Thaliel 116 September 25, 2016 Share September 25, 2016 starlight still has to learn that magic isn't the answer to all your problems. But if I saw right, she has a photo of her old town hanging on the wall 2 <-plz click Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lambdadelta 1,462 September 25, 2016 Share September 25, 2016 My criticism has won over my fangasm this time. Starlight try everything in act 3 is nice, but they could be better, the montage is just like the ending song in Cutie Remark with more realism, she can get along with mane 6 in the ending song, why this ep happen ? NEVER TRUST ANYTHING HAPPEN IN THE FINALE SONGS, THEY ARE FAKE. I expect Twilight will be more angry like she did in No Second Prances, Starlight is really mess up this time. Fluttershy with centipedes in her face is disgusting, I hate bugs and worms. The spell practice scene is awesome, Twilight can turn an apple into eggs? That's insane, how an apple can turn into a living being? Unicorn magic is getting more insane, Equestria is in danger. A decent episode. I really enjoy this, but I expected more from this ep. Beside Trixie, Starlight still cant make any friends outside that castle, she should get out this castle and interact with people... 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlutteringDweamz 2,086 September 25, 2016 Share September 25, 2016 Starlight still has some bad girl in her ...Controlling ponies=bad xD amazing she's not fully figured that out yet! LOL 4 Aka "LadyPKchu". I changed my name again cuz lately fluttershy has been more my favorite pony :3 I like her innocence, and I think I may get active in the fluttershy fan club. I really like a lot of the other main 6 too though. I'm also a FlutterDash supporter. I still love Korrina from pokemon a lot and plan on keeping my Korrina profile for now Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tao 8,024 September 25, 2016 Share September 25, 2016 Yah this just made me do the "Starlight is Best Pony" thing in my mind and Spike was right on point the whole time. Casting a spell on her friends is a good ref to her "all equal" thing but this time it was done more in a lighter sense of humor. Given Starlight has always used magic to solve her problems, this showed how it can not solve anything and she got more done in her friendship lessons and self grow. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Heavenly Inexplicit 309 September 25, 2016 Share September 25, 2016 I loved it! Adorable as always! The part where Fluttershy is covered with bugs is hilarious. 6 Love and tolerate! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jonny Music 3,444 September 25, 2016 Share September 25, 2016 (edited) That is (quite honestly) one of the best episodes in this season. Everything about it was really good. Edited September 26, 2016 by Jonny Music 4 My Profile LinkedIn Profile Main YouTube Channel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrazyDashie 1,847 September 25, 2016 Share September 25, 2016 at the end when everypony was laughing, i thought starlight was gonna say something like "uh... i was being serious" 4 20% cooler in 10 seconds flat Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jangocoolguy 433 September 25, 2016 Share September 25, 2016 (edited) Ugh. I am SO over you, Starlight. This is the episode that broke the camel's back She casts the Imperious Curse on the Other 5 and turns them into mindless zombie slaves...and gets away with it after a clichéd, sappy apology that makes up for nothing. When Pinkie Pie is mad, that's a sign you've REALLY bucked up. Oh sure, you could say it was Starlight bringing it on herself & it biting her in the flank, but she she STILL used mind control for petty reasons. I'm not even sure I'd be able to buy it or even care if she got a better reformation like Discord. Surely I'm not the only person getting annoyed and a little appalled at how she keeps getting off the hook for doing awful, reprehensible things... There are parts I liked, mainly AJ spouting oneliners (even if they're pop culture references) that may or may not have something to do with Ma and Pa and Fluttershy's love of animals going to far, but at the end of the day it's Starlight showing how much she sucks at this even worse than Season 1 Twilight did. Also, we just had this moral in "Flutter Brother"...though I think it was done better here. Edited September 25, 2016 by Jangocoolguy 2 "It's like I found a piece of myself I didn't even know was missing!" How do you think WE feel?! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pony.colin 156 September 25, 2016 Share September 25, 2016 It was an interesting episode, not going to go too in detail about it. I will say this, I find it hilarious that Starlight Glimmer is still being used as a pony example of someone who acts like they've never understood how to socialize and understand basic ethics, and it keeps hitting my snarky bone (writers stop doing that). Its comical on how she keeps thinking that there isn't any sort of ethical wrong-doing for casting high advanced magical spells on your friends and forcing them to do things against their will. Like you have to take into consideration about her awfully skint backstory and believe at face-value that ever since she felt abandoned by Sunburst, she drove herself into her cause to try and force a cult into existence about forced equal cutie-marks and even after believing and accepting Twilight's extension of Friendship for a second chance, that she still hasn't learned the basics of social magical ethics at all while being tutored by Twilight! Starlight Glimmer: "What do you mean it's ethically wrong to cast possession spells on my friends to try and pass a report? I've never learned about this rule before in my entire life. Are you serious Twilight that this is something that most magically gifted unicorns are taught early on in their schooling? Really?" This is the same stunt she pulled on Big Mac in No Second Prances and I still laughed at it. It's amazing how they still put it up at face-value at this episode that Starlight Glimmer hasn't learned this lesson before. Maybe she'll finally get it after this episode though. (Then again, Twilight had her own snafu with the want it need it spell that Celestia had to clean-up for her. Does no pony teacher at Canterlot's school for gifted magical unicorns teach their students the basics of magical ethics? Even more darkly hilarious if so). 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sonic5421 425 September 25, 2016 Share September 25, 2016 Sure, and considering Twilight actually shouted at her for doing it, I imagine Starlight would have been punished as well if Starlight hadn't apologized for it and went to the effort of trying to make up for it. She's already feeling guilty and willing to make up for it, what does punishment help for then? Yes, It's not okay, but what would punishment help in this case? Make Starlight learn the lesson that she already seems to have learned anyway? Yeah, Starlight was already guilt-ridden and remorseful for her actions. She just needed to take responsibility for them and make it up to Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six. As a result, she learns a valuable lesson, and mends her friendships with the Mane Six as well. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simba86 1,541 September 25, 2016 Share September 25, 2016 i loved this episode!, it was starlight's lesson zero 4 It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sidral Mundet 1,666 September 25, 2016 Share September 25, 2016 Ugh. I am SO over you, Starlight. This is the episode that broke the camel's back She casts the Imperious Curse on the Other 5 and turns them into mindless zombie slaves...and gets away with it after a clichéd, sappy apology that makes up for nothing. When Pinkie Pie is mad, that's a sign you've REALLY bucked up. Oh sure, you could say it was Starlight brining it on herself, but she she STILL used mind control for petty reasons. I'm not even sure I'd be able to buy it or even care if she got a better reformation like Discord. There are parts I liked, mainly AJ spouting oneliners (even if they're references) that may or may not have something to do with Ma and Pa and Fluttershy's love of animals going to far, but at the end of the day it's Starlight showing how much she sucks at this even worse than Season 1 Twilight did. Also, we just had this moral in "Flutter Brother"...though I think it was done better here. And you have to remember Pinkie Pie was more upset about the cakes being burned than anything else. 2 Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrond 3,263 September 26, 2016 Share September 26, 2016 Ugh. I am SO over you, Starlight. This is the episode that broke the camel's back She casts the Imperious Curse on the Other 5 and turns them into mindless zombie slaves...and gets away with it after a clichéd, sappy apology that makes up for nothing. When Pinkie Pie is mad, that's a sign you've REALLY bucked up. Oh sure, you could say it was Starlight bringing it on herself & it biting her in the flank, but she she STILL used mind control for petty reasons. I'm not even sure I'd be able to buy it or even care if she got a better reformation like Discord. Surely I'm not the only person getting annoyed and a little appalled at how she keeps getting off the hook for doing awful, reprehensible things... There are parts I liked, mainly AJ spouting oneliners (even if they're pop culture references) that may or may not have something to do with Ma and Pa and Fluttershy's love of animals going to far, but at the end of the day it's Starlight showing how much she sucks at this even worse than Season 1 Twilight did. Also, we just had this moral in "Flutter Brother"...though I think it was done better here. I don't strictly think she "got off the hook," but I also don't think the consequences she faced were nearly enough to have an impact. I'm really starting to question her as well, but mostly that's because she does all these horrible things without the show giving her any real redeeming qualities. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
takai 1,060 September 26, 2016 Share September 26, 2016 Remember kids, using mind control on your friends to do your bidding is bad. This episode was ok, but like everyone else said, this was Starlight's Lesson Zero. But Lesson Zero was a much better episode. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trixie Heartstrings 434 September 26, 2016 Share September 26, 2016 Stephanie Lazytown, Cooking by the Book?! Did I really hear that? (I hate myself for knowing that.) I thought I saw a reference to that too, and I just recently remembered it this week, since a couple people I know showed me this. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlinkZ 1,151 September 26, 2016 Share September 26, 2016 I'll admit my first reaciton to hearing the shynpis made m expical but the episode was pretty funny. I mean Starlight is a bit unstable, i mean she did try to time travel. It seems perfectly within her character to think magic an solve everything. OMG the show self aware of Starlight lake of appearances, that or she just as anti-social Twilightght used to be. I thought she was kidding when she said that line in the Trixie episode...I guess she was serious lol Zubric(fimfiction) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flutter's lover <3 8,206 September 26, 2016 Share September 26, 2016 This episode reminded me of a few drunken party nights with friends and waking up to the mess in the morning with a hangover. :awuh: It was obvious the "magic headaches" were emulating a hangover...except with well...magic instead of alcohol. Their morning looks of messed up manes and tired looking eyes and Rarity wishing for quietness was a sign. I'll add it was rather ...creepy while the 5 of them had the spell over them...though at the same time it was rather funny.. They took everything so literal. 2 Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng* Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ErisPegasus 56 September 26, 2016 Share September 26, 2016 (edited) I liked the fleshing out of magic, as well as seeing more of the castle's interior. We got to see its kitchen, a pool on the roof, as well as the catacombs underneath. It has quite a few webs for something that's only existed 2 years. Also great to see Starlight developing bonds with the rest of the Mane 6. They've had minimal interaction so far. Edited September 26, 2016 by ErisPegasus 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ManyANewDay_36 178 September 26, 2016 Share September 26, 2016 IT'S A PIECE OF CAKE TO BAKE A PRETTY CAKE 3 "It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live." ~Albus Dumbledore Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaptainDoubloon 856 September 26, 2016 Share September 26, 2016 This episode was okay, I'm just not a Starlight fan. I'm getting tired of seeing how she's more powerful then everyone else like a badly written fanfic character. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carolina 212 September 26, 2016 Share September 26, 2016 (edited) This was an interesting episode and fairly entertaining overall, but I can't help but feel it would have fit better earlier in the season in terms of Starlight's friendship lessons. I don't love Starlight Glimmer, but I wasn't opposed to her joining the Mane cast, provided it was done well. IMHO, it hasn't been done well the majority of the time. In fact, aside from Twilight and Spike, I don't really know how any of the Mane girls feel about Starlight or vice versa. Sure that could be because she doesn't appear in episodes unless in the starring role, but heck, Discord appears even less and we still get to see more distinct relationships between him and the ponies. Starlight, on the other hand, appears to be only Twilight's friend (although "friend" might be pushing it, as she's really more of a student). In this episode, we see that she feels uncomfortable hanging out with Twilight's friends without Twi, so much so that she has to brain wash them to avoid looking bad at their chosen hobbies. And throughout the season, Starlight has been excluded from every single Ponyville activity (ie: she didn't attend Rainbow's first Wonderbolt showcase, she didn't help Rarity move into the Manehatten Boutique, she didn't accompany the Mane Six to where ever they went in "Dungeons and Discords," didn't show up for the Applewood Derby, didn't try out for Buck Ball and wasn't even present when the whole town showed up to prank Rainbow Dash!) And really, I don't expect her to have a ton of lines, but just showing up in the background in slice-of-life episodes would have made her presence in episodes like this one a lot less jarring. Could it be that the rest of the Mane Six don't like Starlight, or at the very least, don't consider her a friend? If so, I really, really wish the show would actually address this, like it did/does with Discord. Heck, this could have been a great opportunity to develop distinct roles for each pony and further develop their characters. For instance, maybe Applejack is hesitant to trust her, while Pinkie welcomes her with open hooves. Maybe Rainbow finds her annoying but wants to take her under her wing and teach her how to "chillax." Maybe Rarity forgives her for the whole "Our Town" thing, but their personalities clash. Maybe Fluttershy feels intimidated by her. Who knows! As far as I'm concerned, that ship has, sadly, pretty much sailed. If this episode had taken place earlier, it could have served as a set-up for Starlight to acknowledge that she feels uncomfortable around the Mane Five and they could have worked on building relationships from there. As it is, it seems exceptionally strange that Starlight's entire purpose this season is learning about friendship and yet she has no relationship to speak of with her mentor's closest friends. Edited September 26, 2016 by Carolina Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lil Pip 775 September 26, 2016 Share September 26, 2016 I can't relate to how Starlight can be so disliked, I mean granted she was a villain and all and this episode does show she still has some bad tendencies, but what do you expect when reforming an ex-villain? This episode was okay, I'm just not a Starlight fan. I'm getting tired of seeing how she's more powerful then everyone else like a badly written fanfic character. Idk, powerful characters can have character development too, and thats what matters. I think getting caught up in her power is missing the point, and people want to know more of what magic can do and this paints a greater picture for people to imagine. Granted maybe you intuitively dislike it because others might make more Mary Sues now or something, but if anything this should teach how to do a powerful character with character development, so it addresses the mary sue issue in a way, also it referencing naruto or dbz or even some deities (multiple locations at once) I think would excite some people. Also, there can be worse non-powerful characters in fiction too, like a feel bad for me sorta deal going on and they have only misfortune befall them and life is so unfair etc sorta theme/trope. Besides with things like marvel being so popular of course people like powerful characters, and it proves they can objectively be successful and are not doomed to failure. You can still think what you want, just thought I would try and explain the other side a little. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castle Bleck 19,383 September 26, 2016 Share September 26, 2016 On a random note, I liked the "transfiguration-spells test" scene at the beginning. 1 By @Emerald Heart.↑ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ErisPegasus 56 September 26, 2016 Share September 26, 2016 Also like the Cutie Remark callback literally 30 seconds into the episode. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ranger22 179 September 26, 2016 Share September 26, 2016 I found Starlight very entertaining this episode which I believe many others share the sentiment. Though I did find her magic fairly frightening this episode despite the comedy it provided. FOE/sol/action oc FOE oc oc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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