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My Little Pony: The Movie (2017) - Reviews/Reactions/Discussion Thread


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Went to see it a second time. Once again, enjoyable. I'd like to point out that this time, there were a lot more boys there. Was pretty cool to see!

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Just saw the film myself, and I enjoyed the absolute hell out of it! Not perfect, but I wasn't expecting that. I got ponies and an enjoyable film; all I could expect.

I absolutely loved bed Tempest; as well as the other new characters. Captain Calaeno is officially bae. <3

  • Brohoof 3

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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The animation was great once you got used to it. Songs were pretty nice too. I cracked up when they referenced hungry hungry hippos.

But I had 4 major gripes about the plot:

1) The princesses were useless - again. I mean, apparently the magic of 4 alicorns is strong enough to rule the world, but they've done nothing, ever

2) Where were Shining Armor and the royal guard? An international festival, and zero security duty? Jeez and I thought Hasbro's security with the leaks were bad.

3) Even though the movie apparently takes place between season 7 and 8, I kind of get why newer characters like Starlight and some others weren't written in, but - where was Discord? He would've done anything to help Fluttershy. 

4) Lastly, not sure if any others mentioned this, but the world building. World building is great and I love it, but... you're telling me that the Storm King has conquered most of the known world (literally the land right outside of Equestria is under Storm King's control, within a few days of walking distance from Canterlot no less), and no one in Equestria knew about it?? There's no counter measures to a potential invasion?? Is Equestria completely cut off from the rest of the world? Oh but wait, that doesn't make sense, we've seen Celestia interacting with foreign dignitary ponies, such as those from Saddle Arabia (which was mentioned in the movie too). The movie seems to imply that Equestria is allied with the hippogriffs, but they've never been in contact for years? Never knew about the Storm King invasion and the fact that the hippogriffs went into hiding? Never tried to help them out? Oh wait, apparently sentient anthropomorphic creatures are common place outside of Equestria, yet we've never seen or heard of them? Even the ones living literally right outside of Equestria has never seen any of our pastel coloured ponies before. How secluded are Equestria and the other pony nations from the rest of the world? 

Unfortunately for me, the world building in this movie fell short. The premise behind the plot didn't work for me.

But as a stand alone, I have to say it was entertaining and I did enjoy it. Just don't overthink it like me and it's a fun watch :)

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Well, I liked it a lot! Wasn't expecting it to be Zootopia or anything, but for what it was, it was awesome! Was a bit disappointed that Fluttershy didn't do more (and Applejack to a lesser extent), but as Pinkie and Rarity are my faves, I was pleasantly surprised at how well they were both used. Loved Princess Skystar, too. She's the kind of cute/quirky friend you would expect to get along with Pinkie Pie. Oh and Maud's cameo: Lol.

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I enjoyed the movie a lot myself. Wish I could have seen it on the big screen but they only have a dutch dub in my local cinema so I watched it at home.

Anyways , I really enjoyed Pinkie Pie in the movie she had a lot of awesome jokes and honestly was at her best. Twilight was really enjoyable as well and seeing her steal  came as a huge suprise to me. U might say it was out of character but I thought it was really well done and quite justified. Rarity had some great moments as well. Rainbow Dash was alright. Shame that Applejack and Fluttershy didn't really get to do that much. However Fluttershy did have a nice moment with one of those warrior things. Lastly Spike was well written this time around and was not some downgraded character like he can be sometimes *cough* princess spike *cough*.

I didn't find any of the new good guys particullary interesting just kind of generic Disney characters u have seen before.

Anyway you all seem to really enjoy the last 15 minutes of the movie but I have to say for me the best scene was the moment when Twilight and Pinkie had a fight. It was quite an emotional scene and seeing the regret on Twilight's face after insulting Pinkie was quite saddening. When they all left Twilight I found it to be quite heartwarming to see that even though Twilight had just insulted all of her friends Spike still stayed with Twilight and comforted her:wub:. It was a really emotional scene with awesome background music. Shame it was cut short by the villains.

Talking about the villains. I did enjoy Tempest Shadow alot she was quite menacing and had some nice character development. Cant say the same for her sidekick though I despise the guy.:eww:

The Storm King was not that great of a villain in my opinion, nothing terrible but... just a less fun version of Discord in my opinion.

Overal i would rate it a 7,5/10


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I love reviewing movies, so I’m going on a big rant here.


This movie disappointed me. I don’t consider it to be bad exactly, but I was expecting a lot more. There are two main reasons I feel this way.


For the movie itself I was disappointed at the lack of anything new. I know that sounds weird since most of what we saw was new, but it was really only on a surface level.

We’ve seen this plot before. Some evil force shows up, curb stomps Celestia and Luna, Twilight and the gang have to figure out some way to stop it, villain does something stupid that presents an opening, they take it and win. It happened with the Canterlot Wedding, it happened when Tirek attacked, and is pretty much the standard for this show. I don't want the standard villain rises plot at its simplest, I want something new and different that only a big movie can pull off.

We’ve seen these characters before. You got the girl unicorn who turned her back on friendship but gets redeemed. They did that with Starlight last season. They did that with Sunset in the Equestria Girls movie. They even did it with Trixie back in Season 3. Do we really need this a fourth time? Storm King was a bit more unique, being kind of a combination of Tirek and Discord. Too bad we barely got to see him at all.

We’ve seen Twilight have a falling out with her friends and then make up with them. Happened when Discord messed them up, and when the forest went all wacko that one time. Plus they’ve had their spats on occasion in regular episodes.

The movie should give us something new and big, not just retread things that have already been done multiple times on the show.


Now this is the big one. This is what really got me down about how the movie turned out.

So they are making a movie based off of a popular TV show. You know who’s going to go see it? People who watch the show. You who’s not going to go see it? People who DON’T watch the **** show!

So why, why in the world did they decide that this needed to be a standalone story that doesn’t have much of anything to do with the show? Now I don’t know if they were worried about alienating people who don’t watch the show, but I really, really hope that wasn’t a factor. That would just be stupid, because the only people who are going to see this movie are fans of the TV show.

Now I don’t like complaining about things without offering some kind of solution. So I think to myself, what would I have wanted the movie to be like? In my perfect little world the movie would have been constructed around what makes the show great. What makes the show great is that it tells slice of life style stories and has a big cast of characters that make up a large community. I think back to the episode “Slice of Life” and how that right there would have been the perfect basis for a movie. Now that episode dealt with a bunch of background ponies going about their day with a wedding tying everything together. I think that something similar could be done, where perhaps this is the Friendship Festival day in Ponyville and it’s a collection of subplots concerning that. So Twilight and Spike are trying to get things ready, Starlight and Trixie are doing their own thing to try and help, Fluttershy and Discord have something going on, the CMC are dealing with something, the Apple Family has a problem to deal with, and so on.  A 90 minute runtime would be enough to have a bunch of characters doing things while we jump around following each one, seeing them directly and indirectly affect each other, and it all comes together at the end. I think that encompasses everything we love about the show.

But let’s go back to reality. This is a movie, it’s a big deal. We can’t just have a nice day in Ponyville, we have to have a big crazy epic adventure with evil villains and action scenes and all that madness. This is fine too, but I think it would have worked so much better if they had tied it into the show. Here’s a hypothetical situation I want to throw at you. The way this show works is for the season finales and premieres there’s a big crazy adventure. What if the movie served this role instead of having the usual 2-parters? Let’s say the last episode of Season 7 set something up with a villain and ended on a cliffhanger. Then the movie would pick up from there and have the ponies go on their big crazy adventure. Season 8 comes along later and picks up where the movie left off. The movie could come out in theaters between the two seasons when new episodes aren’t airing. Something for us to look forward to during the down time, and we’d all want to see it since it would be important for the overall plot of the show.

I know that doing something like that would require more work. But I don’t think it would be too hard for the writing staff to outline the adventure ahead of time and get the movie into production so that it’s finished and ready to hit theaters between Seasons 7 and 8.


So that’s really the main thing that makes this movie so disappointing for me. I think they picked the worst way to go about doing it. Not relating itself to the show and using plots and characters that have been done before, it just makes the whole thing so underwhelming and kind of pointless. I expected this to be a huge, mega event for the franchise. But it feels so quiet and unimportant. I don’t know if I’ll ever bother watching this movie again, I would much rather watch some episodes instead. I think that in the future when people are looking back at the MLP franchise this movie is going to be considered a misstep. Something that should of and could have been handled much better.

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Mostly I found this generic and soulless. One or two scenes have glimmers of what I like about the show, but for the most part it trades actual depth for empty spectacle, and it's way too familiar and not nearly visually appealing enough for that spectacle to be at all entertaining. The new characters are all pretty bland, the mane six aren't written very well, and the visuals, while detailed, are iffy in a lot of places. Also, the comedy sucks, and there's a couple particularly clumsy scenes which genuinely angered me. 

I expand on these points in my review

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5 hours ago, caseyastevens said:

Don't agree with him at all thats its like the 80's movie.  This movie is 10x better than that.

I don't think he was talking about in terms of quality, but in terms of purpose. Afterall, the current show is 10x better than the 80s one. Anyway, from what I've heard the 80s movie was actually okay. 

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2 minutes ago, Ganondox said:

I don't think he was talking about in terms of quality, but in terms of purpose. Afterall, the current show is 10x better than the 80s one. Anyway, from what I've heard the 80s movie was actually okay. 

In context to the review, I think he was talking about how movies would be shown in a "dollar movie club" or something like that, which I guess was a thing in the 80s. He definitely wasn't comparing the two movies.

As for the 80s movie specifically...ehh, it's all right, but it has some issues and hasn't aged well in my eyes, but that is just my perspective.

  • Brohoof 2

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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3 hours ago, FattPat said:

I love reviewing movies, so I’m going on a big rant here.




This movie disappointed me. I don’t consider it to be bad exactly, but I was expecting a lot more. There are two main reasons I feel this way.




For the movie itself I was disappointed at the lack of anything new. I know that sounds weird since most of what we saw was new, but it was really only on a surface level.


We’ve seen this plot before. Some evil force shows up, curb stomps Celestia and Luna, Twilight and the gang have to figure out some way to stop it, villain does something stupid that presents an opening, they take it and win. It happened with the Canterlot Wedding, it happened when Tirek attacked, and is pretty much the standard for this show. I don't want the standard villain rises plot at its simplest, I want something new and different that only a big movie can pull off.


We’ve seen these characters before. You got the girl unicorn who turned her back on friendship but gets redeemed. They did that with Starlight last season. They did that with Sunset in the Equestria Girls movie. They even did it with Trixie back in Season 3. Do we really need this a fourth time? Storm King was a bit more unique, being kind of a combination of Tirek and Discord. Too bad we barely got to see him at all.


We’ve seen Twilight have a falling out with her friends and then make up with them. Happened when Discord messed them up, and when the forest went all wacko that one time. Plus they’ve had their spats on occasion in regular episodes.


The movie should give us something new and big, not just retread things that have already been done multiple times on the show.




Now this is the big one. This is what really got me down about how the movie turned out.


So they are making a movie based off of a popular TV show. You know who’s going to go see it? People who watch the show. You who’s not going to go see it? People who DON’T watch the **** show!


So why, why in the world did they decide that this needed to be a standalone story that doesn’t have much of anything to do with the show? Now I don’t know if they were worried about alienating people who don’t watch the show, but I really, really hope that wasn’t a factor. That would just be stupid, because the only people who are going to see this movie are fans of the TV show.


Now I don’t like complaining about things without offering some kind of solution. So I think to myself, what would I have wanted the movie to be like? In my perfect little world the movie would have been constructed around what makes the show great. What makes the show great is that it tells slice of life style stories and has a big cast of characters that make up a large community. I think back to the episode “Slice of Life” and how that right there would have been the perfect basis for a movie. Now that episode dealt with a bunch of background ponies going about their day with a wedding tying everything together. I think that something similar could be done, where perhaps this is the Friendship Festival day in Ponyville and it’s a collection of subplots concerning that. So Twilight and Spike are trying to get things ready, Starlight and Trixie are doing their own thing to try and help, Fluttershy and Discord have something going on, the CMC are dealing with something, the Apple Family has a problem to deal with, and so on.  A 90 minute runtime would be enough to have a bunch of characters doing things while we jump around following each one, seeing them directly and indirectly affect each other, and it all comes together at the end. I think that encompasses everything we love about the show.


But let’s go back to reality. This is a movie, it’s a big deal. We can’t just have a nice day in Ponyville, we have to have a big crazy epic adventure with evil villains and action scenes and all that madness. This is fine too, but I think it would have worked so much better if they had tied it into the show. Here’s a hypothetical situation I want to throw at you. The way this show works is for the season finales and premieres there’s a big crazy adventure. What if the movie served this role instead of having the usual 2-parters? Let’s say the last episode of Season 7 set something up with a villain and ended on a cliffhanger. Then the movie would pick up from there and have the ponies go on their big crazy adventure. Season 8 comes along later and picks up where the movie left off. The movie could come out in theaters between the two seasons when new episodes aren’t airing. Something for us to look forward to during the down time, and we’d all want to see it since it would be important for the overall plot of the show.


I know that doing something like that would require more work. But I don’t think it would be too hard for the writing staff to outline the adventure ahead of time and get the movie into production so that it’s finished and ready to hit theaters between Seasons 7 and 8.




So that’s really the main thing that makes this movie so disappointing for me. I think they picked the worst way to go about doing it. Not relating itself to the show and using plots and characters that have been done before, it just makes the whole thing so underwhelming and kind of pointless. I expected this to be a huge, mega event for the franchise. But it feels so quiet and unimportant. I don’t know if I’ll ever bother watching this movie again, I would much rather watch some episodes instead. I think that in the future when people are looking back at the MLP franchise this movie is going to be considered a misstep. Something that should of and could have been handled much better.


Two things. Your critique was well thought out, but I disagree. First, you said it only introduced superficial elements, but then you proceeded to analysis the plot in a superficial manner. The deep elements are not the events in some sort of abstracted form of the events, but the themes. This movie actually does have thematic elements which as far as I recall wear not ever brought up in the actual show. The main thing is that at moments it was much more cynical than anything in the actual show. While Twilight has lost faith before, I think this is the first she's actually given into the dark side, and that's what prompted people to say it was OOC. But it *wasn't* out of character, and the justification for it is why the movie actually was unique. See, Twilight's reasoning was that outside of Equestria, the rules of friendship are different, and she had all the empirical evidence to back her conclusion up. She saw that Capper nearly sold them into slavery by pretending them to be her slave, and she saw how the pirates suffered by helping them. In the end, the seaponies initially appeared to be as selfish as everyone else she meant who didn't end up crushed. All she really did was emulate Capper because she figured that's how things work there. On the initial watching the segments of the adventure just came across as unrelated filler events, but looking bad it's quite clear that they actually had a very important role in establishing the themes of the movie and building up to the beach scene. Of course, in the end it was proven that Twilight was wrong, and friendship did save the new characters, and that's point. The message is clear: friendship isn't just for Equestria where everything is bright. It's for the dark places as well, including our world. Even though it make not initially look it pays off, it's worth fighting for. The Manehatten episodes, and the best of the two parters touch on similar ideas, but not quite in the same way, and not quite as hard. Frankly, I think the movie was mediocre (though I did enjoy it a lot because the ponies make me happy), but only because they didn't quite flesh this idea out of enough. If they did, it would have been brilliant. If the movie was twice as long and made full use of that time, it could have been great, though to be fair that would have probably have made it significantly less appealing to children which were the main target. 

Second, they HAD to add stuff to appeal to non-fans in order to make something of this scale because there simply isn't enough fans to support the budge of a quality feature length film. It's still a low budget film, but even low budget films have a much higher budget than a tv show. As it is, the box office for the film is somewhat worrisome, seems like not enough people decided to give ponies a chance. I kinda pissed off at humanity in general right now (not because of the movie's success, but for other, non-personal things). Fortunately because it's a low budget film it might not actually be projecting a loss at this point. Still saddening that so far it appears that the one chance for inspiring a fandom Renaissance failed. My one last hope is that it gets attention in the academy awards, as it has potential in both it's songs and animation. While I see most critics to disagree, I actually found the songs to be BETTER than Disney, I find Lin-Manuel Miranda in particular to be incredibly overrated, the only reason he get's acclaim is because he managed to make the first hip-hopera that wasn't awful, and critics are biased towards Disney. As for the animation, it's the biggest 2d animation we've seen in a long time, and it's visuals style is unique. While it wasn't nearly as well received as Secret of Kells, I think it still might get attention for similar reasons. 

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Went into the movie thinking it was going to be a total clusterfuck. Turned out it was pretty alright. It wasn't amazing or anything, but it was enjoyable enough to get a solid 7/10 for me. 

I will say, the plot could have ended like 15 minutes after the baddies showed up. 

They have the Dragons AND the Changelings as allies for crying out loud. I don't care how edge Tempest is, she isn't taking out THIS 





Especially when the army is CLEARLY affected by dragon fire 



That's not even taking into account characters like Discord. However ya gotta have those celebs involved, so none of that I guess. 

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Loved the movie. Was very surprised that Twilight tried to steal the pearl. I like it though because it shows how leaving equestria into unknown territories effects her and the girls. it showed them that the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Am admittingly annoyed by how useless the princesses and guards are. But still good movie nonetheless.


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I went and compared the audience ratings on rotten tomatoes with top films from the last 3 years. This is what I came up with.

mlp movie: 89%
logan: 90%
wonder woman: 89%
spiderman homecoming: 89%
guardians of the galaxy vol 2: 88%
baby driver: 88%
get out: 87%
it: 86%
john wick 2: 85%
war for the planet of the apes: 85%
dunkirk: 82%
beaty and the beast: 81%
lego batman movie: 80%
the fate of the furious: 73%
cars 3 : 72%
alien covenant: 57%
valerian and the city of a thousand planets: 56%

and here is 2016:
zootopia: 92%
deadpool: 90%
captain america civil war: 89%
moana: 89%
hell or high water: 88%
rogue one: 87%
the jungle book: 86%
doctor strange: 86%
finding dory: 84%
la la land: 81%
batman vs superman dawn of justice: 63%

2015 now with links:

the martian: 91% - https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_martian
star wars the force awakens: 89% - https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/star_wars_episode_vii_the_force_awakens
inside out: 89% - https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/inside_out_2015
mission impossible rogue nation: 87% - https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/mission_impossible_rogue_nation
mad max fury road: 85% - https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/mad_max_fury_road
avengers age of ultron: 83% - https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/avengers_age_of_ultron
furious 7: 82% - https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/furious_7
jurassic world: 78% - https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/jurassic_world
spectre: 61% - https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/spectre_2015

So I would say the people who are seeing it are absolutely loving it. Apparently top 5 best reactions from movie goers in years. On par with star wars the force awakens.

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I can honestly say, I was expecting a scene where the mane 6 argue. What I didn't expect was for Twilight to be captured after said argument. I gotta say, though, the scene was good. Tara Strong definitely sounded sad during the part where Twilight regrets snapping at her friends.

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Decided to do a more in-depth covering of my thoughts...

I honestly did immensely enjoy this movie and desperately want to call it a masterpiece. However, I have to be fair, be both subjective and objective, in saying that this movie was not the best it could have been. Like I already said in my spoiler-free thoughts, the first half had me thoroughly impressed with the film, as I found my worries that the movie's glaring flaw would be trying to cram too much story into a 90-minute film not become reality. The storytelling and pacing up until then is quite satisfying, as no scene goes on for too long, the action, suspense, and humor never take a break (especially not the humor, everyone in the theater including myself could not get enough moments of comedy gold from Rarity and Pinkie Pie XD), and all of the new supporting characters fit in with the main plot surprisingly well. Though I wouldn't go so far to call Capper, the pirates, the seaponies, and Grubber particularly interesting characters, I did quickly find them to be acquired tastes, as they do display enough charisma and personality for me to consider them memorable. But then came...Tempest Shadow at the turning point of the movie. Don't get me wrong, I love Tempest all around, and her performance at the beginning of the movie made her an easy choice for my favorite new character in the film. In fact, even before that, just from watching the trailers, I fell in love with her. I had great expectations for her...that I knew wouldn't ever be realized. Quote for truth, I watched what should have been the best scene in the movie fully expecting to not get what I wanted out of Tempest Shadow's backstory. Just not a freaking bear.

I am sadly not joking. That is the reason Tempest became evil. She was scratched by a bear. That's how her horn was broken and what made her friends stop liking her. That was supposed to be the big twist. Now, why is this twist so bad? Well, first of all, this would make Tempest nothing more than a rip-off of Starlight Glimmer, who became evil for the exact same reason, having one bad experience with friendship as a kid, but became good because Twilight did something good for her and blah blah. Second, this reveal of Tempest's weak motive as a villain shows off the only problem with the movie that ruins the enjoyment of it better than anything else, doing nothing with the lightning in a bottle that it's built up. This scene was the movie's turning point. This was their golden opportunity to make it the best movie they could have possibly made it. Tempest Shadow having a strong, relatable reason for believing what she believed would've been the easiest chance to throw in a creative twist that would've led the movie's latter half on a more than thrilling ride towards a spectacular conclusion.

But of course, that didn't happen because, "Business! And marketing! And time constraints! And...bleh."


Preach it, Storm King. Though you were easily the film's weakest new character, as you turned out to have no personality beyond being a generic bad guy and a rip-off of Tirek, at least you provided some genuinely entertaining dialogue. Also, kudos to the team for having the balls to kill you off. At least that wasn't something I was expecting.

That's all for the cynicism, I'm done. This movie is still far above average for both kid's cartoon movie standards and the show's standards. I just have to be honest in giving the most constructive, unbiased critique I can give when I look at a masterpiece...that sadly was not finished. However, moving on to the optimism, I absolutely want this movie to not just be a one-off, but the beginning of something much greater. So yeah, if you are in any way a fan of My Little Pony, please go to watch this movie in theaters. I can't tell you how to live your life, but I can tell you that if you see this franchise as a team you're rooting for, you're definitely not rooting for it by not showing up to its game. Screw what other people think, stand up and tell them go Broncos go My Little Pony. :D


Comet meets the original Comet.

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Real question here:

Does ANYONE know where you can get the commemorative popcorn buckets and cups?

I checked two separate theaters and didn’t see them. I’d really like to get them. I’ve seen a few pictures posted but whenever someone asks “Where’d you get those?” The poster conveniently refuses to answer.

If anyone knows anything, please let me know.

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5 hours ago, CloudMistDragon said:

Decided to do a more in-depth covering of my thoughts...

I honestly did immensely enjoy this movie and desperately want to call it a masterpiece. However, I have to be fair, be both subjective and objective, in saying that this movie was not the best it could have been. Like I already said in my spoiler-free thoughts, the first half had me thoroughly impressed with the film, as I found my worries that the movie's glaring flaw would be trying to cram too much story into a 90-minute film not become reality. The storytelling and pacing up until then is quite satisfying, as no scene goes on for too long, the action, suspense, and humor never take a break (especially not the humor, everyone in the theater including myself could not get enough moments of comedy gold from Rarity and Pinkie Pie XD), and all of the new supporting characters fit in with the main plot surprisingly well. Though I wouldn't go so far to call Capper, the pirates, the seaponies, and Grubber particularly interesting characters, I did quickly find them to be acquired tastes, as they do display enough charisma and personality for me to consider them memorable. But then came...Tempest Shadow at the turning point of the movie. Don't get me wrong, I love Tempest all around, and her performance at the beginning of the movie made her an easy choice for my favorite new character in the film. In fact, even before that, just from watching the trailers, I fell in love with her. I had great expectations for her...that I knew wouldn't ever be realized. Quote for truth, I watched what should have been the best scene in the movie fully expecting to not get what I wanted out of Tempest Shadow's backstory. Just not a freaking bear.

I am sadly not joking. That is the reason Tempest became evil. She was scratched by a bear. That's how her horn was broken and what made her friends stop liking her. That was supposed to be the big twist. Now, why is this twist so bad? Well, first of all, this would make Tempest nothing more than a rip-off of Starlight Glimmer, who became evil for the exact same reason, having one bad experience with friendship as a kid, but became good because Twilight did something good for her and blah blah. Second, this reveal of Tempest's weak motive as a villain shows off the only problem with the movie that ruins the enjoyment of it better than anything else, doing nothing with the lightning in a bottle that it's built up. This scene was the movie's turning point. This was their golden opportunity to make it the best movie they could have possibly made it. Tempest Shadow having a strong, relatable reason for believing what she believed would've been the easiest chance to throw in a creative twist that would've led the movie's latter half on a more than thrilling ride towards a spectacular conclusion.

But of course, that didn't happen because, "Business! And marketing! And time constraints! And...bleh."


Preach it, Storm King. Though you were easily the film's weakest new character, as you turned out to have no personality beyond being a generic bad guy and a rip-off of Tirek, at least you provided some genuinely entertaining dialogue. Also, kudos to the team for having the balls to kill you off. At least that wasn't something I was expecting.

That's all for the cynicism, I'm done. This movie is still far above average for both kid's cartoon movie standards and the show's standards. I just have to be honest in giving the most constructive, unbiased critique I can give when I look at a masterpiece...that sadly was not finished. However, moving on to the optimism, I absolutely want this movie to not just be a one-off, but the beginning of something much greater. So yeah, if you are in any way a fan of My Little Pony, please go to watch this movie in theaters. I can't tell you how to live your life, but I can tell you that if you see this franchise as a team you're rooting for, you're definitely not rooting for it by not showing up to its game. Screw what other people think, stand up and tell them go Broncos go My Little Pony. :D

It wasn't a single bad experience with friendship, it's the fact she was left disfigured and then ostracized for it that turned her away from friendship. That's not really comparable to Starlight at all, who merely lost a single friend. Also, it wasn't simply a single act of kindness that turned Tempest around, it was the fact the Storm King tried to kill her and then Twilight saved her life. She was just returning the favor, and at the end she is still a bit skeptical as old wounds don't heal easily. 

  • Brohoof 1
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This movie was phenominal. I loved every second and minute of it. i especially LOVED One Small Thing! It was amazing all the way through. I give it a 9000/10, and I would see it over 9000 times. IN fact, i'll do that once I get the DvD! I'll be holed up in my room watching the MLP Movie to no end.

  • Brohoof 2

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