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What's the biggest flaw of your favorite pony?


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My current favorite is Starlight Glimmer, so I'll go with her.


 She's got quite a few flaws. For one, she seems to be really, really bad at thinking through the potential consequences and moral implications of her actions. She pretty much almost unintentionally destroyed Equestria during her revenge scheme at the end of season 5 without even noticing, then magically hypnotized the mane 5 without even realizing just how bad that was until it was pointed out to her.


 She's also prone to relying on her magic too much to solve her problems, though since both "Every little thing she does" and "To Where and Back again" kind of addressed these problems, I think she's starting to move past them. Might need a bit more work on the first one though especially.


 Her final big issue is that there's not enough of her yet, but that's not really her fault. :please:

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Twilight is not very flexible and she does not handle stress or surprises very well when they go against her planning and schedules. Also, she tends to overthink things and not look for the simplest solutions in some cases.

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Sunset has a temper issue in that she unleashes her frustration whenever something completely overwhelms her. Sure, she regrets her actions after she calms down, but the fact that she does it in the first place is a serious flaw.

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My favourite pony is my OC, well, also Luna, but I don't want to search flaws in her xD My OC's biggest flaw is it's curiosity. Missklang can be fully aware that a certain thing is a trap, but still go in it because curiosity.

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My favorite pony out of the main cast is AppleJack. I would say that her largest flaw is her sheer stubbronness- as exhibited in a few different episodes. While I believe that she has improved on that aspect, I also believe that is a quality/flaw she will always possess.

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If this was still Season 1-3, I'd say Fluttershy's lack of assertiveness and confidence but since then, she's improved on that trait greatly. As of Season 6, I'm honestly not sure.....I guess I could go with her being a weak flyer, since we haven't seen much development to that lately.

Edited by Flutter Baby <3
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I can't choose between Starlight, Trixie, or Sombra.


BasementGlimmer was spot on with Starlight.


Trixie is probably to arrogant in her abilities, and is boastful, she was also tricked by Twilight in Magic Duel, which means she isn't that clever.


Sombra failed in the end since he was evil, being evil in a show where the 'good' always wins is bound to lead to your downfall. 

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My favorite tends to vary from episode to episode, but currently I'm into Twilight Sparkle, so...


I'd say the worst part of her is how she is as intelligent as they come, but a lot of the time she has absolute zero common sense. She thinks all the answers are in her books. Like the sleepover episode, where a tree fell through her window and she was looking into her manual for what to do.

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Her biggest flaw is that she's missing a whole dimension.

Twilight! O, Twilight! Where art thou? I can circle thee but never find thy sides. I can approach ye but never know thine depth. Woe

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Fluttershy has too many to count, which in it's self is a flaw, as it's massively unrealistic. For starters, she quite shy, whitch is bad enough. I mean, most people only befriend shy people because they feel sorry for them (It's the harsh truth). Secondly, she's a complete coward: she has so many fears that it's just stupid. No one could possibly survive in her condition. And lastly, she's a weak flyer, which is just icing on the cake for a pegasus.


Regardless, under all of this torture she has to deal with, she just get's on with life. She doesn't complain like Rainbow, and she doesn't doesn't brag about her problems like Rarity. Ironically, Fluttershy is the most strongest pony out of all the main cast. She deserves way more credit for her actions, but she wouldn't even want it.

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