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gaming Metal Gear Survive


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So apparently the new post-Kojima Metal Gear is a zombie survival apocalypse game. I’m reserving my judgment until the release but honestly right now I’m not liking what I’m seeing.

What do you think?

  • Brohoof 2
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I don't know what's going on. I know Metal Gear has some supernatural and fantastic elements, but this one seems getting overboard with it :huh:

  • Brohoof 3


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This could have been any other game. Zombies just seem to be the default choice to fall back to when it's clear the publisher doesn't have any real idea what to do with a franchise anymore. I was kind of afraid of Konami doing this to be honest. I wonder if this is supposed to be how they will "get back their fans"?


It's really not a Metal Gear game at all, they're just using it as a backdrop for recognition value. No doubt long time fans of the series will give them hell for it. Newer players will probably just be confused.

  • Brohoof 2

"Always watching - Always lurking."


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We could've had Rising 2 or MGS3 Fox Remake instead of another goddamn zombie shooter





  • Brohoof 2
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Just no.


I played all games you can call canon + Portable Ops/Rising. It isn't unnormal that some stuff is just unrealistic or unlogical. Heck, we kinda have already zombies in MGS. MGS4 hat the emotion-out-of-control soldiers you encounter during act 2's escape scene or the Skulls controlled Soldiers in The Phantom Pain. But this, really?


If that's how they try to get back fans, then they seriously smoked to much. They already screwed on fans with showing awesome graphics for MGS3 ... and for what? A Pachinko machine. And now zombies. I rather think they don't care about fans.


I'm not even sure if I going to buy it and I'm a real MGS fan. I seriously can't count this canon. If it's like a spin off or so, like Rising was, fine, but not a full Metal Gear. Don't call it Metal Gear Solid, call it Metal Gear Zombies or so.


If they really want fans back, take previous MGS games, smash the FOX Engine on them, give mayby more content and better controls and sell them like "Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty Remastered" or so. Fans rather buy remastered old MGS games then this, seriously.

  • Brohoof 4

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This is just.. absurd - and this is coming from a long time fan of the franchise.


Instead of making a "Lead 4 Dead" type game with MG characters, they could of easily just done a remake of the older games with the new Fox Engine. Sure, we have Mario Kart in the Mario Franchise which goes away from the storyline and what not, but, taking a former workers idea and then just going; "Yo, let's do this idea!" is just.. why?


Kojima left so either give his long worked project to him or just let the franchise die. Don't revive it with such a daft thing.  :scots:

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I didn't think it was possible for Metal Gear to jump the shark, but here it is. I mean even the ending of Revengeance looks outright telegraphed and down to earth as a land line compared to this. At least that had some grounding in the mythos and it was the end of the game rather than the whole thing!


This leads to a terrifying possibility, was Kojima actually the more grounded creative direction than whatever yahoos are in charge now?!

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't like the idea of a Metal Gear game without Kojima. His wicked sense of humor and weird imagination is what gave those games their charm.

Well, to defend, he barely worked on Portable Ops and besides the controls(Blame PSP for that) I enjoyed it as I enjoy the other games.

  • Brohoof 2

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Well, still better than my dissapointment No Man's Sky brought, this is still pretty awful "zombie lol" goddamnit.


It's something I have to do. I was there, too. Before everything else

I was like you

I won't let you fall apart.

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I'm all for trying something new with a series, but this is pretty random. Who looked at Metal Gear and thought it needed to be a Zombie Survival game? This is the kind of thing that might be perfect for a jokey non-canon side mission, but a full game is just weird. I mean, the trailer start's with the main character getting sucked through a dimensional portal? This is how fanfiction's start.


 The game itself of course might not be awful. It could be fun on it's own merits, if the gameplay's good, then great. It's just incredibly strange for it to be a Metal Gear game, it almost seems like the Metal Gear name was just slapped on so they could cash in some extra money with some brand recognition, except there's probably a lot of Metal Gear fans who are just angry because this is not what they want to see out of MGS at all.


 Least it's not a Metal Gear Survive Pachinko machine?

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  • Brohoof 1

Twilight is best pony.


Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to?


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I was waiting for the day they would do this. Konami is now taking the Metal Gear name and using it to sell something that most likely will be terrible. Something that has absolutely nothing to do wit ht the Metal Gear franchise. Konami just needs to go away, they clearly do not give a shit at all.


What's next, Metal Gear Tycoon? Might as well.

  • Brohoof 1



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D: No! No Konami no!


In all honesty I liked the presentation to it. The idea of this survival (Im assuming cooperative play will be involved) but... I just. I cant wrap my head on this. These zombie laddies dont seem to be connected with anything from the parasites and Skulls in MGSV.


I feel this is just a hash off to use a generic, popular culture senstation (zom zoms) and the Metal Gear series to rack in recognition. Though a part of me feels the game might be fun, its just... it isnt the same.


I may pass on it but my opnion may change once more is revealed.


Do you feel it Kojima? Oh how its fallen. :(


((Seemingly fitting video for Kojima/Konami conflict : https://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=iq4Q3r44LGY))

Edited by IllusivePony
  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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It could potentially be a really fun coop survival game, or it could be some garbage cash grab that Konami will get away with. Let's see some gameplay and then pass judgement.

  • Brohoof 2
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If I feel this is going the way it is to be a cooperative survival game- I felt It couldve been something to add for the Phantom Pain. Ive always felt it would be amazing to play Phantom Pain in a cooperative setting. IT could totally help urge a little bit longer in its life span!


And like another cool thought would be like in depth relations with allied PFs/Players- friends who are starting or needing resources itd be a great addition if there could be like trading or like temporary contracts of mercenaries between allies and like you could share reward for like cooperative dispatch missions or defenses.


But Im blowing my ass around in a rant. I just... I feel this is big let down for someone who enjoyed the gameplay of the Phantom Pain.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Zombies in Metal Gear thats like having robot in a Rocky film...wait that happen. Okay l make one thing perfectly clear, though, this is NOT jumping the shark. I'm gonna repeat that again, this is NOT jumping the shark. No, no, no. This is jumping the shark, coming back, shooting it , humping it, eating its flesh, consuming its soul, mounting its head on the wall... and then doing the same thing to 12 more fucking sharks just to be safe!

Edited by COBLoneWolf
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Well, after I had some time now, I still stay sceptical too it, but it hasn't Solid in the name and plays in an alternate timeline, what keeps or MGS Universe canon.


Could be an explanation, why the old MB-Members you can find in side missions aren't acting like normal humans.


I see when it is out and then make my final decision.

  • Brohoof 1

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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  • 4 weeks later...



A game demo was just showed recently. 


God, I'm torn on it. Presentation was good in my opinion. Gameplay and such was what I expected considering it is similar to Phantom Pain. I liked what they shown, the cooperative play an I'm assuming is base building? I am interested. 


But ergh I'm just.. I still has that off feel. I want to take part and give it a shot. But the fan inside doesn't trust it. 


But again. Overall I enjoyed what they presented.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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