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What do you think about Donald Trump?


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Only thing I can really attribute to Trump is "mean-thing-sayer."



I'm sure you'll have many things to attribute to him by the time he's done. Given that he has no experience in politics yet, cut him a break. He has four years to fail miserably.

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And obviously that makes it fine.  Even if one individual isn't a racist douche bag, standing by and saying, "Oh, this isn't that big of a deal," or, "Well things have always been that way," only makes it easier for disgusting shit like this to go on.  But the moment someone says, "Trump has the support of racists," we get the types who insist that simply can't be the case.  NO Trump supporters are racist or homophobic; that couldn't possibly be.  Racism and homophobia suddenly become mere MYTHS, and the problem is, of course, SJW's that blow everything out of proportion.  Not the people spray painting swastikas on windows or writing hate speech on public property.


I suppose that, in lieu of the "wall" comment, I could have mentioned the cries of "white power" in schools.



Relevant image about the actual threat posed by groups, couldn't find the more recent one with attacks worldwide listed.

Edited by Ra1nbowCrasH



That's 5% of the last 4.5 years. Send help.

Meanwhile, I can help you by reviewing your stories!


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I think of Trump as a liberal Republican....despite what he may say to appease some of the more conservative crowd, His actions speak otherwise. He practically made his business out of debauchery. I have hopes of him being a more chaotic version of President Rockefeller. Though my expectations are that he and the GoP are going to fail, and fail pretty badly.


As for his stances, Many of them have been debunked by experts and considered flawed by the public, I sincerely hope that he replaces or at the very least significantly alters some of them.


I always thought Sanders would be the best U.S president and I still stand by that, but also I'm willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt before I grab the nearest torch and join the witch hunt.

Edited by Vulcan


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I can only think this...



/shtick  :lol: Srsly...he's retarded - eeyup~  :smug:

Trump looks Chinese with those eyes of his. Maybe he tried to imitate them because he thought it was a way to improve real estate.

  • Brohoof 1


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What do I think? I think people are exaggerating, is what I think.


Not many people seem to have considered that Trump's campaign may well have all been an act and a commercial. He is a business man after all. I don't think we can guess WHAT he will do now. Not that that's particularly reassuring, but still, I doubt he is as extreme as he has chosen to present himself.


Also he's smart. Most young men who got a million bucks from their dad would've blew it all and got into major trouble, but Trump built off of it. And he's going to keep on building up until he builds that wall :D


Sorry, I had to.

Edited by PonyMage
  • Brohoof 6

This isn't pretty but it's what I am tonight.

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What do I think? I think people are exaggerating, is what I think.


Not many people seem to have considered that Trump's campaign may well have all been an act and a commercial. He is a business man after all. I don't think we can guess WHAT he will do now. Not that that's particularly reassuring, but still, I doubt he is as extreme as he has chosen to present himself.


Also he's smart. Most young men who got a million bucks from their dad would've blew it all and got into major trouble, but Trump built off of it. And he's going to keep on building up until he builds that wall :D


Sorry, I had to.


The issue with Trump is that he's historically been wishy-washy on his politics and has drifted between policies even  before his campaign. And as Trump himself admitted in a CNN interview: "I have evolved on many issues. There are some issues that are very much the same, I've been constant on many issues. But I have evolved on certain issues."


And it's something he's even doing right now. He recently said he would keep key provisions of Obamacare, because NOW he likes them very much.


So while he may have said things on the campaign trail, he's showing signs of dropping or softening most of those policies now he's in office and taking on a much more moderate stance on stuff. Yet, issues remain.


A political campaign is as much as building a commercial brand that represents not just you as a person heading into office with big policy promises, but also what you as a presidency represents. And words and actions on the campaign trail are a big part of that. Trump doesn't need to punch someone to be of 'great concern' as a president; in the last weeks of the election he railed against the system is rigged way back before the primary and that the national election is much the same. This was said, received, and interpreted as a potential threat in the post-election.


And of course Trump then won in the rigged system and now they're the one's being smug and the Clinton voters are mad.


There are also those issues where he made statements suggesting or implying that Clinton should be contested by Second Amendment supporters, which was also heard as being a promotion to straight up murder Hillary. And not just once: twice.


Trump's built up an image for his political brand with these two statements as being a violent and dangerous individual. As well as one of his campaign advisers stating straight up with no innuendo that Clinton should be shot, either in an actual assassination or by firing squad; whatever he decided to say to make his mandate seem even less extreme and provocative.


To go further, Pence's appointment as Vice President is one of those other contentious issues, which we can see at play here in this thread. While Pence may not have a lot of direct power as VP; mostly being a tie-breaker in Senate affairs it's his informal duties which are worrisome. As VP he's not only the direct successor to Trump should he die in office, but he's also the bridge between the oval office and the senate and can on Trump's behalf assist in senatorial maneuverings. He's also the closest whisper to the president's ear and given Trump's self described evolving political position could shift or sway his policy while in office. Pence has a pretty big public history as governor of Indiana, signing into law a state bill which would have allowed companies and individuals a pass in discrimination cases if they cited their religion; which would have been less than beneficial  to the LGBT community if they were denied service on the grounds of being gay and tried to sue over Civil Rights laws. He's also said things like, "Congress should oppose any effort to recognize homosexuals as a 'discrete and insular minority' entitled to the protection of anti-discrimination laws similar to those extended to women and ethnic minorities." and called for "an audit to ensure that federal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus"


Pence is also a big fan of Conversion Therepy.


While Trump has said he would protect LGBT rights in his victory address for being the Republican candidate, it's unlikely he could actually do much. More so when he's beginning to fill up his transition team with insiders and is looking to compose his cabinet of insiders.


Voter turn-out this year was also pretty low. In percent of eligible voters 2016 could not reach the numbers of even the first election of George Bush. Which leaves half the available electorate sitting out in protest. In that perspective, Trump's victory isn't as wide-ranging as it could have been, and Hillary's 600,000 voter lead suggests in those that did turn out are against Trump.

  • Brohoof 1
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There's some estimation from his tax returns that he wasn't even a billionaire during his campaign and was sitting at around 3 million dollars left over or so. It's possible he's going to try and use the presidency to fill out his bank again.


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There's some estimation from his tax returns that he wasn't even a billionaire during his campaign and was sitting at around 3 million dollars left over or so. It's possible he's going to try and use the presidency to fill out his bank again.


On the contrary, Donald Trump said he's refusing to receive a presidential salary. Being president doesn't mean you fill up your pockets. That's why rich people run for president (Truman is the only president in the last 100 years to have a net worth below $1 million); they have more than enough money to sustain themselves beyond the salary of a president. 


No one would ever use the presidency or a government seat to "fill their money". They're already rich, they don't need to. Trump's money is still sitting fine, too, and he's trying his best to maintain a better image after he won the election or he will get nothing done in his first term. 

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On the contrary, Donald Trump said he's refusing to receive a presidential salary. Being president doesn't mean you fill up your pockets. That's why rich people run for president (Truman is the only president in the last 100 years to have a net worth below $1 million); they have more than enough money to sustain themselves beyond the salary of a president. 


No one would ever use the presidency or a government seat to "fill their money". They're already rich, they don't need to. Trump's money is still sitting fine, too, and he's trying his best to maintain a better image after he won the election or he will get nothing done in his first term. 

Well we'll see, I don't like anything he's proposing to do now that is actually one of the last things I fear he would do during his presidency. 


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I can't help but wonder, with so much skepticism, isn't it impeding what he can actually do? I mean, many complain he'll do crap so he can't do much because he'll receive middle fingers from everywhere if he does. Same if he doesn't. Whatever he does, he'll be in the "wrong".


At least wait until he's actually done something to complain about his presidential skills!

... Bad! Something bad! Don't complain if he does something good please. :awuh:

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I can't help but wonder, with so much skepticism, isn't it impeding what he can actually do? I mean, many complain he'll do crap so he can't do much because he'll receive middle fingers from everywhere if he does. Same if he doesn't. Whatever he does, he'll be in the "wrong".


At least wait until he's actually done something to complain about his presidential skills!

... Bad! Something bad! Don't complain if he does something good please. :awuh:


Right now it's too early to conclude much about how is presidency is going to go. We can only base it off of what information we have received during the election. Trump, however, appears to be shifting his policies, mostly to try to win back some support from the losing side and the Republicans themselves. I doubt there would be an apocalypse or whatnot, however. If Trump turns out to be actually bad, I'll say we had worse and we survived through that. 

  • Brohoof 1
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A South politician preaches to the poor white man

"You got more than blacks, don't complain

You're better than them, you been born with white skin" they explain

And the Negro's name

Is used it is plain

For the politician's gain

As he rises to fame

And the poor white remains

On the caboose of the train

But it ain't him to blame

He's only a pawn in their game.

  • Brohoof 1

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Right now it's too early to conclude much about how is presidency is going to go. We can only base it off of what information we have received during the election. Trump, however, appears to be shifting his policies, mostly to try to win back some support from the losing side and the Republicans themselves. I doubt there would be an apocalypse or whatnot, however. If Trump turns out to be actually bad, I'll say we had worse and we survived through that. 


Yet, this shift to the center-right will likely make him someone like a Jeb Bush in the regards to ending up as a white-bread Republican, which I have to wonder what that'll mean to the alt-scene that made him his champion. Because really the only thing he has going for him then is that he wasn't someone who already held government office, which is something that could swing in any positive or negative direction. But for as things are now, what we have is a Trump who has said things on the campaign trail which has got people afraid.


I have to wonder what this'll mean for his kids, who are being moved into control of his companies as well as his presidential transition team. Future dynasty?

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which part of the wall was racist


aand really though? Bathroom stalls had this during Obama's election I'm sure.


have you ever noticed that when you are not politically correct and a liberal butt kisser that they label you the same 5 or 6 things in a row? all i ever see is "he is a homophobic,racist,sexist,xenophobic,islamaphobic biggot"

the media, liberals and special interests just LOVE to try to label anyone who does not do and say what they want or buy into the politically correct system as "racist or sexist" just because they do not kiss butt

watch this video! and listen close to 3:13!

Listen To This And Tell Me Trump Is Crazy!: http://youtu.be/d2s9AV910NY

  • Brohoof 7

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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