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I L.O.V.E anime, my favorite of all time is Pani Poni Dash! I was a huge Becky fan back then!

~I love the way Storm Spark makes love to me! No one is as manly as he is~

Twilight Sparkle is yummiest pony!!!

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I do hear something to that effect but I also hear that right at the end Hei comes back in full glory and it's made all the sweeter by his bummery throughout the season.


True... but the ends do not justify the means.



One does not simply DESTROY a character's awesome levels and restore them near the end.

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Yu Yu Hakasho FTW Edited by Snails


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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I watched Lilpri Shugo Chara PiPoPa Risky Safety Onegai My Melody Pokemon (dub) Magic Club OVA ( something like that) Gakuen Alice Sakura CardCaptor Sailor Moon I plan to watch Vampire Knight sometime. I'll edit if I forgot an anime. I love animeeee!! :D;):wub::)B):lol: Also watched movies like Sakura Card Captor's Totoro Spirited Away Only Yesterday Princess Mononoke Castle in the Sky Kiki's Delivery Service and I am going to watch Ponyo.

Edited by pinkieluna


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I'm an anime lover, although I only watch casually, my obligatory top 10:

1. Angel Beats - Only way I can describe it is wow. First time I cried watching a show.

2. Code Geass - Eeyup

3. Elfen Lied - I liked it thoroughly, second time I've cried watching a show. (viewer discretion)

4. Death Note - I actually found Near to be half decent, never liked Mello though

5. Darker than Black - Season 2 was pretty bad, but July saved the season enough to keep this in my top ten

6. Lucky Star - :3 Also Carameldansen

7. Ao no Exorcist - Has the best trolling character I've seen yet

8. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - Because Nagato :wub:

9. Shiki - Didn't quite cry, but what an amazing set of characters (Viewer discretion)

10. Shigofumi - Most underrated anime out there


Former top 10: Bleach (obvious why), Higurashi (franchise is ruined)

Edited by Whiteshade

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Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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I can't believe I forgot this one. How could I forget this one?




And some of you were asking me about Onegai My Melody awhile back. Here's some scenes that might give you an idea.


A Winner Is You!!!
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I can't believe I forgot this one. How could I forget this one?




I think Tenchi Muyo was my very first anime. I was into Pokemon and Digimon when they started and all but from what I remember when Tenchi Muyo was on Toonami it was the very first anime I saw and was into. I loved that series but I never got to see past the first 13 episodes. :(

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I think Tenchi Muyo was my very first anime. I was into Pokemon and Digimon when they started and all but from what I remember when Tenchi Muyo was on Toonami it was the very first anime I saw and was into. I loved that series but I never got to see past the first 13 episodes. :(


I'm going to assume you mean the OVA (Tenchu Muyo) and not Universe or Tenchi in Tokyo (two series' that are separate in continuity, but have the same characters). There was a third OVA for Tenchi (Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Ohki), and I recommend checking it out if you can, as well as Universe (skip Tenchi in Tokyo to spare brain cells).


But just a heads up, the fact that Ryoko doesn't have her original VA in the dub of the third OVA (Funimation... grr...) might be a turnoff (and has been for alot of people). People are extremely and viciously passionate about it, and many arguments have happened over it. It's not an easy issue, and the only advice I can really give regarding it is to avoid commenting about the third OVA on the net to avoid being trapped in an argument with someone else. I'm just doing it here as a heads up, and I won't ever mention it again on this site.


So let's summarize:


Tenchi Muyo OVA 3 (Ryo-Ohki)


Tenchi Universe


Tenchi Muyo Movies 1 and 2 (maybe 3, of you really must)


And yes, I would say to at least try out GXP. Some people like it, others hate it. Maybe you'll like it, maybe you won't.


Other than that, here's hoping they make Tenchi Unlimited and get Ryoko's original VA back for the dub.

Edited by SBaby

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Yeah, I knew about the others and I was gonna get around to watching them eventually but I'm mostly interested in Ryo-Ohki


Kinda sucks that they took away the original VA for Ryoko but I can live with it regardless of how the other one sounds. I don't have a lot of issues with most dubs, even the ones people hate, so I doubt I'll have much issue with that either.


I actually have seen one movie though. It was the one where Tenchi disappeared and then reappeared later looking like he aged twenty years or something. I always forget the name of that movie but I loved it.


I've also read the manga that takes place after the OVAs so there's that too.

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I like anime. A LOT. It's probably because of my dad. He likes it too. I remember like last year I randomly decided to start watching Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood from start to finish. Good choice. Then there was this anime Kekkaishi that I started watching from the beginning and loved all the way through. Oh, and then there's Mushi-Shi which is freaking beautiful. So yeah. Anime=awesome.

It's ironic how I fall just to get back up again...

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I love anime that's out there or has a horror theme to it. Anything from Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt to Club You to Death Angel Dokuro-chan to Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni. Although my personal favorites recently have been Jormungand and Nisemonogatari.


On another note, I just recently finished watching Nabari no Ou on Netflix and I think its the first anime that's completely frustrated me and actually pissed me off. So the main character has some all-powerful ninjutsu-technique-hand waving move. He doesn't want it but finds there are people out there who want to use his power to change the world and so on. Apparently its some power that can grant wishes. Now here's where it gets hazy. The "good guys" (The good guys in this show are about as likable as the "bad guys", although initially I liked that they humanized both sides of the "conflict") say that if he uses his power some "bad things" will happen. No, I'm not trying to keep this post spoiler free. Some "bad things" will happen and it will be bad and bad things will be bad because they're bad and bad stuff is bad. They never say what this bad thing is. Unless I missed it somewhere and they only mentioned it once. One side screams that the power is bad to use and the other side screams that he should use his power for the "good of the people" and another side just wants him to use it...because. The power itself wants to be used and is portrayed as some...evil...mind-controlling fairy lady. Does it sound vague enough yet? It never gets better.


I may watch it again at some point (because I'm a masochist) just to see if I can make any sense of it.


PRO TIP: Don't threaten to slit the throat of the only person who controls the world-domination power that you need to try and get someone else to do something you want. Unless it works, because people in Nabari no Ou are stupid.

“A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila”

-Mitch Radcliffe

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I like anime. A LOT. It's probably because of my dad. He likes it too. I remember like last year I randomly decided to start watching Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood from start to finish. Good choice. Then there was this anime Kekkaishi that I started watching from the beginning and loved all the way through. Oh, and then there's Mushi-Shi which is freaking beautiful. So yeah. Anime=awesome.


I've heard good things about all of them but I've really only watched the FMA original out of all of those.

Not enough time...

Naruto & One Piece. I haven't spread out to others thus far but I most likely will in the future.


Ao No Exorcist, Fairy Tail, basically any shounen is similar to what your seeing right now

Elfen Lied, Hellsing OVA, Higurashi if you wanna graduate to uber violence

Code Geass, Death Note if you want good plots and a dose of psychological

there's WAY more, and those are just a small sampling from what i've seen, which isnt a lot

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Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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I've heard good things about all of them but I've really only watched the FMA original out of all of those.

Not enough time...


FMA: Brotherhood was AMAZING. If you ever find time, watch it. Also check out the other ones I mentioned. They're definitely worth watching.

It's ironic how I fall just to get back up again...

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High level otaku reporting in.


To give some insight; Nice avatar you got there legacytyphoon! MC from tokyo akazukin, first volume, 2nd chapter. Yea I know, that was easy. :P


I love anime that's out there or has a horror theme to it.


Junjo Ito has to be your hero of horrors.


I bet you already read Gyo, Fuan no tane, Jisatsu Circle, Doubt, Museum of Horror, Hidari te, Falling, Franken Fran, Tomie and so on. Just to name some.

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Haha, out of all of those the only one I've read is Franken Fran (and Tokyo Akazukin). Unless they have different names when fan-translated. I'll definitely add those to my list to check out, I haven't read any horror stuff in a while.


I like the stuff but I'm terrible at researching it and finding it.


The most recent manga I've read is Jormungand. I've been in a mood for dark humor.

Edited by legacytyphoon

“A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila”

-Mitch Radcliffe

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Haha, out of all of those the only one I've read is Franken Fran (and Tokyo Akazukin). Unless they have different names when fan-translated.

One can't know everything. D:

Scanlation groups tend to use the original name most of the time, since it's the best way to recognize the translated version of the original.


I like the stuff but I'm terrible at researching it and finding it.

Don't worry! You got me and I can find everything anime and manga related!


The most recent manga I've read is Jormungand. I've been in a mood for dark humor.


Oh! Great choice! Watching the anime too?

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I see mention of Franken Fran. I read a good ways into that on Onemanga before it went down, after that I stopped reading manga online for the longest time because I also stopped using emulators.


I only read manga once in a while now and when I do it's always on Mangafox, perhaps I should look up Franken Fran to catch up with it...


It's a really interesting manga and I love the way Fran is just so adorable when she gets involved in peoples' romances. (or what she perceives as romance LOL)

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I LOVE anime! My favorite is Gintama. But I also like: Arakawa Under the Bridge, Dragon Ball and DBZ, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Soul Eater, The Wallflower, Ouran High School Host Club, High School of the Dead, Chobits, Viewtiful Joe, Papuwa, Crayon Shin Chan, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Mahoromatic, Black Butler, Eyeshield 21 and Samurai Champloo.

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I used to watch Shaman King,( best theme tune in the history of the galaxy) but got a bit lost after season one. They're always changing the damn schedule!

Also, I used to Wat h Sonic X, but the same problem applied.

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I haven't watched some anime in a while but my favourite is DBZ, then Bleach at second place. I have watched alot of others but I just don't feel like mentioning them all. But I do feel like mentioning Toradora for obvious reasons<3

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Tried watching Saint Seiya Omega and I ended up being amazingly disappointed. The whole thing just feels cheap by throwing out what made the original special. Ended up watching Zero No Tsukaima in a lapse of two days and 50 episodes, what can I say? I'm a sucker for bad anime.



"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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A big anime fan coming here (but the truth is that certain show has displaced many others recently, so I don't watch as much now. I'm looking to have a time of rekindling. I still check the manga religiously)


My favorites: One Piece, Soul Eater, Sket Dance, Genshiken and K-On! (If you hate on K-On, you hate on MLP, so I kid you not =D)


Other greats of mine: Bakuman, Silver Spoon, xxxHolic (up until Clamp ruined it with their ending) Usagi Drop (same thing. I don't even want to think about it) Kyoukai no Rinne (shame I've been unable to read it since it was dropped) and lots of others. Be back later



Fluttershy's Fan through and through

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