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So, about that season 7 finale...

Unlikeable Pony

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Thoughts on what this means?
personally, I'm thinking the sirens won't feature in the finale, but they're going to give their magical amulets origins as being creations of the villain from the finale and were given to them by him (and that they used to be his minions)


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I was waiting for someone to make this when I saw it on Equestriadaily. Personally I think the Sirens arent gonna appear they are just there on the cover as an example of powers granted by the villain of the finale or something along the lines of that.

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Those aren't the same sirens, the sirens were defeated by Starswirl, not the legends, and as the new comics are trying to stay canon...they likely aren't the dazzlings but new sirens.


As for tying into the finale...There might be something in there that shows who the true villain is. Personally, I wouldn't want sirens as villains again, but that's probably not what they mean anyway


I really gotta buy LoM and the recent pony comics

Edited by ryanmahaffe
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11 minutes ago, ryanmahaffe said:

Those aren't the same sirens, the sirens were defeated by Starswirl, not the legends, and as the new comics are trying to stay canon...they likely aren't the dazzlings but new sirens.


Villains can be beaten multiple times you know; Just because Spiderman beats the kingpin in one comic doesn't mean that he can't come back later and be  beaten by daredevil.



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Just now, Unlikeable Pony said:

Villains can be beaten multiple times you know; Just because Spiderman beats the kingpin in one comic doesn't mean that he can't come back later and be  beaten by daredevil.



Starswirl existed at around the same time as these ponies thought, for them to just come back that quickly would be odd.

Not saying it's impossible, would just be odd.

Nevermind you're right, Starswirl is on the alternate cover so...he did help, gg.


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1 hour ago, Unlikeable Pony said:

Thoughts on what this means?
personally, I'm thinking the sirens won't feature in the finale, but they're going to give their magical amulets origins as being creations of the villain from the finale and were given to them by him (and that they used to be his minions)


Well, there lies the question of how it'll tie with the season finale: by either introducing some of the legendary ponies' lore or themselves, the sirens will return, a loose end they haven't solved, or all of them (you know? It'll be funny if the problem can be solved by the descendants, imagine the uproar if Flashy appears there :D)

1 hour ago, Peter16373 said:

I was waiting for someone to make this when I saw it on Equestriadaily. Personally I think the Sirens arent gonna appear they are just there on the cover as an example of powers granted by the villain of the finale or something along the lines of that.

Not necessarily, covers that have nothing to do with the comics are exclusive to a store or something. That one seems to be one of the main variants

1 hour ago, MegaSean45 said:

I think they're DIFFERENT sirens! I don't think they're the Dazzlings. Doesn't seem like them to combine original EG content with the actual show.

Yeah, different sirens that happens to have the same colors as the Dazzlings :dash: 

53 minutes ago, Unlikeable Pony said:

Villains can be beaten multiple times you know; Just because Spiderman beats the kingpin in one comic doesn't mean that he can't come back later and be  beaten by daredevil.

Yeah, but the sirens' defeat in Fiendship is Magic doesn't seem something they can return from :huh: . They'll either return with the aid of the season finale villain (assuming it's not them :huh: ), or they'll retcon the sirens' defeat by Starswirl. The latter may make sense, that was the least favorite out of the Fiendship is Magic issue :dash: 


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8 minutes ago, Steve Piranha said:

Yeah, but the sirens' defeat in Fiendship is Magic doesn't seem something they can return from :huh: . They'll either return with the aid of the season finale villain (assuming it's not them :huh: ), or they'll retcon the sirens' defeat by Starswirl. The latter may make sense, that was the least favorite out of the Fiendship is Magic issue :dash: 

I mean this defeat will happen first-- they'll get beat by the group of legends and end up retreating to the edges of equestria, like how chrysalis just got booted out of equestria but was still at large in the climax of a canterlot wedding.

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Wait wait wait...

Guys, this is an alternate cover. Alternate covers have many many times in the past just been cool scenes the artists wanted to draw, and have had nothing to do with the contents.

That is to see, it's a possibility they'll feature in this and/or the finale, but certainly not confirmed.


I am wrong. The other one is the alternate.

Damn. Sirens are back.


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I wonder who it the villain is and of it a three parter is. Grogar? :twi:

ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN!! :love::love::love:

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

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1 hour ago, VG_Addict said:

Anyone worried the finale will be the Twilight Power Hour again?

No not at all. I'm more worried that the princesses are useless again, or that their is a stone who sucks up plot points. ;)

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

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1 hour ago, Hierok said:

No not at all. I'm more worried that the princesses are useless again, or that their is a stone who sucks up plot points. ;)

Twilight Power Hour does mean the Princesses are useless again.

I'm up for Twilight taking the lead, but please, please let her share the love. At the very least give the rest of the Mane 6 something to do, and I would be oh so grateful if Luna and Celestia could actually... you know, achieve something?

If it's just Spike and Twilight, with everyone else just waving pom poms from the sidelines... well I'll still enjoy it, but it will be very disappointing.

Edited by Philweasel
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I just can't see the other 5 being useful if the villain is super powerful and isn't just a joker like Discord, if Discord wanted too he could have killed all the mane 6 right then and there.

Nowadays Twilight could probably at least escape someone of that power, where as the rest of the mane 6 are just fodder holding her back, except maybe RD and obviously Glimmy if you count her as a main character.

So...I want another Twilight centered finale where the mane 5 still have a useful but more minor role.

I really REALLY hope Sirens aren't the villains though, keep them in LoM, it's canon anyway. Either way EQG is canon now.

Edited by ryanmahaffe


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4 minutes ago, ryanmahaffe said:

I just can't see the other 5 being useful if the villain is super powerful and isn't just a joker like Discord, if Discord wanted too he could have killed all the mane 6 right then and there.

Nowadays Twilight could probably at least escape someone of that power, where as the rest of the mane 6 are just fodder holding her back, except maybe RD and obviously Glimmy if you count her as a main character.

I did like the mcguffin in the S6 Finale (the throne that can block even Discord's power, leading to the need to find a solution that isn't "zap it with magic" for Starlight - not one of her strengths, really; although I did note she managed to retreat into her "safe space" with Thorax just as the top of the spire got all blown to heck by mass changeling upgrades, despite it supposedly blocking her from that sort of thing)

Something like that was needed though; Twi and Star (as the generic magic users) have their magic power levels turned up to max and max+1 respectively; Pinkie and Discord seem to treat the laws of physics as optional, and are subject only to Cartoon Logic (which of course has it's own laws) and most everypony else seems to be able to get some aspect of reality to look the other way provided it is related to their cutie mark (such as the binoculars and bridges Party Favour can craft from single balloons)

I look forward to more Finales where magic is NOT the answer, but cooperation, trust in friendship, and unlikely bedfellows (not literally, but meh, shippers... :D) carry the day.


  • Brohoof 2

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4 minutes ago, CypherHoof said:

I did like the mcguffin in the S6 Finale (the throne that can block even Discord's power, leading to the need to find a solution that isn't "zap it with magic" for Starlight - not one of her strengths, really; although I did note she managed to retreat into her "safe space" with Thorax just as the top of the spire got all blown to heck by mass changeling upgrades, despite it supposedly blocking her from that sort of thing)

Something like that was needed though; Twi and Star (as the generic magic users) have their magic power levels turned up to max and max+1 respectively; Pinkie and Discord seem to treat the laws of physics as optional, and are subject only to Cartoon Logic (which of course has it's own laws) and most everypony else seems to be able to get some aspect of reality to look the other way provided it is related to their cutie mark (such as the binoculars and bridges Party Favour can craft from single balloons)

I look forward to more Finales where magic is NOT the answer, but cooperation, trust in friendship, and unlikely bedfellows (not literally, but meh, shippers... :D) carry the day.


Well Pinkie can only break the 4th wall when the situation isn't that serious likely, I didn't like the Discord magic stopper but it was obviously needed


I like my 2 parters to be epic, and Twilight magic stuff usually makes them epic.

Like I wouldn't mind if the villain shows up, Twilight (and maybe Starlight) try to fight them on their own, lose, and then the answer is some magic of friendship stuff.

I like the formula some of the finales stick to, it's how they go about it that makes them great imo.

The season 6 finale is my least favorite 2 part finale because everything felt toned down compared to the previous finale, it was good and more of what you wanted it seems, but for me, I would prefer something more like Twilights Kingdom or the Cutie Remark again.

Edited by ryanmahaffe


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4 minutes ago, ryanmahaffe said:

Well Pinkie can only break the 4th wall when the situation isn't that serious likely, I didn't like the Discord magic stopper but it was obviously needed

  She seems able to break the fourth wall, and/or normal physical laws provided it is funny; for instance, she can lift a boulder many times what you would expect an earth pony to be able to lift, only to have it fall on her and squish her flat (but still able to wave a hoof at the other ponies); she isn't normally carrying anything visibly, but can fire her party cannon whenever appropriate, and so forth.

  I am assuming this is actually Cutie Mark magic; Just as Party Favor can pull any balloon based trick he can imagine, Pinky's constraint is that it must be funny, and Discord's is that it must be chaotic. I can't imagine Pinkie Pie could (for example) summon a weapon per se, but she COULD for example summon a comically outsized bomb (black, round, "bomb" written on it, and hissing fuze) provided it didn't actually kill anyone, just left them stunned with small blue birds flying around their heads... and can totally pick up Twi and fire her repeatedly like a machine gun - You know, that sort of stuff.

  Twi and Star's true power comes not from the strength of their magic, but from the lack of constraints upon it - their Cutie Marks seem to set little or no conditions on their use of power, hence they have a much wider range of options than your average pony.

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The merging of comics and FIM is but a small step. Ripping Sirens out of EQG would be another. Those who like the current status should pray that H-Bro ain't smart enough to effectively use the Retconhammer (just yet). It would mean they have no qualms bending a story six ways sideways to bring something neat into the consolidated IP universe in a fitting manner that ignores previous inferior possibilities. Alas, the chances are slim, but the Sirens are quite a decent follow-up to the sea pony movie theme.


P.S: It could mean Mane 6 will get new "something" tied to these heroes of yore. Yes, I should definitely ease on them bath salts.

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1 hour ago, ryanmahaffe said:


I really REALLY hope Sirens aren't the villains though, keep them in LoM, it's canon anyway. Either way EQG is canon now.

I would say that the main element that'll tie that issue with the season finale are the legendary ponies, and not the sirens. I think that there will be a threat that those ponies will be needed somehow to defeat it, it doesn't not necessarily mean it has to be the sirens. Then again, I also thing it's plausible that the sirens could return to Equestria, after all, the portal is now open 24/7 :huh: . How will these ponies will help defeat whatever is messing around?  I doubt they can be involved directly, as they are likely dead by now. However, I think it's possible that they can seek their descendants for help (a perfect excuse for Flashy return :D

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If anything else, I really, REALLY hope these are somehow not the same sirens from EqG. I don't want that shit to be canon to FiM. I would prefer it not infect FiM. No offense to any fans of EqG, I just hate it these days and would rather have it be completely separate.

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5 hours ago, VG_Addict said:

Anyone worried the finale will be the Twilight Power Hour again?

Very, very much, since the description we have "twilight" specifically fights the pony of shadows.
I'm expecting a redux of The cutie remark or Crystal empire, with it being a twilight solo thing while the others get kicked into the background or as cameos.

1 hour ago, Goat-kun said:


P.S: It could mean Mane 6 will get new "something" tied to these heroes of yore. Yes, I should definitely ease on them bath salts.


>applejack gets a shovel

>Its not magical at all, but it is a shovel

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3 hours ago, Philweasel said:

Twilight Power Hour does mean the Princesses are useless again.

I'm up for Twilight taking the lead, but please, please let her share the love. At the very least give the rest of the Mane 6 something to do, and I would be oh so grateful if Luna and Celestia could actually... you know, achieve something?

If it's just Spike and Twilight, with everyone else just waving pom poms from the sidelines... well I'll still enjoy it, but it will be very disappointing.

Twilight hour is not the same as only the princesses useless, but the rest of the characters too. Like the season 5 finale.

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

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