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Do apple products suck?


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I've always hated their computers (why are the mouse and keyboard so small?) but I've long had issues with other products like my ipod(s) which are extremely prone to crashing, breaking, etc. 

I've also heard from others about poor customer service and even that they purposely cause their products to fail so you'll buy the next gen. Thoughts?

  • Brohoof 1

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I've never had such experiences myself. I've been a MacBook Pro user since mid-2009, have owned an iPhone 6+ for around 2 years now, and an Apple Watch for almost half a year and haven't had any issues with them at all. Yeah, price is a bit high, but that's standard with Apple, so I accept that. Still, I'd had nothing but joy with Apple, and even dealt with good customer service when I had an issue with iBooks.

Not everyone's experience will be the same, so I'd be careful when reading comments on the internet sometimes. Yeah, I'm sure there are plenty of legit complaints from people who have had issues, but that can go with any company; not just Apple.

  • Brohoof 1

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I feel the products do what they should and they work well, but that doesn't justify the insane price tags. With the iPhone 8 rumored to start at $1,000, I don't see where Apple thinks they can charge that much for a phone. The company clearly thinks it is on some untouchable pedestal. 


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@Zyrael, moving this over to Media Discussion since your thread is tech-related. 

I've been an iPhone user for the last couple of years and haven't had many issues. Its features and capabilities have worked for me, though I have friends who have sworn off of Apple products after a negative experience. I enjoy being able to sync between my phone and laptop, which is a Mac. Aside from Apple products being pricey, my only other gripe is that there are programs that aren't compatible with the Mac OS that I've wanted to use. There are ways to reconfigure your Mac to support them, but it is too much work and I don't want to mess anything up. :P 

  • Brohoof 1

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In my experience, I don't even have any problems with Apple. I have an IPhone 5, and an old IPad 3. They seem to run normal for me. :wacko:


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Yes Apple products suck. And I say this while having been using nothing but Apple laptops for the past 3-4 years. Here take a screenie for some proof lol



Apple computers give you extremely underpowered hardware for ludicrously high prices. OP, you seem to have issues with products build quality / customer service; in my experience, those two factors are actually one of the only positives to Apple products. The build quality of the outer components, while housing very weak hardware, is top notch. No creakiness, everything is perfectly set, beautiful screen, very impressive speakers, you name it. Customer service tends to be extremely helpful, with quick responses, and little to no bullshit.

While Apple products DO tend to suck, that doesn't mean they are worthless. Hell, if I didn't need precisely what my 2016 12'' Macbook provided, I never would have purchased it to begin with. Light weight, crazy good battery life, high res screen, great speakers, huge and extremely responsive trackpad, adorable pink color ^///^ 

Microsoft products are almost always a better alternative than Apple. But if you want no compromises to build quality and a sleek, sexy design to all your electronics, Apple can certainly meet your needs (unless of course you want to play any pc games at all lol). 

  • Brohoof 3
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The thing i hate most about Apple is their smartphones. They charge a ton for them and they are objectively inferior products compared to other android flagships in its class. The stupid shit Apple does in order to squeeze more money out of customers is ridiculous. 

  • Brohoof 1
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7 minutes ago, Daring_Do said:

Their cider is overrated, and I've found worms in their produce before. I think it's about time for Granny Smith to retire.

Not that kind of Apple products!  LOL!:lol:

The only Apple products I use are iPod(still got it from 2008) for music and iTunes for music transfers.

I use Android for phones, Windows for my laptop, and Nintendo for my gaming devices!

Edited by WiiGuy2014
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  • Brohoof 1


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I'm have a MacBook Pro, so I do like some of what Apple has to offer. Macs tend to be more secure, plus I've used them all my life so I'm not very accustomed to Windows. :P However, in the phone department, I prefer an Android. I'm currently typing this on a Huawei Honor. There just seems to be more options for customization on an Android than on an iPhone. I like the layout better as well, plus there's just so much more variety. At any given time, there are only a few newer iPhones. But Android devices run across a ton of manufacturers from Samsung to LG, Motorola, and more. I like that versatility.

  • Brohoof 2


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15 minutes ago, Castiel said:

I think they should make iPhones less expensive than they are now, because, unless your Donald trump, then you can't buy EVERY. SINGLE. GENERATION 


11 minutes ago, Daring_Do said:

Their cider is overrated, and I've found worms in their produce before. I think it's about time for Granny Smith to retire.

Lol. Thanks for that!

I do not believe that they suck, and I have a MacBook Pro, and several Windows and Linux machines. I alternate between iOS and Android and can list out pros and cons for each. 

Are they expensive? Yes. Are they overpriced? Technically no. Something is only overpriced if it is not selling. As long as Apple products are making Apple a profit, they can't be overpriced. Could they be more effectively priced? Yes. That isn't overpriced though. 

As far as this discussion, similar to the console discussion, I always lay my hat on "You do you boo!"

If you hate Apple for any reason, speak with your wallet. If not, enjoy the product. It's generally well made and suits a large percentage of users, if not everyone. 

THAT SAID, Apple has made a few bonehead decisions with it's newer laptop and phone. If they keep doing that, it will be a long slow decline. 

  • Brohoof 1



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I have never been a fan of Apple products.  They are way too proprietary.  You end up paying a premium for computers and other electronic devices that are unable to work with the vast majority of software available without resorting to things like dual booting setups, emulators or jail breaking.  As overbearing as Microsoft can be, they got nothing on Apple.  With a PC OS I can run just about any piece of software on random assemblages of hardware with no real problems.

Edited by Twilight Dirac
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5 minutes ago, Twilight Dirac said:

I have never been a fan of Apple products.  They are way too proprietary.  You end up paying a premium for computers and other electronic devices that are unable to work with the vast majority of software available without resorted to things like dual booting setups, emulators or jail breaking.  As overbearing as Microsoft can be, they got nothing on Apple.  With a PC OS I can run just about any piece of software random assemblages of hardware with no real problems.


Yes, but look how adorable:


^Don'tcha just wanna snuggle with it in bed? :o 

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If I ever was going to use Apple anything, I would just put together a Hackintosh, and install OS X on it. I would never buy any of their computers because the specs do not reflect the price they ask. If I buy a laptop, I want to get my money's worth. And don't get me started on the stupid looking Mac Pro... I don't see myself buying an iPhone unless I was given one to try for at least two weeks. Seriously Apple, still no expandable storage, but you remove the headphone jack only to include some stupid adapter? I don't see myself buying an Apple Watch unless I have an iPhone to pair it with since they only work on iOS phones.



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No, they don't. But they are certainly not for me and they are waaaay too overpriced. I don't like the way you navigate through the OS and I don't like the lack of system tools and customization that you get from windows or linux.


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Yes. They are far too expensive for the lack of quality on their computers. My high school computers were so terrible. They were Macbook Pros. They always crashed and nothing worked. The school iPads were bad too. Apple is only good for iPods in my opinion.


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I've had iPhones for years now, and they've always been fairly reliable. I don't think their computers are bad; I just think they're overpriced for what they are. My girlfriend has spent a lot of time convincing me how good her MacBook is, but it is the slowest running computer I've used in over a decade, and it cost her more than my last two PCs combined.

I do not like all of the proprietary gadgets and cables. That's not cool at all.

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On 6/1/2017 at 10:42 PM, Zumbuh said:

Their phones should be like $120. 

No. No they shouldn't be. The 7 literally costs Apple $224.00 to make -- including material and labor costs (not including departmental R&D and marketing) and a million other factors I'm leaving out. Well, not exactly a million, but everyone is using hyperbole ... so imma Pepper too!

The 6s cost $189.00 or there abouts. These are base model figures. 


They are overpriced, but let's not over discount the cost to build per unit. This is going to shock you, but do you know Apple would likely lose more value than gain profit if they made an iPhone at that cost and sold it for $400 without a $700 flagship. Publicly owned companies are weird like that. Lower prices too much and people panic and sell. Investors would have an aneurysm!



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I have a general disdain for Apple. I don't think they suck altogether--but I have too many beefs with what they have to offer a lot of times... :huh:

  • Brohoof 1

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I don't necessarily love the company but I really enjoy my laptop/phone and haven't had any of the problems most people complain about. The products will last if you care for them properly

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