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gaming Most Time-consuming Bosses


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There are hard bosses, there are easy bosses, and then there are bosses that seem designed to waste your time. I'm talking about the bosses that have multiple forms, insane amounts of health, annoying attacks, huge resistances and maybe even the ability to heal themselves. Bosses that aren't necessarily a challenge as they are a commitment.

To me, no boss holds that title more than the final boss of Persona 3, Nyx Avatar. First off, this boss has an absurd fourteen different forms, each with their own health bar, abilities and weaknesses. His first thirteen forms can take up to five minutes or so to get through, meaning just getting to his last form can take at least an hour. His final form then has as much health as his other thirteen combined, gains an shield attack that blocks all damage for 2-3 turns every so often and, once his health finally drops below 10%, be pulls out an attack that deals massive damage to your entire party, and can cast random status effects on anyone who survives, including charm. If he charms your healer, there's a good chance they can cast a full heal on him, bringing him back up to full health and starting the whole process over again.

Add all that up, and it takes atleast two hours to beat this boss, and that's just on normal difficulty. On hard... oh boy. 

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Nyx from Persona 3 and Yzmiat from FFXII come to mind

Having ridiculously large health bars and taking hours to beat isn't a challenge, it's a sign of a bullshit, badly designed boss. And considering Nyx is the final boss of Persona 3, it's some that'll keep me from ever replaying the game

  • Brohoof 2
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I can immediately think of two.

Yiazmat from Final Fantasy XII - The reason can be described with one big number: 50,112,254. That is the total number of hit points he has. I never wanted to throw my controller through the TV so badly. He wasn't necessarily difficult because I was well prepared for the fight, but it took almost two hours to defeat him the first time because a few of my party members were slightly under leveled. It almost ruined the game for me. Subsequent attempts to kill him still took slightly more than one hour. I hated this boss. I still do. It does fall under the category of "time waster," because if you're more than prepared he isn't hard to kill. It just takes forever. Those who don't come with some form of extra protection will be vulnerable to one-hit kills.

Melbu Frahma from The Legend of Dragoon - Multiple forms. Annoyingly high HP count (40,000+). Cheap damage. Stuns. Instant kills. Not as bad as Yiazmat in regards to time (I can beat Frahma in one hour), but that is only if I am prepared. Unlike the fight with Yiazmat, I easily had to attempt it more than once on my first attempt. Not sure if that qualifies him for this discussion because it is a challenge, but it's a very unfair one. Added note: In the U.S. version, he has just over 40,000 HP. In the original Japanese version, he has 60,000 HP. I'm completely fine with never playing the Japanese version of the game. 42,000 HP was hellish enough.

Edited by Halberd
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Definitely this guy AKA Daimon from Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen on HARD mode:



^Not only can he one shot you with almost any attack he uses, he has 2 forms and like 50 bajillion life bars. Not only does he have 50 bajillion life bars, but each fucking one takes like 300 + POWERFUL on target attacks to deplete. There is only ONE attack (as far as I know) that can be exploited to take this fucker down in a reasonable amount of time. Thankfully, I had the necessary class to the max vocation level so I had the skill in question. I figured it out on my own, after about 20+ hours of frustration trying to take this fucker out in the traditional way. I was fairly low level (definitely under 60) but my gear was pretty good. 10 shots to the head with 5-fold flurry did like maybe 1% damage, if not less lol. So my strategy was to jump onto his head and use this insanely OP Assasin exclusive skill (Dire Gouge) over and over again. Each time I used that fucking skill it would do about 1/10 of an entire life bar, which was great. Only problem was Daimon could one shot me WAY easier if I was on his head; and ofc he kept throwing me off. This being a MAJOR pain in the ass since my double jump is disabled when having a sword equipped (which is the weapon needed to use Dire Gouge >.<). Getting on the bastard's head with a simple jump took split millisecond reaction time during one of his low-sweeping 1-shot attacks. It was almost like exploiting a glitch, in a way, since climbing up to his head would take so long you would be thrown off long before you reached it. Took many many, MANY tries, 100-150 tries ffs, for me to get lucky/ skilled enough to pull this off successfully. After I finished the fight my heart was beating so damn fast I needed to get up, put on my shoes, and take a walk around the block a few times just to calm my heartrate the fuck down xD It's like after finishing a marathon, you can't just stop; gotta walk it off or you feel like your heart is going to burst D:

Now, I COULD have just leveled up and it probably would have made the fight WAY easier, but what is the fun in that? xD Leveling up takes too damn long in DD anyway lol. The game kicked so much ass though; I REALLY want Capcom to release a proper sequel on Ps4/ Xbox/ PC. Never before have I played a game with such deep and satisfying character customization, visceral action combat, and beautiful open-world to explore! While this game was obviously meant to appeal to a more "western" audience as Capcom has been known for in recent years, the slight "Japanese influences" enhanced the experience to such an incredible extent, it was truly a masterpiece of art to behold!

Edited by K.Rool Addict
  • Brohoof 1
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Adamantoise FFXV took me 4 hours but it was worth it

I mean it had 5,624,400 health and had 190,690 strength (so it one shot all the time)

But when you beat it you get a accessory that boost your HP to the maximum of 9,999 so it was totally worth the 4 hours

Edited by Maple Bat


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Nameless King from Dark Souls 3 is the one I've spent most time with. Of course I don't count the failed attempts, which usually lasted seconds due to insane damage he does, but the successful one... well, there goes the #1 rule of Dark Souls - don't get greedy with Your attacks. I gave 1-2 hits for every opening the boss gave to me so entire fight lasted around 10-15 minutes if I remember right. Overall I was extremely careful. I am pretty sure he can be beaten faster, but after 3 days of being constantly annihilated by that guy I was VERY paranoic XD 

Well, also Havel even if he's not really boss was a time consuming asshole in DS 3. 

  • Brohoof 3


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  • 4 years later...

The End from Metal Gear Solid 3. It's a terrific sniper based boss battle but it's not unusual for it take an over hour.

  • Brohoof 1

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Minion from Twisted Metal: Black. You spend most of the fight just circling him, trying to stock up on weapons just to TRY to destroy his forcefield. After the forcefield is down, he's pathetic as a boss, but trying to destroy all 4 panels to get rid of the forcefield is a pain.



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Shaak Ti in The Force Unleashed. It felt like it took forever to land any hits on her, especially on her second phase. I had an easier and quicker time beating Palpatine.

  • Brohoof 1

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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  • 1 year later...

2 flashpoint missions in Star Wars:  The Old Republic. with very long boss fights. that are necessary to complete for story progression.  

The final boss, Stivastin, in the "Depths of Manaan" flashpoint mission, has you in a room with water filled close to your ankles and Stivastin attacking you nonstop with these wrist blade weapons.  To make matters worse, you have a time limit of 5 minutes to defeat him before the whole place floods and forces to restart this boss fight.  Fortunately, an orange circle will appear on the floor in a limited, yet random sequence.  You must set yourself to healing mode as your combat method before you enter the room to begin the boss fight.  With healing mode, your companion and combat droid will follow you everywhere in the room.  This is important as the boss will go after you as he attacks and you can lure him into an orange circle where cylinders of fire rain down close to the flooded floor.  The fire will damage Stivastin, but you will also need to attack him to bring down huge chunks to his health bar.  The orange circle and fire will disappear, so you need to move around the room and wait and look for the orange circle to reappear in a different spot.  Lure Stivastin inside it again so that the raining fire and your attacks bring down his health.  Repeat this several times to defeat him before the 5 minutes expire.  There are bacta tanks attached to the walls for you to destroy if you need to refill on health.  Frustrating if you don't know what to do right away.  

The female bounty hunter Torch, the final boss to the "Torch's Flame" flashpoint mission.  You enter this arena and as you fight Torch, she activates her jetpack to hover over you, which limits what attacks you can hit her with.  Then the floor opens up, you're standing on a safety net of some kind as floor areas are aligned in a checkerboard pattern.  So get to the floor squares because the safety net squares spew molten lava and fire through below them and deal major damage to your life bar.  Then the floors close up in the center, but as this happens, Torch begins flying around you very fast in circles, meaning you can't attack her at all.  A flame wave is then ignited to travel on the outside of the arena, so stay in the center to avoid damage.  With the floor panels still closed, Torch lands, allowing you to attack her while trading blows.  The floor panels open in a checkerboard pattern again and Torch activates her jetpack to hover over you again.  The boss fight is locked into a pattern, so station yourself on the floor areas.  I've faced this boss twice and as a free player, I had to fight Torch several times with this pattern and took 40 minutes or an hour for this boss.  

Edited by ZiggWheelsManning



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On 2017-04-12 at 8:05 PM, Scrubbed user said:

Peace Walker from MGS:PW. I swear the health bar on that thing was 3 miles long.

It took my about 15 minutes clearing that fight, but I didn’t mind because it was awesome

  • Brohoof 1


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In Okami there is a boss with multiple forms, and for me personally it took forever how to beat certain parts of that fight, but the same boss also has a 9 minute cutscene in the middle of changing forms which plays even if you've already seen it, and if I remember correctly its always unskippable. (Not hating on the game, it's still one of my faves)


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