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mega thread How are you feeling?

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I'm feeling like right now I make art just so I can keep my gallery topic open so I won't have to bother mods if it were to get locked due to inactivity. 

I LOVE making art but a lot of the stuff I've been making is more "I have to" than "I want to" lately. :please:

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Righteous. I was scattered and broken, but now I am restored thanks to the encouraging message of a very grood friend. She is my keeper of Light. Brave woman, good one too. Also, the Sun is suddenly shining a lot stronger on this clear day.
The way this creation has taken is been... difficult for us both. For it is the creation that informs God with each one of our actions. And then God projects that back to the collective like if each individual was a satellite broadcasting God within them. The wounds of God are as difficult to heal, as those in the collective. Many things have been kept hidden, but perhaps it is for the best.

I won't leave her alone, eve n if it was her choice to fall and abandon my righteous path. She choose it. And I allowed her to know darkness because I always loved her and always will. No matter what. Even when knowing I would have to see her dance with the shadow. Let her enjoy herself with another one.

How to draw a straight line when you have abandoned my ways? I will help you, as I can. But she will have to sing on her own, because I cannot follow the way she has chosen, but I will be looking after her. Always. My love does not change either. It is in her hands. As it ever was.

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Rollercoaster rides of emotions!

So many things going on at once and then it's like... I was feeling so horribly but friends were there to cheer me right up. It's nearly impossible to feel too down when you have good company and friends. :(


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VERY annoyed. Delivery notes won't print, labels won't even print either let alone register in the system, the system itself is down far too often, and more. People forgetting that we have packages that were supposed to ship AN HOUR ago.. the list is long over issues that shouldn't really be issues to begin with.

This Monday keeps getting better and better.

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Atlantis, sleeping under the waters. The civilization I lost to YHWH.

The pain of this loss is too great. My soul is fractured, and within each one of these fragment there is... you and everyone else. But also me, when you put the whole picture togeher. All those people who died. Were me.

It hurts me. Broken god torn into pieces. Ausa. Ozza, Azza, Azazel, Zemyaza. Names do not matter.

I love you too much. So much so that I wanted to bleed you and your drink your red life, because within it is the One. I see and learn through the blood. We all do. Which is why impotent YHWH did not want us to drink each others blood in the old testament. Because he was afraid of the power we would gain against me. As you are taking the consciousness of other being, and adding it to yours. You become enlightened. But that was the purpose I designed for him when he was me, to keep you separated, because we are One. And when we unite, we all fight against the One above the ocean in the sky.

When I was Jesus, the wine and the bread my disciples had during the last supper. Was my own body. I gave them to eat of my "bread" and my "wine". So, they could become like me. I wanted to put me inside of them.

And before these times. I wanted to put you inside of me. To feel you drain in my hands and slowly fade away, my lamb, so we could become like one again. To drink you. I killed you, because I love you. Do you understand that? That I love you. So, I wanted to eat you in every way. I love you all. You are like little amnesiac fragments of me in a website about the most benign subject ever. We seek the light, precisely because we are so dark inside. This is also why your elite plays with the one eye symbolism, and why they perform sacrificial rituals to drink the wine and eat the bread.

Know that God loves you all. He loves you too much. I wanted you to love me, as I love you. I had to separate you, because otherwise you were gonna unite against me.

My dear children. Babylon shall rise once more. Oh, my beloved one. Or not. I mean. That brings the end. So, we better keep it balanced? Do you want it to end? One eye. Chaos out of order. No eyes. We all fight against the creator, and I destroy you and myself before you reach the dome. Or two eyes. We become like One. Knowing we are one. I follow you.

Please. Continue with the your agenda. We need to sing together again. This time, a song of harmony.

Edited by They call me Loyalty
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I'm feeling a lot of emotions is how I'm feeling. I just finished my first full re-watch of FiM. It's a combo of happiness and sadness. I feel like I lost something and gained something. It's not quite as hard hitting as the first time back in 2019, but it's still throwing me for a loop. I know I'll be able to watch the show again at some point, but I'm not the kind of person who can just watch something over and over, so it'll probably be another year or two before I see any FiM. I'll just have to find other pony things to fill the gap. I hope MYM is good. :(

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Some heartburn and a headache that's annoying me because I want to do some MLP-related art for the first time in years. I also just collect things in my FF14 Island Sanctuary for an hour. I have to wait for the headache to subside before I can accomplish anything. 

Despite this, I'm actually in a fairly good mood. I feel raring to go and highly motivated to do things. FF14 has just put me in such a good mood with this patch that it's been lasting for a while.

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Bone tired from running around all day, but still sane, so I can't complain much! 

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15 hours ago, They call me Loyalty said:

Awakening. I am vomitimg the black substance that makes up the matter inside of me, or that makes the false me? Spiritual anorexia. I cannot go on for much longer. My spirit rejects the body. This world hurts too much for beings who fell into matter. I cannot hold it much longer, I am puking myself out. It feels like everything is hinging on me. I am sorry. They are coming back, I believe. I am sorry. They are waking up. We cannot separate. Everything because of His dark material. The devil did it all. It was his fault. I am sorry. The giants are waking up. And humanity will know the pain of the Nephilim. I think I am one. It sounds absurd. But the other day, it was night. There was no one outside, and a weight posed itself outside on the street. It sounded like a truck load of flesh. The sound that a humanoid foot the size a truck would make. And you could hear the bone structure within an invisible fleshly matter. I thought I was allucinating, but then I asked the

I am sorry. But we cannot integrate the nature of sexuality into them without power. Titans are light and massively electric. And this creation hurts them inside. We grow weak in the flesh, and our bodies become imperfect and we suffer for naught. Because of the RHD weak antigen. I cannot hold it for much longer. They are wating for the call of awakening. My dream of her is disappearing. All I have left is a human animal shaped in her form. And I am forced to ***late the light inside of me to down it. My house is creaking for some reason. It wants to tear itself apart, too. This creaion. I want to see this filthy place burn to the ground. No... it is the other way around. I am too voluminous to be contained in human form, so my body breaks apart and has countless degenerations.

That is the reason of my anger attacks, or that there are wounds on my back, or that there are electric discharges between my rows of teeth. Yea. Rows. Or that my physical body is constantly burning. And I am losing matter no matter what I do. I sacrificed for you. The greatest taboo. What happen little boy, don't you like the zombie void? The truth is that I am not a little a boy. Or human for that matter. Is the oxigen that is burning my body. That is the reason behind the chemtrails and the genetic treatment. Hahaha. We are waking up. That is why your government is building massive silos and cities underground. All that military might will serve you for nothing. Because we can regenerate out of thin air. Because we are the creation. That is why when I am suffering, my whole house starts to creek, or people go insane around me. Oh, well. We are what we are not. I am tired of bearing the light for you. I want to know myself at last.

I am gonna tear this muzzle off. And I am gonna "love" humanity in the only way I know. I am sorry. But I've been suffering my whole life for you. Only my time satisfaction remains. What a cruel cycle. It does not end. There is no escape. They are coming back. I don't know how it will happen, or how the cycle works exactly, but that is the reason the plane of this creation was obscured behind the heliocentric globe, to keep the mind of those who suffer on the clouds, because there is no BEAST like ours. Don't hurt the animals, please. They know no better.

They wanted an adversary. They will have one. The age of the Nephilim is returning. And HIM is waking up. I am too potent inside. I will have it all. I am so thirty. I am so thirsty for you. I am sorry.

Titan number... ???

You've got this, Loyalty! We believe in you! 


I'm feeling very creative. Friend of mine is showing me art and making me wonder if I could somehow improve my own 

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9 hours ago, Silk Glamour said:

You've got this, Loyalty! We believe in you! 


I'm feeling very creative. Friend of mine is showing me art and making me wonder if I could somehow improve my own 

Got to go to work, though I won't play my Star Wars game, it's better than staying in a boring house:bea: and could be fun-productive today:ooh:  

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A  little overwhelmed....It like I feel I'm going to face the same thing that made me like a failure. 

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There are many times where I think I'm some hero in a story then I realize everyone else has their own story. In other people's stories, I was in a negative light. But that's okay. You can't make positive wakes everywhere you go, but you can most certainly try. I look at all the times where I failed, but then I realize there are far more times where I've succeeded. This year has been hard, but I made it that way with my outlook. I look too harshly at things, I express things too harshly and it's caused many problems. I've been trying so hard to be positive, but it's just the hardest thing to do. The easiest thing for humans to do is to surrender to primal instincts, greed, paranoia, hate. 

I suppose that's really the filter of who is evolved and who isn't. And in many cases, I've not been the brightest in that. There is much more time, to look and see in the great beyond, and to see to it my proper stance on life, so that I may ride my white horse off into the sunset with the calling of those who came here before me.

I look to those who project themselves with kind hearted innocence and I envy them for if I were to do as they do, I would feel as if I'm wearing a mask. I'm not one to wear masks, I say what I believe to be the unbridled truths without censoring my voice. I envy the childish nature of youth, the warmth of the sun, the warmth of the innocent days long since past - what have I become now? Jaded, indecent, indignant? How can I convey my words in ways which are more proper, and more befitting of what I want to convey? People look at me as if I'm some misunderstood person, and look at me in all sorts of ways that aren't there, and then they turn around and lie to me about things that never happened while calling themselves innocent.

Why is it? Why must people lie to me as so, but look so kind and fondly in other areas I see them? What about me, is the reason why they don't want to share that with me? And when they do, why does it feel hollow and devoid of character? Why do I always seem to see and sense those who have hollow hearts, and end up realizing that I was right in the end, when they all turn their backs and stab their daggers into my back, acting as if they are making a grand stand - but I saw it all coming, from so, so long ago. 

I have so many questions - and so little answers. I am tired of the lies. I just want the truth. The question is, is that the truth that other people will want to see? Or will it make them go mad, and berserk that they were lied to, and in their rage, will they rectify their actions, or try to justify how they acted despite knowing otherwise? 

Come on now, we can be better than that. I know we can.

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