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general 9/11: 18 years later

Jon the VGNerd

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September 11, 2001, the day where both famous twin towers were attacked, and brought down as a result of a heinous attack. And to this day, it's still a heart-wrenching moment, not just for the US, but all over the world too. I watched the events unfold back when I was only 10 on TV with my mom whilst my dad was at work (though even he and his co-workers saw what happened), and I still remember it to this day. I just couldn't help but watch both of them being attacked and collapsed. It was disheartening if I must say.

9/11, never forget.

As a special note, if things get too off-topic-y and if things get too heated, this thread will be locked by the staff so do take into serious consideration. Thank you.

And if it gets locked by administrator choice, I won't hold objections. Just wanted to voice out is all.

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I was only 7 months old on 9/11 so all my generation can do is listen to stories told by our parents. My mom tells me I was asleep in my crib when the channel on her tv suddenly flipped to the emergency broadcast and all she could do was watch in horror as the twin towers went down. She says it’s something she will never forget. 

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I remember watching it on TV too. IIRC I was back from school and saw it on TV as my grandfather was watching, so I joined him, occasionally translating.what was being said in English I remember watching TV all day then and I think I saw when at least one of the towers collapsed.

Even though I am far away from the USA, I felt the outrage. Especially when they showed people in Palestine celebrating. Let's just say that I formed a pretty strong opinion about the Israeli - Palestinian conflict that day.

Edited by Pentium100
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I don’t remember where I was or what I was doing when this occurred. I don’t even remember learning about this until later on. I’m certain that I was in first grade, though. This was a terrible, terrible tragedy to happen and my condolences go out to the families who lost someone that day. 

Here is a speech giving by US president Donal Trump regarding the day:



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Honestly...I have a different opinion on this. One that most will hate but whatever. Was this a tragedy? Yes. Should we still be spamming it into the ground 18 friggin' years later? I personally don't think so. It was really bad, there's no denying that, but the people that were truly affected, they'll never forget regardless. They are the ones that will forever weep on this particular day. Why do the rest of us have to keep gaining sympathy points by saying "REMEMBER 9/11"?  Besides, I think a lot of people don't seem to remember the little fact that this event threw us into completely worthless wars against basically nobody and started a massive chain of instability in many parts of the world due to our actions. Nobody remembers that part. Far, far more people died in the pointless wars that followed but everyone has allowed those to keep on rolling. So the people that died on 9/11 died so more people could die for absolutely no reason. Not the best way to make up for it. Not to mention nobody is fighting to actually make this country better now. We have a shooting every other day, suicide in rampant and what is our government focused on? Possibly completely banning flavored e-cigs. Seriously? Wow, what great priorities we have.

Another thing about it is the fact that 3,000 people died in this. That is not a small number by any means. Though, there are possibly more people that die by suicide every two weeks. Do they get any kind of honoring? Of course not, because their deaths and the deaths of many others from other causes doesn't allow us to gain sympathy points and they don't allow us to spam the US flag at all possible times. Those other deaths cannot be exploited like 9/11 is every year. People in this regard aren't remembering a loss of life, they are simply remembering an event. It takes an event for people to at least pretend like they actually care. That's all it is, pretending. People simply jumping into the mass for one day and forgetting the next day. A few people might die each day from whatever, but if it isn't big enough to be covered on every news channel, then nobody even bothers to pretend like they give a shit.

Either way, my post is not meant as a form of disrespect to those that dad, but as a differing viewpoint that almost nobody has. This is the only post I will make on the subject as it is an opinion I've had for many years, but it isn't one that the vast majority of people will like. I find that this country exploiting this event at every possible moment while doing absolutely nothing to make the country any better to be the highest form of disrespect.

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I don't mean disrespect, but frankly it is at the very least indirectly the fault of the US government that this even happened. Remember that one of our presidents, Ronald Reagan, actually funded Al-Qaeda.

Also what this event was used to justify was more monstrous than the event itself. We used this to declare war on a country that did literally nothing to us. Iraq and Afghanistan never attacked us. In fact that's true even now. Most of the actions they've taken against the US have been in self-defense...

You call this a War on Terror? Why are Saudis considered allies? Three of the four terrorists WERE Saudis. The other was an Egyptian but I digress. It's clear to me and anyone else who isn't blinded by "MURICA IS NEVER WRONG" crud that this war never has been about terror. It's about oil, plain and simple. I could go on, but I'll get to the point.

Put this day on your calendar and never forget it. But not because America is great, but because America funded, trained, and then p!$$ed off a terrorist group, indirectly causing the events of 9/11 years later. If that isn't a huge mistake, I don't know what is.

Edited by Banjo
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I remember that day and hearing scattered reports on the radio in the car as we were starting a vacation to Kansas City to watch a baseball game. I didn’t get the full picture until we got to our hotel and saw the news footage which, needless to say, was pretty horrifying.  

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I was chillin' in my Algebra 2 class during my junior year of high school when this happened. I watched the second plane hit live on the news. Suffice to say, it's a moment permanently etched into my memory.

Eighteen years later though, it's another day to me and means little. Tragedy, sure, but I'm not interested in exploiting it for sympathy points. Plenty of other things need our attention, not something that happened nearly two decades prior. It's time to move on. 3000 people a day die and we don't honor any of them at any point. Time to stop living in the past and look forward.

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My school (I assume every school in the US too) was put in a lockdown. My mom had to come and pick me up. My dad, however, was on a business trip in Columbus, Ohio and he bursted out in tears and in shock because NYC is his home. He was born and raised just blocks away from the World Trade Center. Given, at the time, they weren't there (my Dad is 78) but it was still what he considered home. 

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I remember I missed the bus on that day, my mom had to take me to school(I was in elementary at the time) and every adult in the main office were glued to the tv.  One of the secretaries signed me in and I went to class.  Every class I passed were all watching the tv, I was pretty confused for a bit.

My mom was in the US military for a while, she had to go to Germany for a few months to help treat soldiers who were shipped to certain hospitals in that country when the states went to war.  I still think the war was pointless, more people have been affected by the aftermath of 9/11 than the actual tragedy.  My brother was shipped off to Afghanistan too when he joined the Navy, now he deals with PTSD because of it but he doesn't like to admit it.  I can't imagine what it was like for civilians over in the countries that the states attacked who had nothing to do with it.

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I was only around 3 years old when it happened, so I don't remember it really, but every time I see pictures of the victims of 9/11 I always get a bit emotional, and that's saying something since it is quite hard to make me get emotional.

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