the episode in a while, but I hardly see how this is a rehash of The Show Stoppers. (Practically every episode this season has been accused of being a rehash of a previous episode from an earlier season.) The Show Stoppers was about the Cutie Mark Crusaders entering a talent show and giving such a bad performance that they were literally laughed off rhe stage. The Cart Before the Ponies was about the CMC entering a derby competition and not being allowed to do things their way, despite being allowed to do so in The Show Stoppers. Really, that's the only similarity I can see between the two. 28 Pranks Later: Completely out of character of Dash to prank Fluttershy and act like it's no big deal. Completely out of character of the others to complain about the pranks (while egging her on to put more effort into them) and then pull such a prank that made Dash believe it was real. This is a complete Mare Do Well ripoff, and both of them are terrible. They didn't necessarily tell her to put more effort into her pranks. They told her to make sure thst the pranks she was pulling for everypony, not just her. She was rhe one who took their words the wrong way and decided to up her game herself. I found some of her pranks funny, some unbelievable (the prank she pulled on Applejack for example), and then there were those pranks that were downright dangerous. (For example, her prank on Mr. Cake and Big Mac.) I didn't have a problem with her pranking Fluttershy because Fluttershy has come a long way since season one. Even so, she doesn't like being pranked. While the first half of this episode might have been sour, the second half was fun and more than made up for the first half. How about reading through some responses in this thread to get your answer instead of making assumptions? If you actually bother to read, you'll see that people have given legitimate reasoning as to why they're disappointed with season 6. Also, I'm pretty sure that the reason no one talks about season 1 and 2 being awful is because most people actually don't consider them to be awful. Honestly, I think that peoples' reasoning for disliking season 6 are flawed. I didn't like season one because there was hardly any character growth, and season two was so padded out with filler that it made the season pretty much pointless to watch. I prefer seasons four and five to the earlier seasons, but if people prefer them over the later ones, that's cool with me. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M'gann M'orzz 745 August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 (edited) Makes me wonder why they even made her a princess. I like flawed characters, they can be entertaining. Twilight here wasn't. It's one thing to be flawed, it's another to go against what you belive in (friendship, forgiveness) just to throw that out for the sake of the episode. Well it was because MMC was written as the finale of the series, in that context it would of made perfect sense. and any worry for her later would of been irrelevant But it ended up not being the series finale and they've kinda been struggling to find a place for Twilight in the series while keeping her fun every since. Ultimately I don't think Second Prances is that contradictory, I think Twilight just flat out does not like Trixie as a pony, she just rubs her wrong and she was using her past as an excuse.I don't have a problem with that, not everyone is gonna get along with everyone. Frankly I prefer Twilight like this than she had been in most episodes of the last 2 seasons. Edited August 17, 2016 by M'gann M'orzz RARITY IS THE BEST PONY EVER Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OmegaBeamOfficial 622 August 17, 2016 Author Share August 17, 2016 (edited) I wouldn't go that far. Season one had some good episodes, but season two felt like nothing but filler. A majority of the episodes you could skip and you wouldn't be missing anything. There were, however, with each season, some great episodes among the pile of rubbish that was season two, such as "Sisterhooves Social", "Sweet and Elite", and "Read It and Weep." I agree with point 1, but the rest? What plot points from earlier seasons are people talking about? Any plot points were resolved in their seasons? And Starlight and Diamond Tiara were "hyped up" last seas9n? No, they were not! Starlight had a speaking role in all of four episodes out of twenty-six, and the few times she did appwar, she was in the background, which you wouldn't have noticed the first time around unless someone pointed it out to you or you had a very keen eye. And the writing in general is bad this season? Really? I have to admit it took a while for the episodes this season to grow on me, but some of them, like "Gauntlet of Fire" I'd go as far as to call them some of the best episodes of the show. It irritates the piss out of me how people are acting as if this is anything now. Remember that seasons one and two were mostly slice of life episodes, despite Faust wanting to do more adventurous stories, which the show didn't get to do until seasons four and five. I swear, some of these fans are just impossible to please. I'd just like to point out I don't necessarily agree with what I pointed out, I'm just calling it how I read it. So, um, don't get mad at me for pointing out other people's opinions, OK? Oh, and another thing. I noticed a lot of people going on a tangent about Twilight and I couldn't help but throw my two cents in. Twilight becoming a princess doesn't ruin her character. If anything I think it enhanced it. But that's a discussion for another time, in another thread. Edited August 17, 2016 by OmegaBeamOfficial Please check out this awesome looking My Little Pony fan game being developed by Rikifive. Here's a link to It's post: https://mlpforums.com/topic/156773-my-little-pony-the-game/ This picture indicates the game's development progress, It's pretty neat if you wanna use it yourself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smitty1038 53 August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 I'd just like to point out I don't necessarily agree with what I pointed out, I'm just calling it how I read it. So, um, don't get mad at me for pointing out other people's opinions, OK? No, not getting mad at you. I'm just having a hard time trying to understand where people are coming from with this flawed reasoning. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
user1342342 143 August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 Twilight had every reason to be distrustful of Trixie. The last time we saw her, she was torturing her friends after she'd banished Twilight from Ponyville. Before that No she didn't. Starmuffin did far worse without being warped by an evil artifact, and Twilight was willing to trust her. Trixie apologized for her actions, but this is completly ignored later. Trixie showed herself to still be arrogant and boastful, meaning that she hasn't changed in the slightest. Trixie never apologized for being her hammy self. She apologized for what happened in magic duel. To add insult to injury, Starlight just decided to go to Trixie's show without telling Twilight or her in any way, leading to Twilight getting pissed off at her. Maybe because Twilight was, again, being a massive hypocrite. Trixie's apology tour meant more to her, and it should have meant something to Twilight. I think Twilight just flat out does not like Trixie as a pony That just hammers in my point. Twilight is a total jerk for accepting someone who was more egotistical, wretched, and evil than Trixie ever was, while flat out rejecting her. I mean, it's not like Trixie needed a friend or anything. Oh wait, it's been years now and people still don't like her. I guess her apology tour meant nothing. I'm getting sick of characters being reduced to idiots for the sake of the plot. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ziggy + Angel + Rain 11,303 August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 (edited) To some degree, season six (and season five before this) kind of seems like the writers are acknowledging the fandom and listening to what they want. So, naturally, the fandom hates it. xD The CMC finally moved on from trying to get their Cutie Marks, Rainbow Dash finally became a Wonderbolt, they further explored shit with Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst, they've potentially shaken up the dynamic of the Mane Six, and they've just recently explored a darker theme (and made an adult reference) in "28 Days Pranks Later." I'm not saying that *I* wanted all of these things, but a number of people did. Which just goes to show: People don't know what the hell they want. Edited August 17, 2016 by Ziggy and Angelbaby 1 "It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Photon Jet 5,491 August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 I don't think season 6 is BAD at all. In fact, I'm enjoying it as it had some great episodes like Gauntlet of Fire, No Second Prances and Stranger Than Fan Fiction. 3 Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist! 3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810 (The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deae Rising Shine~ 56,025 August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 I do see some points, but how people say "THIS SEASON HAZ BE TERRIBLE!" is just ... what? The season isn't over and people already banging S6 with a heavy hammer. I remember lot of peopledidn't liked S5 either, but some episodes in the end like "Mane Attraction" etc. made for some even one of the better, if not best season. I'm since around S4 in this forum and saw Season by season the same. "This season will be terrible, omg too many bad episodes,this character is too much used/not enough used and so on and so on and so on. And still, some even see S4 as the best season, some S5 and I'm pretty sure some at the end will fave S6. A reason that seemingly each season gets more hate is Season rot. We are in 6 seasons now and a lot of people fear MLP goes downhill sooner or later. Abd thus they start watching episodes more nervously, seeing more negative then positive and blaming the season then. And all the negativity "infects" others to thesame. I bet if wouldn't read daily negativity about S6 I would enjoy it way more for what it is. We all started the show because of cute ponies learning friendship lessons, the characters, the songs, the morals etc. But when your so long in the fandom you lose a bit of that magic you had when watching it the first few times, when you met and learned the characters, there stories and all. We oldies often kno them for so long and don't want the show beeing ruined, but often new bronies seem to enjoy it more then older ones, because they are new, having the spirit, the magic of the show. Of course not every new fan likes something more, or every old fan hates it more. I watch since 2013 and still enjoy every episode. I hate no episode and we know the characters a lot but it doesn't mean we know them in and out. No pony is always in her role, we sure saw every mane 6 OOC already, because they aren't perfect. Or do you there have the same character the whole life? Or you? Or you in the back? I would be OOC because I'm "Out of character" to the Rising Shine from 2014 etc. We change, they too. We still do sometimes things, fails, failures that we already learned before. So do they. So don't call a character OOC because they did something they didnt done 3 seasons ago. We also never know everythingwhat a character things at the moment they do this or that. Example, yes the horror, the shock, Rainbow Dash SCARED Fluttershy, shall Rainbow burn! No. Just ... no. NO! We have know idea what her motives where to scare her! What if something happened out of the show? What if Rainbow realized Flutters isn't like 6 seasons ago? She was all the time around Flutters in Flutter Brutter, saw her standing against her brother. Hurricane Fluttershy. Or in the end of Filli Vanilli where she sang unhidden? I bet Rainbow isn't stupid and noticed her friend became more assertive, more braver. So mayby she tought she don't need to hold her out of pranks anymore? Mayby she just wanted revenge for scaring her in Scare Master? Or Twilight's OOCnes in No Second Prances. After what Twilight and Trixie went trough in Boast Busters and Magic Duel, can you blame her not thrusting her? Yes, indeed, the end of Magic Duel looks like all is good, BUT! Be honest, how often you agreed a sorry or so from somepony else, but in your soul still not trust the person? Or still not entirely forsgave her/him? I do said already sorrys or "forgave" Someone for what they did, doesn't mean I'm now best buddies with her/him or that we are all good. And calling a character OOC that only appeared in one episode from what you learned in the first 11 minutes? WTF? Seriously, I believe some people here NEED TO HATE S6 to be satisfied. Because sometimes I feel, they pick up the bad stuff and don't give a buck of the good stuff just to blame it. Seriously, I feel like you should stop watching it if you hate every 2 episodes. And if you already call a season horrible by 15 from 26 Episodes, then I can also say Your a horrible User. I know you only for 2 minutes and 3 posts, but I hate your comments, so I hate you, because I don't know who you really are, your so OOC to the first post I saw an from what others telling me you where so different by S5. ^ That's how I feel, if people that hate something would do in real, if they only pick up the negative stuff of a user and the same is with a season. Shall I say when I hate something? When they really messed up, lying to me all the time, using me for there own good without carring how I feel, betraying me, leaving me alone when I need help. Then I hate something. But most of those posted here I don't even know yet. I only readed several negative comments about S6 from few, but that doesn't mean that I hate them. Why not WAIT until S6 is done and then hating it? Then I believe you, because S6 is over and we saw all 26 episodes. But not by 25 episodes. Sorry for the rant, but this repeating negativity makes me crazy. e had that with every season and for many S4 and 5 are even considered the best or one of the better seasons, even tough they went trough the same hate first. Gimme a break, guys and girls and enjoy the show, for what we loved in the fiest place Magical ponies learning friendship and having fun and adventures. And not for war and blood thirsty zombie survivors, explosions a la COD every 2 minutes and clop and shipping between two characters. If you prefer that more then the actual show, read Fan Fics or animations and let us enjoy or happy fun ponies having adventures and deadly cuteness :3 5 Legends never die. Ponies neither. Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swifty 249 August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 (edited) They reached the peak of their progression, nothing to learn anymore and they can become mary sues now... I know it isnt right to say, but everytime they revert back to their ss2 self, it warms my heart , that why i find ss4 Twilight is goddamn boring, i want to see scientist OCD Twilight back, after become a princess, she is pushed back to background... Some people says some episodes of this season feels like they are belonged to ss4 or ss2, but i like them, it feels like old-school episodes again... By a way, this season should focus more Spike, Celestia and Starlight, they need that.I agree.By the time Twilight became a princess her character has kinda lost and the Trixie episode was her sad peak. All you can do is waiting for the two parters. Celestia, well she gets absolutely nothing. I wonder why they even made a figure for the Guardians of Harmony toyline. Her character doesn't go anywhere. Her head pops out of a sea of scrolls. Yeah. Great. Let's welcome our new buttmonkey while Luna is busy doing all the cool stuff. I disagree on Spike and Starlight, though. This is basically the Season of Spike. He got the Dragons episode, he will get the changeling episode and the RP episode with Discord. Starlight got the musical episode and she will get a episode with Twilight. Imo, they don't even need more. Edited August 17, 2016 by Swifty 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,780 August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 The mane 6 already had plenty of development in earlier seasons though. That doesn't mean they should undo all their progress, which is what S6 is doing a lot 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lambdadelta 1,462 August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 Starlight got the musical episode and she will get a episode with Twilight. Imo, they don't even need more. Moarrrrrr Starlighttttttttt!!! Being a main character, being a Secondary, being a cameo, i dont care, just make her appear on screen plzzzzzz Starlight is glitchy as heck, she often disappear in the background, hope they can fix it. Her head pops out of a sea of scrolls That sum up her role of the show: A mail box but at least they are funny. Maybe we will got Celestia ep if we all demand THX Staff in Twitter or something, maybe Big Jim will hear us... the Trixie episode was her sad peak I like Twilight in No Second Prance... uh... anyway, i think we dont need to argue about it, it will take years... 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrond 3,263 August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 So you want Twilight to be a hypocrite? 1. That sounds pretty interesting, so yes. 2. I don't reay understand why she distrusted Trixie (although perhaps she thought Trixie and Starligjt would be a bad influence with each other), but Twilight being entirely unsympathetic in that episode was considerably more engaging than watching her as a moral delivery device in season 4, and even came close to being interesting. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firedog 320 August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 There is a lot of cringe this season. I wouldn't say a lot of bad episodes. But I almost always like episodes, the only episode I had dislike in MLP is the breezy one until season 6. I don't like the newest episode 28 pranks later. All the rest of season 6 episodes were good imo. Some of the them were amazing, but there is a lot of cringe. It has a season 1 feel to it to me which isn't bad imo. 1 Pony NEWS YouTube Channel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrond 3,263 August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 No she didn't. Starmuffin did far worse without being warped by an evil artifact, and Twilight was willing to trust her. Trixie apologized for her actions, but this is completly ignored later. Starlight is Twilight's pet project, and I dunno if Twilight necessarily fully trusts her yet, given that Twilight is actively trying to mound Starlight into a better pony. Trixie is just someone she happens to know. Trixie didn't fit Twilight's image of nice, harmless friends for Starlight, and THAT is what made her nervous. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smitty1038 53 August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 (edited) No she didn't. Starmuffin did far worse without being warped by an evil artifact, and Twilight was willing to trust her. Trixie apologized for her actions, but this is completly ignored later. I'm just going to assume that Starmuffin is a character from the IDW comics. Yes, Trixie apologized to Twilight. Big whoop. Did we ever see her apologizing to Twilight's friends or the other ponies she was mistreating? No. Honestly, I think she just apologized to Twilight to look good. And then as soon as she's done apologizing, she runs off without bothering to restore Pinkie Pie to her normal self. No, Twilight had to do that and then when Pinkie finally does get her mouth back, she opens her mouth to say something, only for the credits to start rolling. Poor Pinkie Pie. Trixie never apologized for being her hammy self. She apologized for what happened in magic duel. I wouldn't call Trixie hammy. That's the way her voice actress portrays her as. In-show, Trixie is shown to be a self-centered, egotistical, arrogant, boastful loudmouth. And regarding her apology in "Magic Duel", see the above comment. Maybe because Twilight was, again, being a massive hypocrite. Trixie's apology tour meant more to her, and it should have meant something to Twilight. You have to remember that Celestia is basically like a mother to Twilight, whose approval means so much to Twilight that she has a mental breakdown over the idea of being late. I can't say I blame her for not really giving two flying feathers about Trixie's apology tour. Honestly, if it came down to proving to my teacher that I was taking my royal duties as a princess seriously and watching some egotistical little brat stroking her ego, I'd choose going to the dinner. That just hammers in my point. Twilight is a total jerk for accepting someone who was more egotistical, wretched, and evil than Trixie ever was, while flat out rejecting her. I mean, it's not like Trixie needed a friend or anything. Oh wait, it's been years now and people still don't like her. I guess her apology tour meant nothing. Everypony needs friends. It's friendship that gives our lives meaning. We've seen what characters without friendship (Gilda, Diamond Tiara, Trixie, Discord, etc) become. They become bitter, mean, and hateful. It's strongly implied that in this episode, Trixie doesn't have friends. It's also revealed that she's jealous of Twilight's ability. Regarding ponies not liking her, remember that she ran off in "Boast Busters" without bothering to clean up the mess she caused. And in "Magic Duel", she only apologized to Twilight and nopony else just to make herself look good before running off again. I'm getting sick of characters being reduced to idiots for the sake of the plot. Oh, I could list SEVERAL episodes, and none from this season either. Let's go by season, shall we? SEASON 1: The Ticket Master Applebuck Season Griffon the Brush-Off Boast Busters Look Before You Sleep Bridle Gossip Swarm of the Century Fall Weather Friends Stare Master The Show Stoppers Green Isn't Your Color Over a Barrel A Bird in the Hood Owl's Well That Ends Well Party of One The Best Night Ever SEASON 2: The Return of Harmony Lesson Zero Luna Eclipsed Sisterhooves Social The Cutie Pox May the Best Pet Win The Mysterious Mare Do Well Sweet and Elite Family Appreciation Day The Last Round-up The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 A Friend in Deed Putting Your Hoof Down It's About Time Dragon Quest Ponyville Confidential A Canterlot Wedding SEASON 3: The Crystal Empire Too Many Pinkie Pies One Bad Apple Just for Sidekicks Spike at Your Service Keep Calm and Flutter On Games Ponies Play Magical Mystery Cute SEASON 4: Bats Rainbow Falls Three's a Crowd Simple Ways It Ain't Easy Being Breezies Somepony to Watch Over Me For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils Leap of Faith Equestria Games SEASON 5: Castle Sweet Castle Appleloosa's Most Wanted Make New Friends But Keep Discord Princess Spike Party Pooped What About Discord The Hooffields and the McColts So as you can clearly see, this "let's make the characters idiots for the sake of a plot" existed as far back as season one, and this problem was much more frequent in seasons one and two than the later seasons. Just thought I'd point that out. Edited August 17, 2016 by Smitty1038 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M'gann M'orzz 745 August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 (edited) That doesn't mean they should undo all their progress, which is what S6 is doing a lot Not for most of them, but for Twilight I stand by saying it's outright necessary for her character to be consistently entertaining again. Post Magic Duel Twilight just isn't fun in like 80% of her appearances. The show will be better off if it's main character is consistently entertaining again, it might be jarring for some but in the long run I think it'd be a good thing. Frankly the only character I feel has been hit hard in S6 compared to other seasons is Applejack. Rainbow is inconsistent but outside of S3 she pretty much always is. Edited August 17, 2016 by M'gann M'orzz RARITY IS THE BEST PONY EVER Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,780 August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 Not for most of them, but for Twilight I stand by saying it's outright necessary for her character to be consistently entertaining again. Post Magic Duel Twilight just isn't fun in like 80% of her appearances. The show will be better off if it's main character is consistently entertaining again, it might be jarring for some but in the long run I think it'd be a good thing. Twilight was able to be entertaining in both Amending Fences and Testing Testing 123 without having to regress her character, and those episodes are considered some of the best in the series. It's possible if you're willing to put in the effort for it 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M'gann M'orzz 745 August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 (edited) Twilight was able to be entertaining in both Amending Fences and Testing Testing 123 without having to regress her character, and those episodes are considered some of the best in the series. It's possible if you're willing to put in the effort for it Amending Fences played up Twilight's OCD tendecies and such in a way that hadn't been done in a long time, and she's fun in Testing Testing pretty much entirely because of how she was playing off Rainbow Dash. But in a bubble, Twilight as characterized in Testing Testing is still pretty boring. Look in my eyes post S4 Twilight is a borderline fundamentally broken character, and things like her roles in things like Rainbow Rocks (where she basically fails at everything) and Second Prances are attempts to fix that and make her more viable as a starring character outside of 2 parters again. Edited August 17, 2016 by M'gann M'orzz 1 RARITY IS THE BEST PONY EVER Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,447 August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 (edited) @@AlexanderThrond, Gift: No doubt Pinkie is dedicated, but it makes no sense for her to be this upset over being unable to deliver a present to Maud. Disappointed, yes, but to the point where she causes a scene is way to over the top, even for her. She acted like if she doesn't give that kind of purse to Maud, she'll abandon her or be seriously disappointed. There wasn't such a stake here.(And Smitty's right; Pinkie's brakedown wasn't a temper tantrum. So I apologize for that.) ND: Regardless of circumstance, Rainbow Dash understands that being reckless does nothing but cause trouble. An in-character Dash has a lot more respect for Scootaloo than forcing her to take part of an impromptu stunt. Her hurt prior was in character. This stunt as a response wasn't. NSP (a): Mrs. Cake has never acted like that to anyone on screen. It may be just one moment over twenty-two minutes, but because it never happened before from her, doesn't have the solid justification for it, is part of a set of failures by Starlight leading up to Trixie, and took part in an episode that has poor characterization (including Celestia visibly acting rudely in front of others), it stands out and adds up later. ADO: Applejack fixed a major problem at the sauna while streamlining the process simultaneously. Here's what she said during its climax: Applejack: I'm sorry, but I just couldn't let those spa ponies go another minute puttin' up with problems they didn't even know they had! Somehow they just got used to a huge bottleneck of ponies standin' around waitin'. An' I took one good look at that spa jam, and I knew I had to do somethin'! Sometimes the simplest things can just derail a whole operation. [babbles] Whether it's a leaky pipe or doin' too much laundry. You can't just stick to the same old way of doin' things and expect them to get better. [clucking] I mean, thinkin' you can is just plumb ridiculous. Right? [short laugh] It's funny when you realize the extra work they were doin' was actually makin' things worse! [pigs squeal] [pigs stampeding] Applejack: I mean, I guess it's possible to get stuck in a routine where you're doin' all this extra stuff and not realize it, but I can't for the life of me think of how! [beat] Why are y'all starin' at me like that? She admitted that they had problems without knowing it. Then while explaining, she performed her tedious ritual right in front of Rarity, Twilight, and Spike without thinking for one second that her process might replicate the situation in the spa and cause problems. She even explained why she does it even though it clearly doesn't work anymore. She's mega-stubborn, but she's not mega-dumb. SUYL: Rarity wanting to help The Tasty Treat succeed's in character. What's out of character is her conclusion that it must conform to the trends to be successful. Conform to the style of food, decor, and palette, among other things. She isn't that type of character. She has a keen attention to detail and wants others to recognize her work by how each of them are expressed individually. To be unique is her goal to stand out and succeed. It makes no sense for her to not only believe the opposite, but genuinely stick to it. STFF: Yes, because a nitpicky, sceptical sort like Quibble Pants would totally find it easy to believe that a fictional book series he finds implausible is real. If he was in character, he would. All reliable conventions (and the vendor shop implicates it's run reliably) usually have scheduled events. Maps, restaurants, and directions are readily available. If there is a Daring Do Adventucation, you'd know where it is, what it's for, what time the tours start, and where it is. Actual directions to the Adventucation should be available to all comers and meet strict safety standards. But throughout the entire time in the jungle, Quibble believed that the original kidnapping, the tropical weather and scenery, journey to escape, near-death, second kidnapping, and temple arrival are all part of the Adventucation experience. No die-hard Daring Do fan, including Quibble, would be this stupid to believe that all of it is part of the convention experience. If he was the Quibble back at the con, he would've figured it out after their first kidnapping or (at the most) on their initial trek to escape. TCBtP: Remove both Cart and Show Stoppers of its essentials, and you have a similar structure. Then again, maybe calling it a ripoff is a little too harsh. Well, to be fair, both Rainbow Dash and Applejack have always been very competitive, so it makes sense that they would get swept up in the competition. And Rarity has been shown to be very self-centered from time to time, so these character traits are hardly anything new In-characterization and out-of-characterization aren't merely about the "what." The "why" matters, too. Dash and AJ were competitive at the expense of their partners without explaining a believable motive. For them, it's because "being the fastest is awesome" and "tradition is the 'Apple' way." Rarity actually had some motive for her actions, but still acted like a jerk through and through. If the RM3 got eventually swept up by the past, gradually moved the project from the CMCs' ideas to their own, and all had believable motives, then their behavior would be justified in some way. 28PL: "Dash goes too far, so the Mane Six decide to teach her a lesson." It's the very structure as Mare Do Well. The only true difference is the others actually talked to her about her mean prank on 'Shy, but the advice given to her was terrible. They didn't necessarily tell her to put more effort into her pranks. They told her to make sure thst the pranks she was pulling for everypony, not just her. She was rhe one who took their words the wrong way and decided to up her game herself. Twilight Sparkle: A prank isn't very good if you're the only pony laughing.Pinkie Pie: But what if it's really, really, really, really, really funny?Rainbow Dash: And I can do funny.Twilight Sparkle: I know you can. I guess the trick is making sure that your idea of funny matches the pony you're pranking.…Applejack: Yeah. A whoopee cushion is like a joke shortcut.Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie: What?!Rarity: Honestly, Rainbow Dash, if you are not willing to put forth the effort required to pull a prank that everypony can enjoy, you may as well not pull one at all.Rainbow Dash: Fine! If you ponies want effort, then that's just what you'll get.Twilight Sparkle: I'm not sure she understood what we meant. No one interrupted Rarity when delivering it, and no one followed her when she left. If Twilight or someone else interrupted Rarity or followed Dash out of the castle, then they have some justification. Instead, they got lazy and let it all go even though the convo wasn't supposed to resolve this way. They share a good chunk of the blame, but the episode paints them as the protagonists. --- Season one had some good episodes, but season two felt like nothing but filler. A majority of the episodes you could skip and you wouldn't be missing anything. Counting this season, there's only been one filler episode: The Cutie Pox. All of the content the audience saw — Apple Bloom being victimized by it — can be reduced to just two or three minutes, and the episode could've been 11 minutes. It being 22 minutes crawled the pace. After AB enunciated a pretty good lesson, they walked away acting like it never happened. Consequently, the episode become a waste of time. Granted, it's not bad. But it's really average. The rest of show, even its worst episodes, have filler content occasionally, but at least the characters get something out of it. Edited August 18, 2016 by Dark Qiviut "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeric 46,860 August 18, 2016 Share August 18, 2016 And just like that ... whoosh ... gone. Chill some of you. It really isn't worth being reckless with your opinions just to get a reaction. Relax ... breathe deeply ... and no further insults. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrond 3,263 August 18, 2016 Share August 18, 2016 Gift: No doubt Pinkie is dedicated, but it makes no sense for her to be this upset over being unable to deliver a present to Maud. Disappointed, yes, but to the point where she causes a scene is way to over the top, even for her. She acted like if she doesn't give that kind of purse to Maud, she'll abandon her or be seriously disappointed. There wasn't such a stake here. I enjoyed her characterization in that episode for more or less the same reasons, so I don't really have an argument here. ADO: Applejack fixed a major problem at the sauna while streamlining the process simultaneously. Here's what she said during its climax: She admitted that they had problems without knowing it. Then while explaining, she performed her tedious ritual right in front of Rarity, Twilight, and Spike without thinking for one second that her process might replicate the situation in the spa and cause problems. She even explained why she does it even though it clearly doesn't work anymore. She's mega-stubborn, but she's not mega-dumb. I don't perceive this as unreasonable, or "mega-dumb," as you put it. It's easier to see others' problems than your own. Redundant? Yes. Unbelievable? No, I don't see that. SUYL: Rarity wanting to help The Tasty Treat succeed's in character. What's out of character is her conclusion that it must conform to the trends to be successful. Conform to the style of food, decor, and palette, among other things. She isn't that type of character. She has a keen attention to detail and wants others to recognize her work by how each of them are expressed individually. To be unique is her goal to stand out and succeed. It makes no sense for her to not only believe the opposite, but genuinely stick to it. She's familiar with "high society," and she was under the impression that making the Tasty Treat like all the other stores was necessary for it to succeed. It also seems like Coriander did absolutely nothing to encourage Rarity to think outside of her comfort zone, which even a creative pony like her might be prone to slipping into. This is an assumption, but I think it's reasonable to believe that Rarity got carried away, focused too much on the success part over the Tasty Treat part, and interpreted the lack of negative feedback as positive feedback. Of course, I would have preferred seeing Pinkie and Rarity come up with creative solutions to the Tasty Treat's problem, but that's more of a missed opportunity than bad characterization. STFF: If he was in character, he would. All reliable conventions (and the vendor shop implicates it's run reliably) usually have scheduled events. Maps, restaurants, and directions are readily available. If there is a Daring Do Adventucation, you'd know where it is, what it's for, what time the tours start, and where it is. Actual directions to the Adventucation should be available to all comers and meet strict safety standards. But throughout the entire time in the jungle, Quibble believed that the original kidnapping, the tropical weather and scenery, journey to escape, near-death, second kidnapping, and temple arrival are all part of the Adventucation experience. No die-hard Daring Do fan, including Quibble, would be this stupid to believe that all of it is part of the convention experience. If he was the Quibble back at the con, he would've figured it out after their first kidnapping or (at the most) on their initial trek to escape. You're assuming that the events of the Daring Do books being real wouldn't sound completely absurd to him. Maybe he should have come to a different conclusion, but especially for a pony like him, those fictional characters and fictional quests being real was probably the LAST possibility he was willing to consider. Also, I'm fairly certain Quibble either thought the Adventucation was somehow separate from the con, or that the con was really poorly organized - thought his complaints about safety around the middle of the episode made that second possibility really clear. Just remember, you know that Daring Do is real, but Quibble doesn't, and he has absolutely no reason to believe that without a very high quantity of evidence. He'd be more stupid if he didn't take so long to realize what was happening. (although, maybe he should have suspected that some crazed fans kidnapped them.) 28PL: No one interrupted Rarity when delivering it, and no one followed her when she left. If Twilight or someone else interrupted Rarity or followed Dash out of the castle, then they have some justification. Instead, they got lazy and let it all go even though the convo wasn't supposed to resolve this way. They share a good chunk of the blame, but the episode paints them as the protagonists. They share only a little bit of the blame for their failed attempt to speak to Rainbow on her own level. I can understand why they thought challenging Rainbow to make more inclusive pranks would work - Rarity thought that Dash would interpret the challenge differently than she did, and the rest of the mane six knew exactly where she was coming from. It would have been cool if they'd tried to follow her when she left, but would they catch her? This is Rainbow Dash we're talking about, and by that point she might not have been receptive to any more talking, which was kinda why they did the reverse-prank in the first place. Of course, that would work a lot better if Rainbow Dash actually appeared to be trying (misguidedly) to amuse ponies around Ponyville, but while the episode implies that sometimes, more often it just shows her amusing herself and not thinking at all about others. Twilight is a hypocritical piece of crap, who values Celestia and her own stupid projects over friendship itself. That's why. Yes, exactly; that's what I like about her characterization in that episode, and kinda where I want the show to go with her. Say what you will, but Twilight as a bastion of friendship just doesn't sound even slightly interesting to me. I just wish the show did more with it; as is it's basically left alone in favour of rehashing the "let Starlight do her own things" lesson. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smitty1038 53 August 18, 2016 Share August 18, 2016 (edited) This hs been an absolutely frustrating season, It's just been doing a ton of things that's been making me unhappy with the direction the show is going - For all the shit I give Starlight and her redemption, they aren't making much of an effort to make it feel like it's worth anything - As far as the mane 6 goes, Pinkie and Fluttershy are the only one's that haven't been fucked over yet - Rarity has, for the most, been fine, but "Spice Up Your Life" went entirely what she stood for in the past - No Second Prances really fucked with Twilight, who should've been fine with giving Trixie, given she's forgiven characters who've done worse shit, and she hasn't recovered since - Rainbow's treatment makes it feel like the writers hate her, otherwise there's no way they would've been proud of Newbie Dash, which more or less turned her entire character arc into a complete joke, nor would they have redone one of the show's most hated episodes with 28 Pranks Later and not realize why everyone hated it in the first place, both of which regressed her so far back after all of the work they've done with her in the past. If it wasn't for STFF, I'd probably buy it - AJ is probably the worst of it, as she's felt like a completely different character, becoming a beyond dumb redneck who's hostile to her sister and has "old-school tradition" shoved so far up her ass, as opposed to the wise and honest friend who value's family and friends above all else - The "Explore Equestria" moniker has barely been used, instead of plenty of new places, we've been going to Manehattan a billion times, and maybe two new places here and there See, it's comments like this that frustrate and irritate the piss out of me because I don't see it the way others do. I see comments like this and all I hear is, "I need something to complain about, so I'm going to look for anything to nitpick about because the new seasons suck and the old seasons were amazing." As far as I'm concerned, this season has bewn great so far. Regarding Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, they have been gotten fucked over plenty of times. Remember episodes like "Party of One", "Putting Your Hoof Down", "Griffon the Brush-Off", "Swarm of the Century", and "Party Pooped?" Regarding Rarity getting "fucked over", as a fashionista, Rarity has to adapt her business and merchandise around what's popular at the time. This approach to business explains why she insisted on making the Tasty Treat just like every other restaurant, even though she herself tried several earlier that day and took a dislike to what they offered. Pinkie, on the other hand, sold the Tasty Treat on a welcoming atmosphere and quality food made to appeal to the customers' individual tastes. Pinkie Pie lives and works in a bakery. Of course she knows how to manage a business centered around serving food! Twilight not trusting Trixie after her apparent reformation back in Season 3 may seem like a serious continuity error until you realize that she was not truly reformed at the end of Magic Duel because she was not truly broken like Starlight after her second defeat and not taken in by Twilight as a student to learn the true value of friendship (remember: Twilight was not a princess yet, as this was before Magical Mystery Cure.) And when she took over Ponyville, she was under the influence of the Alicorn Amulet at the time. That being said, it could be implied that after leaving Ponyville, she eventually returned to a career of performing, which in turn made her revert to her old egotistical self from her rebuilt confidence. On top of that, while Trixie's actions in Magic Duel were fueled by the Alicorn Amulet, the fact that she willingly used such a thing in the first place may also contribute to Twilight's distrust of her. Also, after Magic Duel, she "forgave" Discord, who remained problematic and outright lapsed back into evil in Twilight's Kingdom, only going back to good after handing the villain near decisive victory. That would give her reason to make her more hesitant to trust. (Already observed with her initial interaction with Sunset Shimmer in Rainbow Rocks.) There's also the fact that Starlight was willing to accept any punishment that was given to her and has taken steps to make it up to those she has hurt, while Trixie, from what we've seen, apologized, then skipped town without helping clean up the damage her rule on Ponyville likely caused or doing anything to make it up to those she enslaved. Not exactly something you want to do if you're trying to get others to make amends. Another part of it is because of what happened during "Boast Busters." Even if Trixie apologized for the events of "Magic Duel," she didn't feel bad for playing cheap tricks during her performance back in "Boast Busters," and the fact she hasn't realized this gives Twilight reason to not trust her. Trixie may have apologized for going mad with power, but not for necessarily being a jerk during her Ponyville performance I don't understand why everyone seems to hate "Newbie Dash." Yes, I agree that a moment this monumental in Dash's life could've been handled with a bigger payoff, but the agreements stop there. First of all, none of the Wonderbolts treat Rainbow's nickname ("Crash") as a big deal, and it turns out they all have their own nicknames that are based on mishaps that happened on their first day. Military callsigns are usually in reference to some kind of embarrassing incident, especially the ones for fighter pilots. A hint that the Wonderbolts don't regard the nickname as an insult can be seen in how they treat Rainbow Dash after the first accident. Yes, they keep using the nickname and don't like it when she messes up while practicing, but most of their criticism is constructive as they tell her how she needs to fly to perform better. Hell, one even tries to comfort her after the hard day. Unfortunately the implications of all this fly over Rainbow's head, and apparently they flew over most of the heads of the audience. And the reason why Dash got off easier than Lightning Dust was because she was willing to accept responsibility for what she did, and was genuinely contrite. How has Applejack been hostile to her sister? If you were talking about her behavior in "Bridle Gossip", I could see where you were coming from. I mean, Applejack basically told Apple Bloom to shut up because nopony was interested in hearing her opinion. And don't forget that Rarity has been hostile towards Sweetie Belle before, so I don't get why you're not complaining about her. (Likewise, Sweetie Belle has been hostile towards Rarity in return.) Siblings being hostile towards each other is hardly anything new. And Applejack has been shown to value tradition before, as well as being portrayed as stupid. Remember her behavior in "The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000" and her actions in "Apple Family Reunion?" (Seriously, just go back and listen to her letter that she sent to Celestia in "TSSCS6K.") And let's not forget her behavior in both "The Ticket Master" and "Applebuck Season." In the former, she bribed Twilight with food to get the ticket. And in the latter, she just about killed herself from exhaustion because she was too stupid to see the strain that the workload was putting on her and ask for help when she clearly needed it. I don't mind revisiting places like Manehattan because they're interesting and they're fun to revisit. But I am glad we will be getting to see more of the Crystal Empire and getting to visit Las Pegasus this season. Edited August 18, 2016 by Smitty1038 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurora Glimmer 494 August 18, 2016 Share August 18, 2016 (edited) STFF: If he was in character, he would. All reliable conventions (and the vendor shop implicates it's run reliably) usually have scheduled events. Maps, restaurants, and directions are readily available. If there is a Daring Do Adventucation, you'd know where it is, what it's for, what time the tours start, and where it is. Actual directions to the Adventucation should be available to all comers and meet strict safety standards. But throughout the entire time in the jungle, Quibble believed that the original kidnapping, the tropical weather and scenery, journey to escape, near-death, second kidnapping, and temple arrival are all part of the Adventucation experience. No die-hard Daring Do fan, including Quibble, would be this stupid to believe that all of it is part of the convention experience. If he was the Quibble back at the con, he would've figured it out after their first kidnapping or (at the most) on their initial trek to escape. I think this is why Quibble Pants annoyed me: Quibble had a smug, know-it-all attitude throughout most of the episode, but he was also unbelievably dense. Edited August 18, 2016 by Edward Failric Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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