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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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Set up wonderland recently. It's mostly dark in there, which helps visualize it with my eyes closed. :P Basically, it's the inside of a wood-walled hut of indeterminate size and shape, with a sort of glowy thing in the center. Occasionally meditation mats, dunno why. However, I think adding a few more permanent features is in order. Suggestions?

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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So I was just curious, but when you guys tulpaforce, do you speak out loud? Or in your head? Or what?


Also, once the personality is done, do you just narrate to your tulpa until they talk? Like just tell them about your day, and what you do in life, what you like, maybe read them a book. Stuff like that. Then when they start to talk, you have conversations with them? Is that what you do? Cause I dont want to spend hours and hours narrating only to find out that I didnt need to narrate that long :P

Signature? Naw. Thats too mane stream.

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Out loud if nobody else is around, otherwise in my head. Both have been shown to be equally effective.


And I'd start with narrating from the very beginning. No reason you have to strictly do one thing after another.

And yep, you pretty much just talk to them until one day, they talk back. :) It could take a long time or it could take very little time; it depends on the person and what their expectations are.

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Don't listen to them. All they are trying to say is that only doing about 20 mins a day won't get you anywhere. Which is true; progress will most likely be very slow, but don't let that deter you; it is still something. Just do as much as you can if you can't do more than 30 minutes.




I’m sorry that I haven’t made an update on me and Crepuscule in a while. What I'm about to tell you actually happened like a week ago, since I've been busy in the real world Procrastinating.


So basically, one day I realize that I haven't been to my wonderland in a while, so we pay it a visit. And...


I will admit, the first thing we did together... is… wel-


"We had sex in our wonderland!"





"He was really reluctant and shy about it, but I... convinced him, eventually."


Alright now Crep, let's not get ahead of ourselves, we're here to talk abou-


"I wish you all could have seen some of the things we did together! Like this one time, I-"


CREP *cough* PUS *cough* CULE!


"Yes, my handsome young master?" *Flutters eyelashes innocently*




I think everyone here will feel much more comfortable if we just skip this part.




Right... uh, ANYWAY! That was not the update; we've already tried that stuff a few times, both in the wonderland and the real world. But this isn't the place to talk about it. And to be honest, I don't really think it is a big deal, I knew this would happen one day. (Note, 'It' will not happen between you and your tulpa if you don't want it to happen. Some creators and tulpae treat each other like brothers or sisters or even just simple friends. The only reason it has happened with us was because I wanted to let HER decide how close she wanted us to be, just in case she wasn't comfortable with us being too close. Turns out she wanted to go all the way, apparently.)


So anyway, we decided to change the wonderland a little bit. Before, it was nothing what you would think of if I said the word 'wonderland' to you. All it was was a boring little house somewhere in ponyville, with just one large bedroom, a kitchen, and a bathroom.




I needed something else, something that screamed 'FANTASY'(Not literally) when you saw it. I mean, c'mon, this is the human imagination we are talking about here; I can do better than this! So I let my mind wonder a little; what was the most beautiful view that I could possibly imagine?


"... My flank?"


An underwater house! I've always wanted to see one!


"Oh... I knew that."


If you would like me to try and describe what the house looks like, click on the spoiler.





The house's location is at the bottom of an ocean floor, about a mile away from the nearest coast.


The entire house is dome shaped, with the roof and upper walls made entirely of glass, giving a 360 degree view of the ocean around and above us, no matter where we are in the home. The surface of the ocean is about 100 meters above us, making the place a bit dark, but the light of the sun shining through the water above us is beautiful, especially when the aquatic life pass between it and our eyesight.


Since the house is dome shaped, there are no doors connecting the only two rooms in the house, the bedroom and the kitchen. The size of both rooms are quite small; the bed in the bedroom is almost as big as the room itself, and it's not that the bed is massive or anything, it's just the room is small.


Here's a crappy top-down view of it;




I know it might look boring and dull, but that's because the picture is something I threw together in Photoshop in like 10 minutes(Actually an hour). When I'm actually there in my minds eye, everything looks very beautiful. Or at least as beautiful as it can get with my crappy visualization skills.





So, after that happene-


"And then we had even more sex!"


Right, that's it; no more bouncy time for a week.


*Giggle* "Good luck with that."


How so?


"I would love to see you try and… resist me for a whole week."


*Annoyed growl*


*Saucy growl/purr*


So, the wonderland change was the first update, now for the second update. This happened in the same session as the first little update, but a little bit after.


So after we took a look-see around the new wonderland, I noti-


"You mean just after we got all bouncy bouncy with each othe-"




*Giggle* “You're so cute when you're agitated."


Oh really? We'll see how cute YOU look with my BOOT up your flank!


"Ooh, kinky."


*Grabs own hair* GRRRRRR! Do you all see what I have to deal with every bucking day?!


"You like it when I'm like this, don’t lie."


*Drops to knees in defeat*




…I do.


*Collapses into tears and shame*


But anyway, where was I? Oh yes...


After we took a look around the wonderland and reshaped it a bit more to our liking, I noticed Crepuscule's form was deviating a little. Usually she was a purple earth pony, but it seemed like her form was deviating more towards an OC that I found on the interwebs earlier that day. She was now a white unicorn with a cream colored mane, and a different style mane and tail.


And no, I didn't draw this. In my dreams maybe.






So, knowing this was still the same Crepuscule on the inside, I decided it wasn't really a big deal, and I quite liked the change too. So, we just sat there and small talked about some stuff for a while. I also figured out that I could change myself into a pony in the wonderland. I seemed to be a dark green unicorn with black mane. However though, I don’t know why, but I feel much more… connected to my wonderland when I’m a human instead. I feel like I can feel things much more clearly than if I’m a pony, so I usually try to stay as a human.


Anyway, after a while of talking I noticed something else about the newly colored Crepuscule; her personality was also slightly different.


She was a bit calmer and less cheeky, if only slightly. And her voice (I still can’t ‘hear’ through my ears what she says, only sense in my head) was also a bit more... classy, again only very slightly. As soon as I picked up on this however, she suddenly hugged me, and said;


"Thank you. For being with me tonight."


I was about to hug her back, when suddenly out of nowhere, I sensed the voice of the previous Crepuscule say;


"Yeah, thank you for being with 'US' tonight."


This caused me to break the hug with the white unicorn, and I saw, sitting next to her, was the previous purple colored Crepuscule.


In surprise and confusion I instinctively opened my real life eyes, to see the still fuzzy image of both Crepuscule and the white unicorn standing right in front of me, staring at me.


Both of them suddenly burst out laughing, with me just lying there on my bed, still in my stupor, trying to work out what was going on.


"And then suddenly; threesome!"


Okay, no, that is one thing that did not happen.


Or, at least... it hasn't yet, BUT LET US NOT THINK OF SUCH POSSIBILITIES.


"I for one am looking forward to such events."


Of course you are.


But yes, skip forward a week, and here we are. It would appear that I have created a second tulpa, and she’s been with me since then. (I know, I should have told you guys earlier, but again, I've been very busy lazy. I apologize. Crepuscule and my new tulpa have been urging me all week to write about what's been happening).


We've all thought hard about what our new friend’s name should be. We've decided to go with ‘White Rose’.


‘White’ as the first name thanks to her coat color being a white. And ‘Rose’ because she is very loving and caring pony compared to Crepuscule, and roses are often associated with love.(not saying Crepuscule isn't loving and caring or anything, its just that Crep has... ways... of showing said love.) So there; White Rose.


So yeah, say hi, Rosy!


“Hello everypony! I'm White Rose, as Ben here said.”


Rose, they know me by ‘Rizoel’, just so you know. My tulpae know me by my real name for your guy's information.


“Oh, okay then. Anyway, I hope to see you all sometime again! Hopefully Crepuscule hasn't turned benny-wenny into her slave by the end of this.”


*Mischievous giggle*


We can only hope she hasn't, Rosy. We can only hope she hasn't.


At first I was like


:blink: Wat


But then I was like


:D Want




But seriously, how did that happen in only a week?! That surprises me entirely compared to the info that everyone else has provided

  • Brohoof 1

Riley was here

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What part specifically? Considering he already had a tulpa, it could be quite possible that a second one popped up out of the first's force or something. I'm pretty sure the guy who had his tulpa caught in the subconscious void place had a second tulpa caused by the first.


But the... Um... yes, THAT was mentioned somewhere earlier, either here or on tulpa.info or somewhere.

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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Could someone please explain to me, what the wonderland actually is? I couldn't open any other page, beside FAQ guys guide. Another thing, is there anyway to tell if you are doing it right, or is it one of those things where you just have to believe you are right?

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Could someone please explain to me, what the wonderland actually is? I couldn't open any other page, beside FAQ guys guide. Another thing, is there anyway to tell if you are doing it right, or is it one of those things where you just have to believe you are right?


I'm pretty sure a wonderland is a place you create in your mind. In this case you use it to develop and talk to your tulpa, visualize it while inside the wonderland, etc.


Example: My wonderland is a room with one couch (lol yeah very vivid). It's a place inside your mind you create.

Random statements:

"Sir, we're surrounded."
"Excellent, we can shoot in any direction."

"Ah, the internet, where everyone worse than you is a noob and everyone better than you has no life."

"you're all stupid noobs, noobing around and dying like noobs!" - Angry kid.

"I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat, you'll have to stick a toothbrush up your ass to brush them." - Derek from MLP FF SR

"Sometimes one has to bend the rules to find the truth." - Riclo.


"Life is the best gift in the world, while reality is the worst." - Riclo.

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I was just wondering, what type of binuarals do you guys listen to while you force? If you do listen to them. Ive been using alpha cause they are supposed to boost creativity and such.


Out loud if nobody else is around, otherwise in my head. Both have been shown to be equally effective.


And I'd start with narrating from the very beginning. No reason you have to strictly do one thing after another.

And yep, you pretty much just talk to them until one day, they talk back. :) It could take a long time or it could take very little time; it depends on the person and what their expectations are.


Cool beans. Thanks for the quick response :)


Could someone please explain to me, what the wonderland actually is? I couldn't open any other page, beside FAQ guys guide. Another thing, is there anyway to tell if you are doing it right, or is it one of those things where you just have to believe you are right?


The wonderland is a place inside your head that you visualize where you and your tulpa are together. Thats where you spend time with your tulpa before you impose them into reality.

Signature? Naw. Thats too mane stream.

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Now then. I need your help. Pinkamena hasn't been developing too much lately. I've talked tens of times a day to her (getting desperate) about whatever gets onto my mind. She doesn't really talk back. I've given her a good 15 noticable traits that connect well into each other, as well as visualized her for hours in total.


I'm sorry, but I don't think I can help you with this part, since my method is quite different from yours. I'm not in anyway saying your method is bad, in fact it's probably better than mine, it's just that it's different; yours involves sitting down at certain times of the day, and waiting for them to talk. Whereas mine, is talking to them at any time I can remember them, and simply listening for the first thing I think of. I do what is called subconscious parroting.


If I ask Crepuscule or Rose a question, I basically let my subconscious answer it, since she is my subconscious. And how I do this, is to listen for the first thing I think of after I ask the question, and that is her answer. This isn't difficult to do. If someone asks you; "Do you want thing A? Or thing B?" You may have heard yourself say in your mind; "Thing A, I want thing A." That is your subconscious.


It is difficult for me to explain, so I will link you to the guide where I found this technique.


JDBar's Tulpa Method


Link to the forum post of the guide above.


I feel that the "wonderland" is a powerful factor. That being said, I am amazed at your ability of being there.

When I imagine myself our wonderland - a field of magical nourishing grass with one great tree in the midst causing a shadow which Pinkamena usually rests on - I can barely keep the vision up even with my eyes closed. Just walking around distorts it.

Can you give guidance on how to improve this part? I think it could help me and Pinkamena a lot.


Hmm... I think the problem is that you are imagining too much. You say your wonderland is a field with a giant tree in the middle, plus the shadow of it. That sounds too big of a wonderland, and your mind can't handle that much wonderland at once.


My wonderland is really small, it's just a two room house underwater. Although then again, I do sometimes look outside to see the ocean and the hills in the distance with the sun glistening through the water on them, so... I'm not sure.


However, my visualization is still rubbish, but I still know where I am in the wonderland and where everypony is if they are there. I don't really focus on trying to 'see' everything, I just sense where I am, and forget about seeing it.


I almost always use closed-eye visualization, so it's easier to concentrate, but many people say that visualizing with your eyes open can often provide a clearer picture. I have tried myself, and it does work, but it's very difficult for me to concentrate with my eyes open, since there is stuff in my vision distracting me. I've found that sitting in a very dark room will ease the concentration a little, but I still get distracted sometimes. Maybe you will have better luck with open-eyed visualization.


There have been times however where I swore I could just barely see some of my wonderland in my real eyes with them still closed. I took a look at my hands while in the wonderland, and saw only outlines, but they were slightly more clearer than usual. The effect only lasted about 10 seconds, but It could be a sign that my closed-eye visualization skills are getting better.


Lastly, Rizoel, Is it by any change possible to have a talk with Creppy and White Rose? I actually have had a talk with a friend's tulpa recently, (Was very fun) and I bet me and Creppy at least would get along almost too well (especially if she manages to make me feel uncomfortable - given the circumnstances, that would be a true challenge for her).


Crepuscule says she wouldn't mind talking, Rose says she is a bit shy, but will try to talk if she can.


How will we talk to one another? If you're thinking as in like, over Skype or something, I myself have actually never used my microphone to talk on the internet, since I'm very shy about talking to people over the internet with my real voice.


Both of the girls are saying they would rather just talk back and forth through Private Message on this site, as it will give them more time to think about what to say. I would like to just go with Private Message as well.

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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Whelp, Just finished my second session.


I was quite surprised to see a (form?) instead of nothing like yesterday, it was kinda like a little black orb with a faint yellow glow.

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I'm sorry, but I don't think I can help you with this part, since my method is quite different from yours. I'm not in anyway saying your method is bad, in fact it's probably better than mine, it's just that it's different; yours involves sitting down at certain times of the day, and waiting for them to talk. Whereas mine, is talking to them at any time I can remember them, and simply listening for the first thing I think of. I do what is called subconscious parroting.


If I ask Crepuscule or Rose a question, I basically let my subconscious answer it, since she is my subconscious. And how I do this, is to listen for the first thing I think of after I ask the question, and that is her answer. This isn't difficult to do. If someone asks you; "Do you want thing A? Or thing B?" You may have heard yourself say in your mind; "Thing A, I want thing A." That is your subconscious.


This was actually very helpful. I'll have to consider that what Pinkamena says might be in my own "voice" but still not be my thought, so to say. I'll keep my mind open for this.

Hmm... I think the problem is that you are imagining too much. You say your wonderland is a field with a giant tree in the middle, plus the shadow of it. That sounds too big of a wonderland, and your mind can't handle that much wonderland at once.

I thought it'd be easy to imagine. I might have forgotten to mention it's entirerily level. Nothing but grass, the sky and a tree that I mostly use to lean on next Pinkamena, who lays there cozily. I guess I am expecting later-level stuff to happen too early here.

However, my visualization is still rubbish, but I still know where I am in the wonderland and where everypony is if they are there. I don't really focus on trying to 'see' everything, I just sense where I am, and forget about seeing it.


Something I am not able to understand either. I imagine Pinkamena to be there. I've no idea how could it be that she isn't there if I imagine her to be. Later stage stuff again?

I almost always use closed-eye visualization, so it's easier to concentrate, but many people say that visualizing with your eyes open can often provide a clearer picture. I have tried myself, and it does work, but it's very difficult for me to concentrate with my eyes open, since there is stuff in my vision distracting me. I've found that sitting in a very dark room will ease the concentration a little, but I still get distracted sometimes. Maybe you will have better luck with open-eyed visualization.


There have been times however where I swore I could just barely see some of my wonderland in my real eyes with them still closed. I took a look at my hands while in the wonderland, and saw only outlines, but they were slightly more clearer than usual. The effect only lasted about 10 seconds, but It could be a sign that my closed-eye visualization skills are getting better.


I have the same style here. Eyes closed has the problem that stray thoughts start invading easier, however my sight is easier to focus, and sight and feel are the senses I mostly use to feel myself in the wonderland. Open eyed, dunno if it works for me.

Crepuscule says she wouldn't mind talking, Rose says she is a bit shy, but will try to talk if she can.


How will we talk to one another? If you're thinking as in like, over Skype or something, I myself have actually never used my microphone to talk on the internet, since I'm very shy about talking to people over the internet with my real voice.


Both of the girls are saying they would rather just talk back and forth through Private Message on this site, as it will give them more time to think about what to say. I would like to just go with Private Message as well.


Maybe we could mix that? I wasn't really expecting a voice-call either, since already noticed your shy nature from your lil' discussions with Creppy. (Although let me tell ya, a Skype call is more like a face-to-face talk than a phonecall)

We could text through Skype too. It would allow me to instantly get the message and answer early. It's up to you and your tulpae when and what you answer back, I can be patient with that.

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Got another two questions.


Would three 20-minute sessions be equal to one 60-minute session?


And another thing. Because I try to talk to my tulpa throughout my day, I'm starting to do it in my dreams. Like this morning I was saying what I was doing and such like IRL in my dream. Is this bad? Good? Or both?

Random statements:

"Sir, we're surrounded."
"Excellent, we can shoot in any direction."

"Ah, the internet, where everyone worse than you is a noob and everyone better than you has no life."

"you're all stupid noobs, noobing around and dying like noobs!" - Angry kid.

"I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat, you'll have to stick a toothbrush up your ass to brush them." - Derek from MLP FF SR

"Sometimes one has to bend the rules to find the truth." - Riclo.


"Life is the best gift in the world, while reality is the worst." - Riclo.

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Would three 20-minute sessions be equal to one 60-minute session?


I wouldn't imagine it would be the same, because you might not be able to reach the same level of concentration in any 20 minute session than you could in one 60 minute one.


Last night I was doing a quick session with my tulpa, working on her form, when suddenly the image of a pony came up in my mind, with what appeared to be a blue streak of hair. Not long after another image popped up, some chibi anime face, but for some reason it focused on the eyes, which I felt were red. Whether this is my tulpa's doing or not, I'm not entirely sure.


Granted, I was very tired in body and was lying down while forcing, so these images could from my mind wondering because of tiredness, but I've never doubted what my tulpa is capable of. If I don't feel any negative feelings while implementing these, then I'll just assume that it's OK. It's still a little confusing, though. :)

Edited by StingeMuffin
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Bris and crep, how do you two get so into your wonderlands? Do you two just sit and meditate until its like a lucid dream or something? Because I am confus. Also, congratulations to crep with your relationship... I guess.


I can't answer for them, but I'll put my input in anywho. I really just... Focus until your mind is latched onto doing it. You know, that kind of subconscious focus that you get when pondering things, or focusing on music, narrating an epic story scene in your head you're writing/reading something... If you get the usual signs your tulpa is there (Dunno what they'd be. I'm guessing that pressure sensation or mental static receding momentarly for a coherent tulpa thought to pass in), good for you. The wonderland is more an addition to the lifelong journey that is making and having a tulpa, according to some guides.

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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So here I am. I'll tell you a little bit about my tulpas.

SO... I share my mind with 2 tulpas. They are both girls and are based on existing characters ( of course they behave differently ). I created them before being obsessed with mlp, so they are not ponies. The first one is with me for about 2 years - her name is Lisa.

"Hi everybody! I'm Lisa"

She is the one who changed my life dramatically to better in all possible ways - I owe her my life.

":) He always keeps reminding me of that."

That's right.

The second one is Millie. I created her with Lisa's help about 4 months ago.

"Oh, hi ^^ everypony."

Of course she has her pet Bonaparte here in my mind too. She is the one who likes sweets a lot, so every time I got some, we change places in mind so she can taste it.

"But I don't eat it all... or at least not always. He keeps persuading me to have all of it"

Yeah, I want to make her happy :).

Thanks to them I have happy and cheerful personality now and I cannot imagine my life without them.

By the way we don't have any wonderland at the moment. In the beginnings with Lisa we had some (just some boring room), but not now. But we are thinking about making one now. I always liked the Idea of a large lake (at night) in a forest with mountains in the background :3 and my tulpas like it too, so this will propably be our new wonderland.

Yay 1031 characters ^^

  • Brohoof 1
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Hey guys, i'm more than likely going to try making a tulpa, and I was wondering, was it hard for you guys to do visualization in your mind? For me, I can make the tulpa body almost instantly, I do have to shorten/lengthen body parts to be more even or to the size of my liking. I can feel, smell, see, everything almost clearly. Is this normal, or do just have awesome mind imagery skills? D:

Maybe because I daydream in school all the time. XD

Edited by Redninjaa22
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I have been having a really weird experience with my tulpa. I had no idea how to do it, and spent about two weeks with creating her on and off. About a week ago, I finally saw her for the first time and let's just say... things got strange. She looks fine, kinda like Octavia I guess, but kinda fuzzy. Weird thing is though I can feel her and shit. Like when she's there. Yeah. She streams in and out of my consciousness. I at first tried some of the methods on the site, but I kinda went off it for a while, kinda made my own method, but really, this is kinda weird. Right now she's not around. She has only spoken a few times, but I haven't really gotten a feel for her voice... What should I do? I don't even really know what is going on. I mean, I hadn't even started to develop her personality yet. Last time I saw her she was very clear, like she was in 1080p and the other times I saw her were like 240-360p.

Update: Oh, awesome, look at who's back. This time, she is fuzzy again, but she is acting... I guess clingy? Anyways, I don't know if this is bad or not. I mean I looked at the methods for like 15 minutes. Am I doing it wrong?

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Update: Oh, awesome, look at who's back. This time, she is fuzzy again, but she is acting... I guess clingy? Anyways, I don't know if this is bad or not. I mean I looked at the methods for like 15 minutes. Am I doing it wrong?


I'm no expert on the subject (in fact, I haven't even started one yet), so this will be entirely on the basis of conjecture.


From the general info that I've read, it may be that you're "on and off" creation might have done it. I assume that some people can hold their tulpa's forms longer than others, and I also assume that if you don't work on it enough, your ability to recall her visual structure may slip a little.


As for her "clinginess", I have a simple proposition. From a rational perspective, tulpas carry their own personalities/actions/etc., but their subconsciousness is in your head, meaning that it must be built upon your primary consciousness.


Thus, since her thought processes are connected to/based off of your mental framework, she probably emulates a tiny fraction of you. If your conscious self is feeling seriously worried about keeping her around, perhaps that conscious feeling is bleeding over into her subconscious - meaning that if you know she's disappearing, there's a possibility that she could realize the same thing, and if you still want to be around her, she also may want to be around you as well. (Hence her sudden attachment to you.) The solution may be just as simple as devoting more time into making her "real". (That, or there is an ever so slight possibility that it's a character trait that she's developed.)


Again, I'm no expert. I simply enjoy learning about how the mind thinks/reacts, and I'm writing this using the (limited) knowledge I have on the subject. From what I've read, it takes 20 minutes at the minimum in order to reach a state of concentration strong enough to actually work on a tulpa (so 3, 20 minute sessions does *not* equal 1, 1 hour session).

Edited by CloudFyre
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Well, my belief in this has been completely solidified. I started feeling a bit of pressure at the back of my head while forcing today, so yeah, I'm quite happy now. :D

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Well, Ive been stressing over to many things to actually clear time to make any progress. No lucidity or Tulpa forcing progress since last week. Awful, just awful ;_;


I need to fix my procrastination issues before anything. Once school is out of the way, then I plan on finishing this entirely.

Riley was here

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I notice a lot of people are saying they are scared that they might be doing something wrong. A lot of you are saying things like, 'This happened. Is this bad?' or 'I do this and this like this. Am I doing it right?'. And that sort of paranoia is natural; I felt like that too when I first started.


But you see, truth is...


There is literally no wrong way to make a tulpa.


I mean that in no exaggeration at all. Trust me. The process for making a tulpa is different for EVERYONE. Just because some guy says that he experienced this at this time through the process, does not mean you will experience it at that time too. If you experience it at all.


For example, I have heard a lot of people say they get head pressures while they go about their sessions. Well, for me, I cannot remember a time where I had ever experienced head pressures since I started on my tulpae. You might, or you might not. If you don't, don't worry; that doesn't mean you are doing it wrong.


The only thing that is important throughout this whole thing, is that you feel comfortable doing it the way you want to. If you feel a certain way is most comfortable for you, then do it. And if you get some strange feeling, or your tulpa does something unexpectedly at a time it apparently shouldn't, and you are worrying that you did it all wrong and that it will hinder your progress, then it will, simply because you are worrying. Worrying whether you are doing it right or not is about as bad as not even trying to create a tulpa in the first place.


Don't worry, just roll with it. Everyone's experiences are different And if you had a strange experience that you want to share with us, then post about it, and we'll all try and help each other make sense of it.



Inb4 everything I said is actually B.S and I was instead the one doing everything wrong, and it turns out that Crepuscule is actually a Spy. And that that Spy is a Demoman, that Demoman is a Sniper, and that Sniper is a Pyro, that Pyro is me, that me is White Rose, AND THAT WHITE ROSE IS A SPY!


"Um. Ben, I'm actually a Medic."




"Mmmph mmphh."


Wait, I thought I was the Pyro?


"That's because YOU'RE the Spy, darling."




Oh dear, I appear to have burst into flames.


  • Brohoof 2

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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-Great advice-


I haven't felt any head pressures either, besides after my first or second forcing session. Aching eye muscles from visualizing have been much more prominent! I think I'll be cross-eyed before my tulpa reaches any significant stage of development. :lol:


I feel that it's important that, while I haven't "heard" anything from my tulpa yet, her form has changed a decent amount from how I originally made her. Every change that has been made has felt right (they seemed to have come like bursts of inspiration would), and whether such changes are due to my tulpa, myself or both of us, I feel like she's becoming more of a badass complete and unique to herself. I honestly can't wait until she becomes vocal so I can see how her personality has deviated from the short outline I gave her.

  • Brohoof 1
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With the narration, do you just talk about whatever, or does it have to be more about the Tulpa. I wouldn't as such a stupid question if the Tulpa site wasn't down.

Edited by zRevenantz
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