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mega thread What is your sexuality ?


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I'm Bisexual, though I tend to lean towards the lesbian side of things. I've had relationships with both men and women, and both have their ups and downs  :)


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Well, personally, I'm bisexual. From time to time, I will be more into girls and other times I will be into guys. I seem to be more into guys though. I base around personality type not gender or appearance, though.


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I found out 2 months ago about my bisexuality, so I think I should change my vote.

It's really hard to live with it for now though.

Only five of my friends know this and one of them is bi too so they're really comprehensive, luckily.

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I put down unsure happy.png I am hetrosexual though the idea of being bisexual doesn't really worry me much blink.png ... so im unsure xD (doesn't make sense I know tongue.png


Though I do find girls quite a lot more attractive.... xD 

Edited by Skylar
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I'm straight. I'm comfortable enough with my sexuality to joke around but I'd never act on anything I say in on of those kidding around moods. Hetero through and through


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I put down unsure img-1894605-1-happy.png I am hetrosexual though the idea of being bisexual doesn't really worry me much img-1894605-2-blink.png ... so im unsure xD (doesn't make sense I know img-1894605-3-tongue.png


Though I do find girls quite a lot more attractive.... xD  


(Eh sorry for double post something messed up).... So yeah i'd say more hetro, but I probably wouldnt mind the idea of... well you know... *Blushes* blush.png *Shuffles nervously* 

Edited by Skylar
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Do you think there's really any difference between bisexual and pansexual? I've been describing myself as bisexual for a while now, but pansexual is also completely accurate, I'm not sure which I should use. Not that I'm worried about it or anything.


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I looked it up to and it seems to sort of be the same thing.... not really sure what the difference is to be honest, perhaps it covers all sexes including trans to? I mean... I might be on the edge of being bisexual, but I wouldnt be interested (personally) in transgender stuff in the slightest .... Im making myself sound stupid xD blush.png 



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Do you think there's really any difference between bisexual and pansexual? I've been describing myself as bisexual for a while now, but pansexual is also completely accurate, I'm not sure which I should use. Not that I'm worried about it or anything.


There's definitely a difference if we consider that there's more than just the male and female gender. One is a bisexual because one likes boys and girls, but not transexuals / transgenders. Being pansexual means being entirely genderblind, even to gender roles and identities. A pansexual wouldn't mind having a relationship with a transgender, whilst a bisexual would. Though preferences exist, a pansexual doesn't care about gender and their roles at all. 


Though this example is pretty extreme as I'm sure many bisexual people wouldn't mind having a relationship with a transgender. Now that I think about it, the line between pansexual and bisexual seems a whole lot thinner than I initially though, since the definition gender roles vary from person to person.


There has been plenty of dispute between the two though in the LGBT community, many pansexuals say that bisexuality means that you're only attracted to two genders, no matter what those two genders may be. Whilst pansexuals are attracted to all genders, be it male, female, ftm, mtf, whatever. Lot's of bisexual people oppose this idea, though to me this seems the right definition, bi does mean two after all, no matter what is being said. 


Personally, I wouldn't worry about what to call yourself, everyone's different and you don't have to put a label on yourself. It's easier for people to understand if you have one, but it's hardly necessary. 

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By that definition, I'm pansexual, but I wouldn't really say bisexuality is that strict. I certainly wouldn't mind having a relationship with a trans person, or someone with no gender identity, and it doesn't matter to me in the slightest what sex someone is.


I still don't know what to use, I'll give it some thought. I'll probably end up using pansexual, but it would feel a little weird to do so after I've already described myself as bi multiple times, I've even told (online) friends that I'm bisexual.


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Well, since last time I posted on here I have grow a liking for both genders. It feels good to come out and say it. I knew for a while that I wasn't 100% straight. It just didn't feel right to say I was completely straight. I actually kind of got offended when someone would call me straight for some reason. Oh well.

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Well... ummm... oh boy...


I've always had difficulties labeling my sexuality. I'm straight, but I also kinda like the other gender. But I'm mostly straight. But if the other gender is really nice to me, I can develop feelings for them. But it'd be easier just dating one. But I like things about both...


I guess what it all comes down to, love is love. It's not about appearance. It's what's on the inside that counts. I guess I'm attracted to the soul more than the body. I wonder if you can date a ghost...


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I would most likely consider myself to be pansexual - To be honest I didn't know until recently what it is, but I can identify with that the most. I sometimes tend to act like a homosexual around one certain friend to make him feel uncomfortable for the teasing reasons. Aside from that appearance doesn't matter to me that much.

  • Brohoof 1


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You are by no means alone, I know like a million people have replied to this, however I am gay, I very recently came out to my parents, and I'm proud to be a brony. I know it makes it somewhat harder for straight Bronies to shake the stereotype, but being a brony is about love and tolerance, and what's the point if you don't tolerate yourself? I'm proud of who I am, I know nopony is here to judge me on that, but just saying there's plenty of gay Bronies who are just like any other pony.

  • Brohoof 6

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I'm Pansexual.

I am very open about my sexuality, in fact I'm even proud to be Pansexual.

Before I discovered Pansexuality I had no idea what I was, I hopped back and fourth from Heterosexual and Bisexual but it never felt right. Once I discovered Pansexuality I knew that's what I was.



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I'm somewhat surprised this poll says that just under 60% of respondents are heterosexual. I suspect due to the discussion and ideas being thrown around here, some members are overanalyzing things.


Speaking for myself, while I have some asexual traits, at the end of the day, I'm heterosexual because I find women attractive. img-1908453-1-smile.png

Yes, I know this post is old.


Human nature is a strange thing, and some people have a hard time pinning even their own nature down on paper. It has been suggested by some psychologists that nearly everyone has the capacity for bisexuality and the only factor is how far they'd take it. It's the same reason you tend to see a lot of people that identify thusly, but wouldn't even go further than admiring their non-preferred sex or joking around about it, and wind up just going after what ever they're dominantly into without a second thought.


Even from a evolutionary standpoint it makes sense, because as Tvtropes would put it in the case of straight men: "You'd be a pretty shitty alpha male if you couldn't see attractiveness in your competition." My guess is a few of the people voting Bi might be that 1 or 2 on the scale and just really open about admitting their attraction and ability to the find the appeal in the same sex's looks.  


I'm straight myself, but I don't think there's any problem with being any of the above. We all the heroes of our own stories and we have to each follow what's in our own hearts to find the kind of love we desire and what makes us happy.

Edited by Shoboni
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"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I'm pretty sure I'm straight, but i'm all for loving people for people. I would go full lezzies for Emma Stone, but I dont think that counts

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If I'm going to state my opinion, I dont think anyone is 100% straight or gay. If only people fell in love with people because of who they were, rather than their anatomy. Life sure would be different

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Although a lack of experience means I can never know for sure, I have come to understand that technically, my 'sexuality' as it's called would likely be quite even between the sexes though it doesn't matter at all since people of either sex will absolutely never ever ever ever ever want to spend time with me in that way. So I guess my sexuality is a nightmare.

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Okay so I am changing mine. 


After a chat to a friend from this forum I think I can finally admit to my self and to everyone that I am Bisexual, I've always felt it for years but never admitted / feared it, but being here has really helped me embrace it, it feels fantastic to finally admit it, to get a huge weight off my chest :) 


I hope none of you treat me differently ;) 

  • Brohoof 12



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