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gaming Top Ten Favorite Videogames


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1.Gears of War 3/4 - I think this might have been my most played game on the Xbox 360. I love the online versus/horde multiplayer. 


2. Left 4 Dead 2 - I think this is one of the best co-op games ever made.


3. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - I think this is the best one out of the series. 


4. Resident Evil 4 - I love most of the RE games with the exception of some of the spin-offs, but based off of how many times I've beaten this game, it easily wins over any of the other titles in the series.


5. Streets of Rage 2 - My favorite beat-em up off all time and one of the best games on the Sega Genesis. 


6. Super Mario Bros. 3 - My favorite in the series, but Super Mario World comes close though.


7. Borderlands 2 - I think it improved upon the first one in every way. 


8. Grandia 2 - I'm not really big on RPGs, but I did really like this game. 


9. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - I don't think it is the best Zelda of all time, but it was definitely the game that made me want a N64. 


10. Street Fighter 2 - I remember playing this game a lot as a kid. The game that probably got a lot of people like myself into fighting games. 

Edited by joanro
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1. Halo Reach

2. Halo 3 ODST

3. Battlefield 1

4. Skyrim Remastered

5. Batman Arkham Knight

6. Destiny

7. Guitar Hero Live (on expert of course)

8. Resident Evil 7 (don't have it but want it real bad)

9. Call of Duty World at War

10. Evil within

“If they came to hear me beg, they will be disappointed.”-Thel 'Vadam ( the Arbiter)

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1. Super Mario Galaxy

2. Portal 2

3. Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story

4. The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker

5. Mario Kart 8

6. Geometry Dash

7. Left 4 Dead 2

8. Spore

9. Super Scribblenauts

10. Minecraft


I ranked them both on how good I think they are and how much they've been a part of my life.

  • Brohoof 1




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1. Super Mario Galaxy

2. Portal 2

3. Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story

4. The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker

5. Mario Kart 8

6. Geometry Dash

7. Left 4 Dead 2

8. Spore

9. Super Scribblenauts

10. Minecraft


I ranked them both on how good I think they are and how much they've been a part of my life.

What is your most Nostalgic game that just resonates with your childhood? Mine is Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. I am assuming yours is Super Mario galaxy. 

Edited by DayShadow
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1)Kids icarus Uprising;

2)The Wonderful 101;


4)Super Mario Galaxy;

5)Metal Gear solid;

6)Pokemon Sun/Moon;

7)Super Smash BROS u;

8)Freedom Planet;

9)Pikmin 3;

10)Zelda A Link between Worlds.


Honorable Mentions: Cave Story, Shovel Knight, Crash Bandicoot Warped, Kirby Planet Robobot, Bayonetta 2, Pokemon MD Explorers of Skies, Donkey Kong Country 2 and Metroid Prime.


Yeah... you can see by this list what my tastes are and why I quitted modern gaming lately like I said A while ago. Console Gaming at least. On PC I can still count on something like this coming in future.

Edited by Sly
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1. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Basically the game that defined my childhood and really most of my memory

2. Final Fantasy 6 - Fave RPG of all time. OF ALL TIME!

3. Final Fantasy 7

4. Yoshi's Island - I pretty much love all Yoshi games but that is definitely my favorite

5. Smash Bros Wii U

6. Resident Evil 4 - I sware I must have played this game all the the way through at least 10 times

7. Links Awakening -Every time I hear Ballad of the Wind Fish...Everytime I see the seagull at the end :(

8. Capcom Vs SNK 2

9. Sonic Adventure 2 - LIVE AND LEARN!

10. Super Mario Bros 2

  • Brohoof 2
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1. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Basically the game that defined my childhood and really most of my memory

2. Final Fantasy 6 - Fave RPG of all time. OF ALL TIME!

3. Final Fantasy 7

4. Yoshi's Island - I pretty much love all Yoshi games but that is definitely my favorite

5. Smash Bros Wii U

6. Resident Evil 4 - I sware I must have played this game all the the way through at least 10 times

7. Links Awakening -Every time I hear Ballad of the Wind Fish...Everytime I see the seagull at the end :(

8. Capcom Vs SNK 2

9. Sonic Adventure 2 - LIVE AND LEARN!

10. Super Mario Bros 2l

Sonic Battle Adventure 2, i feel is like one of the most underappreciated games of all time, that story came together very well and they gave you a chance to give all the characters some screen, then the chao garden and fights and races lol... i feel like they tried to copy the formula but it never worked the same way... sonic heroes was okay... but sonic battle adventure 2, was like half of my time on gamecube... that and melee.. Live and Learn by Crush 40, is actually a pretty good song, and the moral of like, existence coming before conflict of interest... its just a really good game.

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I don't really agree that the PS1 was better. To be honest, there was only one PS1 game that I even cared about (Chrono Cross), and heck I never even got half way through it. The N64 had a pretty good library (unlike the PS1, having only one decent game from what I've played), with games like Banjo-Kazooie and Super Mario 64 that were considered among the all-time greats (I personally agree, well... somewhat anyways. (Assault was easily better than Star Fox 64).


I can agree the controller design was absolutely terrible. If they had stuck to something similar to the SNES design it would have been okay, but... why the extra handle? It's just so awkward to hold and actually use as a controller. I mean if they put the Joystick further up and got rid of the third handle, I would have been satisfied, though still unimpressed with the design of it because it would still be awkward, to be honest.


You didn't really back the second point well, and I would actually say they've aged pretty well. Heck, there was still competitive Super Smash Bros. N64 about 5 years or so ago... Also, considering that one of the games you mentioned is pretty much a staple of the speed-running scene, as are other N64 titles... Can't really see it. Actually, most N64 games have actually aged really well, considering they are about 15-20 years old now. (Though I can definitely agree on Goldeneye... That game is really hard to watch let alone play... Even was back then. The remake was way better, in my opinion. )


That I can agree on, somewhat. So many N64 lovers are completely oblivious to the blatant flaws of the console and completely ignore ones that did it way better, and how they did... (*cough cough* GAMECUBE *cough cough*) Heck, I even played the N64, it was one of the first consoles I had as a kid. I really enjoyed a lot it had to offer, but nothing like those fans who say it's the best. Uh no it isn't... (To be frank, the GameCube and PS2 were the best in my personal opinion, though I can see things that were flawed with both consoles, unlike most fans of the N64, like my own brother that tried defending it a bit too hard...).


Firstly, I corrected two spelling errors. Second, you didn't even back your second point very well, and you can't really argue you did if you really thought about it... Third, you're being somewhat of an arrogant hypocrite. You're acting like the N64 fanboys in the way you decide to completely degrade them. Being a stuck-up "opinions equal facts" kind of person completely ruined the argument you even tried to make here, being honest.

First of all, I didn't back up my second point up as well as I would have liked to mainly for 2 reasons. The first being, I was on a time crunch, so I apologise if I didn't have the time to spend going over every single flaw of every major N64 title. The second being that it is quite difficult to criticize the entire library as a whole. Yes, they all have their own flaws, but they do not all have the SAME flaws. Super Mario 64 for example, will have many flaws that are perhaps unique to it and a few other games of the same genre, as opposed to Goldeneye which will have flaws of an entirely different nature. If you want me to be more specific then ask me to talk about one game in particular, I would love to tear into Super Mario 64. After playing both the Crash Bandicoot Trilogy and the Spyro the Dragon trilogy, I can definitively say that they have aged far better than Super Mario 64, Donkey Kong 64 and even the Banjo Kazooie games.


As for your huge development in the world of spelling, 1) I'm 14 years old, so I'm not going to be the world's most flawless speller and 2) Considering that I have seen some users who miss out any sort of punctuation to speak off, I greatly "apologise" for making a total of 2 spelling mistakes in my entire post, which was over a hundred words long. We both know that there was know reason to bring this up, stop being pretentious. If I want to be that snooty, then I'll tell you that fan boy actually has a space in it. Don't bring grammar into the conversation without it actually having any sort of relevance to your argument, otherwise it just looks immature.


Also, despite your username being Intelligent Luigi, you sure missed out one vey basic and very blatant point. Context. By that I mean that I was responding to a post which consisted of a N64 fan boy blatantly criticizing me for having my own opinion. I try to be civil on this forum, but when someone arrogantly proclaims that their opinion is right and that mine isn't, with no evidence to back up such an opinion, I think that I earn the right to be condescending towards them. More importantly still is that you said that I'm being a hypocrite. And how exactly? Never once did I criticize the person who I was criticizing because they liked the N64. If you like, or even love the N64 then that's your given right ( in fact I actually think that the Banjo Kazooie games were actually the best platform games of their time period). I won't personally agree with it, but I'll keep that to myself. It's only when people, without any sort of provocation I remind you, blindly criticize my opinion, even going as far to call it cancer, that I will start criticizing the subject of their argument, particularly if they do not back it up in the slightest. There is a huge difference between people who like the N64, and people who will preach about how the N64 and how it's the best console, and that anyone who disagrees is somehow wrong. I never said that all people who prefer the N64 to the PS1 are wrong or anything that resembled that statement, while the person who I was arguing against WAS. By calling me a hypocrite you are indicating that I did say something of that nature, despite the fact that I supported my opinion with actual evidence, and never attacked his opinion the same way that he criticized mine. If you can't tell the difference between the two, then that's YOUR problem, not mine.

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What is your most Nostalgic game that just resonates with your childhood? Mine is Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. I am assuming yours is Super Mario galaxy. 


Yeah I'd say Mario Galaxy is the most nostalgic for me. Bowser's Inside Story, Wind waker, Spore and Scribblenauts are also on there more for nostalgic reasons.




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First of all, I didn't back up my second point up as well as I would have liked to mainly for 2 reasons. The first being, I was on a time crunch, so I apologise if I didn't have the time to spend going over every single flaw of every major N64 title. The second being that it is quite difficult to criticize the entire library as a whole. Yes, they all have their own flaws, but they do not all have the SAME flaws. Super Mario 64 for example, will have many flaws that are perhaps unique to it and a few other games of the same genre, as opposed to Goldeneye which will have flaws of an entirely different nature. If you want me to be more specific then ask me to talk about one game in particular, I would love to tear into Super Mario 64. After playing both the Crash Bandicoot Trilogy and the Spyro the Dragon trilogy, I can definitively say that they have aged far better than Super Mario 64, Donkey Kong 64 and even the Banjo Kazooie games.


As for your huge development in the world of spelling, 1) I'm 14 years old, so I'm not going to be the world's most flawless speller and 2) Considering that I have seen some users who miss out any sort of punctuation to speak off, I greatly "apologise" for making a total of 2 spelling mistakes in my entire post, which was over a hundred words long. We both know that there was know reason to bring this up, stop being pretentious. If I want to be that snooty, then I'll tell you that fan boy actually has a space in it. Don't bring grammar into the conversation without it actually having any sort of relevance to your argument, otherwise it just looks immature.


Also, despite your username being Intelligent Luigi, you sure missed out one vey basic and very blatant point. Context. By that I mean that I was responding to a post which consisted of a N64 fan boy blatantly criticizing me for having my own opinion. I try to be civil on this forum, but when someone arrogantly proclaims that their opinion is right and that mine isn't, with no evidence to back up such an opinion, I think that I earn the right to be condescending towards them. More importantly still is that you said that I'm being a hypocrite. And how exactly? Never once did I criticize the person who I was criticizing because they liked the N64. If you like, or even love the N64 then that's your given right ( in fact I actually think that the Banjo Kazooie games were actually the best platform games of their time period). I won't personally agree with it, but I'll keep that to myself. It's only when people, without any sort of provocation I remind you, blindly criticize my opinion, even going as far to call it cancer, that I will start criticizing the subject of their argument, particularly if they do not back it up in the slightest. There is a huge difference between people who like the N64, and people who will preach about how the N64 and how it's the best console, and that anyone who disagrees is somehow wrong. I never said that all people who prefer the N64 to the PS1 are wrong or anything that resembled that statement, while the person who I was arguing against WAS. By calling me a hypocrite you are indicating that I did say something of that nature, despite the fact that I supported my opinion with actual evidence, and never attacked his opinion the same way that he criticized mine. If you can't tell the difference between the two, then that's YOUR problem, not mine.

Are you referring to me "not backing up my argument" the fact that two more people can play on the console should be enough as it is, and in simplicity I did explain, N64 had the liberty of not being crowded with garbage titles... I enjoyed the original tekken games and a spyro game on ps1, but I couldnt count toes and fingers in equivalence with 64 titles, countless nights after being out all day in the summer.. n64 was a very rewarding console, and if you can call a 64 controller awkward, how are you fairing with the wii pad?? the graphics n64 is 64 bits... ps1 is 32.... everything about n64 is superior, just literally.... not even by my opinion...


PS: "subjective evidence"... isnt evidence, its graphically inferior with titles that didnt sell nearly as well on a console that can only allow two players rather than 4, and less multi player games as a whole...


and double PS, no, it didnt age better at all, that is why DK64, Mario 64 are best sellers on eshop, and now even Rare Replay tries to recapture the elements of when a great company once reigned before they drifted to far from the original formula... Yooka Laylee is coming out for a reason, Nuts and Bolts is what ended the Banjo Kazooie franchise, not that fact that it didnt age well


Also.... sorry wasnt done... yet again, using the term cancer on the internet is like, i have come to find more or less supposed to be a humorous transaction of opinion, or used sarcastically, i didnt call you cancer, i didnt call your favorite games cancer, I called somehow putting the ps1 above n64 cancer, n64 fan boy... yes accurate... n64 being superior to ps1 in every way shape and form also accurate.. it wasnt an arrogant or evil or menacing statement... 

Edited by Rose Coil
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First of all, I didn't back up my second point up as well as I would have liked to mainly for 2 reasons. The first being, I was on a time crunch, so I apologise if I didn't have the time to spend going over every single flaw of every major N64 title. The second being that it is quite difficult to criticize the entire library as a whole. Yes, they all have their own flaws, but they do not all have the SAME flaws. Super Mario 64 for example, will have many flaws that are perhaps unique to it and a few other games of the same genre, as opposed to Goldeneye which will have flaws of an entirely different nature. If you want me to be more specific then ask me to talk about one game in particular, I would love to tear into Super Mario 64. After playing both the Crash Bandicoot Trilogy and the Spyro the Dragon trilogy, I can definitively say that they have aged far better than Super Mario 64, Donkey Kong 64 and even the Banjo Kazooie games.


As for your huge development in the world of spelling, 1) I'm 14 years old, so I'm not going to be the world's most flawless speller and 2) Considering that I have seen some users who miss out any sort of punctuation to speak off, I greatly "apologise" for making a total of 2 spelling mistakes in my entire post, which was over a hundred words long. We both know that there was know reason to bring this up, stop being pretentious. If I want to be that snooty, then I'll tell you that fan boy actually has a space in it. Don't bring grammar into the conversation without it actually having any sort of relevance to your argument, otherwise it just looks immature.


Also, despite your username being Intelligent Luigi, you sure missed out one vey basic and very blatant point. Context. By that I mean that I was responding to a post which consisted of a N64 fan boy blatantly criticizing me for having my own opinion. I try to be civil on this forum, but when someone arrogantly proclaims that their opinion is right and that mine isn't, with no evidence to back up such an opinion, I think that I earn the right to be condescending towards them. More importantly still is that you said that I'm being a hypocrite. And how exactly? Never once did I criticize the person who I was criticizing because they liked the N64. If you like, or even love the N64 then that's your given right ( in fact I actually think that the Banjo Kazooie games were actually the best platform games of their time period). I won't personally agree with it, but I'll keep that to myself. It's only when people, without any sort of provocation I remind you, blindly criticize my opinion, even going as far to call it cancer, that I will start criticizing the subject of their argument, particularly if they do not back it up in the slightest. There is a huge difference between people who like the N64, and people who will preach about how the N64 and how it's the best console, and that anyone who disagrees is somehow wrong. I never said that all people who prefer the N64 to the PS1 are wrong or anything that resembled that statement, while the person who I was arguing against WAS. By calling me a hypocrite you are indicating that I did say something of that nature, despite the fact that I supported my opinion with actual evidence, and never attacked his opinion the same way that he criticized mine. If you can't tell the difference between the two, then that's YOUR problem, not mine.

Every game has flaws in it's development... Heck, I'm willing to admit flaws in a game that was my favorite of all time for a pretty long time... (Second playthrough thing, the plot being fairly basic, and the fact it was a little too easy to gain experience.) You can't say they don't just because they aren't N64 games. I would totally disagree on what you think aging better is, because most of those games (especially Crash Bandicoot (It aged so poorly in the public eye that Naughty Dog has only made one proper game since 2001's Wrath of Cortex, and even then it hasn't yet been released...) have aged pretty poorly in comparison to be honest opinion and probably according to the opinions of many people (as they are still to this day selling quite a bit). But to all their own I guess...?


I was trolling you there. :P It wasn't an actual argument against what you were saying at all. Was just being a Grammar Nazi was all.


Actually you were being a hypocrite and still are (you actually "blindly criticized" other people's opinions in the first post...). I think you must have forgotten the last sentence that basically said that your opinion on the N64 is a fact, or you're just ignoring it just to argue about it. I'm not criticizing your opinion. I'm criticizing the way it's presented. It was presented in a blatantly rude and completely hypocritical way (to the third point). I said hypocritical because you basically stated your opinion is fact by saying that nobody can defend the N64. I was being pretty fair and intelligent, to be honest. The whole point of the argument was not to attack you, it was to try to make you admit that the last sentence of the post (which actually was my main issue with it) was completely rude and uncivil (because you apparently couldn't help yourself to trash somebody else's opinion, just because it isn't your own.) The really interesting thing about that is the fact you are getting really defensive about it for some reason. All I did is point out that you were being completely unfair, and you (for some odd reason) took it as an attack. It wasn't by any means an attack. It was an attempt to make you realize that it looked like you were being arrogantly uncivil, that apparently didn't work because now you're being flat-out stubborn about it. Just stop equating your opinion to fact, because, as you should know (even being 14) it isn't that way. I include the "evidence" into the "equating opinion as fact" as well, because it's not really evidence of anything other than you don't like the N64 and it's fan base (which I agree is completely and utterly unfair about it, because it certainly is NOT perfect, like the majority of them seem to believe as fact.) The fact that you think that me seeing that post as being arrogantly uncivil as my problem alarms me as well, because it makes me think you are completely unconcerned with the way it makes you seem, which (yet again), was the point I was trying to make. You were being completely rude and unfair.

Edited by Intelligent Luigi


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n64 being superior to ps1 in every way shape and form also accurate..



Except it wasn't.


At all.




On paper it was, and by abilities it was, and yet it got utterly dominated by the PS1 in sales, and for many it is the #1 reason Nintendo is in the position they are in now. Which is to say... last in the console wars. Its biggest failing was not going to the CD when everyone else did, and sticking to cartridges which just confused and pissed off a lot of people. they are very different formats with many different pros and cons, each having the ability to do things the other cannot do nearly as well as the other. Also they were a lot more expensive and by many accounts rather unfriendly towards 3rd party developers.


That being said, everyone has systems they remember fondly, but it is because of the games themselves not because of the paperweights that ran them usually. I thought it was a pretty good system for it's time and it had some pretty awesome games, but seriously, give it a rest. This is almost as bad as the Sega warriors that show up on forums to parade the "superiority" of their systems that could have been.


And to get the thread back on topic...


1. Disgaea (all of them)

2. Chrono Cross

3. Chrono Trigger

4. FF9

5. BOF 4

6. Legend of Dragoon

7. Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits

8. Zelda: A Link to the Past

9. Bioshock (all of them)

10. Halo (all of them)


My lists also change constantly depending upon what i am playing at an given moment.

  • Brohoof 2


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Except it wasn't.


At all.




On paper it was, and by abilities it was, and yet it got utterly dominated by the PS1 in sales, and for many it is the #1 reason Nintendo is in the position they are in now. Which is to say... last in the console wars. Its biggest failing was not going to the CD when everyone else did, and sticking to cartridges which just confused and pissed off a lot of people. they are very different formats with many different pros and cons, each having the ability to do things the other cannot do nearly as well as the other. Also they were a lot more expensive and by many accounts rather unfriendly towards 3rd party developers.


That being said, everyone has systems they remember fondly, but it is because of the games themselves not because of the paperweights that ran them usually. I thought it was a pretty good system for it's time and it had some pretty awesome games, but seriously, give it a rest. This is almost as bad as the Sega warriors that show up on forums to parade the "superiority" of their systems that could have been.


And to get the thread back on topic...


1. Disgaea (all of them)

2. Chrono Cross

3. Chrono Trigger

4. FF9

5. BOF 4

6. Legend of Dragoon

7. Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits

8. Zelda: A Link to the Past

9. Bioshock (all of them)

10. Halo (all of them)


My lists also change constantly depending upon what i am playing at an given moment.

Sorry its just an objectively better system, look at game sales, play station panned out to multiple demographics, and ignore the f act that playstation 1 had 3 and half years of sales on n64 and its games still didnt sell as much in variety... its 64 bit... it has games that exceeded the memory at that time and required a special xpac to even play... it allowed 2 other players had a wide variety of gaming options... i know you probably grew up with a ps1, im sorry your parents were cheap and didnt give you an n64 Christmas... but many people were still playing super nintendo when ps1 had its reveal... the console... in hindsight sucks... its throwbacks arent thrown back, they are redeveloped with new titles, nintendo games reappear on handhelds and multiple consoles... remastered or just the way they were years ago... and people have the audacity to say they didnt age well.... people arent playing ps1 games anymore, but they are playing n64 games... on multiple consoles.... ps2 was a good system but with that... ps1 is like... a broken relic... not even one worth holding on to


NOTE: PS2 came out at the end of the n64 era... put that into perspective... Kingdom Hearts was in development when the final touches on Banjo Tooie were being made... Sony has and always had a lot more money to work with than nintendo, but their titles... still will never be as good... nintendo releasing the switch now... the timelines intersect.... and that is what has been the bane of nintendo sales.. but they still do great to people that appreciate good games, and stay loyal to the titles... and we got our 64 used, so im sorry if that one comment seemed petty... but n64, ive owned so many.... i cant tell you... at date to time yeah ps1 may have won, but the only difference is, n64 is a console that people will still buy... even with half of its games being panned out on other consoles

Edited by Rose Coil
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Sorry its just an objectively better system, look at game sales, play station panned out to multiple demographics, and ignore the f act that playstation 1 had 3 and half years of sales on n64 and its games still didnt sell as much in variety ... its 64 bit... it has games that exceeded the memory at that time and required a special xpac to even play... it allowed 2 other players had a wide variety of gaming options... i know you probably grew up with a ps1, im sorry your parents were cheap and didnt give you an n64 Christmas... but many people were still playing super nintendo when ps1 had its reveal... the console... in hindsight sucks... its throwbacks arent thrown back, they are redeveloped with new titles, nintendo games reappear on handhelds and multiple consoles... remastered or just the way they were years ago... and people have the audacity to say they didnt age well.... people arent playing ps1 games anymore, but they are playing n64 games... on multiple consoles.... ps2 was a good system but with that... ps1 is like... a broken relic... not even one worth holding on to



I'll just highlight every line that is utterly silly and incorrect and proceed to acknowledge you have no idea what you are even talking about and are just gushing at this point. Which is OK since i see it all the time and am pretty used to it.


But I will say if you think NO ONE is playing PS1 games anymore you really need a massive reality check. Seriously, fact checking is not very hard these days. Now quit derailing the thread to defend and attack systems long dead and buried.

  • Brohoof 4


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I'll just highlight every line that is utterly silly and incorrect and proceed to acknowledge you have no idea what you are even talking about and are just gushing at this point. Which is OK since i see it all the time and am pretty used to it.


But I will say if you think NO ONE is playing PS1 games anymore you really need a massive reality check. Seriously, fact checking is not very hard these days. Now quit derailing the thread to defend and attack systems long dead and buried.

fact checking isnt hard... you must not own a 3ds, have ever owned a wii, or a wii u, an original ds? how many times do the same games need to be re marketed and remastered for you to believe there is nonfactual information there?






so it was 2 and a half years, but there was an added month or two for marketing to begin in the states...


I understand you grew up with the 32 bit, 2 player console that came out nearly 3 years before n64 in the usa... you enjoy carbon crappy 32 bit games.. hell i like most all platformers i played some crash and spyro, but no, I remember having to go by an xpac to play Donkey Kong, haha the n64 console is just a superior console, my and your biases aside... and purchase a nintendo console, they will be selling a new version of super mario 64 10 years from now... hell nintendos inner market does its job, they resale original game boy games on the market place for christ sake.

Edited by Rose Coil
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fact checking isnt hard... you must not own a 3ds, have ever owned a wii, or a wii u, an original ds? how many times do the same games need to be re marketed and remastered for you to believe there is nonfactual information there?






so it was 2 and a half years, but there was an added month or two for marketing to begin in the states...


Actually it was 1 and 1/2 years if you go by Japanese release dates and 1 year if you go by American release dates. Where do you get 2 and 1/2 years? Good grief.


And what is your point? Have you never heard of PS2, PS3, PS4, and the PC? Also several titles have been re-released on the Xbox and Nintendo consoles as well I believe. Like I said, gushing. You are stating your facts that everyone and their grandmother already knows and ignoring all others everyone else knows but apparently you have somehow missed... which is typical and rather embarrassing fanboyism.  :please:


~No profound statement needed~

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Actually it was 1 and 1/2 years if you go by Japanese release dates and 1 year if you go by American release dates. Where do you get 2 and 1/2 years? Good grief.


And what is your point? Have you never heard of PS2, PS3, PS4, and the PC? Also several titles have been re-released on the Xbox and Nintendo consoles as well I believe. Like I said, gushing. You are stating your facts that everyone and their grandmother already knows and ignoring all others everyone else knows but apparently you have somehow missed... which is typical and rather embarrassing fanboyism.  :please:

http://www.vgchartz.com/gamedb/?name=Super+Mario+64im not ignoring all the other facts, look up and compare popular titles, how it is possible, look at how successful the re release was? Nintendo has a formula for making old games just as good and sorry i went off the base date... but nintendo didnt drop nearly as much into marketing as ps1 did and its games sold off the charts... that was the thing, people that owned 64s had a variety, people that played ps1s typically had specific tastes, and game sales suggest this... and yes I love ps2, and i own a ps3, im not gushing, i admitted i was a fanboy, you are just defensive because you like a crappy console that is outdated while 64 game styles are remastered and resaled...

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Live and Learn by Crush 40, is actually a pretty good song, and the moral of like, existence coming before conflict of interest... its just a really good game.

Very deep bro, so very deep



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everything about n64 is superior, just literally.... not even by my opinion...


Average static memory space:

Playstation CD: 500 MB

Nintendo's cartridge: 2 MB


The Playstation revolutionized the market by being first to introduce cgi graphics to consoles and by switching over to CDs. For the loss of fast asset loading times they opened up a new world of possibilities for developers which with future hardware improvements later became standard for most non-handheld gaming consoles. Nintendo's included. CDs are cheaper to produce which meant more devs wanted Sony as their publisher.. Which is one of the reasons why the Playstation has way more games than Nintendo 64, despite finishing production 2 years earlier.


playstation 1 had 3 and half years of sales on n64

No, 1 year.


fact checking isnt hard...


yep :derp:


Sorry its just an objectively better system, look at game sales

That depends how you see it. As a company or investor, yes. As a gamer...? Well since the goal of a gaming console is to entertain people, I don't think it's fair to say that one system is "better" than the other. People have different tastes and sales isn't always a good representation of the general opinion towards the product. Take movies for example; BoxOfficeMojo lists "Minions" as the 11th most successful film of all time, would you say that it is a top 25? ...I hope not. Anyway, since N64 didn't have such a large selection to choose from, the community was more likely to become familiar with a certain set of games.. not to mention that many of Nintendo's games are about characters and concepts that has been around since dinosaurs walked the earth. The biggest reason to the console's success and good reputation among gamers probably comes from the 4-player capability that the PS1 lacked.


Speaking about numbers, I don't know where the heck you dug up yours from but here's some data:


Playstation unit sales: 112m



Playstation software sales: 962m



Nintendo 64 unit & software sales: 32m, 224m




playstation 1 didnt sell as much in variety


If you look at these statistics, you can make the calculation that after 10-ish years in production

PS1 sold ~9 games per unit

N64 sold ~7 games per unit


N64 are selling for 50-100$ TO THIS DAY


Of course. There's still a demand for them among retro gamers.

  • N64 had titles in its time that are still present today and they haven't suffered as much from aging.
  • 4p Multiplayer is a highly requested feature today.
  • PS1 was produced in a far greater amount (about x4 times as many (Wikipedia)) and for a longer period of time and the prices rise when there's limited quantity. (Sony, Nintendo, Wikipedia);
    • Nintendo 64 was in production for 7 years
    • Playstation was in production for 12 years
  • Furthermore, Nintendo were scared of producing too many systems for Europe since they were struggling with the NTSC->PAL conversion... So they ended up putting out a smaller amount of (defective, by the way) units than previously planned. (PALgn.com, Wikipedia, common sense)

But I will say if you think NO ONE is playing PS1 games anymore you really need a massive reality check.


Indeed. Not only did I play the PS1 only a couple of weeks ago with a friend (Yu-Gi-Oh!, Worms Armageddon and Rayman 2 if you're interested to know), but one of my local stores still lets you trade in your Playstation whereas Nintendo 64 is not accepted. (This is probably because they can be shady and chip the console to then sell it with a CD of pirated games, lol.)




I literally was about to like your post because of some of your games, until I saw the cancer beneath the list

disliking n64... either you were high

if I had a PS1 laying around, I would be willing to trade it for a cheeseburger

im sorry your parents were cheap and didnt give you an n64 Christmas...

you enjoy carbon crappy 32 bit games..






...and salty fanboy of the week goes to...




All in all, I enjoy both consoles. Both have fun games but I do not like the 2-year load times that came with the Playstation. I also hate the N64 controller. I can't pick between them, I grew up mostly using the PC anyway.


The Nintendo 64 was a console with yesterday's technology at its peak.

The Playstation was a console with today's technology in its horizon. 


Both are great systems, there's no need to start a heated argument over 20 year old consoles, that's not even the topic of the thread.



...so ye, here are my favorite games in case anyone gives a shit :L


10. Heart of Darkness

9. Pokémon Trading Card Game Online

8. Bioshock games

7. Supaplex & Igor: The Time Machine

6. Bud Readhed: The Timechase

5. Super Mario Bros & World games + Super Meat Boy (tie)

4. Call of Duty: 4, WaW, MW2, BO2

3. Worms Armageddon & World Party


1. Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-Earth 1&2

  • Brohoof 3


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Ha ha ha ! You can give your favorite games, don't worry, that's the topic of this thread after all.




10. Heart of Darkness


*GASPS* Woah ! I enjoyed this game ! Even though I had a lot of troubles to complete it when I was younger. But still a very good game.

  • Brohoof 1
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Ha ha ha ! You can give your favorite games, don't worry, that's the topic of this thread after all.






*GASPS* Woah ! I enjoyed this game ! Even though I had a lot of troubles to complete it when I was younger. But still a very good game.

And I'm punching myself for still being a kid n00b still stuck with Marios and stuff, and not growing-up as a gamer sooner :dry:


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1. Worms 4 Mayhem


2. Silent Hill 3


3. Resident Evil - Code Veronica


4. Metal Arms - Glitch in the System


5. Jak and Daxter 2 or 3


6. Alone in the Dark - The New Nightmare


7. Obscure


8. The Suffering


9. Extermination


10. Ghost Vibration


I think.

  • Brohoof 1


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Worms 4 Mayhem


Did you ever play Ultimate Mayhem? It's 4 Mayhem plus the Worms 3D campaign plus some new stuff. Only drawback I know of is that they changed the music but otherwise it's awesome. 

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