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MLP Series Finale - How will it all end?

Akemi Homura

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Well, there would be a pretty large lead-up to it.



You would notice that Princess Celestia and Luna in the last season are looking a bit older than in the previous seasons. This is not because of a flash-forward event. It is because as former Immortals who are no longer connected to the Elements of Harmony, their bodies are finally beginning to degenerate, and they are rapidly aging as a result (something that may have been triggered as far back as the beginning of Season 1, when Twilight and her friends first discovered their connections to the Elements of Harmony, but now the difference is much more apparent).


Over the course of the last season (possibly close to, but not IN the finale), it would be revealed that Twilight Sparkle was chosen by Princess Celestia to be the heir to the Equestrian throne, giving her the responsibility of ruling over the ponies after Celestia. Twilight would spend some time coming to terms with this, and probably lament Princess Celestia for not telling her, even if only for an episode or two, all the while a villain - the final villain - is going around attacking Equestria, and doing more damage to it than has ever been done by any previous villain.


In the final episode, Twilight and her friends would join forces to stop the villain, and it would be Twilight HERSELF, having finally reached her full potential, who defeats said villain. Much of Equestria is damaged to an almost unrecognizable degree (think: Cloudsdale coming crashing to the ground), though Twilight and her friends resolve themselves to repairing everything and protecting the ponies from any future threats. Princess Celestia accepts this as a sign that Twilight is finally ready to rule in her stead, and leaves Equestria along with Luna, without saying a word to anyone or anypony.


Some time passes (probably a couple weeks), and Twilight finds the former Princess living with her sister in a remote location. The two unload any final emotional baggage they have and share some final moments as student and teacher. 'The world... no longer needs our magic... It needs yours...' As an act of finality, the three each write part of a letter, summing up everything they learned during the course of the series to pass on to any future generations. And with that, resigned that everything they set out to do has been accomplished, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna both pass away together, lying side by side.


The epilogue of the series would show the different characters and how they now live their lives, being ponies of supreme importance, as well as how the ponies of Equestria live with having a Sun and Moon that no pony now controls (in other words, a normal sunrise and sunset that changes with the seasons, instead of manual season changes).



Yeah, probably not gonna happen, but it would strike an emotional chord with anyone who's watched the show up to that point.


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Bravo, that was truly well written.

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No matter how much you think the series will never end, it will, just like any other show. I've seen great show's end and never to be seen again unless you research the show. My Little Pony will most likely end when the mane 6 get old or the show getting bought out. I wish the show would keep going, but good luck finding replacement voice actors for all the characters.


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like all shows it will degrad into to worthless crap, all tied to the toys, and only watched by babies and toddlers who cant tell the difference between a good show and a bad one. but that will be for a while yet so enjoy the time we have now and stop freeting about the future. but also like ever generation before when fim ends a new series will start. hoefully hasbro learned from this series and will be passed into the next series.

Edited by jarrod989


lets hope this works

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I don't think this show will ever end.The fandom won't allow it.But, if it did end it would be something like this:


All the characters we have seen so far in the show who are not really evil (including Trixie who is now good, The Diamond dogs because they're sorry for what they did to Rarity, that moustache serpent, the Teenage Dragons) team up in an epic battle to fight an army of *insert race of enemy army here* being led by the *series finale villain here*.In the end the Mane 6 infiltrate the villain's headquarters or just face him at where ever the final battle happens and defeat him with the POWAH OF FRIENDSHIP.



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As much as I'd like to see this show go on forever, anypony knows that that isn't true. All shows end sooner or later. I guess that the final episode will be much like SBaby said in his reply. But even after the show ends, whether that happens at the end of Season 3 or in 5 years (optimistic, but hey), the fandom will continue to exist.


Now let's hope that Hasbro doesn't start treating it as a moneymaker anytime soon...for me (and I presume many others), that would be the worst. possible. thing.


"The quantity of your friends doesn't matter, it's the quality of each one." - Unknown

My OC and ponysona:  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/white-lightning-r599

(Yes, that was made in MS Paint. Deal with it.)

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I wanna see it ending in a final, climactic battle against an uber-villain that not even the Elements of Harmony or the alicorns can defeat, and it will require Twilight to sacrifice herself to save Equestria.


Later, during Twilight's funeral, Celestia delivers the final eulogy, ending it with "...she showed us all that friendship truly is magic." Those same words are later displayed on her tombstone.


Sad, but epic.

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Forget season three for now. Let's talk about how this will end just to pump ourselves up for the upcoming third season.


How do you think it will all end? Give a brief summary of the plot and explain how it all came to be (or will come to be).


It will end with... a last episode. The show isn't known for continuity. The last episode will maybe just be a season finale episode.

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I agree that the unfortunate truth is that it probably will NOT have some giant story ark, deep and personal, 6 part hour long movie, with deaths and backstabbings as a finale. It will most likely jusg have another 2 parter ending and kinda fade away into... well nothingness. Unfortunately I believe this is the truth amd I fear it may be closer than we all would hope...


Errrr, I mean it will be an emotional 26 part episode with flying machibe guns and Cloudsdale falling out of the sky from the elements of hatred shooting it down with gatling

guns! (just in case you didn't realize, this paragraph was a joke :D)



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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It will end by flashing forward to the future, where Granny Pinkie Pie is telling a story to all of her grandchildren.


"And that is how Equestria was made."


I just want to point out that The Powerpuff Girls ran strong for 7 years across 6 seasons.

Edited by Espelancer
  • Brohoof 2

I'm just no good at writing signatures. Coming up with words is like... really hard.

However, you should read The Espelancer Chronicles: a blog detailing my preparations leading up to and my experiences studying at The Yamasa Institute in Okazaki, Japan (in the Aichi prefecture outside of Nagoya) for a 1-month SILAC course from July 16 - August 16, 2012.

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The series will end with the mane 6 finally defeating discord in his chaotic lair, and in the process equestria is transformed to normal. Twilight and the other mane 6 awaken in some dark hospital lobbey, and it's now in first person view from her point of view. Confused, they trot over to the nearest hallway and finds a door. Before they can open it, Twilight notices on her left side a mirror. Turning to it, she sees a reflection......but it's not her in the mirror.....it's Disscord. Now even more confused, she puts her hoof up and waves to see if discord in the mirror will mimic her movements, he does. She also notices her friends aren't in the reflection. Looking back, she sees her friends are no longer there. Turning back to the mirror, looking at discords reflection, she notices he's no longer mimicking her movements. Suddenly, Disccord's reflection takes on a sinister expression, then before Twilight can react, he grabs her and pulls her into the mirror screaming.



Cut to black. Cue sad music end credits.


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3 part episode:


1: Day of Disharmony.

Discord has returned, and this time he's prepared. Having defeated Celestia and Luna and conquered the throne, Equestria needs six heroes to save them from a new reign of chaos.


2: Keep your friends close...

After defeating Nightmare Moon and freeing Luna, the six friends must travel once again to find the scattered elements of harmony.

But when anypony can be an enemy, can they even trust each other?


3: ... And your enemies closer.

Five out of six ponies have been corrupted beyond repair, and Twilight is now left truly alone. Or is she? In the sight of the end of all order, she will collaborate with the ponies she fought and defeated to bring Discord down, once and for all.


Includes Epicness, Spike, Trixe, the FilmFlams, changelings, Shadow Bolts, cliffhangers and a misterious blue box in the background.

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There's actually a good chance this series will die not in a glorified celebration, but rather a whisper :/


It's not impossible that Hasbro would finally treat the series as a money-maker, and started to pull various shout-out and countless references to any digital trend, and putting more and more toys in the show. While most of the bronies will welcome this changes, soon the show will slowly lose its charm


In the beginning of the fifth season, there will be hardly any new fans under the FiM banner. The show will be nothing but countless gags and stupid toys going on in the background.


And just like that, the show will be cancelled :unsure:


I often fear this, I'd rather it ended early (3rd or 4th season) then end in such as sad pathetic way later on.


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Discord kills Princess Celestia with the Elements of Disharmony. The mane 6 are wounded from the physical fight with discord and evil mane 6. The Elements of Harmony have been destroyed and that leaves Princess Luna as a mature fully grown alicorn in a show down with Discord in the skies to save equestria... no one knows what happens next.


I approve. *points at avatar*


Luna VS myself would be a fascinating battle indeed <3


I honestly don't have any clue of where the series could end. I'm usually creative with scenarios but I'm blanking on this particular idea.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~


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I just hope it doesn't end like this:


I'm just no good at writing signatures. Coming up with words is like... really hard.

However, you should read The Espelancer Chronicles: a blog detailing my preparations leading up to and my experiences studying at The Yamasa Institute in Okazaki, Japan (in the Aichi prefecture outside of Nagoya) for a 1-month SILAC course from July 16 - August 16, 2012.

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Does Doctor Who count? Been around since the fucking 60's.


I think by that logic so has My little pony...Though...I don't know much about doctor who anyway.


Anyway, it has to end with the most epic friendship adventure ever. One that puts friendship more on the line then the discord episode. Unlike the Season 2 finale, all the mane 6 needs to be the mane character for this to truly be the best series finale.

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I think by that logic so has My little pony...Though...I don't know much about doctor who anyway.


Doctor who old series and new series are the same series essentially, it was an old show that got a reboot in the early 2000's, but it's the same Doctor from the old series canon-wise.


Anyway, it has to end with the most epic friendship adventure ever. One that puts friendship more on the line then the discord episode. Unlike the Season 2 finale, all the mane 6 needs to be the mane character for this to truly be the best series finale

Hopefully a 2 hour movie, maybe it'll go to theatres :o, I can picture it now.....



Me: Hi, uh, can I have one to see MLP:FIM the movie please.


Booth guy:

Posted Image




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*gets ticket and sees movie*



Actually, as much as I wish I had the balls to just walk up in there, ask for a ticket, and not get embaressed, that just wouldn't happen. Kudos to any brony who would have the balls tho.

Edited by Pegasus25
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