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Legend Of Everfree

The Cynical Lone Wolf

What did you think of the fourth Equestria Girls movie, Legend of Everfree ?  

147 users have voted

  1. 1. Do you like it?

    • No; it was travesty
    • No..not really
    • Meh; I liked it and didn't like it at the same time
    • I enjoyed it, but could've been a whole lot better.

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I noticed the people in charge of putting up this threads have gone silent and with Legends of Everfree already up on Youtube(No, I will not share it) I decided to make this thread to discuss or review it.  So what did you think of it?

For those you haven't seen and waiting for it to appear on Netflix on Saturday, why you are you in this thread? This for people who've already watched it and it will be fuuuullll of spoilers. Oh also use the spoiler BBCode( the code is : <spoiler></spoiler>, just replace the "<>" with "[ ]"), just in case.


With that out of the way here are  my thoughts 


My Review 





Equestria Legends of Everfree , in English is the fourth in Equestria Girls and wrote by Kristine Song and Joanna Lewis. It starts the usual voice actors from the previous film, so no need to get into that. I will say I was expecting a Gravity Falls rip off, but it wasn’t thankfully. It was, well,  let’s just get into it.




Let’s start with the good parts of this film. I will first to say that the setting is not in a high school, but a forest. The background for the setting is great considering the animation style. I will say I am thankful, eh, “Pony up,” the word itself is only used once. I do like that “Pony Up” sequences are completely gone and now are done smoother regarding animation style. I also do like Sunset Twilight subplot I call “Midnight Sparkle Subplot” and it’s splendid. On that note, Twilight’s fear is entirely understandable, and she goes the full route and tries to leave. I also say, believe it or not, Brad gets good character development. I know it’s odd, but kudos. I also love each of the Mane Six’s Powers. Rarity’s being shields, Fluttershy is talking to animals, Rainbow Dash being speed Applejack is a strength, and  Twilight, being my favorite, being telekinesis     Sadly, that’s all the decent points I have to say about this film.




I, however, have a lot worse things to say about the movie than good. All the things that made Brad a cringe-worthy character  took on the character of its own by the male camp counselor,  Timber Spruce; by that I mean, Timber and SciTwi’s romance feels so artificial. Their love starts just them giving a quick lot at each other, and that’s it and just over three to five days, they are in love; it's borderline Little Mermaid romance. I will also say that the film has several subplots that go nowhere and two stick out in my mind. First, of Filthy Rich subplots goes one where. Filthy Rich appears only three times in the film; once at the beginning, another time in the middle(but only in flashback) and for one last time at the end for a couple of seconds. The other subplot is “Gia Everfree.” Her design and intentions remind me something out of Avatar: The Last Airbender, but she is reduced down to being a folk’s tale, and that’s it, she's completely dropped for  she-demon #3. I really wished she was the main villain for that reason if Avatar did it  with a similar rating to MLP why not here? Anyway,that leaves me to the main villain, Gloriosa Daisy. The film tries to misdirect you thought it that she isn’t  the villain, but so obvious that.  She-Demon #3 or “Evil Gloriosa,” the actual villain, is only on screen for five to ten minutes, and she also has a weak ass villain song, it’s certainly not a “This Day Aria.” On that note the songs are majorly weak the one exception being “The Midnight in Me.”  You probably noticed I left Sunset out of the equation of the powers, and I did that on purpose. Sunset's powers are, I'm not joking here, heart. Yes, she is reduced down to Mati’s from Captain Planet. She has the power to read thought, but only when touching someone and feeling how other people feel.  There are some other pointless scenes, but I would be going into nitpicking territory. So yeah a lot of bad things in the movie.



Overall, the film is the weakest out of the now four Equestria Girls film with weak songs, pointless subplots,and more. I hate saying this, but the cons outweigh the pros and this movie. If they were to enhance some subplots and drop others, it would have been far better. As Legends of Everfree is,    I will be not watching, now, a third time. It’s definitely a skip and you better off watching Cinmera Sins cover it.



  • Brohoof 5
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I really enjoyed myself watching it. I wasn't THAT excited for the release in the first place, but I guess that's not important.


I thought Pinkie Pie was written much, much better than she has been in the past movies. She still does her thing, but I didn't find it painfully awkward, and they didn't rely on her quirkiness to further the plot.


I thought it was funny, and I rather enjoyed the music. Unlike the past three films, where I only enjoyed one or two from each, I liked every song in this one. Just a matter of taste, though. I know a good many Bronies like Rainbow Rocks for its music.


Timber Spruce and Twilight together, yeah, I wasn't a big fan. However, it didn't feel quite so shallow to me. I mean, they flirted for a few days, and then they almost kissed. Almost. Seemed like a pretty natural teenage crush, to me.


Backing up a little bit, I actually liked Flash's little role. I was surprised at the possibility of him getting back with Sunset, but hey, I'm okay with it. Also, I liked Derpy keeping up the trend of comforting Flash. :P


And Gloriosa, yeah, that was pretty predictable. I am a little curious as to what the material in Timber's pocket was, I know it was to throw the audience off, but I can't remember if that was ever resolved.


The ending, with the crystals, made me particularly interested. Call me a sucker, but now I want ANOTHER EQG movie. ;)


Anyhoo, Legend of Everfree topped my list of these movies. With the other movies, they're just cute fluff, something for when I'm bored. But I would gladly watch Legend of Everfree again and again.


Can't wait to get a house and watch it on a TV. :D

  • Brohoof 7
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It was basically Scooby Doo Meets The Avengers, and to me is the second worst of the Equestria Girls movies after the first one.


Rarity was incredibly annoying because of how flanderized she was.


Also, why do the writers keep giving Snips and Snails screentime recently?

  • Brohoof 5
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Watched it myself. This movie basically did nothing for me at all.


It was very annoyed with the Romance subplot of Twilight (who is another Twilight) and this Timber guy. I don't really like romance in this franchise, because it dosen't fit for me. I like shipping, but only in an ironic way.


The Movie also felt like a nature PSA, that reminded me of an Episode of Captain Planet and was so Black and White that it's not even funny.


The end fight reminded me of the fights of the first and third movie, which was incredibly unoriginal and totally unfulfilling, considering this came out of the blue, after 60 minutes of nothing happening.


Is it worse then the first one? Maybe not, but it's really close. Not something i watch again.

  • Brohoof 6

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Well, it was under the top most of the time but it was fine I guess. One thing I've liked is that it wasn't so saturated of characters that left too little screen time for many (right Sunny Flare :dash:?). Though it kinda bothered me how flanderized Rares was :huh:. Most of her lines were ALWAYS about her dresses. I'd liked Gloriosa and Timber as new characters. Gloriosa was a good change of pace of not being actually a villain, but just a girl who was desperate to save the camp and Timber covering her up. Timber was more than just waifu thief number 2. Speaking of waifu thief business I wonder why they'd seem to kill flashlight shipping and potentially sparkle sunsetflash :huh:? It's not like either portal is tons of miles away from each other and cross it to see each other (it would be awkward for Flashy to walk on two more legs and having wings though :dash:). I suppose they wanted to further showcase how Sunny changed.


Oh, one more thing: 


DERPY SPOKE AGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN :pinkie::yay::muffins:Well, technically it's her first time speaking as the other times were done by her pony counterpart  :dash:  


  • Brohoof 2


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I liked it, but I feel like it was something small that was supposed to lead up to something bigger. Honestly, it felt like something sort of a Pilot for a TV series, because it felt like a long, normal TV episode than a movie like the other 3. 


Wasn't a fan of them making it all about Twilight again, for once it'd be nice to give other characters spotlight(which was why Rainbow Rocks was as well received as it was and why Sunset became so popular) 


Not a big fan of the romance either, but I will give the writers credit, at least it felt like they tried with Twilight and Timber, and I thought Timber was a decent character, so at least he has that over Flash


I feel like I'm in the minority, but I loved the music, Stand With The Everfree in a particular is a fantastic villain song. 


I also liked Gloriosa too, but I do have a problem with her, in that I feel her situation could've been avoided entirely. But still, she's a step up from Cinch as far as antagonists go, though still not as good as the Sirens


Not a fan of them making Filthy Rich a bad guy(though I kinda fault the show as a whole for that, the comics have been doing the same, especially with him supposedly being the stand in for Trump in the Elections comic arc)


The characters apart from Rarity(who they really racked up the DRESSES part of her) good for the most part


Overall, if you like EQG, you'll probably enjoy it, if you don't it won't do anything to change your mind

Edited by Megas
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The ending was kinda forced, but it was great to finally see an Equestria Girls movie where every girl wasn't in some cliched skirt-centric outfit. They actually wore normal clothes. Also, the singing sequence were pretty hit and miss. The main character had a great song sequence, while the primary antagonist's was really bad despite the song itself being really good. There was also a ton of shipping fuel, and I think even possibly an incest joke at the end? If it was an incest joke, it was actually pretty comical. Timber Spruce, the main romantic interest kept being pulled away by his sister when he tried to kiss or do something romantic with Twilight. And Gloriosa, his sister, would instigate some kind of incesty kind of action between her brother by holding him in a romantic way. There seems to be an underlying love rectangle going on in the movie. Sunset Shimmer seems to have a crush on Twilight Sparkle. Meanwhile Timber Spruce has feelings for Twilight and Twilight reciprocates them. Timbers sister, Gloriosa, seems to have feelings for her brother, though. So, like I said love rectangle.There's shipping, then Sunset gets friend zoned.

  • Brohoof 2


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Ehh I found it pretty darn boring, there is little character development outside of Twilight worrying about Midnight Sparkle, Flash getting over his relationship with Twilight, and the romance between Timber and Twilight.


The fight scene with the vines is pretty cool, and I do like the scene where they fight the vines and take down Gloriosa, but it seems like the movie is doing everything it can to reach its running time.

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I was both Impressed AND let down at the same time.


On the one hand, I enjoyed it and found it be a MASSIVE Upgrade from FG. On the other hand, I was saddened to find that it had a VERY heavy filler feel in that almost 1/4 of the movie seemed to be focused on twilight's romance subplot. GAH!

Like, I appreciate that they put far more effort into making Timber and twilight work as a pair and put in reasons for them to have chemistry with each other: And I Actually do find this ship a good one. Its just, it was SO MUCH of the movie, it made it feel like it was crammed with filler.
That being said, I do approve of them hooking flash and sunset back together.



Anyways, past that, I found the magical plot enjoyable, liked the overarching feel of them having to learn to embrace their magic, and while the spotlight was on twilgiht for 50% of the movie, I felt they managed to tone it back MASSIVELY from FG with Twilight and sunset's focus, which is a MASSIVE improvement. Each of the six felt important and it had them contributing to the plot  heavily. I also like that they're going full on magical girls route with them, and I am interested in what they have in store for the next movie.


Now, that being said, I HATED glory. Like, every scene she was in, I felt she brought it screeching to a halt. Her catchphrases and personality were annoying, and while I guess it was intentional that she kept saying "I GOT THIS!" and being like that, she just. WAS NOT. ENJOYABLE.
Add on that, as a villain, her "Plan" made no sense, and she was essentially just a giant magical retard in what she was doing, and its definitely worse than RR's Sirens (Can we get them back, PLEASE?).  We REALLY need some intelligent villains who are working towards a coherent evil goal instead of just "Random character goes insane and turns into a demon"-- like, that's fine for a monster of the week show, but for a movie format you need someone GRANDER, y'know?



Eh, either way, Like the concepts laid out, the overall feel of the movie, and while I was dissapointed, its restored my faith that the EQG can at LEAST be slightly entertaining; Hell, its better than alot of S6 atm (Which is more speaking poorly for S6 though :P)

Legend of everfree: Solid 7.5/10

Rainbow rocks: 8.5/10

EG: 4/10

FG: 3.5/10


So second best movie yet.




I liked it, but I feel like it was something small that was supposed to lead up to something bigger. Honestly, it felt like something sort of a Pilot for a TV series, because it felt like a long, normal TV episode than a movie like the other 3. 


Wasn't a fan of them making it all about Twilight again, for once it'd be nice to give other characters spotlight(which was why Rainbow Rocks was as well received as it was and why Sunset became so popular) 


Not a big fan of the romance either, but I will give the writers credit, at least it felt like they tried with Twilight and Timber, and I thought Timber was a decent character, so at least he has that over Flash


I feel like I'm in the minority, but I loved the music, Stand With The Everfree in a particular is a fantastic villain song. 


I also liked Gloriosa too, but I do have a problem with her, in that I feel her situation could've been avoided entirely. But still, she's a step up from Cinch as far as antagonists go, though still not as good as the Sirens


Not a fan of them making Filthy Rich a bad guy(though I kinda fault the show as a whole for that, the comics have been doing the same, especially with him supposedly being the stand in for Trump in the Elections comic arc)


The characters apart from Rarity(who they really racked up the DRESSES part of her) good for the most part


Overall, if you like EQG, you'll probably enjoy it, if you don't it won't do anything to change your mind



agreed for the most part, but I do feel that, while most of the screentime was on twilight, they avoided Going 100% overboard with it like Friendship games did; Its still overly twilight focused, but not THAT focused like FG was where it ended with Twilight and sunset godmoding while the others are power batteries.

Also agree that rarity was by far the weakest of the six in the movie and felt flanderized. rather sad, as I enjoyed the others (RD and Pinkie were especially good IMO). And while Glory is weak, she IS still vastly better than cinch.




Ehh I found it pretty darn boring, there is little character development outside of Twilight worrying about Midnight Sparkle, Flash getting over his relationship with Twilight, and the romance between Timber and Twilight.


The fight scene with the vines is pretty cool, and I do like the scene where they fight the vines and take down Gloriosa, but it seems like the movie is doing everything it can to reach its running time.

I kind of feel the vine fight was a letdown. it was Nice, but we KNOW they can do better fight scenes, based on the S4 finale or even the end of FG.
Heck, I'd like to see rarity do more stuff like where she made that Gem platform and threw it out in addition to just making shields.


I do 100% approve of them embracing the fact that giving pinkie pie explosive powers is EXACTLY as bad of an idea as it sounds on paper XD

Kind of feel her explosions were kind of wimpy though, like they were pretty small.



Well, it was under the top most of the time but it was fine I guess. One thing I've liked is that it wasn't so saturated of characters that left too little screen time for many (right Sunny Flare :dash:?). Though it kinda bothered me how flanderized Rares was :huh:. Most of her lines were ALWAYS about her dresses. I'd liked Gloriosa and Timber as new characters. Gloriosa was a good change of pace of not being actually a villain, but just a girl who was desperate to save the camp and Timber covering her up. Timber was more than just waifu thief number 2. Speaking of waifu thief business I wonder why they'd seem to kill flashlight shipping and potentially sparkle sunsetflash :huh:? It's not like either portal is tons of miles away from each other and cross it to see each other (it would be awkward for Flashy to walk on two more legs and having wings though :dash:). I suppose they wanted to further showcase how Sunny changed.


Oh, one more thing: 


DERPY SPOKE AGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN :pinkie::yay::muffins:Well, technically it's her first time speaking as the other times were done by her pony counterpart  :dash:  



I think they killed flashlight because they realized just how much the ship did not work; there was just so little chemistry between the two. And if they can Redirect him back to sunset while introducing a new ship WITH actual chemistry between Timber and flash, why not?

I mean, the staff are quite aware of how much people hate flashlight based on how it was planned to be a joke in the 100th episode about people hating flash sentry XD




also 100% agree that them trying to avoid introducing new characters and keeping the plot focused tightly on a few core characters instead was vastly superior to the problem of FG having the shadowbolts be pointless and without personality.



I really enjoyed myself watching it. I wasn't THAT excited for the release in the first place, but I guess that's not important.

I thought Pinkie Pie was written much, much better than she has been in the past movies. She still does her thing, but I didn't find it painfully awkward, and they didn't rely on her quirkiness to further the plot.

I thought it was funny, and I rather enjoyed the music. Unlike the past three films, where I only enjoyed one or two from each, I liked every song in this one. Just a matter of taste, though. I know a good many Bronies like Rainbow Rocks for its music.

Timber Spruce and Twilight together, yeah, I wasn't a big fan. However, it didn't feel quite so shallow to me. I mean, they flirted for a few days, and then they almost kissed. Almost. Seemed like a pretty natural teenage crush, to me.

Backing up a little bit, I actually liked Flash's little role. I was surprised at the possibility of him getting back with Sunset, but hey, I'm okay with it. Also, I liked Derpy keeping up the trend of comforting Flash.

And Gloriosa, yeah, that was pretty predictable. I am a little curious as to what the material in Timber's pocket was, I know it was to throw the audience off, but I can't remember if that was ever resolved.

The ending, with the crystals, made me particularly interested. Call me a sucker, but now I want ANOTHER EQG movie.

Anyhoo, Legend of Everfree topped my list of these movies. With the other movies, they're just cute fluff, something for when I'm bored. But I would gladly watch Legend of Everfree again and again.

Can't wait to get a house and watch it on a TV.



I'm more interested in EQG 5 for them setting it up with HUGE potential to go all out as a magical girl show than anything else

  • Brohoof 3
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Well, previously I was of the opinion that each movie is an improvement on the last, and I'm happy to report that my opinion hasn't changed with this latest movie. I loved that Friendship Games managed to avoid being predictable like the first two films by keeping its third act a mystery right up until the end. I mean, sure, it was obvious that Twilight was going to drain magic from each of the mane five ponies, and she did, but what wasn't obvious was what was going to happen after she did.


I'm happy to report that Legend of the Everfree manages to be even more unpredictable. Well, ok, it was obvious that one of the two siblings was going to be an antagonist of sorts down the road from the moment they're introduced, but Timber Spruce was used as a red herring to good effect and even if Gloriosa being the antagonist wasn't totally unexpected it was once again unclear how the third act would play out. I also like that the rest of the friends weren't just filler this time. Oh, and my fear that human Twilight would displace Sunset Shimmer was unfounded as Sunset is clearly still one of the lead characters even if she's now the co-lead with Twilight. She definitely had her role to play. Also, I loved when she looked into Pinkie's mind.


Of course we needed an animeish finale and we got that in spades. Maybe it wasnt as much of a great character moment as Sunset extending her hand to Twilight in the FG finale, but it made up for it with more action and anime style transformations. EQG just got cool. Of course there are still no well defined rules on how ponying up works but hopefully these new amulets will take the place of that so we can finally bury that plot hole.


The shipping wasn't too shabby either. I'm cool with the scenes with Sunset and Flash. That's actually not too bad a ship if you ask me. Twilight and Timber Spruce is ok with me too. Granted this film did invalidate a chapter in Twilight's Sparkly Sleepover Surprise where Sunset said that Flash likes human Twilight for her and not for her sharing an identity with Princess Twilight, but I'm not much of a Twilight/Flash shipper. As odd as it sounds though, I'm glad this series seems to like avoiding kissing or showing too much romantic affection. I'm not as into the more mushy aspects of ships. I'm also happy to report that this movie didn't blast a hole in my RariJack ship in spite of the tent assignments. Actually, one criticism I have is that the tent assignments amounted to nothing. A short scene showing the other girls in their tents interacting with their roommate would have been nice. Oh, and that poor dock is just cursed. Cursed I tell you!


Oh, a 5th movie is pretty much confirmed and I'm more than ok with that. Also, now I know why the songs have been sucking in the second half of season 6 IMHO. The songs here are a huge improvement over "Derby Racers", A Changeling Can Change", and whatever the name is of the song in The Fault in Our Cutie Marks. I especially liked "The Midnight in Me", but I can see myself humming the intro song and for the most part I think all the songs in this film are solid. There are none I can say I dislike at least. I do hope Ingram's best work is reserved for the upcoming in-universe film but I hope the EQG movies will continue to have good songs and that the songs in the show will improve. All in all, solid movie and I'm more stoked than ever for the continuation of this series.

  • Brohoof 4
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Well, previously I was of the opinion that each movie is an improvement on the last, and I'm happy to report that my opinion hasn't changed with this latest movie. I loved that Friendship Games managed to avoid being predictable like the first two films by keeping its third act a mystery right up until the end. I mean, sure, it was obvious that Twilight was going to drain magic from each of the mane five ponies, and she did, but what wasn't obvious was what was going to happen after she did.


I'm happy to report that Legend of the Everfree manages to be even more unpredictable. Well, ok, it was obvious that one of the two siblings was going to be an antagonist of sorts down the road from the moment they're introduced, but Timber Spruce was used as a red herring to good effect and even if Gloriosa being the antagonist wasn't totally unexpected it was once again unclear how the third act would play out. I also like that the rest of the friends weren't just filler this time. Oh, and my fear that human Twilight would displace Sunset Shimmer was unfounded as Sunset is clearly still one of the lead characters even if she's now the co-lead with Twilight. She definitely had her role to play. Also, I loved when she looked into Pinkie's mind.


Of course we needed an animeish finale and we got that in spades. Maybe it wasnt as much of a great character moment as Sunset extending her hand to Twilight in the FG finale, but it made up for it with more action and anime style transformations. EQG just got cool. Of course there are still no well defined rules on how ponying up works but hopefully these new amulets will take the place of that so we can finally bury that plot hole.


The shipping wasn't too shabby either. I'm cool with the scenes with Sunset and Flash. That's actually not too bad a ship if you ask me. Twilight and Timber Spruce is ok with me too. Granted this film did invalidate a chapter in Twilight's Sparkly Sleepover Surprise where Sunset said that Flash likes human Twilight for her and not for her sharing an identity with Princess Twilight, but I'm not much of a Twilight/Flash shipper. As odd as it sounds though, I'm glad this series seems to like avoiding kissing or showing too much romantic affection. I'm not as into the more mushy aspects of ships. I'm also happy to report that this movie didn't blast a hole in my RariJack ship in spite of the tent assignments. Actually, one criticism I have is that the tent assignments amounted to nothing. A short scene showing the other girls in their tents interacting with their roommate would have been nice. Oh, and that poor dock is just cursed. Cursed I tell you!


Oh, a 5th movie is pretty much confirmed and I'm more than ok with that. Also, now I know why the songs have been sucking in the second half of season 6 IMHO. The songs here are a huge improvement over "Derby Racers", A Changeling Can Change", and whatever the name is of the song in The Fault in Our Cutie Marks. I especially liked "The Midnight in Me", but I can see myself humming the intro song and for the most part I think all the songs in this film are solid. There are none I can say I dislike at least. I do hope Ingram's best work is reserved for the upcoming in-universe film but I hope the EQG movies will continue to have good songs and that the songs in the show will improve. All in all, solid movie and I'm more stoked than ever for the continuation of this series.

I honestly wouldn't call twilight the "leader" of the group in any way shape or form :P

Sunset is 100% the group's leader, just she has zero combat ability and basically has to drag twilight around by the nose to do stuff XD



Dragon in chief comes to mind here.

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Y'know, I actually liked this one. While the story wasn't really too surprising and very predictable at times, I enjoyed it for the most part. The music was different from the other two which gave it a fresher vibe. It was definitely nice seeing something other than the high school for a change.


I kind of hope this is the last Equestria Girls, and; while it'd be reasonable, I'm sure it's not. The HuMane 6 just seem a bit too overpowered now. There's nothing they can't accomplish. The new "super powers" are just... the worst. With magic being the theme for every Equestria Girls (seriously, take a shot every time someone says "magic" in Legend of Everfree), there's only so much they could've gone with. I really wish they'd gone with Sunset Shimmer's original plot for Friendship Games. Would've made everything a whole lot better and could've made room for more sequels (assuming that's what Hasbro wants).



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I'm surprised by the reception here. It's my new favourite instalment in the series.


EQG: 4/10.

RR: 8/10.

FG: 7/10.

LoE: 9/10.



1. For one, it was paced well. It opened with the bus to Camp Everfree, ensuring it would have plenty of screen time, and ensure a 'routine' of sorts. If the opening was as slowly paced as FG, the camp wouldn't have been fleshed out and the stakes at the end would be lower.


2. Gaia-Gloriosa is written SUPERNALLY. She's the third demon transformation we've had thus far, but unlike the other two ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE!! The transformation sequence is quicker and seamless, which also makes sense!


Why? Because most of Gloriosa's transformation already happened.


Sunset and Twilight turned into radically different versions of themselves; Sunset from a catty high-school bully into a monster wanting to take over another country, and Twilight from a meek geek into an omnicidal maniac obsessed with hoarding magic. Twilight's is the more bizarre of the two (it's probs the closest EQG & MLP will ever get to a school shooting plot), but both are insane and out of left field.


Gloriosa on the other hand? The monster is a continuation of her own personality. Throughout her 11 minutes of screen time (the most of all 3 demons), Gaia-Gloriosa acts in ways similar to her human self. At first she wanders through camp, close to the ground, like a camp counsellor who just transformed into a monster would. She in effect lacks the flashy acrobatics of the other two. And when she confronts the students in her monster form?


"Attention campers, I have an announcement to make!"


It's so deliciously creepy because she retains much of her self (remember 'Cupcakes' the fanfic?). Just like how throughout the movie she puts on a sunny demeanour to mask her anguish, she acts in a way that everything is just fine*. Remember Gaia-Gloriosa's other quotes?


"I'VE GOT THIS!!"  <---- This was literally her catchphrase throughout the film!


Instead of suddenly turning into a monster and doing a 180 in personality, she slowly sinks into it. Her transformation is the final icing, NOT an excuse for the writers to create action out of nowhere (though action still happens). Hence the sequence is subdued and less dramatic.


This is brilliant writing, unlike Demon Sunset and MS, and I'm aghast more viewers aren't picking up on it. While admittedly the 2 minutes and 15 seconds of flashbacks we get from Sunset touching her is lazy, it's a small complaint.


3. Best use of the Humane 5 yet. This is partly a result of #1. With a small, centralised camp instead of a large & crowded high school, we see small character pieces that aren't rushed, and which contribute to the plot in small ways. The scenes after Twilight's song and before "Embrace the Magic", in which they gradually discover their powers, are probably the best illustrations of this.


Also noticeable is the climax. With Sunset and Twilight trapped in the cave, we see the Humane 5 interact and battle the villain without their usual leaders. They fail, obviously, but it's excellent to see them take charge and prove they're not just accoutrements to Sunset/Twilight with an occasional quote about fashion or cakes. They have their own independent thoughts, such as when Applejack suggests fixing the dock be their camp gift.


4. The Mane Six's powers are good, while Sunset's is great. For all the non-Sunsets there isn't much to say. They have the powers I expected to see in Power Ponies (RD having super-speed instead of Pinkie, and AJ having super-strength).


Sunset's powers were a masterstroke. I was NOT expecting it, but it makes sense. She is the Empath; able to gauge the feelings of those around her. Think back to RR, with her revelation while trapped in the basement with the others arguing. Think back to her comforting TwiNight(??) in that abyss of light, where she stretches out her hand and says "Let me show you there's another way..."

She can feel tension (re: Timber Spruce and Gloriosa) and is the one to constantly comfort Twilight. She also successfully teaches the others to embrace their new magic, so what better powers than to literally read another's feelings by touching them? The act of lightly touching another's arm is a symbol of care: in fact, one of the accidental readings of Gloriosa's mind happens when she touches Sunset.


5. Other characters are well-written. Personally I don't like many of the fan-favourites ponies. The likes of Derpy, Vinyl etc are not creative and mesh badly with the settings they're in. I can't stand whenever they're shoehorned into a setting, and it's always so blatant when they are...


...which is why I'm thrilled it didn't happen here! Apart from Trixie's line after the boat crash, ALL of the other students contributed to a sense of place; adding bits of life to the camp without hogging screentime. I loved RR at first, like everyone else, but all of the fan shoutouts have soured my subsequent viewings.

Flash has perhaps his best portrayal here, just squeaking past that one FG short. We see him confront Sunset about Twilight AND their past together in two interactions, and I was flabbergasted. They have never interacted on screen before, despite once dating, and it's elating to finally see some dynamic play out.


Celly and Luna are involved in the action too (unlike FG), and it was good to see a few character moments however brief. I take it the sundial quibble is the EQG analogue for Nightmare Moon?

Timber was fantastic. It was great to see his interaction with Twilight and his concern for his own sister, which continued even into the climax. Compare with the previous 3 films, where all characters apart from the Humane 6 tend to fade into the background during the final battle.


I was frightened that a second Twilight would chew into Sunset's screentime, but she's still as prominent as ever. Having 7 main characters and Spike is still too...crowded...for my taste, but this was the best possible permutation of it. In previous films you had one less character and most of the Humane 6 still felt superfluous. Here they all manage to have a place of importance, which is extra impressive. Good stuff writers.


6. Assorted bits throughout the film, which show that the writers are putting in effort. 


Gloriosa's two 'fake-out' entrances at the campfire and kitchen foreshadow her Gaia transformation. Both happen after mentions of Gaia Everfree as well.


- Sunset's powers are foreshadowed twice; Fluttershy once if you interpret 15:08 the same way as me.


- Twilight's and Timber's lanterns bump up against one another as they rise into the sky. I c what u did thar!!


- This is probably better under #2, but I don't care: Gaia-Gloriosa doesn't try to kill anyone. She aims to trap them in the camp. Because it's the final week. Because she loves Camp Everfree, and wants it to last forever. 


It's psychotic and I love it.


(Simpsons did it: an episode where Bart is enjoying an ocean cruise so much, he fakes an apocalypse on the communications system, which forces them to stay out there. Conditions slowly deteriorate and there's algae and gladiatorial matches. I know Simpsons-Noveau generally sucks, but this was one of the exceptions.)

- continuing from above, it makes sense that Gloriosa doesn't try to kill anyone. She's caring, and retains this angle as a demon, however warped. You know who else is caring? Gaia, also known as Mother Nature.


- also probably better for 2: during the scene where Timber tries to reason with his monstrous sister, her mad grin stays frozen while she slowly sinks under the vines. This is f***ing Lovecraftian and I also love it. Legend of Everfree is definitely the more 'psychological' of the EQG instalments in this sense and many others.


*Gloriosa's behaviour here at #2 also mirrors a running theme in the film: denial. Sunset constantly tries to convince Twilight to confront her powers instead of hiding from the truth. If you study Writing Foils 101, you might know that a good way to spark creativity is to see how different personalities respond to the same pressure. Good job DHX!

Edited by ErisPegasus
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The story was simple, and nothing particularly new. the EqG series has never been particularly remarkable for anything groundbreaking stories, though, so I didn't really expect this one to be different. The conflict they created was passable, but I think they could've done better. Ultimately, I don't think that they really surpassed or fell behind the other movies. 6/10



The characters were fairly consistent with what's been written for the previous movies. Nothing particularly new to report on this front. This movie delegated the Mane Six to the background a tad more than usual, and gave Sunset Shimmer the spotlight for most of the movie, but I'm not sure if it ended up being interesting enough to justify doing this. Regardless, the characters are all still there, and they're not out-of-character at any point. 6/10



I enjoyed 2 songs from this movie. I was actually really surprised, because up until now I thought that the soundtrack for EqG was the primary reason to watch the movie, and I thoroughly enjoyed almost all of the music from all three previous movies, but less than half of the music from this one interested me. 4/10


That averages to 8/15, which is just every so slightly above average. At the end of the day I wasn't bored by the movie, and it managed to hold my attention for the entire runtime, but that's about it. I'd say that both Rainbow Rocks and Friendship games were better.

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Suprisingly the romance aspects were my favorites in this film, as well as the setting. They just felt new and charming. Otherwise there was nothing wrong exactly here but it all seemed paced like a TV episode and not a film and not have anything special truly.


Iam glad they tried the make the villain a mystery but they gave her away with too many hints, I am sure the children got it too before the reveal. The only question was if Timber was on it and while I liked him all his jokes seemed to be about how great he was and I did not expect the romance actually occur so I was kind of expecting him to be involved. And a third demon transformation was unexpected since I did not think it would happen yet again. I would have though Gloriosa just having magic powers would have been enough.


I still enjoyed this, but I think for the next one a more epic quest from the beginning and maybe separating the group to give each more to do individually would be better for a change. And I want Flash actually doing something and him and Sunset getting together. I can't believe I actually wrote that but I want Flash hate to end by him having a great plot function and the romance was charming and realistic here.

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I watched it and it was OK but it was still a copy of the other 2 movies in many many ways, they have magic they don't understand, strange things start to happen, a powerful villian shows up and they pony up and blast it with rainbows and save the day. they had twilight's evil alter ego trying to take over twilight but they took care of her in like 30 seconds by shouting about friendship LOL and then the villian gets blasted with rainbows and they get crystals that give them magic

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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I'm noticing that no is being bring up how Giga Eveerfree...why is that? JUst curious


Now that you mention it...


There is something that I'm a little unclear on. I haven't watched the trailer in forever, but I seen to remember it setting up Gia Everfree as something definitely from Equestria. Even Sunset said that she felt Equestrian magic.


I expected Gia Everfree to be a separate antagonist, and just be using Gloriosa. I guess that still means that SOMETHING came to that world with those crystals, but if anyone who uses them all at once becomes like that creature, then who knows how many Gia Everfrees there have been?

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Me too. As I said in my review, a major criticism that I have and Im noticing people skimming over,  is that  Giaga Everfree just dropped. We don't know where she is and we, the audience, are to assume she isn't real. That leaves me to this question: Why the film build up Giga soooo much?

Edited by COBLoneWolf
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I enjoyed it. Timber and Twilight look cute together in my opinion and I like this ship way more than with Flash. I'm only really disappointed in not seeing human Sunset and pony Sunset meet, like a short clip like at the end of Friendship Games. The small interactions between Sumset and Flash were decent enough, though I wish they lasted a while longer. By the way, is it just me or do the writers want to ship Derpy and Flash?

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One weird thing that I've noticed was in the credits. Ashleigh Ball and Andrea Libman were credited as Lyra and Bon Bon. NEIGHter of them spoke in the whole movie :huh:. Possibly they did in cut content though 


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One weird thing that I've noticed was in the credits. Ashleigh Ball and Andrea Libman were credited as Lyra and Bon Bon. NEIGHter of them spoke in the whole movie :huh:. Possibly they did in cut content though 

Most of the EQG films have had scenes cut in their TV releases. So there's a possibility 

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I liked it, but I feel like it was something small that was supposed to lead up to something bigger. Honestly, it felt like something sort of a Pilot for a TV series, because it felt like a long, normal TV episode than a movie like the other 3. 

Oddly I got the same vibe from it. I thought it felt like it was going go lead into a tv series.
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Oddly I got the same vibe from it. I thought it felt like it was going go lead into a tv series.

Yeah, magic coming from Equestria doesn't sounds like something that can be solved in a single movie :huh:.... unless they make a movie as a pilot for the potential tv series, like they did with Jimmy Neutron  :please: . I just hope we focus more on Sunny again from now on though :huh:


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