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On 8/18/2017 at 7:17 AM, K_Cast said:

thank you so much, the team has been putting their hearts into this, but you all are worth it.

In all the hard work and effort You and the Entire Team has put into Equestrian Tales, what is The Result Out Come You are Hoping to All Achieve out of the this?

Hasbro has made the Decision to End MLP FIM at Season 9.  Scrap the FIM series and Decided to make A Reboot G5 TV Series.

What honestly makes you think that If hasbro does this, they will allow you all to Continue On with the FIM series? they want the viewer the focus on the New MLP Reboot, having someone on the sidelines making a series out of their past series, and the viewers pony fan split to watch one over the other, will not sit well with hasbro.

True you have been in hasbros good graces for a very long time, However how can you Trust a business who steels content from other and use it in their shows? not going to go in detail here, however if they broken trust from others, what makes you think they will not do the same to you and your team?

This is one Statement you said in your Post....

  • As Dash once said, i"f you want them to notice you, you got to make them notice you.''

could you please be so kind to elaborate on what you mean by this Statement.

hasbro just bought Boulder Media Animation Studio... This is a Major Step on hasbro's Part. Doubt they will let anyone make Animation Series and Movies, now that they invested in their own studio. They might let Fans do they fan stuff, however Outshine what their studio makes, I fear you will not Get a C&D. But a Lawsuit, should the viewer's split to what your team makes.

And worst Case Synario, Hasbro sells MLP Franchine to Disney, true that deal got scrapped, however if the G5 Show Tanks Big Time, and hasbro looses a lot of money, they could end up selling the Franchise to try and recover from their losses. If in Future Disney Own MLP Franchise, Then what is the Next Move for You and Your Team?

in Chris Oately Acedemy they make this Very Clear on The Pitfalls on Animation Pitch,


What Chris is trying to say is Obvious Here...

I know i may come off as Harsh and Such, however you did state you have a back up plan. And this is Excellent News.

I just do not understand putting in a massive wave of time, resources, building a team. Still moving forward to keep MLP content within what you all created. Why do this when you can use everything you have towards your Back Up Plan..

i feel keeping MLP in your content is a Massive Gamble, the outcome i see, does not look good.

Advice Fully Focus on all the Time you been with hasbro Past, and up until,Now,

how they treated you and your entire team? take as much time as you need to think about it.

You will never shine when you are stuck in the Shadows Of someone else creation. This is not only Fact, however 110% Truth..

I speak to You as a Friend...


I feel if you Make the Move on your back Up Plan Now. You all will have full Freedom to Create with no Limits, Restrictions, or Lawsuit Worries. This Move Will Result for a with a Far More Rewarding Outcome.

You can All Do this I Believe In You and Your Entire Team ;)



Laurie Doodles

Laurie Ann Garland

Edited by RaphLuna


"Life is like a Roller Coaster, You never know what to expect"  RaphLuna. http://raphluna.deviantart.com/ Here is where you can view more of my art.

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14 hours ago, RaphLuna said:

hasbro just bought Boulder Media Animation Studio... This is a Major Step on hasbro's Part. Doubt they will let anyone make Animation Series and Movies, now that they invested in their own studio. They might let Fans do they fan stuff, however Outshine what their studio makes, I fear you will not Get a C&D. But a Lawsuit, should the viewer's split to what your team makes.

Naa. C&D sure. Lawsuit... no. If G5's popularity is affected by this, or as you say, even dwarfed by it, it will be a very important lesson for Hasbro; a wake-up call even, informing them of just how badly they screwed up. In such a scenario, I think they would forego a lawsuit and instead try to purchase it. I'm not exactly how that would work because it's a huge copyright mess already (technically they already own it, but it's also a fanwork so they don't own it) but it would be far more beneficial for them to take full advantage of it rather than waste resources on a lawsuit against not-rich people and having zero chance at seeing a "return on investment." Also, Hasbro would have to prove that the damage dealt to the MLP brand was the result of this project and NOT the result of their own mismanagement; and I think all of us here already know, that if official MLP tanks hard with G5, it's going to be Hasbro's fault.

Edited by bornAgainEquestrian


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10 hours ago, bornAgainEquestrian said:

Naa. C&D sure. Lawsuit... no. If G5's popularity is affected by this, or as you say, even dwarfed by it, it will be a very important lesson for Hasbro; a wake-up call even, informing them of just how badly they screwed up. In such a scenario, I think they would forego a lawsuit and instead try to purchase it. I'm not exactly how that would work because it's a huge copyright mess already (technically they already own it, but it's also a fanwork so they don't own it) but it would be far more beneficial for them to take full advantage of it rather than waste resources on a lawsuit against not-rich people and having zero chance at seeing a "return on investment." Also, Hasbro would have to prove that the damage dealt to the MLP brand was the result of this project and NOT the result of their own mismanagement; and I think all of us here already know, that if official MLP tanks hard with G5, it's going to be Hasbro's fault.

Weather hasbro produces better shows or not, they own their own studio now. so who knows how they will move. Like you say they might offer to Buy Harmonize Entertainment, or they might give them a C&D because Equestrian Tales show is over shadowing theirs. or They might sue, forcing them to remove anything that connects to the MLP Brand.

regardless Hasbro Owns MLP weather we like it or Not, and they decide what they want to do with the franchise. Its there call.

Why would they need to Purchase Equestrian Tales? they already own the MLP Franchise already, many of the Writers for Equestrian Tales were past Writers to hasbro, however the company did not want most of their content so in the end they let them go. so the Ex Writers got on board with Harmonize Entertainment.

another thing you are missing Hasbro Makes TV series not just to Entertain People, its a Effective way to advertise to push merchandise on the market.

1.) They are a Toy Company. If Equestrian Tales over shadows  G5 this will not only affect rating, it will also Effect Toy sales from the G5 line.

watch this clip what they say is truth, the TV series do not make the Company money, in the past days it did however not anymore. Its the sales of Merchandise from the TV series that Decide the faith of a TV show..

main reason many series get cancelled, true the decline of viewers will have impact, however #1 reason series are canceled  toy sales fall.

1) Hasbro bought their own studio

2) they decided to Scrap MLP FIM series, its getting rushed out, sad really.

3.) They are Rebooting MLP with G5. more now merchandise to sell.

someone piggybacking of their Franchise, they do better than the owners Who own the franchise do will get a C&D or a Lawsuit.

The only way hasbro will get Serious on writing better stories, is when there is something created to compete with the MLP  Brand.. they are the only Pony show going, and an effective one at that. Unless someone comes up with their own Pony show that knock hasbro off their Pedestal, and puts them in Copeteition Mode.

This will force them to get serious on creating a better series than the competition.

however until this happens Hasbro rules the pony  (MLP) Relm. They call all the shots.

what Keeps the MLP Franchise is not only the Popularity of the series, however the toy sales is the Key Role.


Thank You..


"Life is like a Roller Coaster, You never know what to expect"  RaphLuna. http://raphluna.deviantart.com/ Here is where you can view more of my art.

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On 8/20/2018 at 1:22 AM, K_Cast said:

 Our crews main goal is to bring together the lessons, characters and stories of the entire MLP brand, using our show and story to bridge the gap between them, to form one MLP Universe that connects, makes sense and can be used for many years to come as a point to build new stories off of, and of course a fan fiction haven lol.

 On the note of diversity among the cast, frankly we wanted as much as we could get, I feel that FiM has done a great job with what they had, however we wanted to bring in a more diverse cast. We have Tall Tale a unicorn male, Ink Heart a pegasi female, Leaf Seeker an Earth pony male, his young sister an earth pony named Spring Leap, and finally another character that will not appear in the plots, but will join the main cast in episode 1 (or 3) after the pilots. These characters all have very different backgrounds, points of views, strengths and flaws. Also unlike FiM some of these characters will not be best of friends from the start, and their perspectives, will effect and grow their relationships naturally as the story progresses. We have built into the fabric of this story a continuity that has not been seen in the MLP universe before, each season of the show is intended to represent 1 year in time, the characters will grow up before the eyes of the audience, you will share their story, in a way thats not been seen before, and the characters actions and the events of the world will effect them. We also have an entire backstory planned and mapped for a time before gen 1's story took place, thats the foundation of many stories we have planned.

 The pilots are nearly all original content save a few bits thrown in for flavor, but have also been updated and retooled to bring out the story that we are hoping to tell. In the very first episode (two parter) you will see what we are trying to do in full motion, bringing in elements from gen 4, gen 1, even Equestria Girls to build this mid point in history, and a story that we hope you all will enjoy. 

 We do fully plan to bring in canon FiM and Gen 1 characters upon approval of course, but they will not over shadow the main cast story and the direction that we are hoping to take this. We plan to bring in Luna and Celestia into the show, if we are able to, into the pilot itself, starting them off as very young, and not really part of the main story till later in the series. Their parents, Dusk and Dawn are rules of the kingdom in the pilot and much of he series of a location very well known to gen 1 fans. We have brought back Dream Valley, and the old generation 1 locations, building them into a new  part of the world, a land and time before Equestria. We also have obtained some fan content that worked directly within the timeline we had already had built, such as Snowdrop who will become canon within our story. (Keep an eye on backgrounds in the pilot ^_^), but we have much more planned for them then just cameos.

 This story is meant to reflect the ideals, that most of my crew grew up with, as well as represent to MLP brand, along side our own studios in the best light and traditions as possible. We built this show off the model of FiM, we wanted to have the same rating as FiM aswell, but just a slightly older audiance (but we for sure are not going to forget about the kids, we have had kids involved in the production to ensure the story and characters will be accepted and loved by them to). Some might argue that this might be a mistake because we cant get dark, but thats just simply not true. I wanted to hold to this rating so we didnt lose sight of the target, and what makes FiM so special, it also forces us to think about what we are trying to say, and do in an episode. It forces us to write smarter stories, characters and over arcs we cant take the easy way out and for example kill off a character, we have to write and animate it smart to relay the same thing, I think that is one of FiM's strongest points, taking stories, concepts and themes, that might be a little over done, and putting a new spin on them, in part due to the limitations of the rating, forcing them to write smarter. 



 This is Ink Heart our lead female character, and the pony writing the story of the adventures in our show. This is a rough look at how the blend will appear on screen

I sent you a PM but didn't hear anything back yet. Assuming it arrived but I've not messed with that system, on this forum software until now, so "hopefully" it worked. Hopefully with a little more time I can send you a little demo of a few of the voices I've done before.

The information is very informative, and thank you for taking the time to type it all out. I'm loving the premise of this being a journal discovered by Twi as a way to link everything together. And getting it to all work with G1 as well? That is so very cool!

Yeeeah, not being able to go "dark" is definitely not an issue. Not for anyone who really understands kids anyhow. Take Tirek or Starlight's town. That stuff is dark, reeeealy dark. Just painted in a light that is easier on the eyes. There's plenty of heavy content that can be done without entering "Watership Down" territory.

And... do I know Inkheart from somewhere? The name sounds incredibly familiar like I knew her before I stumbled on this thread. And as a random aside, I think she's the most gorgeous O.C. I've ever seen. My gut tells me that she's gonna steal far more than just a few hearts. :wub:

13 hours ago, RaphLuna said:

Why would they need to Purchase Equestrian Tales? they already own the MLP Franchise already, many of the Writers for Equestrian Tales were past Writers to hasbro, however the company did not want most of their content so in the end they let them go. so the Ex Writers got on board with Harmonize Entertainment.

Its the sales of Merchandise from the TV series that Decide the faith of a TV show..

main reason many series get cancelled, true the decline of viewers will have impact, however #1 reason series are canceled  toy sales fall.

someone piggybacking of their Franchise, they do better than the owners Who own the franchise do will get a C&D or a Lawsuit.

The only way hasbro will get Serious on writing better stories, is when there is something created to compete with the MLP  Brand.. they are the only Pony show going, and an effective one at that. Unless someone comes up with their own Pony show that knock hasbro off their Pedestal, and puts them in Copeteition Mode.


I'm well aware of these things, but my opinion remains the same. They could purchase it because if ET was doing better than their own G5, then clearly that is the superior product. Even with owning MLP, there would still need to be some kind of a deal. Were that not the case, Hasbro (and every other company under the sun) would be scouring fanfics and deviantart, and taking O.C.'s they like and inserting them into the show without any regard for the creators. This is something that just doesn't happen on even a remotely regular basis, so there must be a legal reason for that. Every unique location, character, plot element, etc in this show is not Hasbro's property. Neither are the voice actors, who would also be needed to continue the show under a different banner. Even just the title, "Equestrian Tales" cannot be 'magically' claimed by Hasbro if they wanted to take over. Hasbro can't try to claim ownership of the title on the grounds of it having "Equestrian" in it, which is an adjective, not a proper noun. The title, "Equestrian Tales" definitely belongs to Harmonize, and if Hasbro thought the show worth adding to their assets, the name alone would be VERY important for the sake of maximizing the number of fans who would follow the show to its new home.

Also, you actually sort of added another reason why a lawsuit would be unlikely. I've already stated how they would NEVER in a hundred years see any money paid to them even in the event that they won a lawsuit. This means a lawsuit would cost them more than they could ever expect to get back. And again, that's IF they won. To win such a lawsuit, they would have to prove damages. It would be hard enough to prove that G5 was floundering SPECIFICALLY because of ET, and not because of some mistake of their own (we've all been worrying already about plenty of reasons why G5 could end up being a disaster). It would be even harder to prove that Equestria Tales was responsible for a decline in toy sales. And if anything, the history of fan works proves that it usually only bolsters the popularity of an IP. This makes expecting compensation for 'damages' even more unrealistic.

It's pretty darned simple. If G5 is good, and gives us more of what we want, fans will be watching BOTH shows. If G5 isn't good, then fans will only watch Equestria Tales. And that pretty much sums up where the blame would lie in such a scenario. I don't think this is at all likely to happen, but... hey, speculation. A C&D is much MUCH simpler than a lawsuit, costs practically nothing, and doesn't place the burden of proof on you in a court of law. The only reason for a lawsuit would be if Hasbro wanted to be overaggressive and try to "make an example of" Harmonize as a warning to others. But then, they would also have to deal with the public backlash that no doubt would come from within the community, and that could hurt them even more than if they handled it more gently.

Edited by bornAgainEquestrian


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18 hours ago, bornAgainEquestrian said:

I sent you a PM but didn't hear anything back yet. Assuming it arrived but I've not messed with that system, on this forum software until now, so "hopefully" it worked. Hopefully with a little more time I can send you a little demo of a few of the voices I've done before.

The information is very informative, and thank you for taking the time to type it all out. I'm loving the premise of this being a journal discovered by Twi as a way to link everything together. And getting it to all work with G1 as well? That is so very cool!

Yeeeah, not being able to go "dark" is definitely not an issue. Not for anyone who really understands kids anyhow. Take Tirek or Starlight's town. That stuff is dark, reeeealy dark. Just painted in a light that is easier on the eyes. There's plenty of heavy content that can be done without entering "Watership Down" territory.

And... do I know Inkheart from somewhere? The name sounds incredibly familiar like I knew her before I stumbled on this thread. And as a random aside, I think she's the most gorgeous O.C. I've ever seen. My gut tells me that she's gonna steal far more than just a few hearts. :wub:


I'm well aware of these things, but my opinion remains the same. They could purchase it because if ET was doing better than their own G5, then clearly that is the superior product. Even with owning MLP, there would still need to be some kind of a deal. Were that not the case, Hasbro (and every other company under the sun) would be scouring fanfics and deviantart, and taking O.C.'s they like and inserting them into the show without any regard for the creators. This is something that just doesn't happen on even a remotely regular basis, so there must be a legal reason for that. Every unique location, character, plot element, etc in this show is not Hasbro's property. Neither are the voice actors, who would also be needed to continue the show under a different banner. Even just the title, "Equestrian Tales" cannot be 'magically' claimed by Hasbro if they wanted to take over. Hasbro can't try to claim ownership of the title on the grounds of it having "Equestrian" in it, which is an adjective, not a proper noun. The title, "Equestrian Tales" definitely belongs to Harmonize, and if Hasbro thought the show worth adding to their assets, the name alone would be VERY important for the sake of maximizing the number of fans who would follow the show to its new home.

Also, you actually sort of added another reason why a lawsuit would be unlikely. I've already stated how they would NEVER in a hundred years see any money paid to them even in the event that they won a lawsuit. This means a lawsuit would cost them more than they could ever expect to get back. And again, that's IF they won. To win such a lawsuit, they would have to prove damages. It would be hard enough to prove that G5 was floundering SPECIFICALLY because of ET, and not because of some mistake of their own (we've all been worrying already about plenty of reasons why G5 could end up being a disaster). It would be even harder to prove that Equestria Tales was responsible for a decline in toy sales. And if anything, the history of fan works proves that it usually only bolsters the popularity of an IP. This makes expecting compensation for 'damages' even more unrealistic.

It's pretty darned simple. If G5 is good, and gives us more of what we want, fans will be watching BOTH shows. If G5 isn't good, then fans will only watch Equestria Tales. And that pretty much sums up where the blame would lie in such a scenario. I don't think this is at all likely to happen, but... hey, speculation. A C&D is much MUCH simpler than a lawsuit, costs practically nothing, and doesn't place the burden of proof on you in a court of law. The only reason for a lawsuit would be if Hasbro wanted to be overaggressive and try to "make an example of" Harmonize as a warning to others. But then, they would also have to deal with the public backlash that no doubt would come from within the community, and that could hurt them even more than if they handled it more gently.


if i took what created Illustrations, stories, poetry that flows with my creation, and sold my creation to a company Sony. they will own the copyright to my creation.  I would not be able to continue to carry on and create under my creation. why because i sold that right to do so with Sony, and cashed the cheque. The fan part i can do, under fair use and long as i do not make any profit from it, however if i decoded to publish and sell i would have to get permission from Sony to do so First. Since since i sold my creation to them

A C&D would be a cost Effective Solution and the first step they will take,  Lawsuits are after the fact, ( if the person does not comply to a C&D )  This would be the Obvious outcome. Should Hasbro decided they want Harmonize Entertainment to Scrap anything MLP related that they own. A C&D is what they will send them First..

however since the show almost sold to Disney, yet before the deal was final, hasbro scrapped the sale to disney.

If the company nearly sold the MLP franchise once, what are the odds that this could happen again?

Also should disney in the future end up buying MLP or even the Company Hasbro with all assets included.

what will be the fate of Equestrian tales? Hasbro is lienient with fans, however disney is not as Lienient, and take Extreme Measures to Protect their property.

"'Copyrights protect expression and patents protects inventions, and neither protect ideas. In both cases the idea is the first critical step, but without some identifiable embodiment of the idea there can be no intellectual property protection obtained and no exclusive rights will flow unto you.''
The Big Shaggy Dog
Marley and Me
Cats and Dogs
Hachi A Dogs Tale
Eight Below
101 Dalnations
All the above shows have something in  common they are all about dogs. and there are many other dog shows and movies.. however each one is unique way different, and totally stand out.  from the rest..
Another Example Anime Series Like Pokemon....
the idea is somewhat similar however totally different...
so in other words, I have nothing to worry about hasbro C&D me, from what i created.  true The idea originated from the Show. I admit this. My story started ''Dragon saves a pony, they bond a friendship. However this friendship blooms into a relationship, yet it goes further into a Whole new Direction. however i made modifications,  changes,  and even created my own brand new World, how magic functions, birth marks, Redesigned my charecters,  names totally Different, took extreme measures by giving each Species their own creative name.. Ponies are Common, and i even achieved erasing the word pony creating a unique word that gives my creation a more Distinctive effect. ..
Example ..
when some one talks to you about ponies , you know they are talking about Hasbro MLP.
however when someone talks to you about Clyonies, and A Clydra Etc.. You will not confuse this with hasbros MLP because, its something you never herd of.
common sense ;)
That is why i took Extreme Measures to make my creation totally stand out. From Hasbro. They do not own the Idea writing stories about ponies.. However the work they created about ponies they own, stories, charecters, pony designs, etc. there is nothing illegal about creating your own pony world as long as its is Distinctive, Unique and so original that it truly stands out from prior pony shows and pony content created by others. 
If i kept referencing ponies in my content, this would obviously  cause confusion, however since giving Each of my Species their own unique creative. name Example Clyoines. This will help remove Confusion.
Back on topic a C&D is the first step, lawsuits are after the fact ( Refuse to comply With a C&D)


"Life is like a Roller Coaster, You never know what to expect"  RaphLuna. http://raphluna.deviantart.com/ Here is where you can view more of my art.

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2 hours ago, RaphLuna said:
so in other words, I have nothing to worry about hasbro C&D me, from what i created.  true The idea originated from the Show. I admit this. My story started ''Dragon saves a pony, they bond a friendship. However this friendship blooms into a relationship, yet it goes further into a Whole new Direction. however i made modifications,  changes,  and even created my own brand new World, how magic functions, birth marks, Redesigned my charecters,  names totally Different, took extreme measures by giving each Species their own creative name.. Ponies are Common, and i even achieved erasing the word pony creating a unique word that gives my creation a more Distinctive effect. ..
Example ..
when some one talks to you about ponies , you know they are talking about Hasbro MLP.


If i kept referencing ponies in my content, this would obviously  cause confusion, however since giving Each of my Species their own unique creative. name Example Clyoines. This will help remove Confusion.
Back on topic a C&D is the first step, lawsuits are after the fact ( Refuse to comply With a C&D)

I understand what you're getting at, as far as having a solid barrier that gives no angle of attack from Hasbro (or Disney). I just think the worry here is a bit overblown. Asking "What if Disney gets MLP?" is a bit like asking "What if the Zombie Apocalypse happens?" Even then though, I don't think there's much to fear from Disney. I was heavily into Star Wars, and we were in a total panic when Disney bought out Lucasfilms. But the fears were pretty unwarranted. There's more independent Star Wars stuff and parodies being made than there has ever been before! I'm a big fan of "IMPS: The Relentless" which is probably the closest thing Star Wars has to Equestrian Tales. Granted, they're stretched pretty thin and only manage to get an episode out every year or so, but the production quality is pretty darned impressive. Disney hasn't bothered with it. In fact, they haven't bothered with much of anything Star Wars related. George Lucas kept a VERY loose leash on the fans and was more than happy to let us play in his sandbox, as long as we didn't profit from what we built. Disney has more or less honored that relationship with the fans and sees no need to drop a bomb in the center of their main source of income. They understand quite well the value of letting the fans create, and seem mostly concerned with fighting aggressively when it comes to their house IP's, especially their oldest ones. IP's they've annexed that already had a huge amount of fan art being produced? They seem content to let it be, so I'm not very worried about it. Disney is kind of a double-edged sword to me anyway because I sometimes wonder if having the Mouse at the helm of MLP would actually be a good thing. It'd certainly solve some of the fandom concerns that we're facing for the forseeable future. A new themepark showing up in Orlando, with a Canterlot castle, a Sonic Rainboom roller coaster, and "Pony Weekends" being held a few times per year.


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Hi there, wanted to clarify just a few things on the topic of Disney, our team has been very close with sources at Hasbro, and one of our animators is a Walt Disney animator, and has been for nearly 40 years. We have assurances that a buy out of MLP is not going to happen, nor to Hasbro at this time, or anytime in the near future. As long as hasbro can keep its current culture going they will never give in to Disney. I also know Disney planned to do nothing at all with MLP, the plan was to get the assets then burry the brand, but thats part of what woke Hasbro's management up to why they needed to remain outside Disney, and broke that deal. When we found out, almost 2 years ago now that Disney had in fact bought Hasbro from sources we have inside the studios, our only option at that time was to shut down,  we in fact disbanded the EQT crew for about 2 months and when the dust settled and we learned of he no sell by the current management of Hasbro frankly our faith in the studio and the brand was renewed, and I reformed the team to finish what we had started. We also do have a back up in place and being worked on by a second crew encase things do go south, we will be released details on that production on our website when we get her done, but we for sure 200% have a plan in place if things dont go right. How ever we are also not planning to push to many of Hasbros buttons, we have survived as a content creaor for the fandom since 2011, our team was part of the crew that launched poniverse here (we were present on the pannel at Bronycon in 2013 announcing it in fact), I was a member of the council here along with Feld0, I helped start and run Everfree Northwest, and been staffing it and Ciderfest for 7 years now and have gotten to know a lot of the MLP and Hasbro staff, aswell as worked on a few productions with some of their staff, we have been working for nearly 8 years to build a trust between us. We are going to be promoting things, talking to fans about EQT and so on, but we very much know copyright law, and where the line is.We have crafted the pilot episodes to avoid nearly every single point they could make against us on the copyright side, and on the profit side, the studio has never made a profit on our works. I do pay my crew out of my own retail job, but the studio (me) gets nothing for these works. We are not about to poke the hornets nest, and have even been in contact with people at the highest levels in DHX, Hasbro, and Bolder Media to make sure we are not crossing the line. 

 The common rule is a studio wouldnt accept a spin off from outside their studio branches, this is true, however we have been talking to animation agents and entertainment lawyers that can get our stuff seen and through, we also have something they dont have, that being the story, and her characters, we have sent Hasbro documents yes, but no one has seen everything by any means. Even if they just bought the idea, they wouldnt have the core that makes the story what we'd want it to be. I will continue if wanted (as soon as I get to lunch break lol)

 And BornAgainEquestrian, I will for sure be replying to your PM today, been working some long hours to get plushies made so im so sorry for the delay in response ^_^.

Thank you both, and really if you have questions please ask I might do a Q and A if there is any interest

13 minutes ago, bornAgainEquestrian said:

I understand what you're getting at, as far as having a solid barrier that gives no angle of attack from Hasbro (or Disney). I just think the worry here is a bit overblown. Asking "What if Disney gets MLP?" is a bit like asking "What if the Zombie Apocalypse happens?" Even then though, I don't think there's much to fear from Disney. I was heavily into Star Wars, and we were in a total panic when Disney bought out Lucasfilms. But the fears were pretty unwarranted. There's more independent Star Wars stuff and parodies being made than there has ever been before! I'm a big fan of "IMPS: The Relentless" which is probably the closest thing Star Wars has to Equestrian Tales. Granted, they're stretched pretty thin and only manage to get an episode out every year or so, but the production quality is pretty darned impressive. Disney hasn't bothered with it. In fact, they haven't bothered with much of anything Star Wars related. George Lucas kept a VERY loose leash on the fans and was more than happy to let us play in his sandbox, as long as we didn't profit from what we built. Disney has more or less honored that relationship with the fans and sees no need to drop a bomb in the center of their main source of income. They understand quite well the value of letting the fans create, and seem mostly concerned with fighting aggressively when it comes to their house IP's, especially their oldest ones. IP's they've annexed that already had a huge amount of fan art being produced? They seem content to let it be, so I'm not very worried about it. Disney is kind of a double-edged sword to me anyway because I sometimes wonder if having the Mouse at the helm of MLP would actually be a good thing. It'd certainly solve some of the fandom concerns that we're facing for the forseeable future. A new themepark showing up in Orlando, with a Canterlot castle, a Sonic Rainboom roller coaster, and "Pony Weekends" being held a few times per year.

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7 minutes ago, K_Cast said:


Hi there, wanted to clarify just a few things on the topic of Disney, our team has been very close with sources at Hasbro, and one of our animators is a Walt Disney animator, and has been for nearly 40 years. We have assurances that a buy out of MLP is not going to happen, nor to Hasbro at this time, or anytime in the near future. As long as hasbro can keep its current culture going they will never give in to Disney. I also know Disney planned to do nothing at all with MLP, the plan was to get the assets then burry the brand, but thats part of what woke Hasbro's management up to why they needed to remain outside Disney, and broke that deal. When we found out, almost 2 years ago now that Disney had in fact bought Hasbro from sources we have inside the studios, our only option at that time was to shut down,  we in fact disbanded the EQT crew for about 2 months and when the dust settled and we learned of he no sell by the current management of Hasbro frankly our faith in the studio and the brand was renewed, and I reformed the team to finish what we had started. We also do have a back up in place and being worked on by a second crew encase things do go south, we will be released details on that production on our website when we get her done, but we for sure 200% have a plan in place if things dont go right. How ever we are also not planning to push to many of Hasbros buttons, we have survived as a content creaor for the fandom since 2011, our team was part of the crew that launched poniverse here (we were present on the pannel at Bronycon in 2013 announcing it in fact), I was a member of the council here along with Feld0, I helped start and run Everfree Northwest, and been staffing it and Ciderfest for 7 years now and have gotten to know a lot of the MLP and Hasbro staff, aswell as worked on a few productions with some of their staff, we have been working for nearly 8 years to build a trust between us. We are going to be promoting things, talking to fans about EQT and so on, but we very much know copyright law, and where the line is.We have crafted the pilot episodes to avoid nearly every single point they could make against us on the copyright side, and on the profit side, the studio has never made a profit on our works. I do pay my crew out of my own retail job, but the studio (me) gets nothing for these works. We are not about to poke the hornets nest, and have even been in contact with people at the highest levels in DHX, Hasbro, and Bolder Media to make sure we are not crossing the line. 

 The common rule is a studio wouldnt accept a spin off from outside their studio branches, this is true, however we have been talking to animation agents and entertainment lawyers that can get our stuff seen and through, we also have something they dont have, that being the story, and her characters, we have sent Hasbro documents yes, but no one has seen everything by any means. Even if they just bought the idea, they wouldnt have the core that makes the story what we'd want it to be. I will continue if wanted (as soon as I get to lunch break lol)

 And BornAgainEquestrian, I will for sure be replying to your PM today, been working some long hours to get plushies made so im so sorry for the delay in response ^_^.

Thank you both, and really if you have questions please ask I might do a Q and A if there is any interest


Thank You K_Cast for clarifying this. Its takes Many Expilnations For me to Fully understand what people are trying to say. Its a part of my Disability.

It is wonderful to know that a backup plan is in place with what you and your entire team has created. Should you have to Divide completly from hasbro.

yes we both had similar paths , (Connecting our creations with hasbro  You and Your Team with ''Equestrian Tales'', Me with ''The Story of Crystal Frost'' ) this was the plan at the start, as time went forward, much has changed within your path. And with mine, your choices to try your very best to continue on with Hasbro, however made very wise and clever move to make sure bulk of your content, is salvagable, should hasbro give you a C&D.

I have The Ultimate Highest Respect to Both You and Your  Entire Team . I wish the Finest and Greatest Of Success for you all. You All worked so hard Poured Your Heart and Soul into your Creations,

like Dash said ''if you want them to notice you, you got to make them notice you.'' the truth to this Friend, there is a flaw in what dash says.

Let me Kindly Explain. With this example .....

"'If you want to help someone, you got to make them accept your help."'

no one can force another to pay attention to what your doing, just like you can not force people to be friends with each other, and no one can force another to accept their help .

like the old fashion saying goes.'' You can lead a horse to water, but you can not make him drink it."'

its the truth...

i strongly believe in the amount of hard work, resources, and people weather paid from your own pocket or ever volunteers wanting to help. That your creativity will truly shine and speak well on it own.

just keep doing what you are doing let your creative works Do the Talking for they shine with grace, humble, beauty, and such a Glow of Elegance the World would be Blessed to See.

i have my own path and Fate in what direction i choose to take my creativity. I chosen to walk Away from hasbro, for it chains me to limits. breaking those chains, i have truly set my soul free to create beyond words can say. 

like i said in many of my posts prior, you have a friend on the sidelines, and should it ever come to the point where you need a friend to help you out in any way. never hesitate to ask, for i'm never to busy to help out a Good Friend. 

Weather you are stressed out, you need to just rant,

Or want to get away from being overwhelmed,

or just a good friend to talk too.

I'm hear for Ya. True i got ,my own craziness in life, Cranky Doodle Donkey Spouce Kids who are noise Polluters, and dealing with a disability, , and books to write and stories flooding out of my head faster than i can write them down, plus that poetry moment. And Illustrations too;, and many other Sudden Craziness in life.

However understand this Its important to not burn yourself out.  So always make time to care for your health and well being.

i have my path i plan to take and move forward, and yes. once my creation becomes a Success, And yes I know it will Be.  Your Company is #1 on my list, that i will Entrust to Make Movies and TV Series from my Creation.

However you have your own path with Equestrian Tales. Yes i'm fully aware that you rather focus on your own creation and not take on side creations. However my creation will not be ready for quite some time. JK Rowlings Books of Harry Potter took 10 years to write. and the series is 7 Novels long. My creation is 12 Novels long, plus 2 side books.  So i would not be ready for a long time. However once my story work is complete, You Company Harmonize Entertainment is #1 on my list,

DreamWorks got #2 list Spot. and i go down the line.  disney and hasbro, they did not make it on my list. they are both banned to touch my creation. Harmonize Entertainment beat disney and hasbro you even are above DreamWorks. I sooner burn my creation to ashes than ever let Disney get their hands on it.

To be honest i have a soft sport for Dreamworks. I love their work and their Stories a Funny, cool, so emotional and creative. However i also believe in helping others to stand tall and strong and become a beaken of light that shines bright around the world.

however that is years from now since i got to finish writing my creations first. I will always stay in touch.

Should it ever come to that worst case synario in your life.  Never hesitate to give me a shout.

true this might never happen to you all, however hold on to my offer, because as life is that crazy Roller coaster, Chess board of life can be very challenging at times,  you never know ;)

please be so kind to forgive my Poor Spelling and painful writing.  This too is a part of my Disability as well. however i learned there are many gifted and brilliant writers Whom too have a disability as well, yet they never let it stand in their way to write such gifted beauty in their Art..

I wish You Your Entire Team the Finest and Greatest of Success. May Your Creations Truly Shine Beyond what the World Has Ever Seen.

Thank You,


Laurie Doodles

Laurie Ann Garland


"Life is like a Roller Coaster, You never know what to expect"  RaphLuna. http://raphluna.deviantart.com/ Here is where you can view more of my art.

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On 9/4/2018 at 1:23 PM, K_Cast said:


Hi there, wanted to clarify just a few things on the topic of Disney, our team has been very close with sources at Hasbro, and one of our animators is a Walt Disney animator, and has been for nearly 40 years. We have assurances that a buy out of MLP is not going to happen, nor to Hasbro at this time, or anytime in the near future. As long as hasbro can keep its current culture going they will never give in to Disney. I also know Disney planned to do nothing at all with MLP, the plan was to get the assets then burry the brand, but thats part of what woke Hasbro's management up to why they needed to remain outside Disney, and broke that deal. When we found out, almost 2 years ago now that Disney had in fact bought Hasbro from sources we have inside the studios, our only option at that time was to shut down,  we in fact disbanded the EQT crew for about 2 months and when the dust settled and we learned of he no sell by the current management of Hasbro frankly our faith in the studio and the brand was renewed, and I reformed the team to finish what we had started. We also do have a back up in place and being worked on by a second crew encase things do go south, we will be released details on that production on our website when we get her done, but we for sure 200% have a plan in place if things dont go right. How ever we are also not planning to push to many of Hasbros buttons, we have survived as a content creaor for the fandom since 2011, our team was part of the crew that launched poniverse here (we were present on the pannel at Bronycon in 2013 announcing it in fact), I was a member of the council here along with Feld0, I helped start and run Everfree Northwest, and been staffing it and Ciderfest for 7 years now and have gotten to know a lot of the MLP and Hasbro staff, aswell as worked on a few productions with some of their staff, we have been working for nearly 8 years to build a trust between us. We are going to be promoting things, talking to fans about EQT and so on, but we very much know copyright law, and where the line is.We have crafted the pilot episodes to avoid nearly every single point they could make against us on the copyright side, and on the profit side, the studio has never made a profit on our works. I do pay my crew out of my own retail job, but the studio (me) gets nothing for these works. We are not about to poke the hornets nest, and have even been in contact with people at the highest levels in DHX, Hasbro, and Bolder Media to make sure we are not crossing the line. 

 The common rule is a studio wouldnt accept a spin off from outside their studio branches, this is true, however we have been talking to animation agents and entertainment lawyers that can get our stuff seen and through, we also have something they dont have, that being the story, and her characters, we have sent Hasbro documents yes, but no one has seen everything by any means. Even if they just bought the idea, they wouldnt have the core that makes the story what we'd want it to be. I will continue if wanted (as soon as I get to lunch break lol)

 And BornAgainEquestrian, I will for sure be replying to your PM today, been working some long hours to get plushies made so im so sorry for the delay in response ^_^.


That's.... scary. Especially to think that Disney would see it more worth it to them to just make MLP disappear than to give it the shot of adrenaline that only a handful of megacorporations can provide. Terrifying, and... I stand corrected (Disney be idiots if they thought buying Hasbro and killing MLP was more profitable than developing it... great galloping gala). If you're going to be at Ciderfest, there's a slim chance I'll get to see you and some of your team there - currently trying to pull off a miracle last push to experience "something" this year.

It's cool that you've developed relationships with a lot of the staff, but I guess the big question is, which staff? It's pretty established that the studio LOVES the fans. The corporate toy company that actually calls all of the shots? That's normally a different story. Very impressive, the amount of semi-legal work you've been going through. As much as the artistic side.

Aaaand... maybe just send a quick "ping" message, if you don't have time to send something longer at the moment, because at this point, I'm starting to really doubt that system.


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I've been following this project for a little while now, and honestly... if Equestrian Tales can indeed jump over the hurdle that is Hasbro, then I think the sky is the limit. I am in awe at the visuals, and it is truly spectacular that you all were able to get some great staff on board.

In the past, I never thought a project like this would be able to get off the ground. Indeed, it is not the first of its kind that I have come across. But what sets Equestrian Tales apart is the staff's willingness to do everything they can to make the series a reality. I will be watching the project with great interest as it continues to develop, and I will absolutely give it a chance. Harmonize Entertainment has a "G4.5" in the works that, if done right, could be the magnum opus of this talented fandom.

In short... I'm pumped for this. :mlp_yay:


Signature by Kyoshi

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Hi there and sorry for late response in the pm working a full time job on top of this not much time left in a day, but finally getting some shorter hours to do things yay. Anyways I can say that we do have contact with and have had contact with people at the top of not just DHX studios, but Hasbro Studios aswell, such as Meghan McCarthy, Jim Miller, Rachelle Little (until she transfered to Dreamworks animation) and baited Stephen Davis who is a huge Gen 1 fan with the renderings of some of our remake content from that time such as Paradise estate, I knew he loved that old show, so I put the image of the ruins of Paradise Estate on the cover of our pitch bible to draw his eye, and it worked. We have tailored most of the pitch docs we have sent out to the person we are sending it to, to peek their interest of the product. We are not through yet, and this could still very well fall apart, but we are doing everything we can to see this through. There is so much the MLP Universe could offer, and we want to open their eyes to what they really have here. We want this show to be the bridge that brings the entire MLP Universe into one world, so that others can build upon it, and play with in it. Such as stat trek and so on. 

 We have also reached out to a number of talent agents to get a voice cast that we will be able to start revealing once things start really happening, but I think the fandom will be shocked at even who we have got or talked to. We are working to bring in a few of the FiM voice talents, aswell as some from out side the fandom, including a new voice for Star Swirl that fits the character perfectly. We will be revealing some of these people at Ciderfest if we get our panel approved, we have 2 or 3 of our crew coming as community guests, and a few of the people we are working to bring on will be there and on the VIP guest list., Am planning to have some sit downs at the con with some of these people to get them approved before the panel, and we hope one will be a suprise to join us on the panel itself when we reveal her. We are also in talks with a few of the writers that are no longer with Hasbro or FiM such as Amy and Larson who wrote a number of the episodes that the history of this world is built on. These writers are working freelance right now, and really wouldnt be hard to pick up.


On 9/8/2018 at 11:52 AM, bornAgainEquestrian said:


That's.... scary. Especially to think that Disney would see it more worth it to them to just make MLP disappear than to give it the shot of adrenaline that only a handful of megacorporations can provide. Terrifying, and... I stand corrected (Disney be idiots if they thought buying Hasbro and killing MLP was more profitable than developing it... great galloping gala). If you're going to be at Ciderfest, there's a slim chance I'll get to see you and some of your team there - currently trying to pull off a miracle last push to experience "something" this year.

It's cool that you've developed relationships with a lot of the staff, but I guess the big question is, which staff? It's pretty established that the studio LOVES the fans. The corporate toy company that actually calls all of the shots? That's normally a different story. Very impressive, the amount of semi-legal work you've been going through. As much as the artistic side.

Aaaand... maybe just send a quick "ping" message, if you don't have time to send something longer at the moment, because at this point, I'm starting to really doubt that system.


Hi there, thank you so much for your nice comments, it truth is you guys here that really keep us going, a place where we can share what we have done without to much risk of having our work destroyed before it sees the light of day, so expect to see a lot more updates and exclusive content on MLP forums then even out main sites, as we know Hasbro is watching us lol. We will be releasing something we hope in a month that might be of interest to anyone who wants to see if this is really going to go or not. That being our first vocal song, she is being recorded right now, and should be ready for a test screening soonish. 

 Thank you so much for your support, and hope you enjoy ^_^

On 9/8/2018 at 1:48 PM, Prospekt said:

I've been following this project for a little while now, and honestly... if Equestrian Tales can indeed jump over the hurdle that is Hasbro, then I think the sky is the limit. I am in awe at the visuals, and it is truly spectacular that you all were able to get some great staff on board.

In the past, I never thought a project like this would be able to get off the ground. Indeed, it is not the first of its kind that I have come across. But what sets Equestrian Tales apart is the staff's willingness to do everything they can to make the series a reality. I will be watching the project with great interest as it continues to develop, and I will absolutely give it a chance. Harmonize Entertainment has a "G4.5" in the works that, if done right, could be the magnum opus of this talented fandom.

In short... I'm pumped for this. :mlp_yay:





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On 9/10/2018 at 2:11 PM, K_Cast said:

Hi there and sorry for late response in the pm working a full time job on top of this not much time left in a day, but finally getting some shorter hours to do things yay. Anyways I can say that we do have contact with and have had contact with people at the top of not just DHX studios, but Hasbro Studios aswell, such as Meghan McCarthy, Jim Miller, Rachelle Little (until she transfered to Dreamworks animation) and baited Stephen Davis who is a huge Gen 1 fan with the renderings of some of our remake content from that time such as Paradise estate, I knew he loved that old show, so I put the image of the ruins of Paradise Estate on the cover of our pitch bible to draw his eye, and it worked. We have tailored most of the pitch docs we have sent out to the person we are sending it to, to peek their interest of the product. We are not through yet, and this could still very well fall apart, but we are doing everything we can to see this through. There is so much the MLP Universe could offer, and we want to open their eyes to what they really have here. We want this show to be the bridge that brings the entire MLP Universe into one world, so that others can build upon it, and play with in it. Such as stat trek and so on. 

 We have also reached out to a number of talent agents to get a voice cast that we will be able to start revealing once things start really happening, but I think the fandom will be shocked at even who we have got or talked to. We are working to bring in a few of the FiM voice talents, aswell as some from out side the fandom, including a new voice for Star Swirl that fits the character perfectly. We will be revealing some of these people at Ciderfest if we get our panel approved, we have 2 or 3 of our crew coming as community guests, and a few of the people we are working to bring on will be there and on the VIP guest list., Am planning to have some sit downs at the con with some of these people to get them approved before the panel, and we hope one will be a suprise to join us on the panel itself when we reveal her. We are also in talks with a few of the writers that are no longer with Hasbro or FiM such as Amy and Larson who wrote a number of the episodes that the history of this world is built on. These writers are working freelance right now, and really wouldnt be hard to pick up.

Hi there, thank you so much for your nice comments, it truth is you guys here that really keep us going, a place where we can share what we have done without to much risk of having our work destroyed before it sees the light of day, so expect to see a lot more updates and exclusive content on MLP forums then even out main sites, as we know Hasbro is watching us lol. We will be releasing something we hope in a month that might be of interest to anyone who wants to see if this is really going to go or not. That being our first vocal song, she is being recorded right now, and should be ready for a test screening soonish. 

 Thank you so much for your support, and hope you enjoy ^_^

EPIC.. I LOVE CARTOONS Especially the ones that have Beautiful Stories.

Cant wait...

Congratulations on You and Your Entire Team for Getting this Far, I hope you hit it off at the Next panel and come out a Smash Success..

Hugs and Congratulations.

Laurie Ann Garland

Edited by RaphLuna


"Life is like a Roller Coaster, You never know what to expect"  RaphLuna. http://raphluna.deviantart.com/ Here is where you can view more of my art.

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Folks, while all your projects are highly appreciated, it would be best to restrain the discussion to only matters that regard the one showcased in the topic. More personal experiences and details can be easily shared through PM in agreement of both parts. ^^


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On 9/8/2018 at 4:48 PM, Prospekt said:

I've been following this project for a little while now, and honestly... if Equestrian Tales can indeed jump over the hurdle that is Hasbro, then I think the sky is the limit. I am in awe at the visuals, and it is truly spectacular that you all were able to get some great staff on board.

In the past, I never thought a project like this would be able to get off the ground. Indeed, it is not the first of its kind that I have come across. But what sets Equestrian Tales apart is the staff's willingness to do everything they can to make the series a reality. I will be watching the project with great interest as it continues to develop, and I will absolutely give it a chance. Harmonize Entertainment has a "G4.5" in the works that, if done right, could be the magnum opus of this talented fandom.

In short... I'm pumped for this. :mlp_yay:

I Agree with Prospekt 

You said you have a plan B i just do not understand why you are too afraid ditch hasbro  and use it, the sky will have no limits and you can go anywhere  in the Entertainment industry with your pitch bible.

Oatley Acedemy Knows  What will work and What will not when it comes to bible pitch. 



Taking out MLP out of your Creation will increase your chance with Hasbro, the key is having something that Hasbro  do not have or own. "'Brand New'' 

True They do not own Equestrian Tales, however they own everything MLP that you teathered into it.

If you truly believe in ''Equestrian Tales'' like you Say,you do,  why not unchain your creation from the been done, and be free to create and unleash your full putential.

I know this sounds harsh and hurthful. however i too been in the same boat as you, from emails i sent you so far, you can see just how i went from Dump  Hasbro,  and Unleashed my mind to purity of creation.. And Im Just one Person creating the whole story.

no doubt in my minds you and your entire team can go Over and beyond what i did..

However i feel you are afraid to take the chance,

no i did not invest that much in my creation,

like you did with ''Equestrian Tales''  however i get this nagging feeling you are holding back.

"'Equestrian Tales'' can be one of the most Epic Shows Ever, Especially without the need of Hasbro teathered too it.

Have Faith in your team, and believe in your self.

do not make yourself want hasbro

Make Hasbro want you and Your Entire Team.

Break free from MLP

and Make ''Equestrian Tales'' Truly Shine

Thank You






"Life is like a Roller Coaster, You never know what to expect"  RaphLuna. http://raphluna.deviantart.com/ Here is where you can view more of my art.

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  • 2 weeks later...

 The reason we are not going full into that plan as yet, is dispute things that have happened, is because we have something rather unique then what mos teams submit to studios like Hasbro. The product that we are building has not even been close to seen publicly, my team has put so much work into making everything as well as we can, keeping in mind everything while we are working on this from business to marketing, keeping their targets and even adapting the show at times to reflect their newer directions. From every thing we have gathered we have something here that will work, will carry on what Hasbro intends, and frankly be something special they could make a lot on if they decide to allow us to finish her. We knew the risks, the pitfalls and the hills (mountains really) we had to climb. Just because few have even done it, don mean we cant do it to. We have a lot of professional help on this production from voice talent to production staff from hasbros own studios, and everyone of them is telling us we have a winner here and to keep pressing on. We will never know what this could have been if we give up on it. I know some are saying the fandom is dying, but frankly our team has been here since dang close to the beginning, and we are not about to abandon them now. The truest test of a development team, or frankly any other team, is how they handle things when times get tough. We have been through everything that can be thrown at us from team issues, to staff deaths to work through. The only one that will stop us is Hasbro on this, we have made it our minds and will not stop until we show Hasbro and the world what we can really do. Not one of us is after fame, money or glory, we are out to help people through story and art. Animation has the power to do a lot of healing and help a lot of people, and our story once people get to see it and understand is one this world really needs right now, and will help a lo of kids throught some very tough times.

 We are however already in the process of using our back up plan in another form, if one fails the other wll still be there.

We have put so much of us into this production, and we just want to give it our all with the brand it was designed for before we do something rash and abandon ship right as we are finally getting somewhere.

 Thank you for your concern, but to be blunt nothing is going to deter us from doing this but the horse itself, and we have had nothing but encouragement from their staff to keep pushing forward.






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Its Great the Staff loves the Show, however Staff Come and Go..

Its the People (Hasbro CEO ) at the Top That Calls all the Shots.

unless your creation can make a massive amount of money in Merch for them, I doubt you will get the green light.

staff have no say, its the people who own Hasbro that call all the shots.

I'm delighted about you Plan B and you got me at the edge of my seat to see your team on a new path to create something Truly Unique Origional, and Brand New.,


sadly MLP future has already been decided G5 Reboot.. only Equestrian Girls will be the only place for MLP. since the Friendship is magic series is connected to this universe..

To be honest and Truthful, I'M More Super Excited to hear about You and  Your Team Move to a Brand New TV Series of your own Together..  You will have full Control and Say and no worries about lawsuit from hasbro.. Especially if you Dump MLP and Make a Brand New Series..


A new TV series EPIC... You got to PM ASAP to let me know. I Love Cartoons and its always Exciting to see Brand new TV series come out to the Public..


So Excited.


"Life is like a Roller Coaster, You never know what to expect"  RaphLuna. http://raphluna.deviantart.com/ Here is where you can view more of my art.

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Thing is we have not just been talking to show staff, but the people in charge at Hasbro to make this happen. Pitches have been and are being sent to these people, including Meghan, and the person in charge of Hasbro Studio's. 

 We do have that plan B being worked on, however we know we can do this if we keep pushing forward with our current plan. We know the odds, and frankly the fact that few have done it is only encouraging us to keep going. We didnt want to do this because it would be easy, we wanted to put our crew to the test and try to build a relationship with one of the only animation studios our there we still respect. 

 I have talked to several people at the top of the food chain, we are even sending a special pitch to he CEO of the company who is a big Gen 1 fan that show case the elements of that generation we are planning to return to this work. We know what we are doing and frankly I dont want to be doing anything else for the moment. 

 This fandom and brand deserves to live on, and we want to do everything we can to help it. I have seen personally, and on several occasions, this fandom has done so much good for this world, and we are not going to give up on it. Something deserve to live on, the FiM base is one of them.

 Thank you for your comments and support, but dont worry about us and Hasbro, thats our business, and we have been working everything we can on this end. We will not fall without a fight, and we'd prove nothing by giving up, neve knowing what could have been. We have wanted to prove from day one that you dont need to be rich to chase a dream, and frankly we are very close to doing just that. We need something in this age for kids to look up to and I see no reason why MLP cant be it.


15 hours ago, RaphLuna said:

Its Great the Staff loves the Show, however Staff Come and Go..

Its the People (Hasbro CEO ) at the Top That Calls all the Shots.

unless your creation can make a massive amount of money in Merch for them, I doubt you will get the green light.

staff have no say, its the people who own Hasbro that call all the shots.

I'm delighted about you Plan B and you got me at the edge of my seat to see your team on a new path to create something Truly Unique Origional, and Brand New.,


sadly MLP future has already been decided G5 Reboot.. only Equestrian Girls will be the only place for MLP. since the Friendship is magic series is connected to this universe..

To be honest and Truthful, I'M More Super Excited to hear about You and  Your Team Move to a Brand New TV Series of your own Together..  You will have full Control and Say and no worries about lawsuit from hasbro.. Especially if you Dump MLP and Make a Brand New Series..


A new TV series EPIC... You got to PM ASAP to let me know. I Love Cartoons and its always Exciting to see Brand new TV series come out to the Public..


So Excited.


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On 9/28/2018 at 3:48 PM, K_Cast said:

Thing is we have not just been talking to show staff, but the people in charge at Hasbro to make this happen. Pitches have been and are being sent to these people, including Meghan, and the person in charge of Hasbro Studio's. 

 We do have that plan B being worked on, however we know we can do this if we keep pushing forward with our current plan. We know the odds, and frankly the fact that few have done it is only encouraging us to keep going. We didnt want to do this because it would be easy, we wanted to put our crew to the test and try to build a relationship with one of the only animation studios our there we still respect. 

 I have talked to several people at the top of the food chain, we are even sending a special pitch to he CEO of the company who is a big Gen 1 fan that show case the elements of that generation we are planning to return to this work. We know what we are doing and frankly I dont want to be doing anything else for the moment. 

 This fandom and brand deserves to live on, and we want to do everything we can to help it. I have seen personally, and on several occasions, this fandom has done so much good for this world, and we are not going to give up on it. Something deserve to live on, the FiM base is one of them.

 Thank you for your comments and support, but dont worry about us and Hasbro, thats our business, and we have been working everything we can on this end. We will not fall without a fight, and we'd prove nothing by giving up, neve knowing what could have been. We have wanted to prove from day one that you dont need to be rich to chase a dream, and frankly we are very close to doing just that. We need something in this age for kids to look up to and I see no reason why MLP cant be it.



Weather green light from hasbro.

or they reject and you all move on Plan B

i will be Supporting you all either way.

So any Exciting news, on the up front.  the Comic Con is Here now from what i herd,  not sure if this is where you plan to make your next move.

however we are all Rooting For you, Crosses hooves you all get the Green Light to move forward.,



"Life is like a Roller Coaster, You never know what to expect"  RaphLuna. http://raphluna.deviantart.com/ Here is where you can view more of my art.

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News Update-

Snowdrop officially joins the story of Equestrian Tales, keep an eye out for her and her mother in the pilot of Eqt. 

Snowdrop will enter as a main cast pony within the series as a rotational character. Permissions and rights have been given and she is set to enter the story starting in the pilot, also keep your eyes peeled for other familiar ponies within the scenes.

The Eqt team will be at Ponyville Ciderfest, with three panels by our crew members, Mintyroot, and Applegeek.

our current goal is to get 10 mins of the pilot episode finished up to the animatic stage by May, and Everfree Northwest, and will be releasing exclusive content here before anywhere else, also keep an eye out for a web site coming, aswell as something bigger!


 Thank you all, and pony on!


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9 minutes ago, K_Cast said:

News Update-

Snowdrop officially joins the story of Equestrian Tales, keep an eye out for her and her mother in the pilot of Eqt. 

Snowdrop will enter as a main cast pony within the series as a rotational character. Permissions and rights have been given and she is set to enter the story starting in the pilot, also keep your eyes peeled for other familiar ponies within the scenes.

The Eqt team will be at Ponyville Ciderfest, with three panels by our crew members, Mintyroot, and Applegeek.

our current goal is to get 10 mins of the pilot episode finished up to the animatic stage by May, and Everfree Northwest, and will be releasing exclusive content here before anywhere else, also keep an eye out for a web site coming, aswell as something bigger!


 Thank you all, and pony on!


great news indeed, you keep expanding and embracing so many different aspects of MLP and its fandom, keep on fighting and working towards what you love, and we'll be there waiting for it

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58 minutes ago, K_Cast said:

News Update-

Snowdrop officially joins the story of Equestrian Tales, keep an eye out for her and her mother in the pilot of Eqt. 

Snowdrop will enter as a main cast pony within the series as a rotational character. Permissions and rights have been given and she is set to enter the story starting in the pilot, also keep your eyes peeled for other familiar ponies within the scenes.

The Eqt team will be at Ponyville Ciderfest, with three panels by our crew members, Mintyroot, and Applegeek.

our current goal is to get 10 mins of the pilot episode finished up to the animatic stage by May, and Everfree Northwest, and will be releasing exclusive content here before anywhere else, also keep an eye out for a web site coming, aswell as something bigger!


 Thank you all, and pony on!


Eeeeekkk My Niece Loves this Show and she will be over the Moon to hear Snowdrop Joined Equestrian Tales, She is a Beautiful Charecter indeed.


"Life is like a Roller Coaster, You never know what to expect"  RaphLuna. http://raphluna.deviantart.com/ Here is where you can view more of my art.

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Announcement 2 of the last few days, things are really starting to pick up.

Would like to announce the casting of two characters for the Eqt series who will make an appearance, one will be in he pilot, and the other down the road.

First up is Jeremy Irons, who voiced characters such as Scar in the Lion King.


 Jeremy has been in the business for many years, and will be joining as Lord Sombra later in the series.

Secondly we are working and close to signing Patrick Stewart for the role of Star Swirl the Bearded. 


Lastly we are working on bringing Patrick Warburton into the cast to play an original character to the show, he is most known for playing Kronk in The Emperors New Groove, we are going to have him reprise a similar side kick character in the story of Eqt.


These crew are in talks, one near final, one will be signed soon. This is just part of the quality that our production intends to bring into the MLP universe, partly why its taking so long to get animation and that kind of content out, we want to make sure this is the best product it can be.

 More updates to come as they come.

Thanks everypony


Edited by K_Cast
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7 minutes ago, K_Cast said:

Announcement 2 of the last few days, things are really starting to pick up.

Would like to announce the casting of two characters for the Eqt series who will make an appearance, one will be in he pilot, and the other down the road.

First up is Jeremy Irons, who voiced characters such as Scare in the Lion King.


 Jeremy has been in the business for many years, and will be joining as Lord Sombra later in the series.

Secondly we are working and close to signing Patrick Stewart for the role of Star Swirl the Bearded. 

Lastly we are working on bringing Patrick Warburton into the cast to play an original character to the show, he is most known for playing Kronk in The Emperors New Groove, we are going to have him reprise a similar side kick character in the story of Eqt.

 More updates to come as they come.

Thanks everypony


Jeremy Irons??? now i you just killed me.. how are we to wait in peace now? he's one of my favorite actors. I'm even more hyped than i was before
*calms down and reads a bit more*
Patrick Stewart, ok. i'm done, this is too much

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Alot of these guys have been years in the works, alot of talking, and trying to make deals. Things really didnt start clicking till Rick our Disney animator started helping us get into contact with them, as he worked with a few of them during his production runs. And trust me this is only the beginning, going to do everything we can to make this show a hit, but more so something you guys deserve.

Thank you so much


Just now, Trix or Treat? said:

Jeremy Irons??? now i you just killed me.. how are we to wait in peace now? he's one of my favorite actors. I'm even more hyped than i was before
*calms down and reads a bit more*
Patrick Stewart, ok. i'm done, this is too much


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