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Complain About Something

Message added by Jeric

This topic is for general venting. This is not the proper platform to complain about the MLPF Community or Forum Issues. We have an entire section devoted to that. Thank you

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This happened a few years ago, but it makes me angry every time I think about it.

So, my Mom and I volunteered at an animal shelter. It was pretty fun. I usually hung out in the cat room and played with the baby kittens, which can ONLY be held by the staff and volunteers. So, I had just put them back in their cage and locked it up, when  I look up and notice a little girl taking one of the kittens out and her Mom just standing there... watching. I was mad, obviously, but wasn't quite sure how to handle it. Just as I was about to ask her to hand the kitten over, I see her PLACE IT ON THE FLOOR.

This is a BIG No-no. These kittens are very young and very small, and must never be set down on the ground outside their cage. What pissed me off more is that neither her OR her Mother were paying attention. This stupid girl was on her cellphone. I shyly picked the kitten up (it clung to my shirt pretty hard, as it was clearly scared.) and told them that I would be putting the cat back into it's cage, and then explained how dangerous it was to let them roam outside on their own, especially unsupervised. The girl argued with me, saying that "She didn't know" and "She won't set it down this time."

I refused, and put it away in the cage, locking it up. The girl got pissy, and I just ignored her and stayed in the cat room for the rest of my window, making sure she didn't pull a stunt like that again. I understand her desire to pet the kittens, they were very cute! The thing that bugs me about this whole situation that she didn't ask me, which she should have. Keep in mind, I was wearing a required volunteer shirt with the shelter's logo and name, along with a nametag.

This stupid girl put a poor, baby kitten in potential danger because "I got to hold her." 

Bitch, I work here. I know the rules. You don't. 

I never re-opened the cage that day.

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And I just remembered why I stopped watching online reviews who focused on the negative. Even if the reviewer in question is trying to make humorous jokes I don't like it when their fans try to take everything they say as if it the gospel truth and use said "gospel truth" to insult and belittle legitimate fans of the criticized media

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  • 2 weeks later...

This past year or so, my sister musta gotten tired of her usual years-old ramblings.

Because she decided to dig out DECADES-old ones, from the rotten depths of my toddler years. And one of those, brings forth a traumatic memory that -I- would rather not fucking remember.

Imagine you live your life with this vicious, vindictive, on occasion manipulative, much bigger person. You were conditioned to see every wrong as an honest mistake, learn to forgive the worst shit she does. YOUR wrongs, on the other hand, were obviously on purpose and you clearly fucking MEANT for her to be upset.

Then it dawns on you that her behavior was abusive, so you stop taking her shit and begin telling her off. Of course it doesn't work, she's too used to unleashing her rage on you and blaming everybody else for intentionally hurting her.

All because she was told "no" this ONE TIME in the 90's, when she was a hormone-enraged, spoiled and bitchy little adolescent.

Then all of her bitching ends up FORCING YOU to remember that TRAUMATIC shit she did to you, and you scream back at her. After a dozen such outbursts, she FINALLY gets the message and moves on to other fake complaints... until she goes back to the same fucking one.

Spend your existence with a stronger person, who keeps warping facts to suit her own desires, who daily harasses and regularly assaults you and the people you love... then just as you start to put your foot down, cries and bawls about "not HAVING BEEN allowed to love a boy" DECADES AGO.

How would you feel?

I want to know, because I'm too deep in the real thing to actually put a name on it.

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  • 1 month later...
15 minutes ago, LyraLover 💚 said:

I'm so sick of getting into a pointless shouting match with my mom every two or three weeks. I can't wait to move out and break free of all this.

for me it's pretty much every week with either my mum or step-dad, though I can't wait till I'm able to move out

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On 10/16/2020 at 5:42 PM, LyraLover 💚 said:

I'm so sick of getting into a pointless shouting match with my mom every two or three weeks. I can't wait to move out and break free of all this.

Yeah I can relate :worry:


I feel like since Corona parents have been acting so bad which never even happened before. So much shouting and even getting hit like not properly but like physical. It got to points where i was crying so much and I felt hopelesss like there wais no point to anything and I don't know nobody wanted to even support me and say I'm there for you or everything is gonna be okay. Even if that feeling of the most terribleness only lasts a few hours or half a day (I can recover alright) it's still bad. And I hate how other people think its okay to brush it off, I obvs don't want pressure on ppl nor fish for advice i'm very aware of that but i guess most ppl aren't very great at supporting others either :p even if all I want is a few virtual hugs and worse most other people at this time seem to have their own issues. 

My dad is way too clingy to me and Idk when and if I can even move out and moving out is already scary as it is, it's like my dad is like no point moving out unless ur gonna get married like wot. He supports me getting a house tho. This whole experience over corona has only made me want to leave more. B4 back at uni I lived away and had some bad experiences with abuse but still I wanna move out. I tried to have these discussion but Idk how to take it further and im so stressed now. 

Okay recently it's been mildly better but I still have pent up stress from before building up over the months and months especially since i hurt my foot so I cant even walk as much as b4, I feel kinda blegh and I just don't feel happy at home. Like things have stabilised now but it's a challenge and then its also lonely. Yet and some ppl I know are still going out getting screwed and all. And a lot of ppl have used this time to get more distant from me. What annoys me the most is ppl still expecting you to meet them as normal when this is not normal.

Things really haven't been the same since March. Just as I thought I was getting more social and pushing more boundaries by going out more. Tho I guess corona did do some good by giving me a break from routine it also just put more and more stress into my life I just wanted an excuse to be out and get more independent not just have to be stuck here. 


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  • 1 month later...

I’m tired of seeing videos online of someone struggling, or something embarrassing happening to someone else where the person filming could have easily interfered and helped them, but instead they filmed the person to get likes and laughs online. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m so fucking tried of these people getting mad at me over the stupidest little things that I didn’t do! Let alone, getting jealous over. I already have to deal with one person and now another person?! This getting really ridiculous and toxic! It’s best to just leave it! :angry:

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  • 1 month later...

Man I wish I could find another better paying job that’s good. I’m tried of my job. The company is so fixed on us to make sure we’re milking money for them, when they don’t even bother giving us a raise! And I have worked there for two years now. Like hell, why should I care about making the company rich when the company don’t even give two cents about us? Let alone they’re the one who laid us off during the COVID-19 last year!  I don’t know why the fuck I even come back to work there, but it’s the only job that’s flexible with my schedule... they expect me to sell but not many customers don’t even give a shit about what we’re selling to them. So what happen when not many people will stay and listen to you yapping about a product? You lose interest and grow to not give a shit about doing your job 100%. Especially since the company never cares about you in the first place! :Cozy: 

“no phone at work” don’t get me wrong, I’m a good worker when it comes to following the rules and shit. But at this point I don’t give a crap anymore so yeah I’m going to use my phone the hell I want because the company don’t deserve my 100% effort to work and fuck I’m not paying enough anyways.

so yeah, fuck you


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hate when you try to have a nice talk with someone on discord but all they do is force what they like on you and even if you try changing subject they still push it, like stapphhh ;~;


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  • 2 weeks later...

I wish I weren't scared to commit... new courses, creative projects, even relationships.

Yes, my conscious brain knows, the road to success is riddled with failures. But try explaining that to my motivation... it won't let me move on from past frustrations and disappointments.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Aaron Rodgers is a great quarterback, but management of the Green Bay Packers is holding him back:mlp_okiedokieloki:  And it's no surprise that said management:baconmane: last year drafted a quarterback to succeed him instead of aiding him with a wide receiver:bea:  

The Detroit Lions and Seattle Mariners have a lot in common of being the worst sports teams:(  If it involves a deep in the fog mystery, what does it take to remove it:wau: to make both these teams successful :confused:and win it all?  

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I don't get the "state a universally hated opinion and get offended when people state they don't like it, then brand the community as "unwelcoming or bad" thing...

Or that some discussions on forums(have not seen it here yet) are fine, even have mods participating or being the bulk of the conversation, then a (different) mod that comes out of no where and locks it.

The more I'm on the internet the less I understand of it and its people. 

Oh and to top that off, my processor will apparently run at 8GHZ on stock voltage, as long as its below 30c. You can't run it anywhere between the stock 4 and that 8 though, but below 30 and 8 it will run stable, until it reaches 31 or sometimes 40 then it will crash, but how do you keep it that cool? More or less why does it do that? Every one else can run it at 4-6 without issue, but I can only run stock or 8.

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I fucking swear, if my boss did not give me the supervisor position, there will be hell! :Cozy: Like oh sure, she is willing to give it to me when she really needs help running the other store. BUT that store was way too far from my home, so I can't do it. So when there was an open in the store I work in, she fucking wants to consider some other workers for that position. Even through when she  already qualified me as one when she was trying to hire me to work in the other store?!?! That's BULLSHIT. I've been asking for TWO years for that position, if I don't get it, i'm gonna fucking quit and focus working on my other job instead! Or just doing 1/3 of the work and text all day because yeah, you deserve to get fucked over. 

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some people should fucking understand when there's nothing you can do or there's no other fucking option, just forget and give what these cunts wants. I’m tried being viewed like I’m the enemy here

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Weirdly enough my rant is the same as TBDs, nearly 4 years in catering since I was 18, of which 2 years were more of a side thing, doing bar work and waiting on/serving food, even through the pandemic and while at Uni. I even came back home for summer to take my job again temporarily while they were severely understaffed and my uni was three cities away, I genuinely tried to be noticed, and yet not a single employee of the month (It gets worse since I was told by three managers I was opted for Employee of the month several times however the high ups overruled it thinking I was too young to deserve it at the time even though I was 19, pricks) or god forbid the promotion I have asked for several times now, well obviously something had to give and that was me. I start again on the 12th and if I don't get a payrise I will walk, furlough or not my pay isn't worth the 10 hour shifts and under staffed bullshit where I do more work than I even should like count cash at the end of service when management are supposed to do that, why do I even get paid what I do if I work the Supervisor/Manager jobs as a bottom ladder minion anyway? I basically work harder, for less pay, so people older than me on double my wage get paid for working less cus I do it. Blegh shoulda stayed at uni.

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On 2020-12-14 at 3:30 PM, Sonic Shimmer said:

I’m turning 30 next month. I don’t want to say goodbye to my 20s :(

Few months later I feel kinda dumb for posting this. Turns out being 30 is pretty much the same as being 29.

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I'm at an age where everybody else has at least ten years of work experience (not necessarily the same...)
Yet I have maybe half a year's worth, and virtually no energy despite having taken a long break.

I did miserably as part-time teacher for eight weeks, got bronchitis from it and been coughing on and off ever since (it's been... four years oh god) and failed the exam for becoming a real teacher. Before that, I'd barely gotten my Master's degree, with the promise that I would abandon research (yeah, I should've taken the other option of repeating the traineeship)

Nowadays I don't even have the willpower to write the stories I'd been planning to write since my university years.

I feel like, aside from the last couple years with the quarantine, I've just been a dead weight while everyone around me has been moving forward with their lives.

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