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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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“If you were told it were possible to convince your mind that something existed when it


physically didn’t, and that it would become real to you, would you believe it? Maybe down


to small, inanimate things or superstitions – seeing faces in shadows or shapes in


half-awake states that seem to be people.




But what if you were told that you could create a separate entity in your mind – one that


thinks, feels, and acts for itself? An entity that speaks to you audibly, an entity that you


can see just as vividly as you see anyone or anything else? Could you believe it?





If you’re interested, you’ve taken your first step into the world of the tulpa phenomenon.”

-  Tulpa.info


MLP Forums Tulpa Discussion Thread



Hello, welcome to the Tulpa Discussion Thread. This is where the MLP Forums can, naturally, discuss everything related to the psychological phenomenon known as Tulpas.




This new OP is still a bit of a work in progress, and as such might contain typos and bits where the wording is as wonky as a drunken Irishman. Be sure to let me know if there are any of the above.




A tulpa is...




Short answer; no one really knows, to be honest.


The long answer is... well, the rest of this post I guess. Let’s start off with what we know about the history of this phenomenon.



In Tibetan Buddhism, about a thousand years ago or so, a tulpa was said to be a being that was created entirely by the power of thought alone. It was said that these beings were sentient, conscious, and took great amounts of mental power, concentration, and tens, hundreds or even thousands of hours of meditation to create, and were seen by many monks and others as companions, guides, and less commonly as gods, angels and whatnot. It was also said that it was possible for these entities to take physical form, given enough time and mental power (though it is now well accepted that that’s just simply not possible, as awesome as it would be).


A few thousand years later, to around 2008, the phenomenon was rediscovered by the internet, with the topic popping up every now and then in places like 4chan’s /x/ board. Soon the topic had found its way to the /mlp/ board, before spreading to slightly more obscure corners of the internet, such as sites that discussed lucid dreaming, like dreamviews.com.


Eventually, the topic became popular enough, that an entire website was dedicated to trying to study the phenomenon in a scientific manner; Tulpa.info, and its forum, which at the time of this post, has over 9000 (No really.) forum members and growing.


And since all that time, our understanding of what a tulpa is, and what they’re not, has improved(we like to think).


I think this article on tulpa.info sums up the description of what a tulpa is pretty well. But if you can't be bothered to read all that, then ignore it and scroll down for the basics. But, I would recommend you at least take a look after you're done reading this post.




What they can do:




How ‘powerful’ they are (and by that I mean how vivid they appear, how well you can hear them compared to a real being etc), usually depends on how much time you spend with them, and how well you’ve imposed them on your reality, and also on whether or not you want them to have these abilities at all. I’ll give a list of some of the things they can do, and try and give a short description on what those things are.



The act of imposing a tulpa on one's senses.


Often considered a main goal of a tulpamancer (the person with a tulpa). This is the practice of imposing a tulpa over some, or all of your senses, including your vision, touch, smell, hearing, etc. A tulpa of course does not exist in reality(even if you believe in all that metaphysical mumbo-jumbo), but you can still impose them on your senses, so that they look, feel, sound etc, like they are there. Eventually, you might even reach a point where they feel and sound as real as an actual person.


That being said, I’ve heard of a few people have the misconception that you might eventually reach a point where they’ll feel so real, that you’ll start to assume that they are actually there. That you’ll just somehow forget the fact that they’re a tulpa. I honestly cannot see why or how you could forget about such an important fact, no matter how real they might feel. I’d love to hear someone say they’ve made a tulpa materialize into existence, so I can beat them over the head with a salmon.


But I’ve never had to do that, because it’s never happened. So yeah.


Creating a wonderland:


You and your tulpa(s) own mental sandbox, now with approximately 100% more omgthisissoawesome.


This one isn’t actually all that related to tulpas, but it’s nevertheless a very common thing for tulpamancers to do, since it often seems to help with the creation of a tulpa(though, you don’t have to do this one, or even imposition, if you really don't want to I guess), and it’s a nice thing to have, both pre-creation and post-creation of a tulpa.


Creating a wonderland is much, much easier than creating a tulpa, in my opinion. Try this right now:


Imagine yourself in a really lovely place. Like, a beach, for example. Go ahead, right now; imagine yourself sitting in the warm sand, your legs crossed, watching the waves slowly roll in in front of you. Imagine the smell of the sea-salt as you take slow deep breath through your nose, and the cool breeze on your skin, the shirt across your body flapping in rhythm with it.


Bam, you were in a wonderland. Right there.


A wonderland is simply a place that you imagine yourself in. That’s pretty much it, really. It might not sound that interesting at first, until of course you get so good at it that it feels like as if you were really there. Wonderlands can be anything you wish; a beach, a log cabin, a cave, a featureless white/black plain with maybe a bit of furniture here and there, etc. You can have as many as you want, and they can be as big as you want, from a small room to an entire universe. It is limited only by the scope of your imagination. And of course, your tulpa can come too. It’s as much theirs as it is yours. If you decide to create a wonderland, your tulpa will probably spend a bulk of their time there. However, as I said; a wonderland is not required. But it can be a big help to some people.


Essentially, it’s a giant mental sandbox. No; not a metal sandbox; a mental sandbox. It’s a place where you and your tulpa(s) can go and do anything; you can sculpt the world to exactly how you want it to be, apply whatever laws of physics you want to the world, and change absolutely anything about it at anytime you want. If you can imagine it, you can do it.


It is a very simple idea, but it is nevertheless quite fun to just spend some time in the wonderland with your tulpa, and/or going on adventures with them or whatever nonsense you can think of. It’s also a great way to self-entertain yourself, and maybe help you with tulpa creation, since it can help you feel like you’re really there with them. I myself still ain’t that good at feeling like I’m there(even though I’ve been practicing and studying this phenomenon for almost 4 years, and have three tulpas and whatnot), but it’s still really fun, and I’m slowly getting better at it. It can still be really fun, even if you’re not very good at it.



Form Creation:

One of the first things a host and/or tulpa will do. Creating the tulpa's... well, form. I guess.


Tulpas can take the 'form' of almost anything you can imagine. Anything from a human, an animal, an orb of light(which can make a very good 'placeholder' form until you can come up with something better, or while you work on other stuff you deem more important), furry, pony, or any kind of fictional character, OC or not. They can also change their form whenever they want, to whatever they please. Though not all do this. Some tulpas consider themselves to be shapeshifters, giving themselves form as whatever they please at anytime. Other tulpas are more conservative with their form, choosing to almost never do it; feeling comfortable in their current one.


More about Form Creation: Deviation



One interesting thing that can often happen with a tulpa's form early on however, is deviate. Deviation is what happens when a tulpa changes their form for some reason, either because said tulpa wanted to try something new, or the host suddenly - and maybe by accident - thought up a new look for their tulpa, and at the same time applied it without even thinking about doing so. Sometimes however, it can also happen for no reason at all.


The deviation can be small, like maybe a slight change in hair color, or maybe even just a new piece of clothing they might choose to wear. Other times, it can be very significant; perhaps changing their species, or whether they walk on two legs, or four.


Deviations can also happen to personality as well, also in varying severity.


This deviation stuff sounds like a pretty bad thing to occur, doesn't it? But strangely enough - and more often than not - the changes are usually something the host finds desirable (our best guess as to why this is, is that deviations take place at a subconscious level. And what you want consciously, can be different from what you want subconsciously). Though the host can always choose to revert the changes should they desire. Though, it is considered rather rude to do so without asking the tulpa in question beforehand. Tulpas have desires just like humans, and keeping their host happy is something even the most playful and mischievous of tulpas will try to do, and they will understand your decisions and feelings towards things much better than a real human being will, since the tulpa knows you better than other real-life people. Real people may misinterpret what you say. Tulpas however, won't. But that of course doesn't mean that a tulpa won't point out that you're being a selfish prick about something, should they think so.


Even MORE on Form Creation: 'ID Theft'

Basically, spoiler below contains a long boring note as to why you probably shouldn't give your tulpa the same form as that of a character from a TV show(or any other form of media) that you have a deep attachment to. Feel free to skip it unless you have a genuine interest in creating a tulpa with the form of Twilight Sparkle, or any fictional character for example.



Again, tulpas can take the form of anything. Including characters that were created by someone else.


Upon being told this however, many people - especially those who consider themselves to be quite lonely in life - sometimes decide to make the form of their tulpa the same as that of their favorite cartoon show character, using tulpas as a means to simply create a more life-like version of their fictional character of choice.


It seems like a very compelling and tempting idea, creating a being that - while not real - can nevertheless feel and sound as real as though it were actually there. So, why not also make their form that of a character from that TV show you really like, for double the fun?


Indeed, this is something you can do. But one must not forget however, that a tulpa is more than just its form. And personality.


Many tulpas whose form and/or personality is that of a fictional character from a TV show, comic, etc, have often reported what is known as 'Identity Theft'(I think is what it is called). Tulpas who experience ID theft, often feel more down than a usual tulpa, reason being that they feel that their host enjoys their presence only because they have the same form as that of their host's favorite cartoon character. And they are correct more often than not, should they feel this way.


In other words, the tulpa feels that their host only likes them for their similarities of someone who they are not. They feel that their host wouldn't like them if they didn't look/sound like Twilight Sparkle, or Rainbow Dash, etc.


The host can also feel a similar way as well, when they truly come to the realization months or years later, that their tulpa is not the actual character from their TV show. A tulpa is not Rainbow Dash or Twilight Sparkle or anyone else. A tulpa, is a tulpa.


Imagine if you were created for the sole purpose of being eye-candy for someone you barely knew. Tulpas know what this can feel like.


There are two ways to remedy this. The first way is to simply give a form/personality to the tulpa that the host (and tulpa if they have already been created) thought up entirely on their own. This can be done at any time; whether before the tulpa becomes sentient, or even years after.


The second way to deal with this 'ID theft', is less recommended, at least by me. If you want to keep the tulpa's form of that of your favorite fictional character, then the only thing left you can try, is for the host and the tulpa (though especially the host) to truly come to terms with the fact that the tulpa is NOT the character, and never will be, despite their similar they look in appearance and personality.


A tulpa is more than a form. Please don't forget that. Your tulpa won't appreciate it.


However though, thanks to deviation, chances are, your Twilight tulpa will eventually deviate into someone that looks and acts even more desirable than Twi; a completely original character, starting off using Twi as a placeholder, which is fine. But you can't keep them looking like that forever. They need at least some originality.

Either way, If you can help it, just don't give your tulpa the form of that of a fictional character you have a deep attachment to. Giving a tulpa the form of an OC of yours is usually completely fine however. In fact, you and your tulpa can even work together on creating a new form, should they already be sentient.





The fun stuff.


This is the act of letting your tulpa take control of your body, or a certain part of your body. Anywhere from just a single finger, to the entirety of the body.


And yes really, this is indeed a thing, and is actually a lot simpler, less scary and quite more mundane once you get the hang of it. Though this is still considered to be an advanced and intermediate activity. A lot of advanced and intermediate tulpamancers practice possession with their tulpas, myself included. And it’s really fun, and, once again; surprisingly safe (i.e: completely safe), despite what some silly bibles or whatever might tell you about demons possessing people, but there ain’t no demons here, so suck it. :icwudt:


One fun thing me and my tulpas in particular like to do using possession, is play pool. I have a small pool-table downstairs IRL. Here's how it would work; me and one of us will play together, I let whoever I’m playing against possess my body when it’s their turn to take a shot, and then they'll take said shot, and'll then give my body back to me when it’s my turn, and then I’ll give it back to them for the shot after that, and etc etc until one of us wins. Or ragequits. Which will be me. :angry:


Sometimes, it’ll be two of my tulpas that want to play against each other. So what I’ll do, is let one of them take a shot with my body, then give it to the other tulpa, and keep on doing that til’ the game is over, while the ‘ME’ me just ‘takes a back seat’ you could say, spectating the game, though I can still see everything from a first-person perspective.


Crepuscule: “Also something that is objectively worthy of note, is that every time me and Riz play, I always seem to beat his ass so hard at it, that it’s a wonder he hasn’t filed for sexual assault yet." ^_^  


YES YES VERY ENTERTAINING CREP’ AND IN OTHER NEWS; a tulpa can only do possession stuff with you if you let them, and you can back out of it at any time you want. In other words, it is impossible for a tulpa to possess you unless you’re okay with them doing so.


No, really. Impossible. So no sleepwalking BS or anything like that. And I know that one of my tulpas would love to be able to do stuff like possess me without my consent (as well as other things >:v ). But she ain’t done anything of the sorts. Ever. So there.

Crepuscule: *Suddenly Shoves Riz’s hand into his own pants*


Crep: “Mwhahaha!” >:3



Probably even funner stuff I guess.


I myself haven’t tried this one before, but basically it involves ‘switching places’ with your tulpa, as the name suggests. I know next to nothing about this activity, but apparently it’s very much like possession, except not only is your tulpa possessing your body, but you are also disconnected from the five senses of your physical body, and you then ‘switch’ places with the tulpa, probably ending up in the wonderland if you have one. You see and feel everything a tulpa usually feels, and meanwhile, your tulpa possesses your real life body where they will then proceed to access your computer and seek out all the disturbing furry porn you have on there.


Obviously, your tulpa will need permission from you to do this, and you can stop it whenever you want if you start to feel it's too awesome to handle uncomfortable. But anyway, I recommend you look this one up yourself if you want to know more about it. Skip ahead to the ‘Links’ section of this post if you want to.





What a tulpa is not, and what they cannot do:




All of this stuff seems pretty frighting, doesn't it? You'd be right. Fortunately, the tulpa community tries to view the phenomenon through a scientific lens.


For example, there has been zero evidence brought forward that tulpas are able to physically manifest, or be able to interact with physical matter in any way(the closest they can possibly come to doing so, would be through possession and nonsense like that), for instance.


“Is ANY of this stuff dangerous?”




If I got a quid (£1) for every time I heard someone ask if creating and interacting with a tulpa in any way was dangerous, or could make one go crazy or insane in someway, I reckon I could buy that Cintiq 13HD graphics tablet thingamajig I’ve always wanted. Now that would be fabulous.


Short answer, as I said, is no; they can’t hurt you. Not in this lifetime, or any lifetime.


That all being said, I can see why it sounds all '2spooky4me' and whatnot. I can only speak for myself, but I too also had a number of fears when I first started out. And they somewhat persisted despite the fact that there was essentially no one saying their tulpas were trying to kill them. Now that I've been practicing this stuff for more than 3 years now, I’m of course completely convinced that having a tulpa is way less dangerous to one's health than having a real life friend. A real person can throw you off a bridge, your imagination can’t.


But of course, that is no reason to replace your real life friends with tulpas. Besides; I doubt your tulpa(s) would approve of such an idea. The vast majority of them have their host’s well-being in mind. And it makes sense that they would; the tulpa lives inside you, and the better your life is, the better theirs will be as well. Plus, they also know that if the host, say, dies for some reason, then they will die as well. So all the more reason to look after their hosts. And indeed, they do. Unless you're Crepuscule, then in which case your job is to annoy the crap out of me 'till the end of time.




Who should make a tulpa?





Creating a tulpa is something everyone is able to do. Yes, including you. Regardless of how often you use your mind’s eye, or how much you meditate, etc.


That being said however, many people in the tulpa community believe that some kinds of people shouldn’t create a tulpa. Such as those who are around the age of 15 and under. Not necessarily because something bad will happen to them, but rather because the responsibilities of having a tulpa, are similar to those as looking after a child. Though of course, tulpas are much more mature than children, especially if their form and personality is not that of a child.


Other people who shouldn’t make a tulpa, are those who purposely won’t treat their tulpa right, such as by taking out all their real-life frustrations on them, or creating a tulpa purely for sexual reasons or something. I feel these people need to be taken out deep into the forest and have Crepuscule disembowel them with a wooden cooking spoon.




While she's on a kilo of PCP.


Which, now that I think about it, sounds like an average Saturday night for her.



But anyway, another group of people who I (and many others, actually) think shouldn’t make a tulpa, are these people going through college and school n’ whatnot who ask if a tulpa can help with things like schoolwork. They ask this especially after they learn that some tulpas have been able to do things like math better than their hosts. But really, this is just another terrible reason to make a tulpa. I mean, if your tulpa can do math better than you, then that's cool, but if that's the ENTIRE reason you created them?? Don’t you think that’s a little selfish? Do remember here that you’re dealing with what is essentially a person. Imagine if you were created just to help some yo-yo with his homework, and then thrown away into a dumpster after they were done with you. You’d be a little pissed, wouldn’t you?




More Info & Links:




It would take forever for one to write down everything about tulpas in a single post. And for all we know, the tulpa community probably haven’t even scratched the surface of this phenomenon.


Either way, if you’ve read this far, then you probably have some questions to ask. Unless you don’t. But if you do, go ahead and post it in this thread or in the tulpa.info forums. You can also throw me a PM.


You can also talk to me on the tulpa IRC. I hang around there as 'Rizoel[Crepuscule]', and one of the channels I usually have open is the SFW (though that is not official. But I've never ever seen anyone here ERP or anything... even seeing people talking in here at all is quite a rarity...) #pony channel. I’ll answer any questions you have. And so will my tulpas. If you have a question for them, again, PM me in some way.


On the IRC, Crep will talk with brackets around her message.


[ Like this~! Unfortunately you won't see any purple in my messages, but hey. x3 ]

If you want to post a message the conventional way; via a thread post, then please do, but be aware that many of the questions that are asked in this thread, and on tulpa.info, are almost always questions that have been answered many, many times. So before you ask it, I would recommend you at least do some more research using the links below. And please for the love of god, use the search function for whatever website you decide to use(being either in this thread, or the Tulpa.info forums). Or come to the tulpa IRC and I’ll/we'll answer it for you real quick.


[ Don't be shy, dear. x3 ]


Links to useful things:



“aw yea”


Tulpa.info - Forums

Mention tulpa-pregnancy in the Q&A board(or anywhere else for that matter) and everyone will punch you in the face silently judge you. I however will actually punch you in the face.


Tulpa.info - Forums - Guides

Everything you need to know to get started is here. Everything. Though you may occasionally find guides contradict one another on various topics, which is normal, as everyone experiences tulpas differently. Learn as much as you can, and then apply what feels most comfortable for you. There isn't exactly such a thing as a 'best way' to make a tulpa. The best way is your way.



I don’t view this one much, but it seems to be pretty popular.

Edited by Rizoel & Crepuscule
  • Brohoof 64

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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I saw your post on that other thread, and this actually sounds very interesting.


I don't think I would have the ability to make a "tulpa" myself, but that would be really awesome to have a Rainbow Dash tulpa lol :P

  • Brohoof 7



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My first impression


Sounds interesting. Also manipulating reality doesn't make you insane/schizophrenic, because a) I believe sanity to begin with is an artificial concept invented to mitigate interspecies damage, and b ) its called creativity in layman's terms.

Edited by Whiteshade
  • Brohoof 11

Warning: Signature may cause seizures, owner will sue you if you complain


Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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Hmm this sounds fascinating from a mental/subconscious/psychological standpoint. I just think that issues are going to arise when people see a guy/girl interacting with their tulpa and to them it'll look like they're talking to themselves. Society isn't ready for that because 95% of the population won't understand this practice and they'll dismiss it as being crazy. Unless one interacts with their tulpa in private when they're at home only and not out in public.


Oh and mine would totally be The Doctor. Either the 10th or 11th depending on what mood I'm in.

Edited by Doctor XFizzle
  • Brohoof 7

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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Hmm this sounds fascinating from a mental/subconscious/psychological standpoint. I just think that issues are going to arise when people see a guy/girl interacting with their tulpa and to them it'll look like they're talking to themselves. Society isn't ready for that because 95% of the population won't understand this practice and they'll dismiss it as being crazy. Unless one interacts with their tulpa in private when they're at home only and not out in public.


Oh and mine would totally be The Doctor. Either the 10th or 11th depending on what mood I'm in.


I think you can talk to them through some sort of telepathy, since they are in your mind anyway. No one but you will be able to see them.


I like that most of you are open-minded individuals instead of immediately shunning this, like most people would. When I first heard about this, I too was quite suspicious.

  • Brohoof 8

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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I think you can talk to them through some sort of telepathy, since they are in your mind anyway. No one but you will be able to see them.


I like that most of you are open-minded individuals instead of immediately shunning this, like most people would. When I first heard about this, I too was quite suspicious.


That ^ and they can be anything I want!?


I go through 100 hours a week doing nothing but sitting anyway...Might as well put it to good use.

  • Brohoof 10

My signature broke


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I think you can talk to them through some sort of telepathy, since they are in your mind anyway. No one but you will be able to see them.


If that's the case, then people would feel more at ease about having a tulpa, so that they won't feel any societal pressures. I wonder if this practice could be used for therapeutic means by helping people form a tulpa to help overcome self-esteem issues or other mental blocks they might have.

  • Brohoof 1

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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How many people have actually been successful in making a tulpa? And what is the success rate? Is it something that is highly difficult? Or is it something pretty much anyone can do?

  • Brohoof 3



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^What Arctic Wolf said.

And I would but I think it'd end up being more of a curse than a blessing honestly.

  • Brohoof 2



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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Tulpa sounds creepy, kinda makes me think about a living tulip >_>


(tulips are called tulpan in Swedish, so maybe that's why)

  • Brohoof 3

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How many people have actually been successful in making a tulpa? And what is the success rate? Is it something that is highly difficult? Or is it something pretty much anyone can do?


Oh, I think anyone can do it, they just need the time and patience. Most people with successful tulpas say that this takes about 1-3 months, depending how dedicated you are. So if you do it for a single hour a day, about 4 months. 3 hours a day, about 1-2 months. I dunno, I ain't good a math. :P

  • Brohoof 2

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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So, um, you just sit down, meditating while thinking about the "thing"?


...Well, you don't just simply imagine it doing things, that would be called 'parroting'. You don't need to meditate, but It can help. You can just daydream if you can't meditate. Read some of the guides they have lying around. The process is actually pretty complicated, but anyone can do it.

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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I read the entire form that the FAQ-man has given out. This process is fascinating I believe though that this process takes an amazing amount of time, patience, and the will to keep using up about a half hour to an hour of your day just thinking of your tulpa I for one am a amazing slacker all I do is think for hours on end. So I am going to try this some day but I have more important things to do right now.

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I saw your post in the confessions thread, and the idea still fascinates me. The very idea of imagining something so much that it actually becomes real to you is very interesting. I'd try to make a Fluttershy tulpa but I don't have the patience :(, if you can make a pony tulpa, I wanna know, and I wanna know what it's like.


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I've posted about this in another thread(The confession thread.), but I think that this might make for some interesting conversation, so I decided to give it it's own thread.


I'm currently in the process of making a pony tulpa. (Link is Safe For Work.)


A Tulpa is basically a forced hallucination of a being that has it's own sentience. Think of it as an imaginary friend, but it's far from just that. When you think 'imaginary friend' you would probably think of a being that you can 'kind of' see, but is mostly not there, and any time you imagine them doing something, it's because you imagined them doing so.


This ain't that. Through about 100 hours of meditation (or even just daydreaming.), if you do everything right, they will look like almost exactly like as if it were in the real world(You won't be able to see what's behind them.), and anything it does will do so on it's own. You won't need to imagine it doing so, he/she just will.


"A hallucination that does things on it's own? Think of what horrors it could do!" I know this might sound scary, but this 'tulpa' won't be able to physically interact with the real world. It will acknowledge everything that you see and be able to talk to you and have it's own opinion on things that might be different from yours, and it will appear to be real but not physically be there, and it can take the from of anything you want; human, pony, male, female, whatever. This is basically a higher tier from of an 'imaginary friend', but about 20% cooler.


Why is this topic in the Sugarcube corner board? Well, this tulpa can take the form of anything you want. Including ponies.


If one of you mods still want to move this thread to somewhere else then OK.


Just read about it for yourself. It's better at explaining it than I am. And everyone on it's forums over there are quite sane and in fact a decent amount of them have pony tulpas. Links are SFW. I urge you to do some research about this before making an opinion. That is um, if you don't mind.


Inb4 people call me insane/schizophrenic/point me to the nearest mental hospital.


So I have a question. As your doing this it says to make the personality first so is that meaning try to have it talk to you first then build the body. I'm just trying to understand
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So I have a question. As your doing this it says to make the personality first so is that meaning try to have it talk to you first then build the body. I'm just trying to understand


There is no 'right' way to do it. For some people visualizing the body first might be comfortable for some people, and for some personality to come first. It's entirely up to you.


For me, I think it might be easier to do personality first. But again, it's up to you. Read as many of the guides as you can if you're serious about making a tulpa. If you read the guides you will get a better idea how this all works.

  • Brohoof 1

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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Gives me something to kick the s#@% out of mess with when I'm bored.


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So a tulpa is an advanced hallucination that has basically a "mind" of its own and you can interact with? That's kinda scary, but really cool if I had the patience :P.


Especially it it's an Applejack tulpa. Oh, the conversations we would engage in :D

  • Brohoof 6



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Looks interesting. But I got this one tiny question>


What will happens if your imagination messed up and instead of a pony tulpa, you got a xenomorph one?

  • Brohoof 4


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Looks interesting. But I got this one tiny question>


What will happens if your imagination messed up and instead of a pony tulpa, you got a xenomorph one?


Then it will tell you to kill people.

I don't think that would be possible if you're trying for a pony tulpa, even if your mind is a little effed up.


The worst scenario I've come across was something along the lines of:

'Tulpa wanting to have sex with you 24/7.'


But I don't think you can have it be like that unless you REALLY tried, and you would need to think about sex 24/7 for that to happen. So don't worry.


Protip: if you guys want to try and create a tulpa, it's apparently a bad idea to have one that is a really fleshed out character from a cartoon, like Fluttershy or Twilight Sparkle. But something like Vinyl Scratch or Lyra or even an OC would be OK. The reason for this is apparently, if the tulpa sees a picture of itself, or a video of themselves, it will create some sorts of identity issues or something along those lines, but it is still possible to make a Fluttershy/Twilight/Whatever tulpa, you'll just need to take a precaution or two to make sure it doesn't get confused with its identity.


Btw, I'm only about 3 hours in on making a tulpa, so I'm far from an expert on this thing. Again, read as many guides as you can.

Edited by Crepuscule
  • Brohoof 2

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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So it's like creating a secluded portion of your imagination, and makes it gain a tiny bit of self-awareness? That's as far as I can get from the guides (CMIIW, my mind went blank if fed up with lots of words)


How do you actually knows that the Tulpa is what you want? Since having a tulpa was basically like carrying an invisible sibling all around you, looks like there's a possibility that the tulpa ended up as a jerk.


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So it's like creating a secluded portion of your imagination, and makes it gain a tiny bit of self-awareness? That's as far as I can get from the guides (CMIIW, my mind went blank if fed up with lots of words)


How do you actually knows that the Tulpa is what you want? Since having a tulpa was basically like carrying an invisible sibling all around you, looks like there's a possibility that the tulpa ended up as a jerk.


As long as you keep on thinking that your tulpa is a kind and loving one, that is what it will be. The only way for it to be a jerk is if you purposely think of it being a jerk all the time.

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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