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Should Marble Pie move outta the rock farm?


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Can't ya just feel sorry for Marble? She's so shy, the only one she's ever crushed on has found somepony else, and all she really has is her sister who orders her around! She has it worse than Spike even! Even though his friends do seem to hold him back (and himself too), at least he has some accomplishments to show for it and friends that don't do that, but not Marble! Marble's all alone in that farm! Perhaps she needs to make a real life outta herself, and be able to meet someone! We should totally have a season 9 episode that covers this!

Even if she doesn't move outta the farm, Marble deserves happiness, so she should really find someone! She deserves it!

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She should move out of the rock farm and get a place really close to Sweet apple Acres, where her house can block Big Mac's view and she can drive him nuts and stalk him until he realizes she's the only one for him. Then they can make a movie of the week and play it on Lifetime.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, she needs to move on with her life and get away from all those bland rocks! Unless she really wants to stay there and loves it there, then it's fine, but I'm sure there is more for Marble Pie in life than just rocks.

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You know? This reminds me of an old fic where one of these Pie sisters was in love with a stallion who was about to join the royal guard, but couldn’t go with him, and felt trapped in the rock farm. She later committed suicide as result. The fic was so old it used the old fanon names for Limestone and Moeh Poneh: Inky and Blinky Pie. Hell, I don’t even know who’s is who with those :dash:

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