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Spike lets Garble get eaten


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So, here's a question. If say Garble got stuck in a nest full of hungry hatching Rocs and Spike let's him get eaten.


How would you feel? How would everypony/creature feel?



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8 minutes ago, Dragulia said:

it's time to get rid of the old dragon culture and anyone who refuses to change to make way for the new

That's actually very "old dragon culture" right there. Do what I want you to, or suffer.

Be better than your enemies, or you are exactly like them.

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41 minutes ago, ShadOBabe said:

That's actually very "old dragon culture". Do what I want, or suffer.

Be better than your enemies, or you are exactly like them.

I don't believe in forgiveness for bullies.

He'll never learn, so it's time to get rid of him. Nothing wrong with getting rid of bullies. Garble is a stereotype of the 80's, and those who hold on to that kind of culture must be taken down.

bullies who are sociopath are hard to forgive.

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Just now, Dragulia said:

I don't believe in forgiveness for bullies.

I do. Because most are just stupid children. Most do, in fact, grow up. And even if they don't, "they said mean things to me" does not warrant the death penalty. Ember is actually a massive bully as well, and is only recently learning how empathy works. You're position is not a strong one if you have to convince people to join it by force. Make a compelling argument, or you have lost the battle.

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23 minutes ago, ShadOBabe said:

I do. Because most are just stupid children. Most do, in fact, grow up. And even if they don't, "they said mean things to me" does not warrant the death penalty. Ember is actually a massive bully as well, and is only recently learning how empathy works. You're position is not a strong one if you have to convince people to join it by force. Make a compelling argument, or you have lost the battle.

If you say so. But I don't believe it will. Otherwise it will enable bullies.

but let's just agree to disagree, if this is your philosophy, then good for you, that works for you. :)


21 minutes ago, Whomps said:

Garble sucks so I wouldn’t probably care 

Heck ya! And he'd serve a purpose for once. As protein for growing baby Predator birds 😊

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1 minute ago, Dragulia said:

But I don't believe and never will, kids especially snobs deserve pain. Otherwise it will enable them.

*gasp* Oh, NOOO, not a snob... That's like right up there with Charles Manson...


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5 minutes ago, BlackPony said:

Knowing this show, if this actually happens then spike will find a way to save Garble.

Even though he would do everycreature a favor by getting rid of him.

3 minutes ago, ShadOBabe said:

*gasp* Oh, NOOO, not a snob... That's like right up there with Charles Manson...


Again, agree to disagree. 

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1 minute ago, Dragulia said:

Again, agree to disagree.

Uh, no, I'm not going to agree to disagree with you on this one.

You're advocating Murder by Inaction of a child, by another child. For the crime of being obnoxious.

That is both petty and disgusting.

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I would feel like the show has gotten too dark if that happened. Spike would feel terribly guilty about it afterwards. I don't feel like he would do that anyway since he rescued Garble from the boulder in Gauntlet.

I'm neutral towards Garble; he's a typical antagonist and he will never win when he appears in an episode unless he's getting redeemed. Garble does have a few fans and I would feel bad for them if they indeed killed Garble off instead of giving him a redemption.

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1 minute ago, Dragulia said:

Even though he would do everycreature a favor by getting rid of him.

Garble does have friends though. They might feel some loss. Granted he's an ass, but he lives in a culture of survival of the fittest, take what you want, because you're the best. It's not his fault he was raised that way and he might just learn to appreciate others when put in such a dangerous circumstance. By your logic, Tempest probably should have been sucked up in the storm, never to be seen again. But look what happened to her.

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6 minutes ago, SharpWit said:

Garble does have friends though. They might feel some loss. Granted he's an ass, but he lives in a culture of survival of the fittest, take what you want, because you're the best. It's not his fault he was raised that way and he might just learn to appreciate others when put in such a dangerous circumstance. By your logic, Tempest probably should have been sucked up in the storm, never to be seen again. But look what happened to her.

See this is what I want to see, convincing arguments. This one has changed my view :)

And no, I don't want to see death in real life, I got off track with that and went off, I apologize. I just feel there needs to be ways to prevent it, like teachers doing something about it, rather than Ignoring it. Better ways to prevent.

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16 minutes ago, Dragulia said:

I don't believe in forgiveness for bullies.

Whoa whoa whoa...

Look, I can say, as someone who was bullied, that I do forgive them. Most of them end up regretting their actions anyway. I know a lot of former bullies that have become really great people. Forgiveness and redemption are always possible. ;) 

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Just now, Rhythm Red said:

Whoa whoa whoa...

Look, I can say, as someone who was bullied, that I do forgive them. Most of them end up regretting their actions anyway. I know a lot of former bullies that have become really great people. Forgiveness and redemption are always possible. ;) 

Thank you! This the kind of discussion I like, rather then someone who simply says something then insults you. Your words have much more meaning.

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2 minutes ago, Dragulia said:

Thank you! This the kind of discussion I like, rather then someone who simply says something then insults you. Your words have much more meaning.

Except that I said the same thing, and you brushed me off for not agreeing with you.

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7 minutes ago, ShadOBabe said:

Except that I said the same thing, and you brushed me off for not agreeing with you.

Sorry, I mistook yours as condescending. You came off as a sorta waving the finger and "I've never been in your shoes but shame on you"

Rythm was more "Look, I get it, I've been there. But I still forgive."

But I was wrong and took you out of context. What I mean is, sharing life experiences is much more powerful then shaming.

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The only reason Garble bully Spike, because he considers him a weakling. Make Spike do something that Garble would respect him for that, and there is not going to be any issues.

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Just now, Dragulia said:

Sorry, I mistook yours as condescending. But I was wrong.

Yeah, no that was a very sincere comment.

16 minutes ago, ShadOBabe said:

*gasp* Oh, NOOO, not a snob... That's like right up there with Charles Manson...


^^^^ THAT was where I got condecending.

Because seriously? Snobbery, of all things, is what warrants death in your eyes?

Seriously, I have had people treat me in utterly ATROCIOUS ways. But I don't wish death on them. All human life (and I realize we were talking about cartoon characters, but you implied that you think this way about actual people) has intrinsic worth. At the very least, all crimes deserve the decency of a trial.

But we're talking about a bully. And not even the sociopathic, stalking, tries to get you to kill yourself type "bully". I don't even call those bullies, those kinds of people are criminals. We're talking about the insecure teenager type that likes to make themselves feel good by calling you a nerd. Really? You're going to THAT get to you?

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3 minutes ago, ShadOBabe said:

Yeah, no that was a very sincere comment.

^^^^ THAT was where I got condecending.

Because seriously? Snobbery, of all things, is what warrants death in your eyes?

Seriously, I have had people treat me in utterly ATROCIOUS ways. But I don't wish death on them. All human life (and I realize we were talking about cartoon characters, but you implied that you think this way about actual people) has intrinsic worth. At the very least, all crimes deserve the decency of a trial.

But we're talking about a bully. And not even the sociopathic, stalking, tries to get you to kill yourself type "bully". I don't even call those bullies, those kinds of people are criminals. We're talking about the insecure teenager type that likes to make themselves feel good by calling you a nerd. Really? You're going to THAT get to you?

But Garble is a sociopath.


and I mixed up snobs with bullies(ones who harass and sometimes try to kill you)


my bad. Sorry I'm idiot. Correcting the replies now.

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4 minutes ago, Dragulia said:

But Garble is a sociopath.

He's really not. He's an idiot teen in a culture that praises his bad attitude. Again, Ember was EXACTLY like him (with a little bit more intelligence), but is changing. Why would Garble be unable to change as well?

And even if he WAS a sociopath, that still doesn't warrant death. That warrants psychiatric help.

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Spike would save him. Garble  would be redeemed. I picture him slapping Spike on the back (Knocking him to the ground) while saying "You know what? You ain't half bad, kid. From now on, any dragon has a problem with you, has a problem with me!". They'd be on much better terms after that. The show is about friendship after all. We've already seen a bully redeem herself. I'd like to see more of the now kinder Diamond Tiara as well.

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1 hour ago, ShadOBabe said:

He's really not. He's an idiot teen in a culture that praises his bad attitude. Again, Ember was EXACTLY like him (with a little bit more intelligence), but is changing. Why would Garble be unable to change as well?

And even if he WAS a sociopath, that still doesn't warrant death. That warrants psychiatric help.

I feel the best way to change him, is to show why he's a sociopath(he tried to kill Spike many times) is, well I've seen Molt Down and from what I heard...


Spike: Your a pathetic creep!

Garble: Did you ever think that when your pointing at me, your really pointing at yourself?

(Spike confused)

Garble: At least you had a loving family...sigh...Okay, so it's my eighth birthday and I'm starting to Molt, I was itchy and smelly and all but at the same time I was excited, cause that meant I would soon gain my wings, but instead of a party, my parents suddenly, almost predictably, grab me and toss me out of the cave right into a sling tail and then that animal shoots me face first into tar, infront of a bunch of laughing dragons!! 

Spike: I... didn't know.





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