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open Salem University


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[OOC thread can be found here.]

[Based in an alternate Earth.]

Throughout history, the study of magic has been looked down upon. Many denied its very existence due to how rare it was for people to have the ability to wield it. However, in recent decades, the existence of magic became scientifically indisputable fact, as the world's population has quickly grown to the point where thousands of magic users exist around the world, even though only about one in every million people can use magic.
Many people were hurt and killed by magic-wielders in the early days of modern magic, due to the fact that very few of them could properly control and direct their powers. Sponsored by a international government initiative, a powerful young man named Gabriel Lazel founded a school for users of magic, hiring many of his own magic-wielding acquaintances and friends as staff and calling in favours from many others to establish contact with secretive magical communities around the world. The school's name? Salem University.
Years passed, and more and more magic-wielders of incredibly diverse abilities flocked to the school, eager to learn more about the control of their often-unstable powers and, in many cases, eager to escape the societal rejection that came with such singular abilities. Students from all cultures, nationalities, and ethnic backgrounds were accepted equally there, not all even entirely human, as in the case of the Pelajae - a race of human-like animals that have developed alongside humankind as allies for millennia [yes, this means anthros are possible to roleplay; please address any objections to @Arid_Blitz, c/o MLP Forums thank you for using Duality Blame Redirection have a nice day].
Due to the vast diversity of the student body, however, there were many incidents of conflict between those of contrasting culture, which sometimes even lead to outright brawls. After a particularly savage incident involving a frenzied magical blast that severely injured twelve bystanders and killed both the fighting sophomores, it was decided that a duelling system be formally implemented, whereby students could fight to settle disputes, defend their honour, or simply test their combat prowess on each other. Such events took place in a specially-designed and -enchanted duelling ring, overseen by a select board of impartial teachers and students to prevent cheating and, in certain cases, provide protection from injuries in excess of what they considered reasonable given the circumstances of the duel in question.
It was just such a duel in which Principal Lazel was tragically killed, mere weeks after the twentieth anniversary of his founding of the school was celebrated with a grand gala. Police reported simply that he engaged with an unknown opponent in the master-sorcerer duelling ring, which resulted in his death. Nothing more was known. No culprit was identified.

Lazel's close friend, Lilith Plowse, was named his successor as principal. Under her wise leadership, the school expanded considerably over the next several years, requiring additional dorm blocks (at least one for each general category of magic wielded by students), classrooms, and even an on-site mall to be constructed. As the new school year comes upon the school, arriving students are becoming acquainted with their transformed environment and older students are preparing their minds for another year of study.
Edited by Duality
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The sound of heels could be heard as Lilith came out on the large stage in the auditorium, her skirt swaying a bit before she got to the podium. Tapping the microphone a bit she cleared her throat "Welcome to Salem University...returning students a pleasure to see you coming back once again and to the new students a pleasure to have you. We will begin with just who I am and what a few rules are, faculty will come up and introduce themselves...tell you where their classrooms are and the rules for inside their classrooms as each are different...some are stricter then others." she began to take a sip of water as she looked at some papers "My name is Miss Lilith Plowse principal of the school. You may call me Miss Plowse or Lilith depending on if you wish to be formal...now then onto school ground rules that are what have been around for years and will be followed nothing too bad so do not worry. One school duels are allowed meaning if student A issues a challenge to student B they can accept or decline be it for a legit reason the duel was issued. Most do it for honor, pride or to even practice so do not worry if you are challenged. If a duel is declined and yet lets say student A attacks anyways you will be subject to disciplinary actions and trust me after cleaning the toilets in the school with a toothbrush or having to rake leaves off all the campus you will learn to respect one another."

As she spoke she stopped to look around every now and then to see which faculty showed up and which students were paying attention "Rule two duels going too far will be dealt with by Security who oversees duels to see if cheating or they do get out of hand. They have the authority to stop a duel at anytime and even have the right to use force if necessary to keep order. Rule three, treat each other with respect...yes there will be issues it happens every year. However as a school we allow no discrimination against a student based on race, gender, background, age, abilities he or she may have etc etc etc. And with that the only thing I have to say is have fun you are here to learn control of your powers and enjoy a place where no one will judge you for having them." she took one last sip before smiling "And dont forget we do have a mall and other places for you to go. Now then I will allow another person to introduce then later we will show a small demonstration. Something like this." she moved from the podium and moved her left hand out as frost began to cover her fingers, a green crystal started to form in her palm before the frost covered it. Throwing it under a chair as it hit the floor ice crystals shot up impaling the chair "Combining your magic."

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Duality waited until the spattering of awed applause from the students died down before entering stage left and taking Lilith's place at the podium. She took a second to arrange her cursory notes before speaking, suppressing the tiny butterfly that always fluttered in her stomach, despite years of experience, when giving speeches to so large an audience.

"Greetings, all. My name is Dr. Duality Wave-Particle, and I, as one of the more senior staff in the faculty, am here to inform you of various general rules and guidelines of the school, but, first, to give you a rundown of all the different buildings incorporated into this University, for those as yet unfamiliar with its extents. The main hall you are, of course, familiar with, being sitting inside it currently, but in addition to this building there are also three lesser halls for more low-key occasions - one of them dedicated entirely to magic duels -, seven main student dorm facilities - one for each major category of magic -, a full-scale mall - as previously mentioned by our much-beloved principal -, a staff dorm facility - student-accessible only with a one-time-use magical permission-sigil issued by the administration, we teachers like our privacy -, a central administrative building - which you all should have already visited to obtain your student IDs for the year -, a fewscore blocks of classrooms - which you'll become more than familiar with in the coming months -, and, last but most, a positively gargantuan library containing everything you could possibly want to know about magic - my personal favourite building on campus."

"Now, in the way of magical house rules, it is generally frowned upon to use powerful magic outside a robust pentagram, unless you, like our greatly-esteemed principal, are Year 3 or above and thus trusted to impale innocent chairs with jagged ice spikes whenever you deem dramatic." Here she gestured to the wooden fatality in question and paused for a moment to wait for the laughter to die down, taking a sip of water from the now-magically-replenished podium glass. "The use of offensive or potentially harmful magic on others outside of a duelling ring, however, will result in instant disciplinary action regardless of your year level - expulsion under serious circumstances. If you cannot control your potentially-harmful magic, do not use it outside a pentagram."

"I am one of the main teachers of hydromancer magic - the dean, in fact -, and teach a couple of glyph theory classes in addition, so I also have class guidelines to issue while I'm on the subject of rule-related rants." Another pause to allow the audience to finish chuckling and take a swallow from her again-refilled glass of water, then she leaned forwards slightly with renewed intensity. "Learn. Think. Grow. Those are my only restrictions on your in-class behaviour, but they must be adhered to. You will fail my classes if you do not."

"To wrap up my time, I wish you a successful school year and a truly magical time of learning and bonding with fellow mages. I apologise profusely for that pun, but school rules mandate that it be used in all official ceremonies at least once. I will now be handing it over to the rest of our teachers to introduce themselves and explain what they expect of their students."

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Shadow got up said as he walked with his cane and said as he wrapped the bottom of his cane with shadows to keep it sturdy as he leaned on the cane, "Hello to all the new students, My name is Shadow Beast and I'll be teaching about Dark Magic and, for the ones that use it, how to wield it properly so you don't get hurt or cause damage to anyonce at this school." He looked at the room at the students until he saw Rose sitting down there. He bowed his head and sat back down in his seat as he placed the cane on his lap.

Rose listened to every word that the principal and teachers say with interest. She heard about the school from her dad and was excited to start the schooling. She noticed that her dad's shadow wavered a bit. She could do that as well, but only if she concetrates real hard.

Sorxir sat with her back straight as she listened to the principal and teachers. She made sure that her eyepatch was still covering her eye.

(hopefully this is okay)

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Elias sat alone in the back row of the massive auditorium, farthest away from the podium. Absentmindedly tracing a figure eight on his left knee with his finger, halfheartedly listening to the presentation. “Rules, rules, rules, blah blah blah.” He thought as he listened to the teaches and administration drone on and on. “I’m gonna need a smoke after this.” He muttered to himself. Reaching into his trench coat’s breast pocket, his paw came upon the familiar feeling of his box of cigarettes. He patted them gently, readjusting the pack to minimize the chances of them being inevitably crushed later in the day. Such was his luck when it came to his habit.

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@Biohazarddallas @Denim&Venom@Duality@reader8363


Walking out from behind the curtain a rather large intimidating male panther walked out onto the stage, moving his left hand up he pulled his coat off his shoulders setting it down on an empty seat. First thing one could see about this Panther was his missing right arm along with scars going over his stomach, chest, back and sides. Walking up to the podium he took in a slow breath "My name is Rouen Blackrose, I am the self defense artist because sometimes you face people who are immune to magic, outclass you in magic, or face someone with no magic." he looked out over the students he smiled softly "Now I can imagine you saying..."Why are we going to learn self defense from a man missing an arm?" or other questions. Believe me sometimes your powers are not going to get you out of every situation." he stepped out from behind the podium and pointed at Lilith "Fire something at me, let us demonstrate why it is important."


Lilith got up brushing off her skirt some "You do this all the time Rouen, very well." she moved her hand down forming a ball of ice with crystal spikes on it. Rearing back she flung it like a baseball towards him it was pretty fast as it approached Rouen. Getting to him the ball began to disintegrate before it was completely gone. Lilith chuckled some before sitting down again

"I am a pretty rare case...a resistor. Magic doesnt work on me, I am not the only one but, if you came across someone like me..you need to defend yourself." he walked over to the podium moving his left hand through his hair "I have done plenty of martial arts through the world, boxed at one time, and fought in underground fight clubs. What I can teach you will keep you safe in almost any situation plus help improve your own skills. Imagine implementing your magic with your martial arts.. You could become a very formidable fighter. Good day." he said walking back to where he set his coat picking it up sitting down in the seat 

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@Biohazarddallas @Duality @Arid_Blitz@Mentis Soliloquy@woodchunks66@Skylord Nexus@reader8363

Ghalan walked onto the stage "Oh yes Lilith how kind of you," he stated with abit of sarcasm. "I am Ghalan Chromwell the school's janitor," he stated as he snapped his fingers to basically crush the poor murdered chair into nothing. "I specialize in force magic aka gravity magic," he stated simply. "But please do make sure that campus is clean," Ghalan stated with a sigh to himself."While I can make the things I want as heavy as a black whole or," Draco looked at  the Principle Lilith with a cocky grin on his face as he held out his hand and started to work his magic around her to make her float up slightly. "Bad day to wear a skirt hmm Lilith?" Ghalan asked as he hummed to himself as he looked at the audience of students. "Of curse I'm also willing to listen to any problems you may have,"

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A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

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On 2/9/2018 at 2:30 AM, dragon4111 said:

After Ghalan finished, what looked like a tan equine with a long blonde, side swept mohawk walked onstage, wearing what looked like an overall dress and a lab coat.

"Um, hi everpo- I mean everyone. My name is Professor Angelscape O'nyra. But you can call me Professor Angel. I will be teaching you the arts of geomancy, the ability to move solid stone, and even the heavy metals within it. She said as she held out her hand and what looked like metal tribal marks began to slide up her fingers. "I look forward to meeting more fellow geo-mancers. And hey, if you want to ask me something that isn't related to school, or just want to talk, I'm available. I was in your place once. I was a kid too. Heck, I'm still in my 20s, I'm not much older than some of the upper classmen. Anyways, I'll be here for an hour or so after classes end if you want to talk. Thanks for listening, and lets have a great year.

After the applause died down, another figure made her way. A very tall she-wolf, towering above the podium, clad in jeans and a long sleeve band shirt, she and to adjust the height of the mic stand, and still lean into it. 

"Um, hi there." She said in a bassy soprano voice, sweeping her silver bangs to the side out of the way of her clouded blue eyes. "I'm Professor Mindy Fenris, and I will be teaching you mezzo-mancy, the art of controlling wind and electricity and the nuances behind controlling aspects of the very atmosphere itself. It won't be easy, but the insight you garner from the experience will make you a better spell caster in the long run. thank you for listening." Her tone even and calm, words laced with a Nordic accent. As calmly as she arrived on stage, she left it. 


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@Denim&Venom, @Arid_Blitz@Duality

Katarina was one of the many, many students who were in the main hall for the first year address, watching the teachers new and old come up and tell them all who they were and what they did. Of course, the Sabre had seen and heard most of if not all the rules the previous year when she joined the school to learn how to mover earth like it was made of air and she was pretty good at it. The only real reason she was there was to see who was new on staff and who was no longer with them. It was a good way to see who the teachers were before classes started, not that it really mattered, but it was something she liked. 

"Well that was interesting I suppose, well some of the new teachers are anyway..." She said to no one in particular as she stood watching with the rest of the student body. Her thoughts changed to her new geomancy teacher the girl... well a horse it seemed. It was nice to have a few none humans around from time to time, made her feel more comfortable, not that humans made her feel uncountable, just she did get some racist remarks from time to time and it was mainly from humans against her or what she was.  "I look forward to meeting you miss Angelscape." She finished her random thoughts and looked for what was next to come at the assembly. 

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@Biohazarddallas @Duality @Arid_Blitz@Mentis Soliloquy@woodchunks66@Skylord Nexus@reader8363


After being lifted into the air, Lilith glared at Ghalan as she was sure her long skirt wouldnt go up, as soon as her feet touched ground again she seemed to rush over Slugging the man over the back of his head "Remind me to have you clean the gutters." as the rest of the teachers spoke she came up to the podium and smiled "Well it seems that is all we have time for, please have a wonderful school year. If you have any questions you may find us at our school rooms or offices, always open door for all students. You are dismissed to go get used to the school grounds and tomorrow will be the first real day of school." Lilith sipped some water before she looked at the teachers bowing her head "Wonderful work today, and Rouen try not to injure anyone this year."

Looking at Lilith after she told him not to injure anyone he smiled some "Not my fault last year.Those bullies were picking on that kid and they thought my anti magic was a joke as well the fact I only had one arm I was a push over." he stood up taking up his jacket chuckling "I guess they found out different." he slipped his jacket on before walking off the stage "I'll be at the training grounds if people wish to come by for pointers or training."

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On 2/23/2018 at 5:43 PM, Arid_Blitz said:

Just then, the lights dimmed, row after row. The upper classmen knew who was left to introduce themselves. 

Coming seemingly everywhere, a song began to play.



Raising up from behind the stage on a levitating platform, podium of her own, was a fox. A kitsune, wearing aviator shades and a bomber jacket, holding a megaphone. 

"Good morning." she said through the grainy bull horn, before looking back at it and chucking it over her shoulder. 

*Ahem!*  "Good morning." Her voice now clearly boomed across the hall, as the hall went silent. 


 "In less than an hour, students here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest class room session in this history of student kind.

Student kind -- that word should have new meaning for all of us today.

We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore.

We will be united in our common interests.

Perhaps its fate that today is the 1st day of school, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom, not from cram school, unskilled labor or unemployment,  -- but from ignorance.

We're fighting for our right to learn, to improve.

And should we win the day, the 1st day of school will no longer be known as an institutional holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice:

"We will not go quietly into the night!

We will not vanish without a fight!

We're going to learn on!

We're going to survive!

Today, we celebrate our First School Day!"


*cue ruckus applause*

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Shadow looked at the girl that got the attention of the student and got up. He hopped down from the table and walked up to Rose with a bit of a limp in his steps. He patted her shoulder and motioned out the door. Once he was outside the hall, he placed the cane on the wall and stood up straight.

Rose wanted to roll her eyes but didn't. Then she felt her father tap her shoulder. She got up and followed him out. Once she was outside the door. She said as she closed it, "What's up, what did you need to talk to me about?"

Shadow turned to Rose and said, "Okay, you do know that you're here to learn how to use your magic. Don't fight, you might seriously hurt someone since you got some training before." When he saw nod, he left to head to his room

Sorxir watched Shadow and Rose walk off and was curious, but didn't want to get in trouble, so she just stayed.

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@Biohazarddallas @Duality @Arid_Blitz@Mentis Soliloquy@woodchunks66@Skylord Nexus@reader8363

Ghalan rubbed his head as he got slugged. "Who's gutters yours?" Ghalan asked jokingly as he heard the last teacher introduce themselves. He sighed as he shrugged slightly to himself as he looked at his boss. "SHOW OFF! Ghalan stated at the kitsune as he placed one of his ear buds into one of his ears. Though he looked to the anthro pony and wolf and said to himself "Hmm two new faces eh,"  He turned on his phone so that he could listening to one of his favorite songs. Using his gravity magic he crushed the trash into nothing as he finished up the auditorium and stated "Lilth do expect dust on your desk later or maybe tomorrow," he stated clearly over the ruckus. He chuckled to himself as he went off to do his job. and already some of the more arseholeish ones left trash for him. Oh joy....Ah well it is in his paycheck. One of his favorite tracks came on.


Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kat always enjoyed the first year talks on the first day of the year, it was just as good as last year's when she joined herself. It made her smile thinking to what effect the speeches last year had on her for the first few months it seemed, at least from what her memory was telling her. 

She picked up her pack that was sitting at her paws (feet) and headed off to one of the libraries, she'd talk to the teachers she wanted to at a later time, they did have all year no need to rush. The cat was walking through the school taking in the sites as normal after leaving the main hall, even after a full year she'd never gotten over how nice the school looked. It seemed like every day was her first even though she knew most of the buildings she could enter or had to for classes very well. Though she liked exploring and knew most of the buildings well, except for the teacher areas as she could go there.

She was whistling a little as she walked. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Arid_Blitz @reader8363 @dragon4111 @Denim&Venom @Mentis Soliloquy

As the crowd of students and teachers dispersed through the intimidatingly large double doors that took up most of the front wall of the auditorium, Duality hung back under the stage curtains, leaning against a cluster of curtain pulleys, and observed the throng with the jitter of excited curiosity that always accompanied her into a new year of school with a new intake of students. Old faces and new blended before her as they moved to leave, some looking around in wonder at the vast and active facility they'd spend the next few years of their life at, some engaging easily with a posse of their long-time friends, and some simply keeping to themselves as they moved decisively to their next destination.

There Mr. Blackrose, striding powerfully through the mass of humanity and inhumanity alike as it parted before him near-subconsciously.

Here Principal Lilith, barely visible among staff and students vying to ask her questions.

There Dr. that-magic-wolf-from-Nordic-mythology-Fenris-that-was-it, calmly waiting for a gap in the crowd large enough to pass through.

Here the school janitor - Ghastly? Ghoul? -, giving a dirty look to the receding backs of a group of students who had deliberately left their chairs littered with rubbish for him.

There Dr. Beast and his daughter walking away from the auditorium, seen only in a glimpse of motion through the open doors.

Here a student with an eyepatch; Duality was used to the often-double-take-worthy physical appearance of many of the school's inhabitants, but this student in particular caught her eye for some reason.

There that audiophile of an audiomancer, Dr. Miko, chatting animatedly with a cluster of students.

Here Dr. Ony - Onyr - O'nyra, the apostrophe always threw her off, trotting through the near-empty rows of seats, her hoofsteps audible even over the ruckus.

A curtain cord began to dig perceptibly into her ribs, rousing her from her contemplations and prompting her to start absently gathering her things to leave. She'd seen several familiar faces in the crowd during her speech who'd left too soon for her to take them into consideration in her ponderings of the school populace, most notably Katarina the budding master-geomancer. Duality had never found someone quite as interested in her collection of glacial erratic samples as that metafeline.

As she finished compiling her various oddments from the seat where she'd left them, Duality's mind finally juddered into motion with the thought that she'd better hurry if she wanted to clean up her classroom a bit before any students got there. "Oh, lepton," she murmured, "I left my class outline lying out, didn't I? And the workbooks, too, no doubt. I've always wondered how such a passionately perfectionistic pedant can be so messy." Her pace quickened as she caught up with and deftly wove through the assorted crowd of people still lingering near the auditorium. "Oh, my dear professor, whatever will I do with you. Me. Us. It doesn't matter, stop correcting me! The kids will think you're crazy. And the adults, too, probably. Probabilistically. Stochastically. What are you even talking about? Me. No, I didn't mean that you were talking about me, you just said 'you' and meant 'me'. Like I just did. Blatant hypocrisy. You should be used to it by now. Me. Are we still on this? No, we're not. Executive decision, made by yours truly. Mine truly. Quark, there I go again, rambling like a madwoman. Or madman. Man was originally a gender-neutral term; it doesn't much matter which you use. Odd, isn't it?"

Duality cut off her stream-of-thought monologue quite abruptly as she noticed a pair of students staring blankly at her from an adjacent corridor in the classroom complex she'd long since entered and was now navigating through on autopilot. "Before you ask, yes, I do talk to myself, and, yes, I am most definitely insane. I highly recommend it. Does wonders for one's originality of thought and general creativity." She shot them a Cheshire-Cat grin and continued on her way, suppressing a chuckle as she sensed the perplexed students peering after her.

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Suddenly, everyone hears "The Time is Now" playing from an unknown source that seems to be playing from everywhere at once, followed by an unseen male announcer shouting "AND HER NAME IS DANTE WUBBINGTON!", then pyrotechnics go off, which also ends up creating a smokescreen.

"HELLO EVERYONE! AFTER BEING IN COLLEGE SINCE I WAS 8 AND GRADUATING AT AGE 12, FOLLOWED BY TRAVELING THE WORLD FOR 8 YEARS, I HAVE DECIDED TO COME TO SALEM UNIVERSITY TO CONTINUE MY STUDIES IN THE ART OF MAGIC AND USE WHAT I LEARN HERE TO CREATE MAGITEK," said a female voice that came from everywhere, followed by a crimson Kirin Unicorn mare jumping out of the smokescreen with what looks like mechanical hands on her forehooves & she does a 3 point landing in front of Ghalan then she stands up on her hind hooves.

"Sup," said Dante Wubbington.

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Sorxir got up from her seat and headed out the doors. Once she was outside, she sat down on a bench and took her eyepatch off, even though she can see through it, the strap would bug her. She laid the patch on her leg and sighed with being able to see out of it without seeing it shift out of the corner of her eye.

Shadow opened the door to see that there was two bed. He smiled to himself, reached into a portal and grabbed his and his daughter's luggage. He started putting the stuff away and then threw a note to Rose, stating that they'll share a room. He closed the portal and laid down on the bed, the first day of school was a bit hard, but it might get a bit better.

Rose was walking around when she saw a note fall through a portal. She grabbed it, read it, then she threw it into the garbage after crumpling it up. She stormed off in a random direction. After a bit, she ran into a secluded area. She sat down and started trying to open a portal with a tentacle of shadow. Her shadow wavered, but it was able to hold its shape.

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@Dante Wubbington @Duality @Arid_Blitz@Mentis Soliloquy@Skylord Nexus@reader8363

Ghalan looked at the young woman with a raised eyebrow. He saw the pyrotechnic display and stated "Impressive but no need to make yourself such a display," Ghalan stated with a chuckle. he raised his left hand as his gravity magic took hold of the dust that had accumulated thanks to this young lady's display. then clenched it turning the dust and debris into nothing. "Power is wasted when you use magic like that young miss," he said with a chuckle slightly. "I take it your a student here a new one?" he asked kindly as he then looked at Duality muttering to herself. "One f the professors is having an episode again," he stated as he looked at the lady infront of him. "Don't want you to be late to class Miss Dante," Ghalan stated with a slight chuckle.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

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Dante nods, "That's right sir. Also, I used my Flame Mana Drive to do the pyrotechnics & smoke. I specialize in Spatial magic & Requip magic. Any other magic I do that isn't either of those is done with my Mana Drives. Oh & see ya later!"

Dante then teleports off to the dorm that 's for "special cases", followed by setting up her dorm room with everything she's brought by summoning her stuff from her H.A.T.C.H.'s pocket dimension, from Magitek devices to what looks like an ordinary door that leads to a pocket dimension when set against a wall & opened.Then she starts putting her tools on a desk along with some parts and what looks an ordinary chest that is actually bigger on the inside. After she got her room set up, she starts working on inventing another Magitek device while listening to a playlist of music she had put together.



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Lone steps could be heard echoing between the unusually empty halls of the University. Ira was running late for the assembly. She couldn't really bother though, she was planning to attend it only if she was nearby when it started. And she wasn't. Of course, now she'd probably have to sit through yet another boring lecture about Uni image from the head of heads, but this time unlike last year she had a good reason to be missing. Last year, she needed a nap badly so she was late. But this year she really needed her 2nd breakfast. You need to have your priorities straight. Students would get to know her anyway in the end, though due to her absences on annual first year meetings she would often get confused as a student herself initially.


As she walked, dressed in her regular, favourite outfit, a bow was dangling on her back, along with a quiver of harmless practice arrows. She's grown attached to an image of something else than a plain, old mage.

A sudden ruckus further down the corridor pulled her out of her contemplations however as she was slowly strolling down it and stretching on her way. An avalanche of students came out from around the corner, meaning the assembly must have ended.


"Oh no no no, I'm really not in the mood for drowning in between all of you..." - she threw under her breath and turned left, facing the window. Ira opened it and jumped over. She was on first floor, so instinctively a thin slide made of crystalized ice appeared under her legs as she slid down to the ground, ice dissipating behind her backs. She landed gracefully on the grass and turned to look inside at the stream of students streaming across the halls of ground level. That's when she spotted a familiar face, a face she was more than happy to see.



Ira placed the hand on the window's frame and focused, freezing the lock shortly afterwards. She pushed the window open, making the frozen parts spring forward in a tiny, sparkling rain of metal. She quickly leaned over and shouted after the figure. "Rouen!" - in her mind he would always remain the 'Oh so scary big kitten'.


Back in the days of her first and second years in University, she would often tease him by constantly referring to him as cute kitten, playing pranks on him like placing a ball of yarn in his drawers and so on. Basically, the stuff that would make her a terrible person. And boy did she remember all the punishment she got for it the times she got caught. All in all, it was worth it. And she got to know the janitor better in the process! In the end though, she had nothing else but utmost respect for the Panther. After all she learned nearly everything from him when it came down to physical prowess, and after her graduation she would sometimes join him in his classes to help him out with her bow, seeing how he would have had some problems with this tool. It was an enjoyable method to kill free time.


"Haven't seen you in a while!" - she placed a hand on the frame and launched herself forward, jumping over the window. Ira didn't even care about the stares of a number of first year students, second years and above already were used to the shenanigans. The green eyed girl ran closer to the intimidating Panther and gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder as if he was nothing more than a harmless puppy, completely ignoring all the scars. She never dared ask him how he got them and he never told her in return. A wide, joyful smile was drawing on her face. "Good grief, you look even older than I remembered. And I've seen you just a few weeks ago! Are you getting enough practice? You are starting to look like a hulking mass of fat!" - she joked around with a nasty smirk, when an idea sprang in her head - "Say, I think I was actually searching for you, how about a little sparring to show the newbies that magic isn't everything. Just like the good old times, my bow, your ferocity, zero magic?" - it was true that Rouen was a formidable foe and he outclassed Ira physically in nearly every aspect. Strenght, speed, agility... the inhumane instincts of his were a bit too much for her. However... "Remember I promised to beat you one day!" - this was a promise she yet had to fulfill, despite many tries up-to-date. Only then did she catch a glimpse of... slight disapproval, in his eyes? She turned around following his vision and her sight landed on the ravaged window.

Ira scratched her head in embarrassment raising her eyebrows innocently, with her smile turning a little awkward. "Oh don't worry about this, nothing a bit of magic couldn't fix, right?" - if need be, she would pay for the repairs. Again.

  • Brohoof 2


𝕿𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖒𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙, 𝖋𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊! 𝖂𝖊 𝖉𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖓𝖊𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙, 𝖜𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖔𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊! 𝕴 𝖘𝖊𝖊 𝖎𝖙, 𝖑𝖊𝖙'𝖘 𝖋𝖊𝖊𝖑 𝖎𝖙, 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖊 𝖜𝖊'𝖗𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘! 𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝖌𝖔 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙, 𝖋𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊! 𝕱𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊! 𝕲𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊!

If you are not yet subscribed to Syrex, frankly, what are you even doing with your life? Best Nightcore & artist cooperation ever <3



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@Dante Wubbington @Duality @Mentis Soliloquy@Skylord Nexus@reader8363 @dragon4111

Lilith had made her way along the sea of student's answering questions as fast as possible before bowing her head to them "I'm sorry but, there are just a few things I need to finish in my office if any wish to join me just follow me. Or go explore the place, it will be a few days before any real classes begin. We allow you to get a feel of the land so you are not getting too lost." she began to walk as a few students followed her to her office


Hearing his name yelled out Rouen stopped as he saw Ira, she was running up to him patting him on the shoulder asking about why he looked older, and getting fatter. Ira was something of an unusual girl her heart was good he could tell but, she was so full of mischief that it overshadowed her good intentions. He took a shine to her after all she was always one to try and best him in combat even though she got beat all the time she came back always just happy to see him. Tilting his head some he let out a soft chuckle "I look older because I knew I would be dealing with you again. The fat is from me binge eating from the stress of knowing you were going to be here."

Ira was of course unique when it came to other things, using a bow was sorta weird he thought but she was very skilled with it. Sometimes hanging with her at the archery range nothing like a big target to practice on. "So what is it this year? Kitty litter in my desk? Cat nip in my coffee? Or did you have a new fun idea, I am quite fond of fish." he teased at her as he thought of the times she would prank him, nothing harmful so nothing serious with punishments. He secretly wanted to try and polish her rough edges and turn her into a fantastic replacement if he ever decided to need to stop. "And yes you can repair that window...though if you wish to do a spar to show everyone then very wel." he turned looking around "ALRIGHT LISTEN UP!" he said before letting out a loud whistle "Ira and Myself are going to spar a bit, show you why I am here. Ira as well is a teacher of sorts, she still has a lot to learn but, when it comes to practicality with magic. It isnt all just tossing around magic and making a show. You will learn to use it in every day use thanks to her."

Walking a few steps away he tossed his coat off to the side having it land on the ground with a thud showing it had weight to it, turning around he looked at Ira holding out his hand towards her "Ladies first Ira...attack when ready...heck if I'm feeling generous I may let them hit me without blocking just so you feel good." he teased at her tilting his head to the side cracking his neck

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"I look older because I knew I would be dealing with you again. The fat is from me binge eating from the stress of knowing you were going to be here." - Ira rested a hand on her hip, leaning to the side in a relaxed position upon hearing the remark. She couldn't help but to laugh at it, it seemed that Rouen's ripostes have improved as well. After he proceeded to suspecting and accusing her of another prank, she crossed her arms on her chest and moved her body weight to the other leg, faking absolute indignation and replying in an innocent, seemingly annoyed and sad tone, her expression shifting accordingly as well. "You are hurting me Rouen. I am a teacher now after all, such behaviour does not befit me anymore." - Ira's mind flashed with a quite recent memory from this morning...

A few corridors and rooms further down, far away from Rouen's and Ira's current position, a few higher-year students were staring at the entrance to the training grounds. Not like it was anything out of the ordinary, but one thing was standing out. Up above it, tied with a string, a blue, leathery collar with a gold-encrusted cat bell was hanging. There was a note attached to it as well. Anybody who would open the note would see there's just a few sentences written in it:

"Remember to keep yourself on a leash, big boy.

Cheers, Frosty

PS: I think I still owe you for that steak you've bought on your tab during last year's graduation ceremony."

Her consciousness drifted back to the present. "I would have done nothing of the sort." - she finished with a blank face, shamelessly staring into her converser's eyes. She let the remark about fixing the window slip through, though. In a magical school, the amount of equipment that needed repairs on a daily basis was absolutely enormous. One window wouldn't really make a difference. Besides, it seemed that he accepted the invitation.


As he proceeded with shortly introducing her to the crowd, she lost interest in the surroundings instantly, allowing him to do his duty. Ira let out a very silent sigh and focused on inspecting her nails. It wasn't as if she didn't enjoy teaching, she was absolutely fine with it. But it didn't mean she was looking forward to having to deal with this casemix standing all around her. She still had some time to herself, and she was going to make the best use of it without having to think about the students just yet. After all, she didn't spend all this time preparing the class activities and program just to be mulling over it now. She did listen to his words, however, and promised that she'd have her revenge for being called a 'teacher of sorts'. Her sight pierced him like a thousand daggers upon hearing this, but she didn't interrupt and refocused on her own hand.

A peculiar sound pulled her out of her small, personal world however. As she raised her head again, she noticed that Rouen was now a few steps away, and the sound must have been made by his coat falling. Upon noticing this, she threw him a deadpan expression. He wanted a show for the public, it seemed, and she wasn't certain if she'd be able to provide it. There's been more skilled fighters than herself in the University, but that didn't discourage her. "Ladies first Ira...attack when ready...heck if I'm feeling generous I may let them hit me without blocking just so you feel good." - "How generous of you." - a drop of venom snuck into her words, he struck a nerve. It didn't matter he was publicly belittling her abilities, she didn't have anything to prove to anyone. But she really didn't take kindly to the idea that she would manage to hit him only because he would have allowed so.


Ira spread her hands, assuming a bit more calmed expression, and a bubble of thin, transparent ice started spreading from around Rouen. It started gently pushing students away, against all of their protests, until it passed behind her and stopped in the middle of corridor, leaving the area empty with a few, random curses flying around from surprised pupils. Sure, she was using dull, harmless practice arrows, but she wasn't going to risk accidents. She wasn't THAT irresponsible yet. Gingerly girl reached for her bow with left hand and pulled out an arrow with her right. "Well, you'd better be rea-" - she didn't manage to finish the sentence as she was already forced to begin the dodging maneuver. Ira launched her arrow shortly after starting speaking, she wasn't really one to fight clean. The shot was only of half-force and it would take a second for it to reach the target, but he was prepared. Ira spotted a subtle shift in Rouen's silhouette, and she's fallen for that trick too many times already. Rouen obviously recognized that the speed of projectile was too slow, and he simply grabbed it mid-flight, made a 360 turn with it, allowing its force to guide him and directed the arrow back at her. It hit the thin ice barrier behind her, scaring a few of the students as she managed to dodge on time.

"Show off!" - she shouted at him before releasing a regular shot, forcing him to move out of its way. She didn't wait however and simply jumped through the window, to the square of green grass outside. It was a basic rule he taught her, search for higher ground. Facing the Panther in tight corridor would be a death sentence to her. The square was enclosed with academy's walls, with a pavement in the middle, a few bystanders peculiarly watching her actions in surprise. There were a few trees scattered here and there, with a number of waist high bushes adoring the walkway on both of its sides. She ran forward, knowing that Rouen will not sit idle. "He should be appearing in the window right about... ... ...NOW!" - Ira displaced her foot subtly mid-run, what allowed her to make a quick 180 turn with her body. Another arrow was shot towards the wide open frame as she slowed down to a jog, running backwards now. It was reaching its target, just a moment if her calculations were correct. Finally, the arrow flew through the frame... and harmlessly hit the wall behind it. She frowned, as Rouen appeared in the frame with a mocking grin.


There was one more thing he did surpass her in, and it was experience. Ira was quick to learn and observe, and she knew some of Rouen's fighting patterns already. However that was a double-edged sword. Initially, when she started training back in first grade, he wasn't aware of her fighting style. She would play dirty all the time, but she lacked experience to successfuly pull any of her tricks off. Nowadays, she knew perfectly how to surprise her opponent... but Rouen was already used to her combat style and would usually predict some of her movements. Just like that. Simply slowing down instead of rushing forward right under her bow and arrows. She bit her lower lip on the left side, throwing him a glance from under her eyebrows. An unruly curl of hair fell on her face and clouded her vision. "Timeout!" - she shouted at her partner in the window - "In all this rush I've absolutely forgotten to prepare myself for this little game of ours..." - Ira rested her bow against her legs as she grabbed her hair and, using a small, brown velvet band, she proceeded with turning it into a ponytail. While working, she addressed him again, an expression of focus and slight annoyance appearing on her face as she realized her hair are resisting the efforts - "Back in the day you would scold me for this each time I've forgotten. Can't believe I did it again." - it took a short moment for her to be done. She shook her head a few times, making sure the hairdo will not get in her way and picked the bow up again. The moment her fingers touched the wood, it was as if her whole personality changed. Once more she was staring at him carefully, but intently, observing his moves. "Alright, let me show you how much I've improved." - she threw at him challengingly, subconsciously enlarging the freezing circle of protection around themselves.

  • Brohoof 2


𝕿𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖒𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙, 𝖋𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊! 𝖂𝖊 𝖉𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖓𝖊𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙, 𝖜𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖔𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊! 𝕴 𝖘𝖊𝖊 𝖎𝖙, 𝖑𝖊𝖙'𝖘 𝖋𝖊𝖊𝖑 𝖎𝖙, 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖊 𝖜𝖊'𝖗𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘! 𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝖌𝖔 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙, 𝖋𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊! 𝕱𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊! 𝕲𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊!

If you are not yet subscribed to Syrex, frankly, what are you even doing with your life? Best Nightcore & artist cooperation ever <3



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Dante stops to take a break from working on her Magitek project, "Damn, I still can't get this Virtual Reality Mana Drive of mine to work like I intended it to. I've used a drop of one of my blood samples that came from a Master of Illusion Magic, yet it's not working. What am I missing? Did I miscalculate something in my formula? No, that can't be it. I've ran & crunched the numbers myself, so it should be working perfectly."

Dante goes to her minifridge to get a snack & eats a cold cereal bar, "I'm going to need some help if I want my VR Mana Drive to work like it's supposed to. My best bet will be finding someone on campus that uses or knows plenty about Illusion magic. If that fails, I'll run through the numbers again to see if there are any flaws I may have missed in the formula that I can fix."

Dante then looks at all 3 of her Degrees she got from her time in college for Psychology (Bachelor's), Quantum Mechanics (Master's), and Engineering (Master's), "At least I can teach here if I choose to do so while I'm here to learn. In fact, I may as well teach here since there's a pretty small chance anyone else will want to teach anything about Magitek."

Dante teleports to the Dean's office after getting out a folder of fully planned lessons on Magitek that she had put together 4 years into her world tour of magical studies in case she felt like teaching about Magitek, which she had updated every now & then during her travels.

Edited by Dante Wubbington
Just to make it a "bit" more realistic
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@Dante Wubbington

Duality rounded a corner in the corridor and stopped, fingers twitching at her sides, as she became aware of water magic being used in force nearby. "Shield spell, if I'm not mistaken", she muttered, mentally zeroing in on the source. "Ah, Dr. Kirith and her old ice-sphere tactic; fighting someone in the courtyard, it appears. And who might her adversary be? I can't detect any magic coming from them, I can't detect any magic within them, and I can't detect them at all. Mr. Blackrose, I presume, unless Dr. Kirith has developed a personal grudge against a brick wall." Satisfied that there was no immediate threat evident to the students detectable in the vicinity of the fight, Duality picked up her pace again.

"Only the first day and they're already at each other's throats. Or, probably more accurately, Mr. Blackrose is at Dr. Kirith's throat. She never did quite get the hang of taking him by surprise. But who am I to talk? I'm hardly a combat mage. Hardly untrained, either, admittedly. Speaking of which, I should probably brush up on my own ice-glyph-sphere-thing-hybrid-spell, just in case someone challenges me to a duel. Again. Students seem to think that just because I don't start a scuffle every second Tuesday I'm the weak link in the faculty." Duality paused in her thoughts for a second. "'Ice-glyph-sphere-thing-hybrid-spell'. Neutrino, but I need to come up with a better name for that. Something along the lines of Combat Interface. But a shield too. Sphere-Shield Combat Interface. No, that's not right. Remind me to work out a pithy acronym sometime. Remind yourself; don't delegate me your problems. My problems are your problems. Keep telling yourself that, 'cause I ain't falling for it. I'd reply to that but you've tangled the pronouns too far for me to have a hope of not getting tripped up by them. I consider that a decisive win."

She halted again just a metre away from her classroom-cum-office, fingers fluttering once more in a tic as her seventh sense alerted her to powerful magic being exerted nearby. A curt step backwards and she stood well out of the way of the red unicorn materialising directly in front of her office door. "Careful there, you nearly smacked dead into the classroom's anti-teleport barrier", Duality said cheerfully, slipping in front of her to unlock the door. "You're here to see me, I take it?"

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Dante nods, "That's right Dr. Duality! As for why I've teleported over here, it's to see if I can teach students here about Magitek. However, I believe we have a much more important matter to attend to if you know what I mean," then Dante puts her folder away into her H.A.T.C.H.'s pocket dimension, "Requip setting, Silent Hero," Dante is then covered in a quick flash of light, then after the light faded, she was decked out in what looked like an Organization XIII coat & holding what looks like a night themed Skysplitter replica, "Before you ask about what you just saw, that's my Requip magic at work. This weapon I have here is called 'Moon Breaker'. Let's go & get there before things get worse, ya?"

Dante runs off in the direction of the courtyard to see if she's needed to help keep things under control.

Edited by Dante Wubbington
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