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Who is the Worst Alicorn Princess?

K.Rool Addict

The Worst Alicorn Princess (besides Flurry Heart lol)  

71 users have voted

  1. 1. Who is the Worst Alicorn Princess?

    • Celestia
    • Luna
    • Cadance
    • Twilight

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Technically I don't know if I can pick both Celestia and Luna for being the Worst Alicorn Princesses since they are integral to MLP: FIM in the grand scheme of things. However, if I wish to pick the worst IMO among them it would be Alicorn Twilight. Her transformation from a Unicorn to an Alicorn feels rushed like the rest of Season 3. Maybe if it was given more screen-time I would've been OK with this, but her along with the episode Magical Mystery Cure is painful to watch IMO (Would've been better if it was a 2 parter).

Tbh, I just pretend Season 3 never existed and the characters "magically" changed/appeared in Season 4+ just for the sole purpose of Hasbro selling more pony merchandises :lol: . At least this show is trying to do one thing the previous generations from 1.5-3.5 failed to do so. Entertain.

Cadence, she could be a candidate for being the worst, but then again there's still potential for her to grow as a character. I rather hate a character you got to know for so long only to let you down then hate a character who has yet to show off their potential.

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I like all of them a lot, so I struggle with picking the "worst." Cadance is by far the least developed, which will always make me sad (seriously, show, give her an episode already), but I have too much of a soft spot for her to pick her, and as much as I hated and continue to hate Twilight becoming an alicorn, even that isn't enough to prevent her from being my favourite pony.

As for the Sisters... somehow, Celestia is slightly more compelling to me, and that's probably mostly because Luna is so absurdly popular. It's not really fair, but to me she's much more "least great" than anything else - as said, this is always a hard choice for me. 

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8 hours ago, Yamet said:

Ok. I'm not really following your logic here.  Mainly because you more or less ingore the possibility of touching horns is a way for two unicorns/alicorn to cast a spell together.  

No,that's pretty much exactly what I am saying - Of the alicorns, only Celestia has ever wielded them alone - for the Mane 6, they get one each, and when the sisters are fighting discord, Celestia had half (I find the split there interesting too, but that's a different discussion) and Luna the other half.  Similarly for the Mane 6, they all need to be combining their single element to make it work - which Twilight says explicitly at least once during the return of harmony episode.

As I say, we don't know how much input each pony in a combined spell has into the spell performed; it makes a pretty good argument for Cadence being the only alicorn to save Equestria, ever (given Shining Armour was completely out of power at that point) but in effect it is a team effort in these cases, so we would need to know how pony gestalt magic works, and we don't.

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Celestia. I'm gonna be real forthright about this: I think she's worthless af! Maybe it's just in my head that she is royalty and whatever, but...idk. :unsure:

  • Brohoof 1

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6 hours ago, Tiny Hoofs said:

Easily Cadence. While I don't outright hate her, I never liked her design and she's a little bland in comparison to Luna and Celestia.

Yes, definitely.

Edited by OracleOfTwilight

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Princess of freaking Friendship. Suddenly it appears a bigass castle in Ponyville and POOF Twilight is royal.

Princess of Friendship is a weird title and it just doesn't make sense. So she's better than most in making friends, is that it? She's more of a talking teacher with her friendship speeches and all. That's all she does. Then it could have been any of the main 6 as they've accomplished just as much as Twilight. Why does it always have to be a dang leader or whatever?? A main focus, yeah, but I'd like to see a crack in the wall for once where it focuses on everyone and not ONE SPECIAL PROTAGONIST OMGGGG.

Also Cadance, if Twilight POOFED into an Alicorn, then apparently, alicorns poop out other alicorns once they get pregnant???? So you don't have to poof them????? No. This whole Alicorn thing is annoying and it would be great if only Celestia and Luna were rulers of the whole land.. Also, give Celestia and Luna some character development, they're kinda crappy so far, they always need others to help them out of trouble. PRACTICE MORE MAGIC and study more monsters, PRINCESSES.

Edited by chili
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20 minutes ago, chili said:

Princess of freaking Friendship. Suddenly it appears a bigass castle in Ponyville and POOF Twilight is royal.

Princess of Friendship is a weird title and it just doesn't make sense. So she's better than most in making friends, is that it? She's more of a talking teacher with her friendship speeches and all. That's all she does. Then it could have been any of the main 6 as they've accomplished just as much as Twilight. Why does it always have to be a dang leader or whatever?? A main focus, yeah, but I'd like to see a crack in the wall for once where it focuses on everyone and not ONE SPECIAL PROTAGONIST OMGGGG.

Also Cadance, if Twilight POOFED into an Alicorn, then apparently, alicorns poop out other alicorns once they get pregnant???? So you don't have to poof them????? No. This whole Alicorn thing is annoying and it would be great if only Celestia and Luna were rulers of the whole land.. Also, give Celestia and Luna some character development, they're kinda crappy so far, they always need others to help them out of trouble. PRACTICE MORE MAGIC and study more monsters, PRINCESSES.

Amazing logic. I definitely see the point, but it WAS essential to the plotline for Twilight to become a Princess of SOMETHING. 

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14 hours ago, Yamet said:

Like any other of the princesses are any better. I mean, when was the last time Luna successfully defended Equestria without the elements of harmony?  

13 hours ago, CypherHoof said:

None of the princesses have really shown any ability to defend Equestria against badguy-of-the-moment without getting a loaner from the Tree to go all PowerPony.

In the Cutie Remark, we see Equestria overthrown repeatedly by every major villain that the mane 6 had previously stopped, there's a timeline where Nightmare Moon rules Equestria, a timeline where Equestria is at war against King Sombra, ponies have been forced into hiding in the Everfree forest due to the changeling threat, Tirek is destroying everything and Discord is causing chaos. There's one thing in common with all of these realities that Celestia is unable to protect Equestria without the EOH. It's made even more clear when we see Luna or rather Nightmare Moon ruling Equestria, this timeline was only one that wasn't in some sort of chaos or unrest which means Luna without the elements of harmony defeated Discord, Sombra, Chrysalis, Tirek and the Flim Flam brothers. Something that Celestia was completely incapable of doing.

As for Cadence, I consider her far more proactive than Celestia. She actively kept up a force shield over the Crystal Empire for some days while Celestia was sitting in her palace eating pancakes, she also saved Spike's life and killed King Sombra.

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26 minutes ago, RulesofRarity said:

In the Cutie Remark, we see Equestria overthrown repeatedly by every major villain that the mane 6 had previously stopped, there's a timeline where Nightmare Moon rules Equestria, a timeline where Equestria is at war against King Sombra, ponies have been forced into hiding in the Everfree forest due to the changeling threat, Tirek is destroying everything and Discord is causing chaos. There's one thing in common with all of these realities that Celestia is unable to protect Equestria without the EOH. It's made even more clear when we see Luna or rather Nightmare Moon ruling Equestria, this timeline was only one that wasn't in some sort of chaos or unrest which means Luna without the elements of harmony defeated Discord, Sombra, Chrysalis, Tirek and the Flim Flam brothers. Something that Celestia was completely incapable of doing.

Ok, so why wasn't Nightmare Moon in charge in the Sombra timeline? Or the Discord timeline? Or the Tirek timeline? Or the Chrysalis timeline? Surely, if Nightmare Moon was so good at defending Equestria she would be in charge in every singly timeline. 

Also, Nightmare Moon is a separate entity from Luna. 

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I have to say Twilight, what went from being one of my favorite characters in the first 3 and a half seasons to being one of my least favorite because she got promoted into an alicorn. She was a great character in her prime and when she got turned into an alicorn, she wasted all her potential and she has turned into a bland and uninteresting character who doesn't take no as an answer and is only interested in her own problems, not to mention not adapting to the times I mean it's Season 7 now, not Season 1.

  • Brohoof 1

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5 hours ago, Yamet said:

Ok, so why wasn't Nightmare Moon in charge in the Sombra timeline? Or the Discord timeline? Or the Tirek timeline? Or the Chrysalis timeline? Surely, if Nightmare Moon was so good at defending Equestria she would be in charge in every singly timeline. 

Also, Nightmare Moon is a separate entity from Luna. 

Plot hole most likely as NM is absent in all timelines barring her own and Luna appears in the Discord timeline which means Celestia somehow managed to defeat NM and change her back into Luna but that makes no sense as she can't do that without the EOH.



Edited by RulesofRarity
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1 hour ago, RulesofRarity said:

Plot hole must likely as NM is absent in all timelines barring her own and Luna appears in the Discord timeline which means Celestia somehow managed to defeat NM and change her back into Luna but that makes no sense as she can't do that without the EOH.


Then can't the abscene of the other villians in the Nightmare Moons timeline be explained by the same plot hole? 

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3 hours ago, Yamet said:

Then can't the abscene of the other villians in the Nightmare Moons timeline be explained by the same plot hole? 

I don't think so. NM states that Celestia has been imprisioned in the moon for years. Which means NM broke out, imprisoned her sister and of course took over Equestria. Judging by the fact NM broke out in this reality we can assume that Discord, King Sombra and Tirek all returned too and seeing how NM acted towards the Timburr wolves, I have no doubt she acted accordingly unlike Celestia who was clearly unable to handle all those mentioned without the mane 6.  

Regardless, with or without plot hole NM's reality is the only one where Equestria isn't being besieged by some sort of terror and I think that calls into question the princesses specifically Celestia's ability to defend her kingdom without the EOH. 


Edited by RulesofRarity
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2 minutes ago, RulesofRarity said:

I don't think so.

Oh, so it's only a plot hole when your argument requires it.  Got it. 

3 minutes ago, RulesofRarity said:

Judging by the fact NM broke out in this reality we can assume that Discord, King Sombra and Tirek all returned too

Why? I mean, Nightmare Moon is absent from the other timelines so and if Celestia is unable to defeat her without the elements then she should still be in charge of Equestria regardless of timeline so it's not that much of a stretch to assume that every other villain was absent from Nightmare Moons timeline.

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8 minutes ago, Yamet said:


Why? I mean, Nightmare Moon is absent from the other timelines so and if Celestia is unable to defeat her without the elements then she should still be in charge of Equestria regardless of timeline so it's not that much of a stretch to assume that every other villain was absent from Nightmare Moons timeline.

Fair enough. I still think that Celestia is rather incompetent and stupid at the worst times. 

Edited by RulesofRarity
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This is just my opinion if you disagree with me that's fine, but I will not fight with anyone if you disagree so with that said let's get typing.

I would have to say Twilight  due to her overbearing personality she always wants the control and its more shown with Starlight she always tries to control who she becomes friends with, how to solve friendship problems instead of letting her learn etc and I have yet to actually see her do anything as a princess I mean she saves Equestria and solves friendship problems with her friends and half the time she is to busy panicking about how its not working to actually fix the problem so her friend(s) have to take over like with Fluttershy she talked with the animals and solved it while Twilight was freaking out and having a mental breakdown about how her notes did not work.

I mean sure Cadence does not have much character built to her, but she did sacrifice sleep and her well being to keep her kingdom safe and now being a mom she has to rule a kingdom and be a mom so I feel she is doing her duty as a princess.

Celestia I like how she is getting more of a character and we've seen how much work she has to do on a daily bases so its easily seen why she sends the mane 6 to fix issues due to she has issues of others that she has to address and make sure the sun gets risen.

Luna just like Celestia is having more of a character growth which I like and she has grown to better control Nightmare Moon so the chances of her changing are growing slimmer so she has control over her inner self and her duties are a lonely one, but she still does her duties every night bringing sweet dreams to ponies and possibly other creatures not worrying about the loneliness that comes with her job, but she is not truly alone due to she can talk to the ponies within their dreams.


Edited by chaosprincess
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42 minutes ago, RulesofRarity said:

Fair enough. I still think that Celestia is rather incompetent and stupid at the worst times. 

Maybe she's getting too old to do her job :lol:. She's not entirely immortal if this is what the show was hinting after the Crystal Empire between her *sarcasm*EPIC*sarcasm* showdown between Queen Chrysalis. Also, she's a Queen not a Princess. I will never understand the logic of Disney that Queens are evil while Princesses are good.

What's wrong being Queen? Either way, can't really hate both Celestia and Luna for being the Worst Alicorn Princesses Queens due to their status. Plus, they have yet to show off their potential.

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On 6/16/2017 at 2:09 PM, K.Rool Addict said:

No Flurry Heart included as she would be the obvious unanimous answer. -.-

She is actually my second favorite Princess. ;)

Anyway, the question is objectively unanswerable, and definitely unanswerable for me person as I don't see any of the five as the worst. And no, 'worst' does not mean last or least unless that last or least object carries with it an objective or subjective ill or bad connotation. 

In order of ranking the ones I enjoy seeing on screen 

1. Twilight

2. Flurry

3. Cadance

4. Luna 

5. Celestia

I'd I were to grade each character on a 100 point grading scale they would be the same letter grade of an A. 

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4 hours ago, RulesofRarity said:

Fair enough. I still think that Celestia is rather incompetent and stupid at the worst times. 

An excellent point. She IS rather slow at defeating more powerful villains, even though that the show's characters and even many episodes stress the magnitude of her magical powers and abilities. As the Mane Six ARE the Mane Six, it is essential to the plot of the show that the victory and main battling of the current villain be that of the Mane Six, especially Twilight. 

  • Brohoof 1

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